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Group-01 Assignment

Please Prepare and develop a short note on Money based up on thefollowing points

1) Discuss the Meaning and characteristics of Money 1.5

2) Explain the Importance of Money 1

3) Explain and Discuss the Evolution of Money 2

4) Describe the Advantage and Disadvantages of Money 2

5) Discuss the classification of money based on the criterion of materials it made 2.5

6) Discuss and Explain the types or Classification of Money 2

7) Explain the Characteristics of Good Money 1

8) Compare and Contrast Money market Vs Capital market 2

9) Explain the relationship of money and capital market 1

10) Explain the primary function and Secondary functions of money 2

11) Discuss the contingency functions of money 1

12) Discuss the static and dynamic role of money 2

13) Discuss historical development of bank and other financial institutions in Ethiopia 2

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