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1. Active: "Mary baked the cake.

2. Passive: "The director is filming a new movie."
3. Active: "John wrote the letter."
4. Active: "The entire class read the novel."
5. Active: "The maid cleaned the house."

Direct and Indirect Speech

11. Direct: "I will visit the museum tomorrow," she said.
12. Direct: "The students have performed exceptionally well!" exclaimed the
13. Direct: "I am going to the store," he said to me.
14. Direct: "What a beautiful sunset!" they exclaimed.
15. Direct: "I have finished my homework," she said.

1. He said that he could not attend the party.

2. She exclaimed that they would meet at the park.
3. He declared that he had already completed the project.
4. She told him to open the window.
5. He announced that he was going to the library.

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