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Work collaboratively in a health or wellbeing setting

Unit Standard 28984 Version 4 (Level 4, Credits 10)

Student Name: Accredited Provider: Ignite Colleges

Student ID:

Date Assessed Result

Further Evidence Required

Further Evidence Required

Not Achieved

Final Result:
Achieved Not Achieved
(Tick as appropriate)

Assessor Name:

Assessor’s Signature: Date:

Internal Moderation

Moderator Name: Lesley Hawke Date: 8 June 2023

Moderation Result:
✘ Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard
(Tick as appropriate)

© 2023 Ignite Colleges. All rights reserved. This document is restricted to the current Ignite staff and students. Any other possession or photocopy is prohibited
Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 1
Student instructions
The purpose of this assessment is to show that you are able to, in a health or wellbeing
 work collaboratively in an inter-disciplinary team

 work collaboratively with a person and their family and whānau

 apply and review strategies to manage conflict while working collaboratively

 adapt own behaviour and communication styles while working collaboratively.

Assessment conditions
 Relevant legislation in this assessment includes:
o Health and Disability Commissioner (Code of Health and Disability Services
Consumers’ Rights) Regulations 1996
o Health and Disability Services (Safety) Act 2001
o Health and Safety at Work Act 2015
o Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003
o Human Rights Act 1993
o Privacy Act 2020
 Relevant standards in this assessment include:
o NZS 8134.0:2008 Health and disability services (General) Standard
o NZS 8134.1:2008 Health and disability services (Core) Standards
o NZS 8134.3:2008 Health and disability services (infection prevention and control)
o NZS 8158:2012 Home and Community Support Sector Standard.
 Your workplace practice must reflect appropriate values, processes, and protocols in
relation to working with Māori and Pacific peoples and/or people from other cultures.
 This is an open book assessment, you may refer to course material, the internet or
handouts for further reading. However, the assessment must be your own work, in your
own words and referenced where appropriate.
 You have three opportunities to achieve competency in each task. Adequate time will
be provided to you to complete further evidence required or any resubmissions.
 You must maintain confidentiality of information for the person(s) you support.
 Your assessment may be used for moderation purpose.

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 2
Student declaration
I understand the assessment conditions and confirm that this assessment is my own work.

Student Signature: Date:

Assessor feedback

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 3

 Culture refers to more than ethnicity. The concept of culture may reflect factors and
indicators such as – age, ethnicity, disability, occupation, organisational background,
immigrant or refugee status, institutional care, religion or spiritual beliefs, gender
identity, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status. Ethnic cultural beliefs and
values are the beliefs and values that stem from one’s own ethnic background.

 Health or wellbeing setting includes but is not limited to – the aged care, acute care,
community support, disability, mental health, rehabilitation, social services and youth
development sectors.

 Health professional refers to a person who is registered with an authority (which is

appointed by or under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003) as a
practitioner of a particular health profession to deliver health services in accordance
with a defined scope of practice.

 Inter-disciplinary team refers to a team of three or more individuals with different roles
and/or professions working collaboratively to achieve the same goal.

 Organisational policies and procedures refer to policies, procedures, and

methodologies of an organisation. They include legislative and regulatory
requirements which may apply across an organisation, a specific site, or a workplace.
Requirements are documented in organisational health and safety plans, contract work
programmes, quality assurance programmes, policies, and procedural documents such
as job descriptors and employment contracts.

 Person refers to an individual accessing services. Other terms used for the person
may include a person, consumer, customer, patient, individual, resident, or service

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 4
Task 1: Work collaboratively
For this task you must:

(1) demonstrate your understanding of an interdisciplinary team, a person and their family
and whānau at your workplace and

(2) describe how you work collaboratively with members of your interdisciplinary team and
the person and their family and whānau.

1 What are the roles and responsibilities of each team member within an
interdisciplinary team at your workplace?

Team members within your interdisciplinary team may include – support worker, senior
support worker, peer-mentor, registered nurse, other team members, health
professional, person accessing services, family and whānau.

How does each team member contribute to the common goal of the team?

2 What are your own role and responsibilities within the inter-disciplinary team in
accordance with your workplace policies and procedures?

3 What are two benefits of working in an inter-disciplinary team to achieve team

objectives at your workplace?

4 What are two potential barriers of working in an inter-disciplinary team to achieve team
objectives at your workplace?

5 What is the range of three family and whānau structures you commonly see at your

Family and whānau structures may include – nuclear, extended, adoptive, blended, gay
or lesbian, single parent, family and whānau of origin, cultural kinship structures.

What is the role of each member in these family and whānau structures?

6 What are two benefits of working with a person and their family and whānau at your

7 What are two potential barriers of working with a person and their family and whānau
at your workplace?

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 5
8 What are two essential features of a person’s circumstances at your workplace?

Essential features may include - family and whānau support, physical condition/s,
medical history, significant cultural values.

How do these essential features impact the person’s support needs?

9 Choose four potential issues that may lead to conflict with a person and their family
and whānau and members of your interdisciplinary team at your workplace.

Issues may include - communication breakdown, differences of opinion, personal

animosity, expression of sexism or racism, inappropriate modulation and use of
language, non-compliance with organisational policies and procedures.

What strategies would you use to manage each of these potential conflict situations?

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 6
1 What are the roles and responsibilities of each team member within an
interdisciplinary team at your workplace?

Team members within your interdisciplinary team may include – support worker, senior
support worker, peer-mentor, registered nurse, other team members, health
professional, person accessing services, family and whānau.

How does each team member contribute to the common goal of the team?

1 Team member

What are the

roles and
of this team

How does this

team member
contribute to the
common goal of
the team?

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 7
2 Team member

What are the

roles and
of this team

How does this

team member
contribute to the
common goal of
the team?

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 8
3 Team member

What are the

roles and
of this team

How does this

team member
contribute to the
common goal of
the team?

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 9
4 Team member

What are the

roles and
of this team

How does this

team member
contribute to the
common goal of
the team?

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 10
5 Team member

What are the

roles and
of this team

How does this

team member
contribute to the
common goal of
the team?

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 11
6 Team member

What are the

roles and
of this team

How does this

team member
contribute to the
common goal of
the team?

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 12
7 Team member

What are the

roles and
of this team

How does this

team member
contribute to the
common goal of
the team?

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 13
8 Team member

What are the

roles and
of this team

How does this

team member
contribute to the
common goal of
the team?

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 14
2 What are your own role and responsibilities within the inter-disciplinary team in
accordance with your workplace policies and procedures?

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 15
3 What are two benefits of working in an inter-disciplinary team to achieve team
objectives at your workplace?

4 What are two potential barriers of working in an inter-disciplinary team to achieve

team objectives at your workplace?

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 16
5 What are the three most common family and whānau structures that you typically
encounter in your workplace in terms of their range?

Family and whānau structures may include – nuclear, extended, adoptive, blended, gay
or lesbian, single parent, family and whānau of origin, cultural kinship structures.

What is the role of each member in these family and whānau structures?

1 What is the family and whānau structure?

What is the range of this family and whānau structure?

What is the role of each member in this family and whānau structure?

2 What is the family and whānau structure?

What is the range of this family and whānau structure?

What is the role of each member in this family and whānau structure?

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 17
3 What is the family and whānau structure?

What is the range of this family and whānau structure?

What is the role of each member in this family and whānau structure?

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 18
6 What are two benefits of working with a person and their family and whānau at your

7 What are two potential barriers of working with a person and their family and whānau
at your workplace?

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 19
8 What are two essential features of a person’s circumstances at your workplace?

Essential features may include - family and whānau support, physical condition/s,
medical history, significant cultural values.

How do these essential features impact the person’s support needs?

1 What is the essential feature?

How does this essential feature impact the person’s support needs?

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2 What is the essential feature?

How does this essential feature impact the person’s support needs?

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 21
9 Choose four potential issues that may lead to conflict with a person and their family
and whānau and members of your interdisciplinary team at your workplace.
Issues may include - communication breakdown, differences of opinion, personal
animosity, expression of sexism or racism, inappropriate modulation and use of
language, non-compliance with organisational policies and procedures.
What strategies could you use to help manage each of these 4 potential conflict

1 Issue

What is the potential conflict situation?

What is the strategy you would use to manage this conflict?

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2 Issue

What is the potential conflict situation?

What is the strategy you would use to manage this conflict?

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3 Issue

What is the potential conflict situation?

What is the strategy you would use to manage this conflict?

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4 Issue

What is the potential conflict situation?

What is the strategy you would use to manage this conflict?

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 26
Workplace verification
For this task, you must:
1 demonstrate your ability to work collaboratively in your inter-disciplinary team
2 demonstrate your ability to work collaboratively with a person and their family and
3 apply and review strategies you have used to manage conflict at your workplace.
Ask your verifier/assessor to verify your descriptions.
Read the checklist to ensure you are ready to be assessed against these practical tasks.
Your verifier can be your manager, supervisor, or a senior staff member such as a team
leader or a senior caregiver.

Note to verifier: You have been asked to complete this verification as someone
who has observed the student in the workplace. If you agree that the student has
worked collaboratively within an inter-disciplinary team and with the person and
their family and whānau, please tick the checkboxes, comment, and sign
the verification.

Sample checklist
Questions (student to answer) Verifier/ Assessor to 

1 What are at least two strategies you have used to establish and maintain
positive relationships within an interdisciplinary team in accordance with your
workplace policies and procedures?

For the verifier: The student used strategies to establish and maintain
positive relationships within an interdisciplinary team in accordance with the
workplace policies and procedures.

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 27
Verifier comments:

2 What are four support needs you have met while working collaboratively with
a person and their family/whānau in accordance with your workplace policies
and procedures?
Support needs may include access to information, cultural considerations,

For the verifier: The student worked collaboratively with a person and their
family/whānau to meet four support needs in accordance with the workplace
policies and procedures.

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 28
Verifier comments:

3 What are at least two strategies you have used to establish and maintain
positive relationships with a person and their family/whānau within the
boundaries of own role and in accordance with your workplace policies and

The student used strategies to establish and maintain positive relationships

within an interdisciplinary team in accordance with the workplace policies and

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 29
Verifier comments:

Managing conflict

4 What are two strategies you have implemented to manage conflict with:
(1) a person and their family and whānau and
(2) members of your inter-disciplinary team?
Strategies may include - advocacy, consultation, negotiation, mediation,
The examples you provide must be within the boundaries of your role and in
accordance with your workplace policies and procedures.

The student implemented two strategies to manage conflict within the ✘

boundaries of their role and in accordance with the workplace policies and

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 30
Verifier comments:

Evaluation and review

5 What are two things that worked well with these strategies that you used to
manage conflict?

6 What are two things you could try differently while using these strategies to
manage conflict in the future?

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 31

7 Did the strategies lead to a positive or a negative outcome for the person
and their family and whānau and members of your interdisciplinary team?

The strategies led to an outcome that was:

8 Why was the outcome positive or a negative?

Verification details

Verifier/ Assessor Signature: Date:

Verifier name: Verifier Designation:

Verifier contact details: Workplace:

Student’s name: Student’s signature:

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 32
Task 2: Behaviour and communication style
Question 1: Complete the two team feedback forms and the self-reflection form below.

Team feedback form 1

Maintaining positive relationships

How did the student

behave and communicate
to maintain positive
relationships with a person
and their family and

How did the student

behave and communicate
to maintain positive
relationships while
collaborating with team
members within your
interdisciplinary team?

What are two changes the 1

student can make to their
behaviour and
communication style to
maintain positive
relationships while
collaborating with team
members within your
interdisciplinary team?

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 33
Building trust and rapport

How did the student

behave and communicate
to build trust and rapport
while collaborating with a
person and their family
and whānau?

What are two changes the 1

student can make to their
behaviour and
communication style to
build trust and rapport
while collaborating with a
person and their family
and whānau?

Team member’s details

Team member’s signature: Date:

Team member’s name: Team member’s designation:

Team member’s contact details: Workplace:

Student’s name:

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 34
Team feedback form 2
Maintaining positive relationships

How did the student

behave and communicate
to maintain positive
relationships with a person
and their family and

How did the student

behave and communicate
to maintain positive
relationships while
collaborating with team
members within your
interdisciplinary team?

What are two changes the 1

student can make to their
behaviour and
communication style to
maintain positive
relationships while
collaborating with team
members within your
interdisciplinary team? 2

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 35
Building trust and rapport

How did the student

behave and communicate
to build trust and rapport
while collaborating with a
person and their family
and whānau?

What are two changes the 1

student can make to their
behaviour and
communication style to
build trust and rapport
while collaborating with a
person and their family
and whānau?

Team member’s details

Team member’s signature: Date:

Team member’s name: Team member’s designation:

Team member’s contact details: Workplace:

Student’s name:

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 36
Self-reflection form
Maintaining positive relationships

How did you behave and

communicate to maintain
positive relationships with

a person and their family

and whanau?

How did you behave and

communicate to maintain
positive relationships
while collaborating with
team members within your
interdisciplinary team?

What are two changes you 1

can make to your own
behaviour and
communication style to
maintain positive
relationships while
collaborating with team
members within your
interdisciplinary team? 2

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 37
Building trust and rapport

How did you behave and

communicate to build
trust and rapport while
collaborating with a person
and their family and

What are two changes you 1

can make to your own
behaviour and
communication style to
build trust and rapport
while collaborating with a
person and their family
and whānau?

Student’s name: Student’s signature:


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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 38
Assessment matrix

Outcome Evidence for the criteria Task & Q’s

Outcome 1: 1.1: The structure of an inter-disciplinary team is Task 1

Work described in terms of roles and responsibilities Q.1
collaboratively within the team and how each role contributes to
in an inter- the common goal of the team.
disciplinary Range:team members may include but are not
team in a limited to – support worker, senior support worker,
health or peer-mentor, registered nurse, other team
wellbeing members, health professional, person accessing
setting. services, family and whānau.

Evidence is required for the roles and

responsibilities of one inter- disciplinary team.

1.2: Own role and responsibilities within the inter- Task 1

disciplinary team are described in accordance with Q.2
organisational policies and procedures.

1.3: The benefits and potential barriers of working Task 1

in an inter-disciplinary team are described in terms Q.3, Q.4
of achieving team objectives.

Range:evidence is required for two benefits and

two potential barriers.

1.4: Strategies to establish and maintain positive Workplace

relationships within an inter-disciplinary team are verification
applied in accordance with organisational policies Q.1
and procedures.

Outcome 2: 2.1: Family and whānau is described in terms of a Task 1

Work range of structures and the role of each member. Q.5
collaboratively Range:family and whānau structures may include
with a person but are not limited to – nuclear, extended,
and their adoptive, blended, gay or lesbian, single parent,
family and family and whānau of origin, cultural kinship
whānau in a structures.
health or
Evidence is required for three structures.

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 39
wellbeing 2.2: The benefits and potential barriers of working Task 1
setting. with a person and their family and whānau in a Q.6, Q.7
health or wellbeing setting are described.

Range:evidence is required for two benefits and

two potential barriers.

2.3: Essential features of a person’s Task 1

circumstances are identified and described in Q.8
terms of their impact on a person’s support needs.

Range:may include but is not limited to – family

and whānau support, physical condition/s, medical
history, significant cultural values.

Evidence is required of two.

2.4: Work collaboratively with a person and their Workplace

family/whānau to meet their support needs in verification
accordance with organisational policies and Q.2

Range:may include but is not limited to – access

to information, cultural considerations, advocacy.

Evidence is required for four support needs.

2.5: Strategies to establish and maintain positive Workplace

relationships with a person and their family and verification
whānau are applied within the boundaries of own Q.3
role and in accordance with organisational policies
and procedures.

Outcome 3: 3.1: Issues that may lead to conflict are explained Task 1

Apply and in terms of the potential situations and strategies Q.9

review to manage the conflict.

strategies to Range:may include but is not limited to –

manage communication breakdown, differences of opinion,
conflict while personal animosity, expression of sexism or
working racism, inappropriate modulation and use of
collaboratively language, non-compliance with organisational
in a health or policies and procedures.

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 40
wellbeing Evidence is required of four potential situations
setting. and strategies.

Range:a 3.2: Strategies to manage conflict are Workplace

person and implemented within the boundaries of own role verification
their family and in accordance with organisational policies and Q.4
and whānau, procedures.
inter- Range:may include but is not limited to –
disciplinary advocacy, consultation, negotiation, mediation,
team facilitation.
Evidence is required for two strategies.

3.3: Strategies are evaluated and reviewed in Workplace

terms of any positive and negative outcomes from verification
their implementation. Q.5, Q.6, Q.7,

Outcome 4: 4.1: Own behaviour and communication style of Task 2

Adapt own inter-disciplinary team members and a person and Team feedback

behaviour and their family and whānau is evaluated in terms of forms, Self-

communication maintaining positive relationships. reflection form.

styles while Range self-reflection, team feedback.

working 4.2: Own behaviour and communication styles Task 2
collaboratively when collaborating with team members is Team feedback
in a health or evaluated and adapted in terms of maintaining forms, Self-
wellbeing positive inter-disciplinary team relationships. reflection form.
Range evidence is required of two adaptations
based on self-reflection and/or team feedback.

4.3: Own behaviour and communication style Task 2

when collaborating with a person and their family Team feedback
and whānau is evaluated and adapted in terms of forms, Self-
building trust and rapport with a person and their reflection form.
family and whānau.

Range evidence is required of two adaptations

based on self-reflection and/or team feedback.

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Assessment US 28984 v4 Page 41

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