Great Scot Scotch Students Scale Science Summits

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Scotch students scale science summits

Scotch students achieved great heights in numerous science competitions and activities in 2006.

Words: Atit Bhargava (Head of Physics, Chair of Science), and John Jackowski (Head of Chemistry)

RACI National Chemistry Quiz

Following a number of bursaries in the Science Talent Search, Scotch students from Years 10 to 12 in 2006 figured prominently in the

Royal Australian Chemical Institute’s National Chemistry Quiz, achieving 51 distinctions, 34 high distinctions and three awards of

excellence – the highest award possible. The awards of excellence winners were Andrew Speer and Sonal Udayasiri from Year 11 and

Perry Reiter from Year 10. Perry achieved this result at the Year 12 level of the quiz – an outstanding achievement indeed.

Science Olympiad
As part of the senior science curriculum, Scotch offers a course in each of the Science Olympiads – physics, chemistry and biology. In

2006, Perry Reiter was offered a place at all three Olympiad schools, indicating his exceptional talent in science. Scotch boys were

awarded two high distinctions in biology, seven in physics and two in chemistry.

The ultimate science prize

James Dawson-Smith and Marcus Littlewood (picture above – both Year 8 last year) were awarded third place for their project, ‘MP3 Players and

Noise-Induced Hearing Loss’ in a national competition conducted by BHP Billiton. Australia’s most prestigious science awards for school students, the

awards go to students who have undertaken practical research projects which demonstrate innovative approaches and thorough scientific procedures.

The boys’ prize is a most exciting one. It will take them to the International Science and Engineering Fair in New Mexico, USA, this month, where they

will further compete. Both boys first won a major bursary in the Victorian Science Talent Search late last year.

They entered the next level – the BHP Billiton Awards – and made the final 14. After a two-day live-in judging session in February, the boys were

awarded third place and received $250 each. It was effectively first place: qualifying clauses meant that the first and second place winners were

ineligible to take their prizes.

Other science competitions

In the Rio Tinto Big Science competition, the following students received the perfect-score award in their respective year levels – Perry Reiter, Nathan Su (Year 10), David Ngan (Year 9), Simon Li (Year 8) and Michael Li (Year 7).

Science schools
Congratulations to Sonal Udayasiri and Thomas Gin from Year 11, who participated in the Physics Scholars’ School at the Australian National University in Canberra during January. These schools select only the finest science

students from secondary schools around Australia through a national qualifying exam in each Olympiad area.

Congratulations also to Andrew Wheeler and Stephen Cracknell of Year 11 2006 who, after a rigorous selection process, were selected for the National Youth Science Foundation camp 2007, conducted in Canberra in January. Bothy

Steven and Andrew enjoyed the camp immensely and have since addressed Year 11 students this year to encourage other students to attend.

Updated: Monday 24 June 2013

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