Story Telling

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Name : Kharisma Melati Candra Ningtyas

School : MTsN 6 Malang


Once upon a time, in eastern part of Java Island, there was a kingdom ruled by a king. The
king’s name was Prabu Menak Prakoso. One day, Prabu Menak and his soldiers invaded the
kingdom of Klungkung in Bali. The king of Klungkung was killed, yet his daughter and his
son, were able to escape and hide in the jungle.

In other side, Prabu Menak Prakoso had a son named Raden Banterang. He was such a
handsome young man. One day, Raden Banterang went to the jungle for hunting. He watched
over his surrounding looking up for deer, yet he heard woman voices.

“Your majesty, what are you doing here?” Surati suddenly appeared behind the tree.

Raden Banterang was shocked hearing woman voices in the middle of the jungle. Then he
finally found out the woman voices that called him.

“Forgive me if I surprise you, your majesty”

“Who are you lady? What are you doing in the middle of the jungle?”

“My name is Made Surati, your Majesty. Iam the daughter of king Klungkung, iam here
hiding from my enemies. My father died in the war to defend the kingdom”

Raden Banterang feel sorry after hearing what happened with Surati. She was then taken to
Blambangan to be his wife. Raden Banterang and Surati enjoyed a happy life in the Palace.


When Raden Banterang was hunting one day, Surati was surprised by the arrival of a dirty
beggar asking for her pity. She even shocked more to find out that the beggar was her older
brother, Agung Bagus Mantra.

“What happened to you Brother? Where have you been over this time?” Surati was so happy
and missed her brother so much.

“Surati.., Surati how dare you marry our enemy? You betrayal us, you betrayal your

Storytelling Islamic Student Competition 2023
kingdom! We need to kill him, we need to take a revenge Surati!!” Agung was very angry.

“No my brother, it was his father fault, not my husband. My husband such a good man. He
safe me, love and taking care of me”

Agung was furious with Surati’s answer and he came up with a sly idea to slander her.

“Save this headband as my gift to you, and keep it under your bed”

Surati keep the headband and watched her brother leave.

Raden Banterang who was hunting in the jungle suddenly stopped by Agung Bagus Mantra.

“Who are you? How dare you interrupting my hunting time?”

“Forgive me, your majesty. I only want to tell you that your wife has an affair with another
man, your Majesty”

“How dare you say that about my wife. You have no right to accuse my wife without a

“I swear, your Majesty. I saw your wife met a young man several times. They seems fallin in
love each other. The man give your wife a headband as a proof of his love, your majesty”

Slowly but surely, Agung succeeded in convincing Raden Banterang that his wife has involve
in a scandal with another man.


Raden Banterang immediately returned to the palace. He began seacrhing up the headband
and he find it under Surati bed. Raden Banterang was furious and called Surati.

“No, no !!! my husband, it was not true, I’m not having an affair with anyone!!”

Surati tried to tell the truth and denied her husband’s accusation. Hearing his wife
explanation, the king became angrier and angrier. As a proof of her sacred love, she asked
her husband to kill her. As her last request, she asked her husband to throw her dead body
into the river. She said that if the water in the river smelled terrible, it meant that she had
ever been sinful. But if it smelled fragrant, it meant that she was innocent.

Storytelling Islamic Student Competition 2023
Raden Banterang who was unable to control his emotions soon killed his wife and she died
instantly. The dead body of Surati was quickly thrown into the dirty river. Raden Banterang
was shocked to see the river suddenly become clean and as clear as glass with a fragrant
smell. Raden Banterang screamed crazily and regretted what he did. He walked unsteadìly
and fell into the river screaming,

“Banyu… Wangì… Banyuwangi!” This means “fragrant water”.

Storytelling Islamic Student Competition 2023

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