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Wachemo University

Department of mechanical engineering

Numerical method
Assignment (15%)
1) For acceptable error less than 0.2, find the value of x 1∧x 2
2 2
f 1 ( x )=2 x 1 + x 2 −8=0
2 2
f 2 ( x )=x 1 −x 2 + x1 x 2−4=0
2) Use Gauss elimination to solve

3) Determine the real roots of f (x)=5 x 3−5 x 2 +6 x−2 using the false position method by
employing the initial guesses of x 0=1∧ xu =3 for four iterations and compute the
estimated error (Ea) and true error (Et) for each iterations.
4) The following polynomial has a root within the interval 3.75 ≤ x ≤ 5.00:
3 2
f ( x )=x − x +10 x−8=0
If a tolerance of 0.001 (0.1%) is required, find this root using both the bisection and
Newton-Raphson methods. Compare the rate of convergence on the root between the two
5) Provide a general formula for the true and relative true error when approximating the
derivative of f(x) = −x2 + 5x at x = 2 using an arbitrary value for h. Determine the largest
value of h that can achieve an absolute relative error of no more than 0.5%.
6) Use through zero to third order Tylor series expansion to predict f (2) for
3 2
f ( x )=25 x −6 x +7 x−8 8 .using the base point at x=1.compute the true percent relative
error for each approximation

Due date: - 6/2/2016 E.C, Attach using hard copy, soft copy or Email:

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