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S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce

RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194

Unit Code SITXCOM005

Unit Title Manage Conflict

Assessment Tools
FileName and Version SITXCOM005_Mapping Document

M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School Of Commerce

SITXCOM005 Mapping Document
Version 2.0 Page 1 of 10
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194

About the Assessment Mapping document

This document contains the mapping of each assessment task to elements, performance criteria, performance evidence, knowledge evidence, foundation
skills (as required) and assessment conditions of units of competency forming part of this unit of competency.

Note – each assessment requirement may be assessed in more than one Assessment Task.

Assessment List
Assessment Items Type

Assessment 1: Knowledge Test

Multiple Choice questions
Assessment 2: Worksheets
Short answer-questions
Assessment 3: Practical Demonstration
Practical Demonstration
Assessment 4: Role play
Role play
Assessment 5: Scenario

M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School Of Commerce

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M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194

Element Performance criteria AT1- AT2- AT3- Practical AT4- Role-play AT5-Scenario
Knowledge Worksheets Demonstration
1. Identify 1.1 Identify potential for conflict and take swift and Q1, 2 Section 1 Part A Role-play 3 Scenario 1, 2
conflict tactful action to prevent escalation.
situations 1.2 Identify situations where personal safety of Q5, 6 Section 1 Part A Role-play 3 Scenario 1, 2
customers or colleagues may be threatened
and organise appropriate assistance.
1.3 Identify and use resources to assist in Q4 Section 1 Part A Role-play 1 Scenario 2
managing conflict.
2. Resolve 2.1 Establish and agree on the nature and details Q7, 8, 9 Section 2 Part A Role-play 1, 2, 3 Scenario 1, 2
conflict of conflict with all parties and assess impact.
2.2 Manage conflict within scope of own role and Q10, 12 Section 2 Part A Role-play 1, 2, 3 Scenario 1, 2
responsibilities, and according to
organisational procedures.
2.3 Take responsibility for seeking a solution to Q11, 13 Section 2 Part A Role-play 1, 2, 3 Scenario 1, 2
conflict within scope of own role and
responsibilities, seeking assistance where
2.4 Identify and evaluate impact of conflict on Q14 Section 2 Part A Role-play 1, 2, 3 Scenario 1, 2
business reputation and legal liability.
2.5 Evaluate options to resolve the conflict, taking Q15, 16 Section 2 Part A Role-play 1, 2, 3 Scenario 1, 2
into account organisational policies and
2.6 Implement the best solution and complete Q17, 18 Section 2 Part A Scenario 1, 2
required reports.
3. Evaluate 3.1 Communicate with parties involved to seek Q19 Section 3 Part A Scenario 1, 2
conflict and provide feedback on conflict and its
resolution resolution.
3.2 Evaluate and reflect on the conflict and Q20 Section 3 Part A Scenario 2
effectiveness of the solution.

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M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194

3.3 Determine possible causes of workplace Q21 Section 3 Part A Scenario 1, 2

conflict and provide input for workplace
enhancement and improvements.

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M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194

KNOWLEDGE EVIDENCE AT1- AT2- AT3- Practical AT4- Role-play AT5-Scenario

Demonstrated knowledge of: Knowledge Worksheets Demonstration
Demonstrated knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit:
1. Commonly occurring conflict situations in the tourism, Q2 Section 1 Part A Role-play 1, 2, 3 Scenario 1, 2
travel, hospitality and event industries and their typical
2. Conflict theory: Q3, 5 Section 1 Part A Role-play 1, 2, 3 Scenario 1, 2
2.1 signs Section 2
2.2 stages Section 3
2.3 levels
2.4 factors involved
2.5 results.
3. Conflict-resolution techniques: Q10 Section 2 Part A Role-play 1, 2, 3 Scenario 1, 2
3.1 assertiveness
3.2 negotiation
3.3 use of appropriate communication.
4. Resources to assist in managing conflict: Q4 Section 1 Part A Role-play 1, 3 Scenario 2
4.1 counsellors
4.2 internal security staff
4.3 mediators
4.4 other staff members
4.5 police
4.6 senior staff.

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M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194

5. Communication techniques: Q8 Section 1 Part A Role-play 1, 2, 3 Scenario 1, 2

5.1 active listening Section 2
5.2 empathising with the person’s situation while
upholding organisational policy
5.3 non-verbal communication and recognition of non-
verbal signs
5.4 language style
5.5 questioning techniques
5.6 those appropriate to different social and cultural
6. Organisational policies and procedures for complaint, Q15 Section 2 Part A Role-play 1, 3 Scenario 1, 2
conflict and dispute resolution.

M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School Of Commerce

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Version 2.0 Page 6 of 10
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194

PERFORMANCE EVIDENCE AT1- AT2- AT3- Practical AT4- Role-play AT5-Scenario

Evidence of the ability to: Knowledge Worksheets Demonstration
Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:
1. Resolve escalated complaints or disputes with Part A Role-play 1, 2, 3 Scenario 1, 2
customers in relation to at least three of the following
1.1 delays or poor timing of product or service supply
1.2 incorrect pricing of product or service
1.3 delays or errors in providing product or service
1.4 misunderstanding of customer request or
communication barrier
1.5 problem or fault with product or service
1.6 refused entry or ejection from premises.
2. Resolve team member disputes in relation to at least two Part A Role-play 1, 2, 3 Scenario 1, 2
of the following complex matters:
2.1 dispute or argument among work colleagues
2.2 job duties or rosters
2.3 lack of competence
2.4 worker mistake
2.5 dismissal
2.6 cultural misunderstanding.
3. Take appropriate action in response to at least two of the Part A Role-play 1, 2, 3 Scenario 1, 2
following threat or conflict situations:
3.1 customer refusing to leave or be pacified
3.2 drug or alcohol-affected person
3.3 person who appears to be violent or is threatening
3.4 people involved in physical violence
3.5 person with gun or arms
3.6 situation where someone has been or may be hurt.
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School Of Commerce
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Version 2.0 Page 7 of 10
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194

4. Use a range of conflict-resolution techniques and Part A Role-play 1, 2, 3 Scenario 1, 2

communication skills when seeking to resolve above

FOUNDATION Description Mapping

Foundation skills essential to performance in this unit, but not explicit in the performance criteria are listed here, along with a brief context statement.

Reading skills to:  research sources of internal and external assistance to resolve AT3-Practical assessment Part A
the conflict.
Writing skills to:  prepare reports, noting comprehensive details of the conflict, the AT3-Practical assessment Part A
parties involved, discussions with all parties and the resolution.
Initiative and  consider and suggest changes to workplace practices to avoid AT3-Practical assessment Part A
enterprise skills to: future conflict.
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School Of Commerce
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Version 2.0 Page 8 of 10
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194

Teamwork skills to:  discuss and resolve conflicts between team members. AT3-Practical assessment Part A

Assessment Conditions

SITXCOM005- Manage Conflict


Assessment Conditions
AC1 Skills must be demonstrated in an operational tourism, travel, hospitality or events environment
where conflicts occur. This can be: Practical Demonstration will be conducted in
 an industry workplace fully equipped ASOC’s simulated hospitality
 a simulated industry environment. environment.

M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School Of Commerce

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M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194

AC2  current commercial policies and procedures for complaint, conflict and dispute resolution Practical Demonstration will be conducted in
 internal and external customers and colleagues with whom the individual can interact to resolve fully equipped ASOC’s training with access to
conflicts; these can be: resources and equipment listed in column 1.
 customers in an industry workplace who are assisted by the individual during the
assessment process; or
 individuals who participate in role plays or simulated activities, set up for the purpose of
assessment, in a simulated industry environment operated within a training organisation.

Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations’ requirements for ASOC’s assessor assessing this unit will satisfy
assessors; Standards for Registered Training
Organisations’ requirements for assessor
Detailed mapping of each assessor’s skills and
knowledge for unit will be held in assessor’s

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