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I am writing to express my earnest intent to join the Japanese language program at

Nissei Japanese Language School. My decision to undertake this journey is rooted in my

strong desire to acquire proficiency in Japanese, a skill I consider essential for my
academic and career aspirations.
Having cultivated a deep interest in computer science, I am determined to pursue a
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at a Japanese university. I firmly believe that
mastering the Japanese language is a pivotal step toward realizing this goal. Japan,
renowned for its technological advancements and innovation, offers a unique and
promising environment for computer science studies.
The choice of Nissei Japanese Language School is deliberate. I am impressed by your
school's stellar reputation for imparting language skills and fostering cultural
understanding. The comprehensive curriculum and immersive learning environment you
offer align perfectly with my ambitions. I am excited by the prospect of learning
Japanese from experienced instructors who can provide me with the linguistic
foundation necessary to excel in a Japanese university setting.
My aspirations extend beyond academic success; I am driven by a profound interest in
Japanese culture and society. I believe that fluency in the Japanese language will grant
me deeper insight into the nuances of Japanese life, facilitating meaningful connections
with the local community and enabling a more profound understanding of the
technology landscape in Japan.
Professionally, my goal is to become a computer scientist who can contribute to global
technological advancements. Japan, with its cutting-edge research and innovation, is an
ideal destination for this endeavor. By learning the language, I aim to engage with
Japanese research, collaborate with experts, and ultimately contribute to the field of
computer science through cross-cultural collaboration.
In conclusion, I am eager to embark on this educational journey with Nissei Japanese
Language School. I am committed to dedicating myself wholeheartedly to mastering the
Japanese language, recognizing it as a vital stepping stone towards my academic and
career aspirations. I am sincerely grateful for the opportunity to be considered for
admission to your esteemed program, and I look forward to the prospect of becoming a
part of your vibrant academic community.

Thank you for considering my application


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