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5 grade
1. Translate the word “bag” into Kazakh.
a) кітап b) қалам c) сөмке d) велосипед
2. Translate the word “үстел” into English.
a) table b) bicycle c) poster d) teacher
3. Choose the correct answer spelling of the word “Ресей”.
a) Rusia b) Russia c) Russian d) Russya
4. Choose the correct spelling of the number “25”.
a) twenty b) twenty four c) twenty five d) twenty fife
5. Choose the correct form of "to be" to complete the sentence: "I ___ a student."
a) is b) am c) are d) be
6. Which sentence is correct?
A) He are happy. B) They am happy. C) She is a teacher . D) We is twenty.
7. Complete the sentence with the correct form of "to be": "She ___ my best friend."
a) am b) is c) be d) are
8. Complete the sentence with the correct form of "to be": "Gulnara ____ in the class 4 A."
A) am b) is c) are d) be
9. Complete the sentence with the correct form of "to be": "Madina ____ from Shymkent."
A) is b) am c) be d) are
10. Choose the correct phrase to complete the sentence: "_______ a cat in the garden."
A) There is B) There am C) There be D) Is there
11. Which sentence is correct?
A) There am three apples. B) There is many books. C) There are a bird in the tree. D) There
are some children in the park.
12. Complete the phrases with “an”.
A) cheap car B) great city C) old actor D) popular actor
13. Choose the correct form of "to be" to complete the sentence: "You ___ a good actor."
A) Isn’t B) am not C) are not D) not
14. Which sentence is correct?
A) I are not fourteen B) I is not fourteen C) I am not fourteen D) I are fourteen
15. Choose the correct form of "to be" to complete the sentence: "We ___ in Britain."
A) Am not B) is not C) not D) are not
16. Complete the question: “_____ you from China?”
A) Am B) are C) is D) not
17. Choose the right answer to the question: “Are you in 5 class?”
A) No, I am B) Yes, I am C) No, I are D) Yes, I are
18. Translate the word “skiing” into Kazakh.
A) Күрес B) атқа міну C) жүзу D) шаңғы тебу
19. Complete the sentence: “_______ exercise is very easy!”
A) That B) this C) those D) these
20. Choose the correct answer: “Quarter to ten”.
A) 10:15 B) 10:45 C) 9:45 D) 10:35
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. B
9. A
10. A
11. D
12. C
13. C
14. C
15. D
16. B
17. B
18. D
19. B
20. B

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