Reproduction Q & A Combined

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1. In a bisexual flower inspite of the young stamens being removed artificially, the flower produces
fruit. Give reasons.
2. (a) Name the part of flower which ripens to form fruit and seed?
(b)In the following diagram label A and B.

3. What is regeneration of an organism? Describe with a neat diagram different steps of regeneration
in Planaria.
4. (i)In the given figure label the parts A,B,C and D and state in brief the functions of each of these

5. Name two surgical methods of birth control ?

(ii)In the given figure label the parts A,B,C, and D
6. What is vegetative propagation? Where does this method of reproduction
finds its application?
7. With the help of a diagram show regeneration in Planaria. Regeneration is not possible in all types
of animals. Why?
8. List and describe in brief any three ways devised to avoid pregnancy.
9. a) Draw neat and labelled diagram showing longitudinal section of flower {four labellings)
10. (b).Which kind of contraceptive methods prevents STDs and how?
11. With the help of diagram show asexual reproduction in Rhizopus. How is this method advantageous
for Rhizopus ?
12. How is mode of reproduction in unicellular differ organisms from multicellular organisms ?
13. How does the process of Seed germination take place in Plants ? Describe in brief.
14. How do Sexual and Asexual reproduction lead to Speciation ? Give one point for each.
15. (a) Draw a neat diagram of Female reproductive system in human being and label on it
(i)the part which secretes ova (ii)the part where implantation takes place.
What happens if the fallopian tube is blocked ?
16. (ii)Which type of organism will have more variation - sexually or asexually reproducing organism ?
Justify your answer.
17. (a) State two advantages of vegetative propagation. Name two plants in which it is practised.
18. How does hydra reproduce ? Explain in brief with the help of a labelled diagram.
19. Mention the role of following organs of human male reproductive system.
(i)Testis (ii)Scrotum (iii) Vas deference (iv) Prostate glands
State the reason why testes are located outside the abdominal cavity.
20. Name sex hormones secreted by male and female sex organs in human beings. State one function of
21. (i) DNA copying is an essential part of the process of fertilization. Why ?
How is the process of pollination different from fertilization ?
Name the type of sex chromosome present in
a) Human male and Human female.
b) What will be the sex of offspring if sperm carrying X chromosome fertilizes the egg ?
c) Name an animal in which individuals can change sex. What does it indicate ?
22. Is the sex of foetus determined genetically in human beings ? Support your answer with the help of
a flow chart.
23. Answer the following questions.
i. What happens if an egg is not fertilized ?
ii. Why do we need to adopt contraceptive measures ?
iii. Name one bacterial and one viral sexually tansmitted disease.
iv. How does the embryo get nourishment inside the mother's body ?
24. a)Why do multicellular organisms, need to use more conplex ways of reproduction ?
b) What is the advantage of reproducing through spores ?
c) How does variation lead to the survival of species overtime ?
d) Is fertilization possible without pollination ?
e) Mention any one difference between self and cross pollination.
25. Name the hormone secreted by testis. The testis are situated outside the abdomen in human male.
Give reason.
26. In sexually reproducing plant,what happens to zygote formed after fertilisation?State in brief.
27. a) Sketch a neat diagram of female reproductive system in human beings and label on it.
(i) Fallopian tube (ii) ovary (iii) uterus (iv) cervix
(b)Mention a change seen in a girl at the time of puberty
(c)How do mechanical barrier devices prevent pregnancy ?
28. (a) Sketch a neat diagram showing longitudinal section of flower and label on it. (i) Stigma (ii) ovary
(iii) Filament (iv) Sepal (b)How is pollination different from fertilisation ?
(c )What does ovary of a plant contain ?
29. How does Rhizopus multiply by spores ? Explain in brief. Sketch neat labelled diagram of this
30. List two reproductive parts of a flower.
(ii)How is a unisexual flower different from a bisexual flower ? State in brief.
31. State the mode of reproduction in following organisms lEarthworm, Frog, Rhizopus, Plasmodium
32. List and describe in brief any three methods of keeping gap between the birth of two children.
33. How is the sex of a new born determined genetically in human beings ? Explain.
34. (a) Sketch a neat diagram showing male reproductive system in human beings and label on it the
following :
{i)vas deferens, (ii)prostate glands (iii)seminal vesicle and (iv)testis
(b)Why are the testis situated outside the abdominal cavity ?
(c)Write the function of prostate giand and seminal vesicles.
35. (d) Sketch a neat diagram of longitudinal section of flower showing fertilization of pollen on stigma
and label on it the following: (i) pollen grain (ii) male germ cell, (iii) female germ cell (iv)
ovary(v)Pollen tube
36. Compare the vegetative propagation in Bryophyllum and money plant.
37. Name the female reproductive part of a flower. Which part of a flower develops into a seed and a
fruit ? Where are the male germ cell and female gamete produced in a flower?
38. Mention two factors that Determine the size of population.
39. Name the male hormone and write its function.
40. "Fertilisation will not occur without pollination." Justify this statement.

41. Categorize the following into bisexual and unisexual - Pappaya, Watermelon, Hibiscus, Mustard
42. Mention the post-fertilization changes observed in a flowering plant ?
43. Explain how ovary function both as the reproductive organs as well as the endocrine glands
44. How does bread mould reproduce ? Draw a diagram showing this mode of reproduction.
45. What happens when the egg is not fertilized in the female reproductive system of human beings .
Name the organ known as ' birth canal' in female reproductive system .
46. Illustrate formation of a species with the help of an example where individuals are very different
from each other and one capable of reproduction among themselves.
47. Why are budding, fragmentation and regeneration considered as asexual types of reproduction ?
Which among the following reproduces by spore formation :Bryophyllum, Rhizopus or Hydra ?
48. What is copper - T ? In which part of the reproductive system is it placed ?
49. Name two sexually transmitted diseases.
50. Explain the terms Plumule and Radicle
51. The organisms formed by asexual reproduction are considered as clones. Why ? State the advantage
of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction. ■
52. Name the parts associated withFertilisation(ii)Production of an egg
53. What happens to the lining of the uterus -before release of fertilised egg ? if no fertilisation occurs ?
54. (b) Define the term 'Double Fertilisation' in plants. After fertilisation name the part that develops
into - (i) Fruit (ii) Seed What is coliform ?
55. Leaves of Bryophyllum fallen on the ground produce new plants. Why ?
56. How do the oral pills function as contraceptives ?The use of these pills may be harmful. Why ?
57. What is placenta. Describe its structure.State its functions in case of pregnant humanfemale.
58. How does fusion of male and female gametes takes place in plants ?
59. Name two bacterial infections. (b)How do oral pills prevent pregnancy ?
60. How does reproduction occur in i) Malarial parasite (ii) Leishmania
61. Make a labeled sketch of the male reproductive system and label on it (i)The part which secretes
testosterone, (ii)The duct which delivers the sperm, (iii)The structure which serves as a common
passage for sperms and urine.
62. Testes perform dual function." Justify this statement.
Reproduction answers
1. Even if young stamen is removed artificially the flower can produce seed by cross pollination as the
female reproductive part pistil(stigma, style and ovary)is still present in it. It can lead to fertilisation
and formation of fruit.
2. Ovary-ovule
3. Regeneration is the capacity of organisms to grow itslost parts.
The broken up piece of this organism grow into separate individuals.
It is carried out by specialised cells.
These cells proliferate and make large number of cells.
From this different cells undergo changes to become various cell types and tissues.
This organised sequence of changes is called development.
eg:Hydra, planaria
4. A-Oviduct or fallopian tube-function is movement of egg.
B-Ovary-Function is production of egg.
C-Uterus-function is implantation of embryo.
D-Vagina-Function is entry of sperms.
Methods of birth control are
Vasectomy-blockage of Vas deferens.
Tubectomy-Blockage of Fallopian tube.
5. A-stigma B-Anther C- petal D- ovule.
6. Development of new plants from the vegetative parts of a plant such as fruits, stem, leaves etc. It
finds its application in layering or grafting in sugarcane roses or grapes.
7. Fig 8.3 pg 131
Regeneration is carried by specialised cells.The organism which have these cells only can show the
8. Mechanical barrier -condoms. s- copper T.
9. Fig 8.7 page 135
10. Barrier method because in this method there is no direct contact of genital organs of male and
female and also prevent transmission of infection.
11. fig 8.6 page 132
More number of spores are produced which can easily help rhizopus to spread.
12. In unicellular organism fission leads to production of new individual.
In multicellular organisms more complex method and specialised cells are involved in production of
new individual.
13. After the ovary ripens to form fruits, petals,sepals, stigma, stamen and style may shrivel and fall
off.The seed contains a future plant or embryo which develops into a seedling underappropriate
conditions.This process is known as seed germination.
14. In the sexual reproduction crossing our leads to variation which leads to natural selection and
speciation. In asexual reproduction errors during DNA replication leads to variation which leads to
natural selection and speciation.
15. The part which secrets ova- fallopian tube.The part were implantation take place- uterus.
If fallopian tube is blocked ovum and sperms will not be able to fuse.So no fertilisation occurs.
16. Sexually reproducing organism will show more variation as genetic material is exchanged between
homologous pair of chromosomes during crossing over whereas errors during DNA replication are
not very common and frequent which can lead to variation.
17. Rose and sugar cane undergo vegetative propagation.
18. Hydra reproduces through budding.The bud develops into tiny individuals and when fully matured it
gets detached from the parent body and becomes new independent individuals. diagram pg 131.
19. Testis produce sperm and male sex hormone testosterone.
Scrotum provides optimal temperature for formation of sperms.
Vas deference carries sperms into organ called seminal vesicles where it gets nourished and stored.
Prostate glands produces a fluid which is released into urethra along with secretion of seminal
vesicle.The secretion of accessory glands together with sperm is called semen.
Testis require a lower temperature than the body temperature for the survival of sperms.
20. Male-Testosterone- controls the production of sperms and brings about changes in appearance
seen in boys at the time of puberty.
Female estrogan- controls the production of ova.
21. DNA coping is responsible for the maintenance of same number of chromosomes in the zygote as is
possessed by the parent.Pollination is the transfer of pollen from anther of the stamen to the stigma
of the pistil in a flower.It takes place only in a plant.Fertilisation is the fusion of male and female
gametes.It takes place both in plants and animals.
22. Sex of foetus is determined genetically by sex chromosomes in human beings
Phenotype male female
Gamates X Y X
Offspring XX XY
23. (i)If an egg is not fertilised menstruation blood and mucus comes out through the vagina.
(ii)To prevent unwanted pregnancies.
To prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
For spacing between children.
for sound or good health
Viral -Aids
(iv)With the help of placenta.
24. (a)Multicellular organisms have more complex organ systems and reproduction asexually is not
possible as organism has millions of cells.
(b)In the form of spore with cell wall or cyst it can survive in adverse conditions.
It can be easily dispersed through wind as they are more in number and light in weight.
No until male gamate reaches ovary and fuses with egg no fertilisation will take place .
Self-pollination If pollen grains are transferred from stamen to stigma in the same flower it is called
as self-pollination.
Cross-pollination If pollen grains are transferred from stamen of one flower to stigma of another
flower it is called cross-pollination.
The two agents which help in pollination are wind,water or animals.
25. Testosterone-because sperm formation require lower temperature.
26. Zygote divides to form embryo within ovule.Ovule develops a tough coat and converts into
seed.Ovary ripens to form fruit
27. (b)Breast size begins to increase and begins to mensturate.
(C) Do not allow entry of sperms into female genital tract at the time o$ copulation.
28. Ovary contains ovules with egg cell.
29. Hyphae of rhizopus produces tiny structures called sporangia.In these blobs of sporangia spores are
produced which are many in number and covered by thick walls.
On maturation sporangia burst and release spores which germinate into new mycelium in moist
30. Reproductive parts- stamen(male part),pistill/carpal(felale part)
Unisexual flower has either stamin or carpal in it,nly male or female part.
Bisexual flower has both stamen and carpel,both male or female part.
31. Earthworm and frog- sexual reproduction
Rhizopus-spore formation
Plasmodium-multiple fission.
32. Barrier method so that sperms do not reach egg.use of condoms during sexual act.
Chemical method-change of hormonal balance in the body of a woman so that eggs are not released
and fertilisation does not occur example use of oral pills.
Surgical method-use of intrauterine devices example copper T.
33. In human male sex chromosome pair has X and Y chromosome and male gamates are X and Y .
In human female sex chromosome pair has xy chromosome and gamates formed are X and Y. When
X of male combines with X of female individual is female (XX)
When Y of male combines with X of female individual is male(XY)
Female XX XYmale
34. They secretes a fluid which provide nourishment and nutrition to sperms and make their transport
easier.They also provides the right medium for sperms to survive.
35. fig
36. Bryophyllum can be reproduced by vegetative propagation by using either its stem or leaves and
buds grow in notches of its leaf and portion between two leaves.But money plant can grow roots
only at place where leaves are attached to stem and not between two leaves.
37. Carpal is the female reproductive part.
Ovule develops into seed and ovary develops into fruit.
Male germ cell is produced by pollen grains and female gamate is present in the ovule.
38. The two factors that determine size of population are rate of birth and death.
39. repeat
40. Fertilization is the fusion of germ cells to give us the zygote.Thus fusion of germ cells on fertilization
give us the zygote which is capable of growing into a new plant.For this transfer of Pollen from one
flower to another is essential.Thus pollination is essential for fertilization.
41. Bisexual-Hibiscus, mustard. Unisexual-papaya, watermelon
42. Ovule develops a tough coat and is converted into a seed. Ovary ripens to form fruit.
43. Ovary as reproductive organ releases egg or female gamate. As endocrine gland it secretes estrogen
and progesterone hormone.
44. By spore formation
45. If the egg is not fertilized it lives for about one day.Since the ovary releases one egg every month the
uterus also prepare itself every month to receive a fertilized egg.Thus its lining becomes thick and
spongy.This would be required for nourishing the embryo if fertilization had taken place.Now
however this lining is not needed any longer.So the lining slowly breaks and come out through the
vagina as blood and mucus.This cycle takes place roughly every month and is known as
mensuration. The organ called as birth Canal is vagina.
46. Urethra is the common passage for sperms and urine.
47. All of them involve only one parent and gametes are not required. Rhizopus.
48. Copper T is a contraceptive device placed in the uterus.
49. AIDS/Gonorrhoea/syphilis/warts
50. Plumule is the future shoot.Radicle is the future root.
51. Organisms produced by a sexual reproduction contained exactly the same number of chromosomes
as what the parent cells have Hence they look like clowns because the traits remain preserved
Sexual reproduction results in the mixing of gametes of two individuals.Hence variation occurs in
offspring leading to evolution.
52. Part associated with fertilization-Oviduct/fallopian tube.Part associated with production of egg-
53. Before release of egg thickness of lining of uterus increases under the influence of hormone
If no fertilization occurs entire uterus lining or endometrium is lost along with blood and tissues in
the form of menstrual phase.
54. Double fertilization is a complex fertilization mechanism of flowering plants. This process involves
the joining of female gametophyte with two male gametes. In this case, syngamy between male and
female gametes produces the embryo.
Fruit-ovary Seed-ovule .
Coliform is a group of Bacteria found in human intestine Whose presence in water indicates
contamination by disease causing microorganisms.
55. Bryophyllum leaves bears adventitious buds or plantlets in the notches along the leaf margin.when
bud falls on the soil they develop into new plants under favourable conditions.
56. Use of oral pills are harmful because it may have some side effects.
57. Placenta is a special tissue with the help of which human embryo get nutrition from mothers blood.
Structure-It is disc like structure embedded in the uterine wall.
Contain villi on the side of the embryo.
On mothers side (uterine side wall) there is blood spaces which surround the villi.
Function -It provides large surface area for glucose and oxygen to pass from mothers blood to the
embryo and removes metabolic waste from the embryo.
58. Pollen grains falls on stigma.Pollen tubes formed carrying male gamates passes through style and
reaches the ovary which contain ovules or eggcell.The male gamate fuses with the female gamate
present in the ovule and zygote is formed after fertilization which divides to form seed.
59. Gonorrhoea and syphilis .
It changes the hormonal balance of the body,eggs are not released, fertilization cannot occur.
60. Malarial parasite -Multiple Fission leishmania-binary fission
61. The part that secretes testosterone-Testis
The duct which delivers the sperm-Vas deferens
The structure which serves as a common passage for sperms and urine-urethra
62. Testis perform dual function. It produces and store millions of tiny male gamates.It produces
testosterone the male sex hormone that causes changes during puberty.

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