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In this section, the researchers will present the data analysis process and the findings of

the comparative study on the quantitative literacy/reasoning scores of Grade 12 STEM and non-

STEM students. First, a representative sample of senior high school students will be selected

using stratified random sampling method. The selected students' demographic information and

prior math education will be collected. Next, quantitative literacy and reasoning skills will be

assessed through a standardized test designed to evaluate their ability.

Descriptive statistics, such as means and standard deviations, will be calculated to determine the

level of Quantitative Literacy and Reasoning skills among the senior high school respondents. T-

Test Method will be used to determine whether there is a statistically significant difference

between the mean scores for quantitative literacy/reasoning in the STEM and non-STEM

students. Correlation analysis will then be conducted to determine the strength and direction of

the relationship between quantitative literacy and reasoning skills and mathematics performance.

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