Soal Ulangan Semester Ganjil Kelas VII

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Jln. Trans Nabire – Ilaga 200 KM Kec. Kamu, Kab. Dogiyai, Prov. Papua Tengah
Subjects : English Day /Date : Monday, Nov, 04, 2023

Level : Yunior high school (SMP) Time : 120 Minute (2 hours)

Class : VII a, b (seven ) Amount : 40 Questions


Choose one answer that you think is correct!!

1. What is the meaning of greeting?
a. Ucapan makasih c. Ucapan maaf
b. Ucapan salam bertemu sama seseorang d. Ucapan marah
2. These below are several greeting. Except.
a. Good job c. Hii, good morning
b. Good afternoon d. Good evening
3. This below is who included in greeting is (berikut ini yang termasuk dalam ucapan salam adalah)…..
a. How are you? c. Nice that
b. I am like your shirts d. See you friend
4. This below are including in response of greeting is….
a. Good brother c. Morning too
b. What are you doing d. I am go to school
5. Hii, hello, what’s up, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night. Dari beberapa ucapan
ini, ucapan mana yang termasuk dalam ucapan salam resmi…
a. Hii
b. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night
c. Good morning and good evening
d. Hello, good morning, good night
6. Attention some of sentences this below:
 Morning sir
 Have a great day
 What are you feeling now
 I have a book
From this expression above, what is the expression who including in expression asking about one is
a. A have a book c. What are you feeling now?
b. Have a great day d. Morning sir
7. These below are expression of asking (menanyakan) one’s condition. Except.
a. How are you? c. What are you doing?
b. Are you ok? d. I am fine
8. These below are expression of stating (menyatakan) one’s condition. Except.
a. I am fine c. I am great
b. Very well d. I am studing

9. Hii, friend I have a dizzy (pusing). I want to go to the home now. What is the purpose of the words
underline it (apa maksud dari kata yang digaris bawahi itu:
a. Stating one’s condition c. Asking one,s condition
b. Asking one of the matter to friend d. Saya pusing kepala jadi saya pulang ke rumah
10. Are you ok, friend?. Kalimat ini menunjukan apa?
a. Asking to friend, (Bertanya keadaan teman). c. Angry to friend, (marah kepada teman)
b. Hit to friend, ( pukul kepada teman) d. Steal him book, (mencuri bukunya)
11. What is the meaning of taking leave?
a. Ucapan salam bertemu c. Ucapan salam berpisah sama seseorang
b. Ucapan makasih d. Ucapan memberi salam
12. Goodbye, see you, see you again, bye adalah ucapan untuk apa?
a. Ucapan minta maaf c. Ucapan selamat jalan atau tinggal
b. Ucapan memberi apresiasi d. Ucapan kasar kepada seseorang
13. This below is expression of taking leave. Except.
a. I do not care you c. See you later
b. Good bye d. Take care yourself
14. This below is express of respond taking leave. exept.
a. Bye c. see you
b. you too d. I am eating sweet potatoes
a. What is different of between good night and good evening? (Apa perbedaan antara ucapan good night
dan good evening?)
a. Ucapan selamat malam kepada seseorang yang baru kenal
b. Good night diucapkan untuk berpisah dan good evening diucapkan untuk bertemu
c. Good evening diucapkan untuk berpisah dan good night diucapkan untuk bertemu
d. Good night dan good evening memiliki arti yang sama yaitu ucapan selamat malam.
15. Thanks, thank you so much, thank you very much, thank you and many thanks adalah mengucapkan
untuk apa?
a. To stating goodbye c. To stating thank you
b. To stating angry to others d. To stating sorry to someone
16. Apa itu ‘expression thanking’ dalam suatu percakapan?
a. To saying thanks to anyone c. To saying good jobs to every humans
b. To saying come meeting to our home d. To saying greeting to family
17. What is the response from this sentence ‘thank you friend’ after you had talked done?
a. You are welcome c. You must come to me
b. You must do it like that d. You can to be singer
18. These below are some of responding from express thanking. Except.
a. Don’t mention it c. That’s ok.
b. You are welcome d. I am love you
19. Thank you so much of your helping me to do my homework, friend. Jika teman kita menngucapkan
seperti itu, bagaimana respon kita?
a. You’re welcome friend c. You must to be my friend
b. We are friend d. You must do your homework alone

20. What is the meaning of express apologizing?
a. Apologizing is a express to sorry c. Apologizing is a express to thank you
b. Apologizing is a express to hungry d. Apologizing is a express to give information
21. I am sorry, I am so sorry, and sorry adalah bentuk-bentuk ucapan apa?
a. Express apologizing c. Express thanking
b. Express greeting d. Express taking leave
22. These below are several express apologizing. Exept.
a. I am sorry my friend c. I am so sorry my mother
b. Sorry everyone d. I am talking to you
23. This below are who including in express apologizing is…
a. I want to sing c. Dorkas write a poem
b. Alex, please forgive me d. Kris, can you help me
24. This below are some of respond by express apologizing. Except.
a. Never mind c. Ok. But, don’t do it again
b. It’s all right d. Thanks
25. Identify the following sentence who underline with the prepositions at, on, and in; Maria is
live…...Dogiyai regency.
a. On c. In
b. At d. On dan in
26. Identify the following sentence who underline with the prepositions at, on, and in; Berto is
lived……jln Mauwa.
a. On c. In
b. At d. At and on
27. Identify the following sentence who underline with the prepositions at, on, and in; Agus is live……
jalan Ekemanida number 23, Moanemani, Dogiyai, Papua Tengah.
a. On c. At
b. In and at d. In
28. Identify the following sentence who underline with the prepositions at, on, and in: 2 years ago Marten
was lived……..jalan anggrek hitam, but now he live………jalan amoye, number 24, Dogiyai, Papua
a. On c. In and at
b. On and at d. In dan on
29. Linda was lived…….. Nabire. What is the answer of correct?
a. On c. At
b. In d. At and in
30. This below is subject pronoun. Except.
a. I, you, they, we c. I, you, they, we, she
b. A book, an apple, a bag d. I, you, they, we, she, he it
31. These below are object pronoun. Except
a. Me and them c. Him and our
b. Her and his d. That, there
32. This below is who including in subject pronoun is…
a. Eating rice c. Playing football
b. Good job friend d. She, she and I

33. This below is who including in object pronoun is…
a. Rani and roni studing English c. They are eating in the home
b. I am cooking dinner d. He is writing a poem. Him poetry is about friends
34. Merri and fallen is working them homework in the class. The word is underline that indicate to….
a. Subject pronoun c. Object pronoun
b. Subject greeting d. Object taking leave
35. I have a task about poetry. So, can you help me! The word is underline that indicate to….
a. Subject pronoun c. Subject thanking
b. Object sentence d. Object analyses

36. Sebutkan tiga bentuk tentang ucapan greeting!
37. Sebutkan tiga bentuk tentang ucapan taking leave!
38. Sebutkan dua bentuk ucapan thanking!
39. Sebutkan dua bentuk ucapan apologizing!
40. Buatlah satu contoh dengan menggunakan preposisi at, on dan in!

………….Good luck………..

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