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Academia de Julia Victoria

English Language Arts 6

Performance Tasks 3.4

Name: _____________________________________________ Score: ___________

How to Make an Infographic:

An INFOGRAPHIC is a graphic, visual representation of information. They present information

clearly and concisely. They can easily communicate data, patterns, and trends.


1. Go to and create a login and password using a valid email address.
2. Browse the free themes for infographics to get ideas or choose a template.

3. Decide whether you want to work from a pre-set or start from scratch. Either way, you
will have the same access to the options below.
4. Place your cursor on a “block” of the infographic to edit that rectangle-sized section.

ELA 6 – Module 3.4 Should Marine Mammals be in Captivity? 1

Academia de Julia Victoria
5. As you begin to add items, make sure to use the side toolbar to edit or delete the items.
6. Don’t forget to title and save your work!

7. As you create your infographic, make sure to add a balance of graphics, titles, text, and
charts. Data is a key component of a good infographic. It is a visual representation of a
summary of information. Take your time editing and revising it.
8. When you are finished, you have options to download, publish, or share the infographic.

ELA 6 – Module 3.4 Should Marine Mammals be in Captivity? 2

Academia de Julia Victoria
Requirements: Create an eye-catching, colorful, neat infographic to communicate information with
a minimum of:
• a main title for the infographic
• eye-catching section headings
• a minimum of 3 colors
• a minimum of 1 graph/chart
• a minimum of 4 graphics
• 8 to 10 facts total on the infographic
• non-fiction text analyzing and summarizing
the information
• at least 3 blocks of information
• your name
• Submit your work as a pdf file to this
assignment post on or before April 22.

Sample project: Shown below are examples of

infographics. They include the above
requirements as well as extra graphics, charts,
and sections where appropriate. Remember, you
must communicate thorough information, which
may require going above the minimum.

ELA 6 – Module 3.4 Should Marine Mammals be in Captivity? 3

Academia de Julia Victoria
ELA 6 – Module 3.4 Should Marine Mammals be in Captivity? 4
Academia de Julia Victoria
Criteria 5 4 3 2
Visual/Overall Information is enhanced Sufficiently Uses space, lettering, Missing visual
using space, lettering, communicates and color that requirements to
and coloring. information through confuses information communicate
• 3+ colors space, lettering, and or does not clearly or information.
• main title color. accurately
• headings communicate.
Graphics Information is enhanced Infographic includes The requirement of The infographic does
with graphics design. graphic design in the four graphics was not not contain graphics
Includes a minimum of 4 communication of met OR the graphics OR contains graphics
graphics. material. Includes a were not relevant to that are unrelated to
minimum of 4 the topic the topic.
Data Infographic includes Infographic includes Infographic includes Infographic does not
consistently accurate generally accurate inaccurate or include data required
data. Includes a minimum data. incomplete accurate or includes false data.
of 1 graph or chart to data.
communicate data.
Content Infographic includes Infographic includes Infographic includes Infographic does not
Information accurate and carefully accurate and inaccurate or include data required
chosen facts. carefully chosen incomplete accurate or includes false data.
• 8-10 facts facts. Also includes data. Also includes Missing non-fiction
• 3 blocks non-fiction text non-fiction text text
(approximately 1 page) analyzing and analyzing and analyzing/summarizing
of info Also includes summarizing summarizing information or text
nonfiction text analyzing information that information that does not demonstrate
and summarizing demonstrates an demonstrates limited understanding.
information that understanding of understanding of
demonstrates a clear content. content.
understanding of
Different Uses 90-100% different Uses 70-80% Uses 60-50% Uses less than 50%
Sentence sentence patterns different sentence different sentence different sentence
Patterns correctly. patterns correctly. patterns correctly. patterns correctly.
Convention of Demonstrates effective Demonstrates few Demonstrates several Demonstrates
Grammar and grammar, mechanics, errors in grammar, mistakes in grammar, numerous mistakes in
Spelling spelling, and usage, with mechanics, spelling, mechanics, spelling, grammar, mechanics,
no errors. or usage. or usage that affect spelling, or usage that
the overall affect the readability
presentation. and presentation of
the project.

ELA 6 – Module 3.4 Should Marine Mammals be in Captivity? 5

Academia de Julia Victoria

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