Financial Staements Duly Authenticated As Per Section 134 (Including Boards Report, Auditors Report and Other Documents) - 28102022

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ma RAMESH ATHASNIYA & CO. OX CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT ‘To The Members of PREMIER PUMPS PRIVATE LIMITED. Report on the Audit of the Financial Statements Opinion ‘We have audited the accompanying financial statements of PREMIER PUMPS PRIVATE LIMITED (the company”) which comprise the Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2022, and the statement of Profit and Loss, and the statement of cash flows for the year then ended and notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the aforesaid financial statements give the information required by the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) in the manner so required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India, of the state of affairs of the Company as at March 31, 2022 and the profit and its cash flows for the year ended on that date Basis for Opinion We conducted onr audit of the financial statements in accordance with the Standards on Auditing specified under Section 143(10) of the Act, Our responsibilities under those Standards are further described in the Auatitar’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Standalone Financial Statements section of ur report. We are independent of the Company in accordance with the Code of Ethies issued by the Institate of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) together with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the financial statements under the provisions of the Act and the Rules thereunder, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements and the Code of Ethics, We belicve that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion on the financial statements, Information Other than the Financial Statements and Auditor's Report Thereon ‘The Company's Board of Directors is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the information of board of director's report but does not include the financial statements and our auditor's report thereon. Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any fori of assurance conclusion thereon. In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial nts or our knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. Page | 1 OFFICE:5-9-1121,F-45846,1st Floor, Agarwal Chambers, King Kothi, Hyderabed-500 001 ‘@ : 040-29208309, 29236418 E-Mail; URL; ma RAMESH ATHASNIYA & CO Ox CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard. Responsibility of Management for Financial Statements ‘The Company's Board of Directors is responsible for the matters stated in section 134(5) of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) with respect to the preparation of these financial statements that give a true and fair view of the financial position, financial performance and cash flows of the Company in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in India, including the accounting Standards specified under section 133 of the Act, This responsibility also includes maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding of the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting frauds and other irregularities: selection and application of appropriate accounting policies; making judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent : and design, implementation and maintenance of adequate intemal financial controls, that were operating effeetively for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, relevant to the preparation and presentation of the financial statements that give a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. In preparing the financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Company's ability to continue as a going concem, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management cither intends to liquidate the Company or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so. ‘Those Board of Directors are also responsible for overseeing the company’s financial reporting process. Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements asa whole are free from material misstatement. whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion, Reasonable assurance is a high lovel of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with SAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements, [As part of an audit in accordance with SAs, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit, We also: ‘* Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is suffici appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material Page | 2 OFFICE:5.9-1121,F-45846, ist Floor, Agarwal Chambers, King Kothi, Hyderabad-500 001. (040-23298399, 23238418 E-Mail: info@raco in URL! CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS im RAMESH ATHASNIYA & CO Ox misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from etror, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, of the override of intemal control # Obtain an understanding of intemal financial controls relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. Under section 143(3)() of the Act, we are also responsible for expressing our opinion on whether the Company has adequate internal financial controls, system in place and the operating effectiveness of such controls. «Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management. ‘= Conclude on the appropriateness of management's use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained. whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists. we are required to draw attention in our auditor's report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor's report. However. future events oF conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as @ going concern ‘+ Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statcments, including the disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in & ‘manner that achieves fair presentation ‘We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in intemal contro! that we identify during our audit, We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant cthical requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other ‘matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related Page | 3 OFFICE:5.9-1121,F-45848,1st Floor, Agarwal Chambers, King Kothi, Hyderabad-500 001. ‘fF : 040-23298389, 25235418 E-Mail : URL: m RAMESH ATHASNIYA & CO OX CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements 1 2 AS required by the Companies (Auditor's Report) Order, 2020 (“the Order”), issued by the Central Government of India in terms of sub-section (11) of section 143 of the Companies Act, 2013, we give in the “Annexure A’, a statement on the matters specified in the Order, to the extent applicable, ‘As required by section 143(3) of the Act, we report that (a)We have sought and obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belicf were necessary for the purpose of our audit (b)In our opinion proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the eompany so far as appears from our examination of those books and there are no branches to the company to the best of our knowledge: (©)The Balance Sheet ,the Statement of Profit and Loss and the Statement of Cash Flow dealt with by this Report are in agreement with the relevant books of account (d)In our opinion, the aforesaid financial statements comply with the Accounting Standards referred to in section 133 of the Act, read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 (©)On the basis of written representations received from the directors as on March 31,2022 taken on record by the Board of Directors, none of the directors is disqualified as on March 31, 2022, from being appointed as director in terms of section 164(2) of the Act (@ Reporting on the adequacy with respect to the internal financial controls over financial reporting of the company and the operating effectiveness of such controls are not applicable to the company (g)In our opinion, Section 197 of the Companies Act, 2013 is not applicable to Private Limited ‘Company (i) with respect to the other matters to be included in the Auditor's Report in accordance with Rule 11 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, in our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to ws: i The Company does not have any pending litigations which would impact its financial position; ii, ‘The Company does not have any long term contracts including derivative contracts for which there were any material foreseeable losses; and iii, There were no amounts which were required to be transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund by the Company Page | 4 OFFICE:5.9-1121,F-45846, 1st Floor, Agarwal Chambers, King Kothi, Hyderabad-500 001, ‘@ : 040-23298396, 25235418 E-Mall: URL: am RAMESH ATHASNIYA & CO OX CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS (a) Management has represented that, The company has not advanced/loaned/invested or received funds (either borrowed funds or share premium or any other sources or kind of funds) to any other person(s) of entity(ies), including foreign entities (Intermediaries) with the understanding (whether recorded in. writing or otherwise) that the Intermediary shall directly or indirectly lend or invest in other persons or entities identified in any manner whatsoever by or on behalf of the company (Ultimate Beneficiaries) or provide any guarantee, security or the like to or on behalf of the Ultimate Beneficiaries (b) Based on the audit procedures adopted by us, nothing has come to our notice that has caused us to believe that the representations made by the Management under sub clause (a) above, contain any material misstatement For RAMESH ATHASNIYA AND CO., Chartered 49pountants Firm Repistratda Nf /007480S \ oy Lf Place: Hyderabad, (CA CHANDRA SHEKHAR ANIMALLA_ Date: 07" September,2022 Partner UDIN{ 2922-0226 AXKTHph ges, Membership No. 220226 Page | 5 OFFICE:S-0-1121,F-45846,1st Floor, Agarwal Chambers, King Kethi, Hyderabad-500 001 ‘® : 040-23298399, 23235418 E-Mail: URL: RAMESH ATHASNIYA & CO OX CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ANNEXURE A TO THE AUDITORS’ REPORT ‘The Annexure A referred to in our report to the members of PREMIER PUMPS PRIVATE LIMITED for the year ended 315¢ March, 2022, ‘On the basis of the information and explanation given to us during the course of our audit, we report that: 1. @)— A. The company is maintaining proper records showing fall particular quantitative dotails and situation of Property, Plant and Equipment; including B, The company is maintaining proper records showing full particulars of intangible assets: () The Property. Plant and Equipment have been physically verified by the management at reasonable intervals having regard to size of the company and nature of Assets. According t0 explanations given to us , No Material discrepancies were noticed on such verification (©) The title deeds of all the immovable properties (other than properties where the Company is the lessee and the lease agreements are duly executed in favor of the lessee) disclosed in the financial statements are held in the name of the company (@) The Company has not revalued its Property, Plant and Equipment or intangible asscts or ‘both during the year. (@) The Company docs: not have any proceedings being initiated or pending against the company’ for holding any benami property under the Benami Transactions(Prohibition) Act, 1988 (45 of 1988) and cules made thereunder, hence reporting under this clause is not applicable 2. (@)__ In our opinion and according to the information and explanations made available to us the management has condueted physical verification of inventory at reasonable intervals (b) The Company has not been sanctioned working capital limits in excess of % 5 crore, in aggregate, at any points of time during the year, from banks or financial institutions on the { basis of scourity’ of curremt assets and hence reporting under clause 3(4i)(b) of the Order is not applicable. 3. The Company has made investments in. companies. firms. Limited Liability Partnerships, and granted unsecured loans to other partics, during the year. in respect of which: (@) During the year the company has not provided loans or provided advances in the nature of loans, or stood guarantee. or provided security to any other entity as below. (b) In our opinion, the investments made and the terms and conditions of the grant of Joans, during the year are, prima facie, not prejudicial to the Company's interest respect of loans granted by the Company, the schedule of repayment of principal and ent of interest has been stipulated and the repayments of prineipal amounts and its of interest are generally been regular as per stipulation. Page | 6 OFFICE:5.0-1121,F-45846,1st Flocr, Agarwal Chambers, King Kathi, Hydsrabad-500 001. ‘@ : 040-29298399, 23235418 E-Mail ; URL: CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS m RAMESH ATHASNIYA & CO OX (@) In respect of loans granted by the Company, ‘outstanding as at the balance sheet date, there is no overdue amount remaining () No loan granted by the Company which has fallen due during the year, has been renewed oF extended or fresh loans granted to settle the overdues of existing loans given to the same parties, (‘The Company has not granted any loans or advances in the nature of loans cither repayable ‘on demand or without specifying any terms or period of repayment during the year. Henee, reporting under clausc 3(ii)(2) is not applicable, The Company has not provided any guarantee or security or granted any advances in the nature of loans, secured or unseeured, to companies, firms, Limited Liability Partnerships or any other parties, 4, ‘The Company has complied with the provisions of Sections 185 and 186 of the Companies Act, 2013 in respect of loans granted, investments made and guarantees and securities provided, as applicable, ‘The Company has not accepted any deposit or amounts which are deemed to be deposits. Hence, reporting under clause 3(v) of the Order is not applicable, ‘The maintenance of cost records has not been specified by the Central Government under sub- section (1) of section 148 of the Companies Act, 2013 for the business activities carried out by the Company. Hence. reporting under clause (vi) of the Order is not applicable to the Company. 7 (a) In our opinion, the Company has generally been regular in depositing undisputed statutory dues, including Goods and Services tax, Provident Fund, Employees’ State Insurance, Income Tax, Sales Tas, Service Tax, duty of Custom, duty of Excise, Value Added Tax, Css and other material statutory’ dues applicable to it with the appropriate authorities. There were no undisputed amounts payable in respect of Goods and Service tax, Provident Fund, Employees” State Insurance, Income Tax, Sales Tax, Service Tas, duty of Custom, duty of Excise, Value Added Tax, Cess and other material statutory dues in arrears as at March 31, 2022 fora period of more than six months from the date they became payable. (0) There are no statutory dues referred to in sub-clause (a) have not been deposited on account of any dispute, then the amounts involved and the forum where dispute is pending 8, There were no transactions relating to previously unrecorded income that have been surrendered oF disclosed as ineome during the year in the tax assessments under the Income Tax Act. 1961 (43 of 1961). 9. (a) The company has not defaulted in repayment of loans or other borrowings or in the payment of interest thereon to any lender. () The Company has not been declared wilful defaulter by any bank or financial institution or government or any government authority ‘The term loans were applied for the purpose for which the loans were obtained, ‘The funds raised on short term basis have not been utilised for long term purposes, the nature and amount to be indicated, Page | 7 OFFICE'S-9-1121,F-45846,1st Floor, Agarwal Chambers, King Kothi, Hyderabac-500 001. ‘| 040-23298399, 23235418 E-Mail URL: ma RAMESH ATHASNIYA & CO. OX CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 4, 16, (c) The company has not taken any funds from any entity or person on account of or to mest the obligations of its subsidiaries, associates or joint ventures, if so, details thereof with nature of such transactions and the amount in cach case; 4) The company has not raised loans during the year on the pledge of securities held in its subsidiaries, joint ventures or associate companies, if so, give details thereof and also report ifthe company has defaulted in repayment of such loans raised: (a) The Company has not raised moneys by way of initial public offer or further public offer (including debt instruments) during the year and henee roporting under clause 3(x}(a) of the Order is not applicable, (>) During the year, the Company has not made any preferential allotment or private placement of shares or convertible debentures (fully or partly or optionally) and hence reporting under clause 3(x)(b) of the Order is not applicable (@) No fraud by the Company and no material fraud on the Company has been noticed or reported during the year (0) No report under sub-section (12) of section 143 of the Companies Act has beon filed in Form ADT-4 as prescribed under rule 13 of Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014 with the Central Government, during the year and upto the date of this report (©) There were no whistle-blower complaints received during the year by the company; ‘The Company is not a Nidhi Company and henee reporting under clause (xii) of the Order is not applicable. In our opinion, the Company is in compliance with Scetion 177 and 188 of the Companies Act, 2013 with respect to applicable transactions with the related parties and the details of related party transactions have been disclosed in the financial siaiements as required by the applicable accounting standards (@) lw our opinion the Company has an adequate internal audit system commensurate with the size and the nature of its business. () Reports of the Internal Auditors are not applicable to the company. In our opinion during the year the Company has not entered into any non-cash transactions with its Directors or persons connected with its directors, and hence provisions of section 192 of the Companies Act, 2013 are not applicable to the Company (2) In our opinion, the Company is not required to be registered under section 45-IA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.Hence, reporting under clause 3¢vi)(a). (b) and (c) of the Order is nor applicable, In our opinion, there is no core investment company within the Group (as defined in the Core Investment Companics (Reserve Bank) Dircctions, 2016) and accordingly reporting, under clause 3(vi)(d) of the Order is not applicable Page | 8 OFFIGE:5-9-1121,F-45846 ‘st Floor, Agarwal Chambers, King Kothi, Hyderabad-500 001 ‘@ ; 040-23298399, 23235418 E-Mail : URL: ma RAMESH ATHASNIYA & CO CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OX 20, Place: Hyderabad CA CHA ‘The Company has not incurred cash losses during the financial year covered by our audit and the immediately preceding financial year. ‘There has been no resignation of the statutory auditors of the Company during the year. On the basis of the financial ratios, agoin and expected dates of realisation of financial assets and payment of financial liabilities. other information accompanying the financial statements and our knowledge of the Board of Directors and Management plans and based on our examination of the ‘evidence supporting the assumptions, nothing has come to our attention, which causes us to belicve that any material uncertainty’ exists as on the date of the audit report indicating that Company is not capable of mecting its liabilities existing at the date of balance shect as and when they fall due within a period of one year from the balance shect date. We, however, state that this, js not an assurance as to the future viability of the Company. We further state that our reporting is, based on the facts up to the date of the audit report and we neither give any guarantee nor any assurance that all liabilities falling due within a period of one year from the balance sheet date, will get discharged by the Company as and when they fall due. ‘The Provisions of Sec 135 of the Companies Act is not applicable to the company. Henco reporting under Clause 20(a) and 20(b) is not applicable, RA SHEKHAR ANIMALLA Date: 07" September, 2022 acinar: Uberds ¢-2.91099- GARTH PUBS Mombership No. 220226 Page | 9 OFFICE:S.9-112',F-45846, 1st Floor, Agarwal Chambers, King Kothi, Hyderabad-500 001 ‘i : 040-23298399, 25235418 E-Mail : URL: www.racoin PREMIER PUMPS PRIVATE LIMITED (IN: U29,20TG1993PTCOL6787 ‘Regd Office.:Plot No.38/A, 1D8-Mallapur, Hyderabad-500076, Telangana. BALANCE SHEET AS ON 31-03-2022 mount nak Tate eon ‘son PARTICULARS Number 31-03-2022 31-03-2021 JEourry AND LIABILITIES: JA. Share Holders’ Funds: @) Sar copta 20 50.00 soo (Go) Reservas 8 Surplus 2m 98.61 59648 748.61 516.08 ‘Share Application Money Pending allotment ne m lc. tom current Liabilities (2) Lang Tem Boronings 20 14525 () Deter Tax bits (Net 204 6.46 (©) Other Lora Term Labs, os 33.08 (2) Lang Tem Prevons 206 4.24 169.00 169.20 ‘Current Liabites (@) Sot Tem Gorowings Nie rr (Trae Payattes 20 Teal utstording dues of i enterprises ad sal + emerses; ane s7az 639 feral eUtstading dues of cretrscter than rir enterprises = and sal ertergisas 93.70 23081 (Q._ Other Curren atti 208 13206 16:99 (3) Sot Tem rovsene 209 29.81 2541 s1297 2250 THOSE. Be lassers: la. Non Current Assets (@)"_ Proper, Plat & Equprant and intangible Assets {0 Property lant and Esuiprent 210 5013 (i) cana Aste ‘Mt (i) Capt Wore I Progress oe {W) Intangible tests Under Development Mi 525.28 sen (©) Noncuree Inestmeres 2a ord oaaa (Q)Detered Tox Asst (et) “Nile N (2) Lang Term taans a Aavonces “ni a (@) Other Non Cunt Assets 2a ses 1969 u33t 447 ls. current Aseats (@) Garentnvesimens “Nit et (©) Inertoes 243 10596 #8 {e) Tade Recevables 24 156.60 Zan (3) Casha Cash Eunalerts 2s 15392 2220 (@) Stor Term Loan b Advances 216 638 725 (Other Curent assets 20 359.08 12835 e189 om Total: BOSE FEILECD Sinica courting Potces and Nees to Accounts aaa For and on behalf ofthe Boar, Vitesse Managing Director. Frm een No, 072805 Proce : Hyderabod, Dated: Onn Seiember, 2022 PREMIER PUMPS PRIVATE LIMITED ‘CIN: U29120TG1993PTC016787 Regd Offce:Plot No.38/A, IDA-Mallapur,Hyderabed-500076, Telangana. ‘STATEMENT OF PROFIT & LOSS FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31-03-2022 (amount nats) PARTICULARS Nate ison ‘son Number 31-03-2022 1-03-2021, 1. Revenue from Operations 238 917.08 o.18 In Otrer treo 28 7125 6328 lnm. Total income (1+ 11) Een oss lv. Expenses: (9) Cost of Material Consumed 220 5253 sma (©) Parcacesar rrenea Goods (6) Chenges in muertos of Fishes Goo, 2a Cres) co) naci-progress and stcen-Trace (8) Mandecring Expenset rd a7 sss (@) Farce Cox 2a 1553 2047 (Employes Benes 24 saa? 15723 (@)_Daprecaton ard Aortsaton Expenses zu 3333 1169 (8) Other Expenses 235 ass 65.23 ‘otal Expenses SEE] TEE |v. Profit wetore Exceptional Items and Tax (HI-1V) 13266 11924 vi. Pir Period mtems(Refer Note 2.33) 125 Ni Vit. Profit wafore Tax (V-VI) saat 1424 vi. Tax expense: Corrente rot 2a Deferred Tax (0:52) oss) 2929 vs |DX. Profitfor the periad(VIL-VIEE) s0232 os.67 }x. Earning Per Share Rs.) Basic 208.24 was ites 20824 m3 [x1. umber of Shares used for EPS working Base 0000.00 0000.00 ites 0000.00 0000.00 [sarrcantAcpuning Pokies and Notes to Accounts 12 For andon behaPol tre Board, ts, 220226 Fm Reg No 0074805, Pace : Hyderabad, ted: o7th Supt, 2022 PREMIER PUMPS PRIVATE LIMITED ‘CIN: U29120761993PTC016787 Regd Office :Plot No.38/A, 1DA-Mallapur, Hyderabad-500076, Telangana. Email 1d:, Contact : 040-27151946 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES & NOTES TO ACCOUNTS(182) (8) COMPANY OVERVIEW: Premier Pumps Private Limited ("the Company”) was incorporated on 23d December, 1993 in accordance with the rovisiors of erstwhile Compan Act, 1956. The Company is engaged in the business of Manufacturing of Pumos.. 41(B) SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: 11 Basis of Preparation of Financial Statements: Financal Statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, In accordance with the generally acected Accounting principles and provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 as applicable to this Company. These financials have ‘2 been prepared to comply in all material respects withthe accounting standards noted by the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, read with Rule 7 to the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 in respect of Section 133 to the Companies et 2013, tp Acounting Poleies not specially refered to otherwise aré consistant and in consorance with the generally accented accountng grincicls followed by the Company 4.2 Current/Non Current Classification: (Any asst or ability fs classified as curent ifs {@) Its expected wo be realized or setied ori Intended fr séle r consumption in the Comoany/s normal operating oye (b) For the purpose of currenifnon-curent dlssiNcation of assets and lites, the Company has ascertained fs normal ‘operating cycle as twelve months. This is based cn the nature of services and the time beineen the acqusition of assets ‘¢ inventories for processing and their realization in cash and cash equivalents, (ip Al other assets and Fables are classified as non-curent. 4.3, Accounting Estimates: “The preparation of the financial statements, In conformity with generally accepted accountng principles, requires the management to make estimates and assumptions tat affect te reported amounts of assets and labities and disclosure ‘of contingent lables as atthe date of frandal statements and the results of operation during the reported period Akthough these estimates are based upon managements best knowledge of current events and actions, actual results could difer from these esimates which are recognised in the period in which they are determines. 1.4 Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets: (0 Tangible Property, Plant and Equipments: (a) Fixed assets ae stated at cost of acquisition including attributable interest and finance costs til the date of acquisition [ietalltion of the assets and improvervent terecn less accumulated deprecation and accumusated impairment (sses, itary. (b) Machinery spares are capitalised only If they ae identifiable to a particular fied asset, their use is expected to be Imegular and they bring signfcant adltional benefits of lasting nature, (© Capital work in progress comprises of expenditure, director indirect, incured on assets which are yet to be bought Inca working condtion for is intended use agairst capital expenditure (@) Advances clven towards acquisition of fred assets outstanding at each balance sheet date are disclosed 2s Capitl advance under Long Term Loans B Advances (i) etanglble Fined Assets: Tangible assets comprise of lkense Fees, implementation cost fr softwere and other application sofware senuired for invhouse use, These assets are stated at cost less accumulated amortisation and impairment losses, if any. a Whe. EN ee /B) 1s 16 17 18 PREMIER PUMPS PRIVATE LIMITED ‘CIN: U29120T61993PTC016787 Regd office.Plot No.38/A, 1DA-Mallapur, Hyderabod-500076, Telangana. Tet infe 1040-27151946 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES & NOTES TO ACCOUNTS(182) Depreciation: {In respect of PPE ane Intangible Aasers, Oeprecaton 's provided on Straight Line method Method at the rates and in the manner specified under Schedule IL oF te Companies Re, 2013, Depreciation on adltons/deltions of assets during the years provides on pro-rata bass. (i) In respect of Software the company has calculates tre ceprecaton as cer the provisions of Schedule 11 of the ‘Companies Act, 2013 an the basis of ves of the assts instead of rates prescribed under the erstwhile Companies Act, 2013, The effec of such enange is acjused in epening balance of reserves and surplus. Inventories: Items of inventories are measures at lower of cost and net resisable value after providing for obsolescence if ary, except in case oF by products which are valued at net reaisable value, Cost of inventories comprises of cost of purchase, cost of conversion and other costs Including marufocturing overheads incurred in bringing them to their respective present lecation and condition. Cost of raw materials, process chemicals, stores and spares, packing materials, trading and ther predicts are ‘determined on weiohted averane bass. Items of inventones are valued on the basis gven below: Rew Material ~ At Cost, FIFO Bass (A Carifed by the Management) ‘Traded Goods - At Cost of acquisition (As Cert by the Management) Wortln-aroaress - At Works Cost. (As Certified by tha Maranement) Tumover: “Tumover exiudes sale of qaods/ Services adiusted for Goods & Service Tax. Revenue Recognition: (Revenue is recognised only when risks and rewards inddental to ownership are transferred to the customer, it can be Felably measured and It is reasonable to expect ultimate collection. Revenue from operations includes sale of goods, ‘enmces, service tax, excise duty and sales during tal run period, adjusted for discounts (net), and gain/ass:on corresconeina hadoe contract. (Wn Cwidend income is recognised when the right ta receve payment Is established. (it) Imerest income is recoonised using the time proportion method, based on the transactional interest rates, Impairment: ‘an asoet is treated as impaired wien the carying cost of asset exceeds is recoverable velue. An impairment loss Is ‘Charged to the Statement of Profit ard Loss in the year in welch an assets identified as impaired. The Impairment oss recognised in prer accounting period is reversed If there has been a change in the estimate of recoverable amaunt. Uherers PREMIER PUMPS PRIVATE LIMITED ‘CIN: U29120TG1993PTCO16787 Regd Office.:Plot No.38/A, IDA-Mallapur, Hydarabad-500076, Telangana. Email (Contact :040-27151946, ‘SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES & NOTES TO ACCOUNTS(182) 4.20 Foreign Currency Transactions: a, Trensactions denominated In foreign currencies are recorded at the exchange rate prevailing on the date of the ‘wansacton or that approvimates the actual rate atthe date ofthe transaction, , Monezary iteme denominated in foreign currencies at the year end are restated at year end rates. In case of items hich are covered by forward exchange contracts, the difference between the year end rate and rate on the date of the contrac is recognised as exchange cifference and the premium paid on forward contracts is recognised over the Wf of the contract. , Non-monetary foreign currency tems are caried at cost. 6. In respact of branches, which are integral foeicn operations, all ransactions are translated at rates prevailing an the date of transaction or that approximates the actual rate atthe date of transaction. Branch monetary assets and lables are restated atthe yearend rates fe, Any income or expense on account of exchanoe diferance either on settlement or on transistion 's recognised in the ‘Statement of Profi: and Loss, except in case of long tarm lables, where they relate to arquisiton of fixed asset, In (which cae they ae adjusted to the carrying cost of such asses. 1.41 Investments: Current investments are carried at lower of cost and quotefair vale, computed category~wise. Long-term investments are stated at cost. Provision for diminution Inthe value of long-term investments is made ony if such a decline & ether ‘than temparary 4.42 Cash Flows: Cas flows are reported using the indfrac: method, whereby promt before tax is adjusted forthe effects of non cash ture, any deferrals or accruals of past or future operating cash receipts or payments and tem of income or expense associated with investina and financina activites ofthe company are secrenated. 1.13 Employee Benefits: ‘Short term employee benefits “The unclscounted amoust of short-term employee benefits expected to be paid in exchange forthe services rendered by ‘employees are recognised as an expense during the period when the employees render the services. These benefits Include performance incentive and compensated absences. (2) Defined Contribution Plans: Employes benefits in the form of Employee State Thsurarce are considered as defined contribution plans nd the conbibutons are charged tothe profit and lass account forthe year when the contributions tothe sed insurance are cue. “The provisions of Employees Provident Fund fct are not applicable to thss Company. (0) The Gratulty Ac. 1972 isnot aopicable to the comaany. 1.24 Borrowing Costs: Borrowing costs include exchange differences arsing from foreign currency borrowings to the extent they are regarded as ‘an adjustment tothe interest cost. Borrovang costs that are attibuteble to the acquision or construction of Qualifying assets are captalsel 2s par of the cost of such assots. A qualving asset fs one that necessary takes substantial pend Oftime to get read for fs intended use, all oer terrowing costs are charged tothe Statement of Profit and Loss in tre ‘erie in whic they are incurred 1.15 Income Taxes: “Tax expense comprises of current tax and deferred tax. Current taxis messured atthe amount expected ta be paid tothe tax authonties, using the applicable tax rates. Defered income tax reflect the current period Uming cfferences between twcabe income and accounting income forthe paiod and revers! of timing ciferences of earlier yeers/ period. Deferred tax assets are recognises only tothe extent tat there is a reasonable certainty that sufciet future income wil be available except that deferred tax asses, in case there are unabsorbed degreciation or losses, are recognised if there is tual certainty that sutficent future taxable income wil be available to realise the same. Defered tax assets end lablities are measurec using the tx rates and tax law that have been enacted or substantively eee Hie YO a( 38 )E & 2 e) Viewer RR PREMIER PUMPS PRIVATE LIMITED ‘CIN: U29120TG1993PTCO16787 Regd Ofes Pit Ho 38/4, 10A-Mallput Hyderabad-500076, Telangana. Email 1: Contact :040-27151946 ‘SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES & NOTES TO ACCOUNTS(1&2) 1.16 Provisions, Contingent Liablities And Contingent Assets: Provision is recogeised in the accounts when there Is @ present obligation a a result of past event(s) and its probate that an cutfow of rescurces wil be required to satte the abkgation and 2 ralable estimate can be made. Provisions are at dscounted to ther present value ard are determined based on the best estimate requied to settle the obligation at the resoring date. These estimates are revewed at each reporting date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimates. Contingent lites are disclosed unless the possibilty of outflow of resoure2s is remcte. Contingent assets ‘are nttnerreconnised nor cisclosed inthe financial staternents, 1.7 Sales Tax: “The Company has got Sales Tax Ceferment sanction from the Gavernment of Andhra Pradesh, Commissioner of Industries, Hyderaba vide Target 2000, New Industrial Policy CTO No. 198 Industrial and Commerce (IP) development. vide leterno.10/4/2000/0589/0589/F, dated 18.04.2000. As per the sanction the company can avail an amount of RS. 185,26, 280/- as sales tax deferment for a period of 14 years commencing from 07.02.2000, subject to the conditions pected in the eigbity cersfeste. The toral sales tax deferment amount shall be re-paié to the Andhra Pradesh ‘Government without interest after the comoletion of said 14 years. 1.18 State Subsidy: “The Company receled Capital Subsidy from the State Government of Andira Pradesh and the company has been comolving wth the terms ard conditions ofthe subsdy disbursements. PREMIER PUMPS PRIVATE LIMITED IN: UasizoTeissaPTco16767 Raga Office:Plot No.38/A, IDA-Mallapur, Hyderabad-500076, Telangana. 2 NOTES TO ACCOUNTS: (Amcunt in Laks) 201 SHARE cRPTU Paricuars| sen Teen 31-03-2022 | 31-03-2021 A) Authorised Capital: ‘50,000 Buty Shares oR, 100/- each 50.00 5000 (PF 50,000 Eauty shares of Rs. 00 each) (®) Yssued, Subscribed & Paid up Capital: 50,000 Egy Shares of Rs. 100/" each 50.00 s0.20 (PY 50,009 Euity Shares of Rs, 100/- each) (©) Reconeilation of Number of Shares Outstanding atthe beginning and end of Reporting Period Partare Tron Tron 31032022 38-03-2021 umber [Amount (Rz}| Number — [Amount (R=) [shares custansing a the besinning ofthe yext 0000 50.00 52000 50.00 [act Shares Issued dung the year i “Ni tik ns 0000 50.00) 020 oo [des Shares bought back during the year til Nile “Ne Nk Shares outstanding at the end of the year 30007 Son 30006 SoBe (©) Names of Persone who are holding more than 5% Shares in the Pald wp Capital: [Name ofthe Sharaholdar ‘son Sisk March 2022 ‘Aaat 31a March 2031 Wo. of | 96 of Holding | No of Shares | % of Holding Shaves hel held (Me, Wotan Reday azses| 25.304 12863 24 MeTenkatararana Reddy a2i76| 24.3504 ie 235 MesBhagysllchm’ sso} 17.10%] 8550 170%] s.T eth Prasanna si3| 16.2396] 8133 16256] MeWAuinach Resdy 2700 5.409%] 2700 5.0% esha se00| — 11.8096| 5900 180% 0000 | 00.00% Ec CO (©) Other nfrmation requie to be dese under AND, (0, @, (8), (Die NE (F) Shareholding of Promoters is 2s below [Shares held by promoters atthe end of te] Go change [__Agon 31 March 2033 ‘Rg on 3i March 2033 year during the [No.of [96 of Holding | No.of Shares | % of Holding swsar__| Shares held hel bet. Manan Resy ni} 2563] assa396| 12565 284 Met Venuatarmans Rey cw] rue] 2a.a5ee 17 mas r-hagyaatch! NI esto] 17.40%| 8550 70% Ns yet Pasar Nie sis) 16.2396] Bu3 1623 iAsnash Ready i 20 5.409%] 2700 540% es Sal Ne sm00| 11.8008| 5900 11.80%] hire | — 39005 | — 700056] 30000- T0509) BUN Ss Were ee PREMIER PUMPS PRIVATE LIMITED ‘CIN: Uasi20TGi99sPTC016787 Regd Offca:Piot No.38/A, IDA-Mallapur, Hyderabad-500076, Telangana. 2 NOTES To ACCOUNTS: (mere a Lat) 2.02 RESERVES AND SURPLUS: Particulars Teen Ton 31-03-2022 | 31-03-2021, (A) Capital Reserve: State Subsidy 363 38 ae 38 (@) Profit & Loss Account: ‘Opening Balance so2.85 506.19 Adi: Net Pref for the Curent Year 10212 2657 298.97 92.88 Total (a) + (2) 96.82 368 2.03 LONG TERM GORROWIN Paticare ‘aon ro si-03-2022_ | 31-03-2021 ‘Unsecured and Considered Good ‘Loans From Rents Parties 145.25 987 14525 9a 208 DEFERRED TAX LIABILITIES: [Paricoare oo Aeon 31-03-2022 | 31-03-2021 ‘Opening Detered Tax Linblity 698 788 Adatess): Teng Diferences on account of: Differences Depreciation (052) (sa) Net Deferred Tax Libilty Sas S55, 2.05 OTHER LONG TERM LIABILITIES: (Particulars faon ison 21-03-7022 | 31-03-2021, Rental Depot 1305 3040 Tas Toad, 2.08 LONG TERM PROVISIONS: Partentars Teen Feo 1-03-2002 | 31-05-2021, Previion for Gratly(Rater Note 235) ane 2s aa 2s 7 he Sed) a PREMIER PUMPS PRIVATE LIMITED ‘CIN: U2s120TG1993PTCO16787 Regd Office:Plot No.38/A, ID/-Mallapur, Hyderabad-500076, Telangana 2 NOTES TO ACCOUNTS: 2.07 TRADE PAYABLES: (amount tas) [Paricuiars oo 31-03-2022 ‘Sutanding fr foloving pds rom de Cate paymane han Tyee [EDyears [25 years ethan 3 onsue soso] 05s i mu {Others 795 540 a2 10.22 {W) upated ues — SME “Nike su nik 629 (i Diputed aes — a ee MN i Others Daa a5 oar Tee ariculars Teo 31-03-2021, | — casing Torfaen periods from Ge date of payment [ethan tyes [years [2-ayenrs [More than 3 yea OMsMe 40.85 393 tan (i) ote s9251 854 2331 (a) Oputed dues — NGNE tite Nik Ni (0 Dicpited dee — oa oni Ni Others as | aaa 22 oa 12.08 OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES: Alcala Teen Tao si-a3-2022 | 31-03-2021 Advances from Debtors 2612 248 (ther Payables 105.92 cot 32.08 3550 2.09 SHORT TERM PROVISIONS: (Particulars Reon eon at-ax-z022_| 31-03-2021 Prion for come Ta 2081 peas 208i, eat 2.41 NON CURRENT INVESTMENTS: Parialare Teen ison sa-oa-zo22_| 31-03-2020, Invesomentin Equty shares f Mana fluent Treatment Pant td 10 ‘Sheds Constructed (Lease out) on38 ae was PREMIER PUMPS PRIVATE LIMITED Regd Office.:Plot No.38/A, IDA-Mallapur, Hyderabad-500076, Telangana. ‘Assessment Year 2021-22 2. - FIXED ASSETS & DEPRECIATION (Amount in Lakhs) SI, [Particulars GROSS BLOCK, DEPRECIATION NET BLOCK No, Cost asat Additions; Total upto Upto Forthe Adj. Agito Total sat ‘Ag at /31-03-2021 (Deletions) 31-03-2022 Year Reserve. ‘31-03-2022 | 31-03-2021 a tana 497.35 Nt 497.35 Nike Nie Nie Nk wie] 497.38 0.00 2 [Building 43.94 “Nile 43.98 27.90 1.26 Nik “Nik 23.16 1478 0.00 3. [Pant and Machinery 138.51 0.9 339.51 nS 773 “Nik 7aa4 60.36 0.00 4 |Btectcals 135 Ne 135 135 00 ‘Nie 135 “Ml Nile 5 [Patterns 2868 3.40 2808 242 O57 Nik 2439 320 0.00 6 Toos 0.80 “Nile 0.89 0.80 0.00 Ni 0.80 “Hi ‘Ni 7 [Computers 1.22 033, 2.05 115 0.05 Ne 1.20 085 0.00 8. ortce Equipments 738 035 774 5.83 060 Nik 643 131 0.00 9 |Fumture 1.45 “Nik 145, 437 0.04 “Nik Lat 004 0.00 10 |Vehices 48.92 Nik 48.92 3842 3.02 Nik aus 748 0.00 TA, FisezT SE] FAI Tas was] Ai 1e5.82 | 53538, wor Previous year 662.66 3296, 172.49 543.13, wece PREMIER PUMPS PRIVATE LIMITED ‘CIN: U20120TG1993°TC016787 Regd Office. :Plot No.38/8, 10A-Mallapur, Hyderabad-S00076, Telangana. 2 NOTES To ACCOUNTS: (ant ts) 2.42 OTHER NON CURRENT ASSETS: (Particulars Bron Ton 1-03-2022 | 31-03-2021 Secure Depests 1883 1989 Tess 15m 243 INVENTORIES: [Parca ro eon 21-03-2022 | 31-03-2021 aw Materia 1998 Finished Goods BQ 5a 2.44 TRADE RECEIVABLES: Parteuiars Faon Taos sa-03-2022 | 31-03-2021 Unsecured, considered good, 1356.60 2971 756.60 2070 aso aranding Tr fling periods rom dua Gab ot payee leatane months. [monte 1 year|1-2yeors [23 years __[Movethan 3 yeas [Total lc Unespites Trade receables — Jesredered good 735] wr) 1a saad} 22344 158.60] Gi) Undisputed Trade Recevabes —| |eonsderes oubefl a wi Nt me ae tl lin Disputed Trade Recehales Jonsdered good th Nie Nk Ne a at kv) oisputed Trade Recenabies lonedered doubtful tu nie ie es os hi ase ‘GUSg Te Faloning pevecs ror cue date of payment ane lone lsmonths-tyear|t-2yees [23 were than 3 year [Tot Kp Undeputed Trade receivables lsnsidered good 1331] ox} 1863) 394 247 229.71 Gi) Undisputed Trade Receivables — lconsidered oubetl Ne ah Ni Ne nile bt) Oisputed Trade Recevabes canslcered good Nt Ne “Ne ose it |v) Disputes Trade Recehabes lonetered doubtful Ne i Ne tue VAs seo 2 24s 248 2a7 238 29 PREMIER PUMPS PRIVATE LIMITED cn 291 20761993PTCO16787 Regd Offce:Plot No.38/8, TDA-Mallapur, Hyderabad-S00076, Telangana. NOTES To ACCOUNTS: (hranuntin atts) (CASH & CASH EQUIVALENTS; Partatare Aeon fen a-o3-7022_|_ 31-03-2021 Balance wth Scheduled danke Curent Accounts 146.07 oss9 CCoshin ne 788 aa iss aE ‘SHORT TERM LOANS & ADVANCES! [Partcutars feo Teo 31-03-2022 | 31-03-2021 Unsecured Acvances te Super 543 653 ‘vances Sat? 290 ox oa, 725 ‘OTHER CURRENT ASSETS: [Particulars eon Fen 1.032022 | 31-03-2021 “TDs Receable a5 434 Tes Recevatle 0.04 0.09 TDE/TCS Receivable Cary forward te Next Year 922 oss ST input Tax 108.23 125 Advance Tax 28.00 250 Prepaid Expenses cry 04 Inert recevable-Andha bank 037 053 Balarices wen Revenve Authorties 3938 1825 GsT suspense 055 058 59.08 2525 [REVENUE FROM OPERATIONS: Parteuare eon Teen avo3-z022 | 31-03-2021 Sale of Pract (Net of al Duties) 917.09 os aoe, ‘o78i8 (OTHER INCOME: [Parteuare oo eon si-as-2022 | 31-03-2021, Net Garon Foreign Curency bansacions 201 48 Blanes Wirten Ofer Income 082 2as Interest Received on Etectricty DepostDs 0a 047 Rental income 4788 3588 735 a2 Whee PREMIER PUMPS PRIVATE LIMITED ‘CIN: U2si20Tei99aPTc016787 Regd Office :Plot No.38/A, IDA-Mallapur, Hyderabad-500076, Telangana. 2 NOTES TO ACCOUNTS: (Arvouatin Lats) 2.20 COST OF MATERIAL CONSUME: [Particniors eon Teen 32-03-2022 | 31-03-2021 Opening Stocks 621 Ad: Porcases 53247 00 ess: Clesing stock 1898 mas wes 221 CHANGES IN INVENTORY OF STOCK IN TRADE: [Parca eon Teen au03-2022_| 31-03-2021, nina task: Fined Goede 2382 285 Lass: loa Stock: Fined Coods oars ne aaa} a 1222 MANUFACTURING EXPENSES: Pana Taen son su.a3ez022 | 31°03-2021 ower 8 Fel 437 423 ‘000 emo Facory Bula ou oss = Waciney 278 338 seb Work hates a0 Re war Sa 2.23 FINANCE COST: [Particulars Aeon ‘eon 1-03-3022 | 31-03-2023, Interest en Term Loan ni 0.02 Inert on Unsecured Loans 1553 2048 1555 moa PREMIER PUMPS PRIVATE LIMITED ‘CIN: U29120TG1993PTCO16787 Regd Office.:Plot No.38/A, IDA-Mallapur Hyderabad-500076, Telongans. NOTES To ACCOUNTS: (ein es) 2.28 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: (Parca Teen Teen 31-03-2022 | 31-03-2021 Series & Wapes 7062 5268 Bone 279 033 (Cenkributen To ES os3 952 Staff Welfare Expenses 189 409 [Directors Remuneration 105.00 93.00 auly 085, Nk isa Tre 2.25 OTHER EXPENSES: [Particulars Reon Teen 1-03-2022 | 33-03-2021, Marketing &Seing Expences 2.48 195 Pel Fees 98 ost Decourtlng Charges 143 1.09 Bark Charges 450 16 Emplojee Recrtment Ofcer “Nil 245 Computer Reps 070 402 Profesional & Constancy Charges 139 435 Membership Fees Nite os Insirance General 010 02 iresret Charges 042 005 Rater ard Taxes 16.72 630 Packing and Forwarding 28.79 1987 Postage and Courier 05, ov Printing & statonery 13 oat Sales Commission a6 2s ‘Traveling & Conveyance Expense ry 208 “Telephone Expenses oat on “Testing Experces as m7 Vehicle Mareonance 028 on iter charges oa 078 Wscelenaous Expences 052 035 Comper Sftare cherges/RerevalCharoes Ni 080 Rent 750 “ne wa58 a5, Vhesec PREMIER PUMPS PRIVATE LIMITED CIN: U29120TG1993PTCO16787 Regd Office.:Plot No.38/A, IDA-Mallapur, Hyderabad-500076, Telangana. Email Id:, Contact : 040-27151946 2 NOTES ON ACCOUNTS: 2.26 Directors Remuneration: (in Lakhs) Particulars 2021-22 2020-21 [T.Mohan Reddy 49.50) 45.00) FT Bhagya Lakshmi 13.50] 12.00 WAvinash Reddy 42.00) 42.00) [Total: 105.00) 99.00) 2.27 Auditors Remuneration: Particulars 2021-22 2020-21 statutory & Tax Audit Fees 0.98] 0.91) Reimbursement of GST. ois] 0.16] [TOTAL 1.16] 1.08) 2.28 Related Party Disclosure: ‘As per Accounting Standard -18 “Related Party Disclosures” issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, the company's related parties with whom the company has entered into transactions during the year in the ordinary course of business, as certified by the Management are disclosed as follows: 2025-22 2020-21 Nature oF jp [Amount lAmount Nameofthe Person |Relationship —|'Re Teak) [ones tn takns)_|/T3nseet Ir Mohan Reddy Director 49.50] 45.o0|emunerat \V.Avinash Reddy Director 42,09] aeons Loans [T Mohan Reddy Director “Nik 103.00) a4 Loans IT Mohan Reddy Director Nike 150,00), 0285, FT Mohan Redd Director 750] IF JRent Paid lr.shagya Lakshmi Director 13,59 12,09)Remune=t Fim In wich] Lob work Sv tndustries a 44.77 55.20] Fim — in whic Vk Industries Roe ean 10.46]Purchases (Godavart Machinery Private Hob work] ee Common Director 15.25 14.20/60 a [Godavari Machinery Private) common Director 234.44|Purchases IT Mohan Reddy Director Tea linerest fr ahaayalaxmi Director 2.03]Interest Wheree a PREMIER PUMPS PRIVATE LIMITED CIN: U29120TG1993PTCO16787 Regd Office.:Plot No.38/A, IDA-Mallapur, Hyderabad-500076, Telangana. Email Id:, Contact : 040-27151946 2. NOTES ON ACCOUNTS: 2.29 Figures were rounded off to the nearest Rupee in Lakhs. 2.30 Contingent Liabilities not provided for in Books of Accounts -Nil-. a3 Balances under Sundry Debtors, Sundry Creditors, other receivables and payables are subject 31 to confirmation to be receivable from the parties. Previous year figures have been regrouped /reclassified wherever necessary to suit the current 2:32 vear's layout. ‘The Company has provided for gratuity of Rs. 0.85 Lakhs towards gratuity Provision for FY 21-22 2.33 as per best management estimates. The company has also provided for Provision of Rs 1.25 Lakhs ‘towards provision of Prior years which was not recorded previously. Purchases includes purchase price, transportation charges and all other expenses incidental to 2.34 bring the stock to the current location and situation, Cost further includes Job work charges incurred for processing. 2.35 "5 Per management Assets purchased of worth Value Rs 5000 are directly written off to Profit and “9 | oss account. 2.36 Earnings in Foreign Exchange: Fy 2021-22 | FY 2020-21 553.32] 749.56) [Income from Export Sal pula (8 tt PREMIER PUMPS PRIVATE LIMITED CIN: U29120TG1993PTC016787 Regd Office.:Plot No.38/A, IDA-Mallapur, Hyderabad-500076, Telangana. Email Id:, Contact : 040-27151946 2.37. Additional Regulatory Information (1) Relationship with Struck off Companies ‘The company has no transactions with companies struck off under section 248 of the Companies Act, 2013 or Section 560 of Companies Act, 1956 (2) Registration of charges or satisfaction with Registrar of Companies No charges or satisfaction are yet to be registered with Registrar of Companies beyond the statutory period. (3) Compliance with number of layers of companies “The Company has complied with the no. of layers prescribed u/s 2(87) read with the applicable Rules Difference 2022 Y Fvzon if (4) Ratios Numerator Denominator Current Current (@) Curent Ratio, Set cia 1.86 132 40.68 -On Account of Increase in Invertory an Decrease in Trade Payables. (©) Debt: Equity Ratio, Total dent Shareholders 0.19 023-1620 eauity Eamings fgpersavee manne Sey oes m0 " debt service Average (4) Return on Equity Ratio, MEPTORTS sharehokiers 014 0.13 1.76 ater taxes equity : Average 5 (e)tmventory turnover ratio, Turnover NSI2GE 8.65 252 61.57 On Account of increase in inventory and Decrease in Sales. (PTrade Recelvables tunover yg, Average Trade om Turnover Average Tr 5.86 4263738 -On Account of Increase inefficiency to make collection from debtors. (6) Trade payables tumover Average Trade or Turnover 6.07 3537179 -On Account of decrease inefficiency in making payment to Creditors. (h) Net capital tumaver ratio, Revenue ON 341 61s 44.84 On Account of decrease in Sales as compared to previous year (0 Net proft ratio, Net profit Revenue 014 o2 2398 Earning before Capital 4 (Return on Capital employed, POE are a 0.16 oa7 221 taxes Income (| Time wetohted (ky Return on investment. $2AEFANE average ost 059-141 from ants IEStENS investments PREMIER PUMPS PRIVATE LIMITED CIN: U29120TG1993PTC016787 Read Office.:Plot No.38/A, IDA-Mallapur, Hyderabad-500076, Telangana. Email 1d:, Contact : 040-27151946 (5) The company has not advanced/loaned/invested or received funds (either borrowed funds or share Bremium of any other sources or kind of funds) to any other person(s) or entity(ies), including foreign entities (Intermediaries) with the understanding (whether recorded in writing or otherwise) that the Intermediary shall directy or indirectly lend or invest in other persons or entities identified in any manner ‘whatsoever by or on behalf of the company (Ultimate Beneficiaries) or provide any guarantee, security or the like to or on behalf of the Ultimate Beneficiaries, (6) Undisclosed income ‘There are no transactions that are not recorded in the books of account to be surrendered or disclosed as income during the year in the tax assessments under the Income Tax Act, 1961. (2) The Property, Plant & Equipment & Intangible assets have not been revalued during the year.All the immovable properties listed above are held in the name of the Company.There are no proceedings against the company under the Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act, 1988, AS per our Report of Even Dat For and on behalf of the Board, Fe fESH ATHA NY, ‘Accountants; Sabie ae nhl REOpy “> ‘Managing Director. CA. CHANDRA SHEKHAR ANIMALLA, Partner. M.No. 220226 Firm Regn. No. 007480S Place : Hyderabad, Dated : 07th September, 2022 (DIN: 06614291)

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