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(*error* <STRING>) User-definable error function. (+ <NUMBER> <NUMBER> ...) Returns the sum of two or more numbers. (- <NUMBER> <NUMBER> ...) Returns the difference of two or more numbers. (* <NUMBER> <NUMBER> ...) Returns the product of two or more numbers. (/ <NUMBER> <NUMBER> ...) Returns the quotient of two or more numbers. (= <NUMBER> <NUMBER> ...) Returns T if the numbers are equal, nil if not. (/= <NUMB1> <NUMB2>) Returns T if the numbers are not equal, nil if they are. (< <NUMB1> <NUMB2>) Returns T if <NUMB1> is less than <NUMB2>. (<= <NUMB1> <NUMB2>) Returns T if <NUMB1> is equal to or less than <NUMB2>. (> <NUMB1> <NUMB2>) Returns T if <NUMB1>is greater than <NUMB2>. (>= <NUMB1> <NUMB2>) Returns T if <NUMB1> is equal to or greater than <NUMB2>.

(~ <NUMBER>) Returns the bitwise of <NUMBER>. (1+ <NUMBER>) Returns the <NUMBER> increased by one. (1- <NUMBER>) Returns the <NUMBER> decreased by one.

(abs <NUMBER>) Returns the absolute value of <NUMBER>. (and <EXPR> ...) Returns the logical AND of a list of expressions. Returns nil if expressions are nil. (angle <PT1> <PT2>) Returns the angle in radians between two points. (angtos <ANGLE>[<MODE><PRECIS.>]) Returns the angle as a string. Mode 0=Degrees,1=Deg Min Sec, 2=Grads,3=Radians,4=Surveyor (append <EXPR> ....) Returns a number of lists as one list. (apply <FUNCTION> <LIST>) Executes function with the arguments given as a list. (ascii <STRING>) Returns ascii value of first character of a string. (assoc <ITEM><ALIST>) Searches <ALIST> for <ITEM>.

(atan <NUM1> [<NUM2>]) Returns the arctangent of <NUM1> or <NUM1>/<NUM2>. (atof <STRING>) Returns the conversion of a string into a real. (atoi <STRING>) Returns the conversion of a string into an integer. (atom <ITEM>) Returns T if <ITEM> is not a list.

(Boole <FUNC> <NUMB1> <NUMB2) Returns Boolean bitwise truth comparisons. <NUMB>'s must be integers. (boundp <ATOM>) Returns T if <ATOM> has a value bound to it.

(car <LIST>) Returns the first element of a list. (caar <LIST>) Returns first element of the first element of a list. (cadar <LIST>) Returns last element of the first element of a list. (cadr <LIST>) Returns the second element of a list. (caddr <LIST>)

Returns the third element of a list. (cdr <LIST>) Returns all but the first element of a list. (cdar <LIST>) Returns second element of the first element of list. (cddr <LIST>) Returns all but first element of last element list. (chr <NUMBER>) Returns the string represented by an ascii value. (close <FILENAME>) Closes a file. (command <ARGS>...) Executes an AutoCAD command. (cond (<TEST1><RESULT1>)...) Evaluates any number of lists as arguments. (cons <NEW FIRST ELEMENT><LIST>) Contructs a new list. (cos <ANGLE>) Returns the cosine of an angle.

(defun <SYM><ARG LIST><EXPR>...) Defines an AutoLISP function. (distance <PT1> <PT2>)

Returns the distance between two points.

(entnext [<ENAME>]) Returns the first non-deleted entity after <ENAME>. (entlast) Returns the last non-deleted entity in the database. (entsel [<PROMPT>]) Selects a single entity by a point pick. (entdel <ENAME>) Deletes the entity <ENAME> or undeletes it if it has already been deleted. (entget <ENAME>) Returns <ENAME> from the database as a list. (entmod <ENAME>) Updates <ENAME> in the database. NOT for blocks or polylines (entupd <ENAME>) Updates <ENAME> in the database. Use for polylines or blocks. (eq <EXPR1> <EXPR2>) Returns T if expressions are bound to same object. (equal <EXPR1> <EXPR2>) Returns T if the expressions are equal. (eval <EXPR>) Evalutes an expression.

(exp <NUMBER>) Returns E to the power <NUMBER>. (expt <BASE> <NUMBER>) Returns <BASE> to the power <NUMBER>.

(findfile <FILENAME>) Searches all paths to find <FILENAME>. (fix <NUMBER>) Converts <NUMBER> to an integer. (float <NUMBER>) Converts <NUMBER> to a real. (foreach <NAME><LIST><EXPR>) Evaluates <EXPR> for each element in the <LIST> and assigns to <NAME>.

(gcd <NUM1> <NUM2>) Returns the greatest common denominator. (getangle [<PT>][<PROMPT>]) Pauses for input of an angle at optional starting point <PT>. (getcorner [<PT>][<PROMPT>]) Getpoint function - draws triangle as crosshairs move. (getdist [<PT>][<PROMPT>]) Pauses for input of distance at optional start point. (getenv [<VARIABLE>])

Returns string value assigned to a system variable. (getkword [<PROMPT>]) Requests a keyword from the user. (getorient [<PT>][<PROMPT>]) Returns angle in radians from current orientation. (getpoint [<PT>][<PROMPT>]) Pauses for input of an angle at optional point <PT>. (getreal [<PROMPT>]) Pauses for input of a real number. (getstring [<CR>][<PROMPT>]) Pauses for input of a string. (getvar <varname>) Retrieves the value of an AutoCAD system variable. (graphscr) Flips from text screen to graphics screen. (grclear) Clears the graphics screen. (grdraw <from><to><color>[<highlight>]) Draws a vector between two points. (grtext <box><text><highlight>]) Write to text portion of graphics screen. (grread <track>) Allows AutoLISP to read AutoCADs input devices.

(if <testexpr><thenexpr>[<elseexpr>]) Conditionally evaluates expressions. (inters <pt1><pt2><pt3><pt4>[<onseg>]) Returns the intersection point of two lines. If <ONSEG> is greater than 0 the intersection may lie past the endpoints of the lines. (itoa <number>) Returns the conversion of an integer to a string.

(lambda <arguments><expr>...) Defines an "anonymous" function. (last <list>) Returns the last element in <LIST>. (length <list>) Returns the number of elements in <LIST>. (list <expr>) Returns the list of a number of expressions. (listp <list>) Returns T if the item is a list. (load <filename>) Loads an AutoLISP program in memory. (log <number>) Returns natural log of <NUMBER> as a real.

(logand <number><number>...) Returns the logical bitwise AND of a list of numbers. (logior <number><number>...) Returns the logical bitwise OR of a list of numbers. (lsh <numb1><numbits>) Returns the logical bitwise SHIFT operator of <NUM1> by <NUMBITS>

(mapcar <function><list1>...<listn>) Executes <FUNCTION> on the elements of <LIST1> through <LIST2>. (max <number><number>...) Returns the maximum of the numbers given. (member <expr><list>) Searches <LIST> for first occurence of <EXPR> and returns the remainder of the list. (menucmd <string>) Switch between pages in an AutoCAD menu. (min <NUMBER><NUMBER>...) Returns the smallest of the numbers given. (minusp <ITEM>) Returns T if the item is negative.

(not <ITEM>) Returns T if the expression is nil. (nth <n><LIST>)

Returns the "nth" element of <LIST>. (null <ITEM>) Returns T if <ITEM> is bound to nil. (numberp <ITEM>) Returns T if <ITEM> is an integer or a real.

(open <FILENAME><MODE>) Opens a file. (or <EXPR>...) Returns the logical OR of a list of expressions. (osnap <PT><MODE-STRING>) Returns a point by applying the osnap command.

(polar <PT><ANGLE><DISTANCE>) Returns point at <ANGLE> and <DISTANCE> from <PT>. (prin1 <EXPR>[<FILENAME>]) Prints <EXPR> on the screen or to <FILENAME>. (princ <EXPR>[<FILENAME>]) Same as prin1 except control character are printed without expansion. (print <EXPR>[<FILENAME>]) Same as prin1 except a new line is printed before <EXPR> and a space is printed after. (progn <EXPR>...) Evalutes each expression sequentially.

(prompt <MSG>) Displays <MSG> on the screen PROMPT area.

(quote <EXPR>) Returns <EXPR> unevaluated.

(read <STRING>) Returns the first LIST obtained from <STRING>. (read-char [<FILENAME>]) Returns a character from the keyboard buffer or from <FILENAME>. (read-line [<FILENAME>]) Returns a string from the keyboard buffer or from <FILENAME>. (redraw [<ENAME>][<MODE>]) Redraws either entire drawing, or <ENAME> in <MODE>. (rem <NUM1> <NUM2> ...) Returns the remainder of <NUM1>/<NUM2>. (repeat <NUMBER> <EXPR> ...) Evaluates each expression <NUMBER> times. (reverse <LIST>) Returns a list reversed. (rtos <NUMBER> [<MODE><PRECIS>]) Returns a real number as a string.

(set <SYM><EXPR>) Sets the value of a sysmbol name. (setq <SYM1><EXPR1>...) Sets the value of <SYM1> to <EXPR1>. (setvar <VARNAME><VALUE>) Sets a system variable to <VALUE>. (sin <ANGLE>) Returns the sine of an angle. (sqrt <NUMBER>) Returns the square root of <NUMBER>. (ssget [<MODE>][<PT1><PT2>]) Returns a selection set. (sslength <SS>) Returns the number of entities in selection set <SS>. (ssname <SS><INDEX>) Returns the name of the <INDEX>th entity in selection set <SS>. (ssadd [<ENAME>][<SS>]) Adds entities to selections sets. (ssdel [<ENAME>][<SS>]) Deletes entities from selections sets. (ssmemb [<ENAME>][<SS>]) Returns <ENAME> if <ENAME> is a member of selections set <SS>. (strcase <STRING>[<WHICH>)]

Returns <STRING> as upper case if <WHICH> is nill. If <WHICH> is not nill the returned string will be all lower case. (strcat <STRING1><STRING2>..) Concatenates a series of strings. (strlen <STRING>) Returns the number of characters in a string. (subst <NEWITEM><OLDITEM><LIST>) Substitutes <NEWITEM> for <OLDITEM> in <LIST>. (substr <STRING><START><LENGTH>) Returns a substring of <STRING> begining at <START> of <LENGTH> characters.

(tblnext <NAME> [<rewind>]) Scans symbol table for next entity. (tblsearch <NAME><SYM>[<setnext>]) Searches entire symbol table for <NAME>. (terpri) Prints a new line on the screen. (textscr) Flips from graphics screen to text screen. (trace <FUNCTIONS>...) Debugging aid that returns the last function name. (trans <PT><FROM><TO>[<DISP>]) Translates a point <PT> from one coordinate system to another. (type <ITEM>)

Returns the type of <ITEM>.

(untrace <FUNCTIONS>...) Clears the trace floag for <FUNCTIONS>.

(ver) Returns AutoLISP version number. (vmon) Enables AutoLISP virtual function pager. (vports) Returns a list of currently active viewports.

(while <TESTEXPR><EXPR>) Evaluates <TESTEXPR> and if not nill executes <EXPR>. (write-char <NUM> [<FILENAME>]) Writes the character represented by the ASCII value of <NUM> to the screen or to <FILENAME>. (write-line <STRING> [<FILENAME>]) Writes <STRING> to the screen or to <FILENAME>.

(zerop <ITEM>) Returns T if <ITEM> evaluates to zero.

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