A7XN-RC-85-SP-0022-R3 External Painting

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PAE Sucursal Argentina, SL.

Specification A7XN-RC-85-SP-0022
Campana Refinery Projects Date: 01 OCT 2019
- Revision 3
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This specification has been revised as indicated below. Please disregard all previous revisions.

Revision Originator’s Reviewed/Checked By

No. Date Name & Initials Name & Initials Pages
0 13 May 15 Satya V. Reddi Cathleen Shargay All
1 28 Jul 15 Satya V. Reddi Cathleen Shargay All
2 01 Oct 15 Satya V. Reddi Cathleen Shargay All
3 01-Aug-20 Maximiliano A. Piumetti (MAP) Melina L. Alpert (MLA) All


Lead Engineer: Maximiliano Piumetti

Project Manager: Melina Alpert

PAE Melina Alpert


ISSUED FOR: X Design Construction Other

A7XN-RC-85-SP-0022-R3 External Painting Mechanical

PAE Sucursal Argentina, SL. Specification A7XN-RC-85-SP-0022
Campana Refinery Projects Date: 01 OCT 2019
- Revision 3
Page 2 of 46


Record of Revisions
Rev. No. Date Description

0 13 May 15 Issued for Client Review.

1 28 Jul 15 Issued for Design.

2 01 Oct 15 Revised coating system for structural steel. Added colors for structural

3 01 Aug 20 Revised all pages.

A7XN-RC-85-SP-0022-R3 External Painting Mechanical

PAE Sucursal Argentina, SL. Specification A7XN-RC-85-SP-0022
Campana Refinery Projects Date: 01 OCT 2019
- Revision 3
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Table of Contents
Section Page

1.0 SCOPE .................................................................................................................................................... 4

2.0 TERMINOLOGY WITH CLARIFICATIONS ...................................................................................... 4

3.0 REFERENCES....................................................................................................................................... 7

4.0 EXECUTION........................................................................................................................................... 9

5.0 GENERAL PAINTING REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................... 11

6.0 SCHEDULING OF WORK ................................................................................................................. 12

7.0 SURFACE PREPARATION............................................................................................................... 13

8.0 MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................... 15

9.0 FINISH COLORS AND IDENTIFICATION ...................................................................................... 17

10.0 APPLICATION OF PRIMERS AND FINISHES .............................................................................. 18

11.0 COATING REPAIRS ........................................................................................................................... 19

12.0 QA/QC (QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL) .................................................. 20

13.0 TABLE 1: PRIMERS, BUILDCOATS AND FINISHES ................................................................ 25

14.0 TABLE 2: PAINTING SCHEDULE .................................................................................................. 27

15.0 TABLE 3: APPROVED PAINT PRODUCTS/MANUFACTURERS ........................................... 29

16.0 TABLE 4: FINISH & SAFETY COLORS ........................................................................................ 30

17.0 SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................................................ 31

18.0 CLASSIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ZONES ..................................................................... 32

A7XN-RC-85-SP-0022-R3 External Painting Mechanical

PAE Sucursal Argentina, SL. Specification A7XN-RC-85-SP-0022
Campana Refinery Projects Date: 01 OCT 2019
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1.1 This specification covers external painting of aboveground plant facilities exposed to
weather and operating at temperatures less than 538°C (1,000 °F).

1.2 This specification is not applicable to buried surfaces, immersed surfaces, and
aboveground architectural components and buildings.

3 1.3 This Practice provides recommended methods of surface preparation and coating
application to provide the intended coating service life by standardizing work
procedures, materials, and inspection requirements.

1.4 This Practice is applicable to both shop and field applied coating systems, coating
systems used for both new installations, and repair and maintenance to existing

1.5 All OSHA, Plant, and Local Laws or Safety Regulations, will be adhered to in the use,
application, and administration of this Practice.

1.6 The Contractor shall ensure that the volatile organic compound (VOC) content of
coatings do not exceed maximum levels specified in current jurisdictional regulations.

1.7 A lead content evaluation shall be performed prior to any surface preparation or
repair of existing coatings. Any lead bearing coatings found shall be managed
according to jurisdictional lead exposure, containment, and control procedures.

1.8 This Practice intends to eliminate heavy metal coatings (Red Lead, Zinc Chromate,
etc.) from use.

1.9 Any deviation from this Practice shall be approved by the COMPANY.

1.10 An asterisk (*) indicates that a decision by the Owner’s Engineer or COMPANY is
required, or that additional information is furnished by the Purchaser.


3 2.1 COMPANY shall mean PAN AMERICAN ENERGY, Sucursal Argentina, SL.

2.2 Contractor shall mean the painting contractor or party responsible for painting.

2.3 Purchaser shall mean The COMPANY, or an Engineering Contractor acting as an

authorized representative for the COMPANY that issues the Purchase Order and
Specifications to the Supplier.

2.4 Supplier shall mean fabricator and/or supplier of pipe, equipment, structural steel,
and other items to be painted. If Supplier is responsible for painting, the Supplier is
also considered as Contractor.

A7XN-RC-85-SP-0022-R3 External Painting Mechanical

PAE Sucursal Argentina, SL. Specification A7XN-RC-85-SP-0022
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2.5 Application Data shall mean application instructions, recommendations and

guidelines described in the published literature of the coating materials' Manufacturer,
referenced industry standards and any specific requirements noted in this
specification and any drawings issued to the Contractor. In case of conflicting
requirements between the documents, Contractor shall submit all conflicting
information to the Purchaser for resolution. If the published literature of the
Manufacturer does not contain required information, Contractor shall obtain
additional information from the parent corporate office of the Manufacturer. Any
deviations from or changes to Manufacturer's published literature shall be subject to
Purchaser’s review, acceptance or rejection.

Note: Where recommendations, instructions and guidelines are given in permissive

language such as “may,” “should,” and “recommended,” compliance with
those recommendations, instructions and guidelines shall be considered
mandatory unless otherwise instructed by the Purchaser.

2.6 Approved Equal shall mean a product approved by the Purchaser as equal to the
product specified in this specification.

2.7 Carbon Steels (CS) shall mean carbon steels including alloy steels with chromium
content of 9¼% or less.

2.8 Catalog Equipment shall mean catalog items or assemblies of catalog items such as
bulk valves, control instruments, electrical equipment, compressors, motors, pumps
and similar items that are not specifically designed and custom fabricated for the

2.9 Coastal Environment shall mean within 4.8 km (3 miles) of the seacoast Category
C5-M according to ISO-12944 Paints and Varnishes - Corrosion Protection of Steel
Structures by Protective Paint Systems - Part 2: Classification of Environments.

2.10 Coat shall mean one full layer of the specified material applied to the specified
thickness. Multiple passes including initial mist pass are necessary to form a coat. A
mist pass is not considered a full coat. The cost of a coat shall include the cost of mist

Note: Mist coats are the same as mist passes.

2.11 Custom Equipment shall mean equipment specifically designed and fabricated for
the project, such as process equipment, skid units, boilers, heat exchangers, heaters,
heat recovery steam generators, vessels, drums, shop fabricated tanks, stacks,
control valves and actuators and other made-to-order equipment and related items
including structural components.

2.12 Dry Film Thickness (DFT) shall mean the thickness of the dry film of the coating. In
the absence of a specified range, the value stated shall mean a minimum value and
the maximum value shall not be more than 1,5 times the stated value.

2.13 Dry Film Thickness (DFT) Measurement shall mean the average value of three
readings recorded by dry film thickness gage. The readings shall be within a 150mm
(6”) radius and evenly spread out from a given spot.

A7XN-RC-85-SP-0022-R3 External Painting Mechanical

PAE Sucursal Argentina, SL. Specification A7XN-RC-85-SP-0022
Campana Refinery Projects Date: 01 OCT 2019
- Revision 3
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2.14 Insulated Surfaces shall mean steel surfaces that will be insulated.

2.15 Manufacturer shall mean the manufacturer of the specified paint.

2.16 Operating Temperature shall mean the maximum temperature of the substrate
surface exposed to weather (indoor and outdoor) during operating conditions. For
example, operating temperature of refractory lined equipment for painting purposes
shall be the temperature of the metal surface exposed to the weather during
operation. The steam-out temperature of piping and equipment shall not be
considered as a basis for paint system selection, unless specifically instructed in
writing by the Purchaser and acknowledged in writing by the Purchaser.

2.17 Piping shall mean piping, pipe fittings, valves, pipe supports and accessories unless
a particular item and/or size limitation is stated.

2.18 Stainless Steel (SS) shall mean austenitic stainless steel such as Type 304, 316,
321 and 347.

2.19 Structural steel shall mean structural steel other than the structural steel that is an
integral part of fabricated equipment by the Supplier (Example: Structural steel of a
boiler structure shall be painted in the same manner as the boiler's other surfaces.)

2.20 Tanks shall mean field fabricated above ground storage tanks (AST).

2.21 Uninsulated Surfaces shall mean carbon steel or stainless steel and other alloy
surfaces which will not be insulated.

2.22 Work shall mean all labor, supervision, installed and consumable materials, services,
equipment, instruments, tools, and each and every item of expense necessary for
preparing the surfaces for paint application, application of paint materials, repairs,
quality control, and cleanup thereafter.

3 2.23 Inspection Test Plan (ITP) an inspection plan developed prior to the start of any
work which includes all inspection points. These inspection points include:

a) Hold Points – Work cannot continue until the Inspector has approved the
current stage of work.

b) Witness Points – Work must be witnessed by the Inspector

c) Review Points – Documentation shall be reviewed by the Inspector and

others as defined in the ITP.

2.24 Inspector is a COMPANY appointed engineer or inspector.

2.25 Owner is the same COMPANY

2.26 Owner Engineering is a part of designed by a COMPANY

2.27 Refinery or RC is refer to Campana Refinery, property of the COMPANY

A7XN-RC-85-SP-0022-R3 External Painting Mechanical

PAE Sucursal Argentina, SL. Specification A7XN-RC-85-SP-0022
Campana Refinery Projects Date: 01 OCT 2019
- Revision 3
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The latest revision, including addenda, of the following references in effect on the date
Purchase Order or a Contract shall apply. Except as modified by the requirements specified in
this specification or on the drawings, all Work performed shall comply with the applicable
provisions of the following referenced publications. Any conflicts between the following
references and this specification shall be brought to the Purchaser’s attention to obtain a
written resolution from the Purchaser.

3 3.1 Local laws and Local environmental regulations and IH regulations

Law 19587 Higiene y Seguridad en el Trabajo

Campana bylaw Nº 5.379 Prohibición uso de chorro de arena de sílice u otras

sustancias que contuvieran más del 1% (uno por
ciento) de Sílice impulsado por aire comprimido
(arenado) en lugares abiertos.

3.2 Argentina Standards

Norma IRAM DEF D 1054 Carta de Colores para pinturas de acabado brillante
y mate. (Colors Chart for brilliant and opaque finish
Norma IRAM 10005-1 Colores y Señales de Seguridad. Colores y Señales
Fundamentales. (Colors and Safety Signals. Colors
and Main Signals).
Norma IRAM 10005-2 Colores y Señales de Seguridad. Aplicación de los
Colores de Seguridad en Señalizaciones
Particulares. (Colors and Safety Signals. Use of
Safety Colors in Particular Signals).
3 3.3 PAE Standards

SF 001-004 Colores de Seguridad para la marcación de lugares

de trabajo.

PRO-REF-SHEREF-SEG-34 Sistemas de seguridad para identificación de


3.4 ASTM (ASTM International, formerly American Society for Testing and

B117 Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus.

D3276 Standard Guide for Painting Inspectors (Metal Substrates).

D4285 Standard Test Method for Indicating Oil or Water in Compressed Air.

D4417 Standard Test Methods for Field Measurement of Surface Profile of

Blast Cleaned Steel.

A7XN-RC-85-SP-0022-R3 External Painting Mechanical

PAE Sucursal Argentina, SL. Specification A7XN-RC-85-SP-0022
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D4541 Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Strength of Coatings Using

Portable Adhesion Testers.

D4752 Standard Practice for Measuring MEK Resistance of Ethyl Silicate

(Inorganic) Zinc-Rich Primers by Solvent Rub.

D5402 Standard Practice for Assessing the Solvent Resistance of Organic

Coatings Using Solvent Rubs.

E337 Standard Test Method for Measuring Humidity with a Psychrometer

(the Measurement of Wet- and Dry-Bulb Temperatures).

3.5 International Organization for Standardization (ISO):

ISO 2808 Paints and Varnishes – Determination of film thickness

ISO 8501-1 Preparation of Steel Substrates before Application of Paints and

Related Products - Visual Assessment of Surface Cleanliness - Part
1: Rust Grades and Preparation Grades of Uncoated Steel
Substrates and of Steel Substrates after Overall Removal of Previous

ISO 8501-3 Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of Paints and

Related Products - Tests for Surface Cleanliness - Part 3:
Assessment of Dust on Steel Surface Prepared for Painting
(Pressure-Sensitive Tape Method)

ISO 12944-2 Paints and Varnishes - Corrosion Protection of Steel Structures by

Protective Paint Systems - Part 2: Classification of Environments

ISO 12944-3 Paints and Varnishes - Corrosion Protection of Steel Structures by

Protective Paint Systems - Part 3: Design Considerations

3.6 NACE International

NACE SP-0198 Control of Corrosion under Thermal Insulation and Fireproofing

Materials—A Systems Approach

3.7 SSPC (Society for Protective Coatings):

SSPC-AB 1 Mineral and Slag Abrasives.

SSPC-AB 2 Cleanliness of Recycled Ferrous Metallic Abrasives.

SSPC-AB 3 Ferrous Metallic Abrasive.

SSPC-SP 1 Solvent Cleaning.

SSPC-SP 2 Hand Tool Cleaning.

SSPC-SP 3 Power Tool Cleaning.

A7XN-RC-85-SP-0022-R3 External Painting Mechanical

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SSPC-SP 6 Commercial Blast Cleaning.

SSPC-SP 10 Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning.

SSPC-SP 11 Power Tool Cleaning To Bare Metal.

SSPC-SP 16 Brush-Off Blast Cleaning of Coated and Uncoated Galvanized Steel,

Stainless Steels, and Non-Ferrous Metals.

SSPC-VIS 1 Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces Prepared by

Dry Abrasive Blast Cleaning.

SSPC-PA 1 Shop, Field, and Maintenance Painting of Steel.

3.8 Manufacturer’s Application Data Sheets and (Material) Safety Data Sheets in
accordance with Globally Harmonized System (GHS - SGA: Sistema Globalmente
Armonizado) per Resolution 801/95 of SRT – Superintendency of Work Risks.

3.9 Related Project Specifications

A7XN-RC-85-SP-0023 Galvanizing


4.1 The Supplier shall perform all Work related to surface preparation, priming and finish
painting of the Catalog Equipment, including all attachments thereto, in accordance
with the Supplier’s standard paint system, subject to the Purchaser’s choice of finish
colors and a minimum corrosion protection level of 2000 hours (salt fog resistance)
when tested in accordance with ASTM B117.

4.2 The Supplier shall perform all Work related to surface preparation, priming and finish
painting of the following items including all attachments (excluding prepainted shelf
items) thereto in accordance with the Painting Schedule of this specification:

• Custom Equipment

• Piping

• Structural steel (non-galvanized) and miscellaneous items except tank plates for
field erection and those items specified to be galvanized.

4.3 The Contractor shall perform all Work related to the following tasks, by way of
example but not by limitation, necessary to complete the application of all painting
systems in accordance with this specification:

• Cleaning of surfaces to remove all dirt, foreign matter, grease, oil, etc. with fresh
water and/or degreaser.

• Repair of damaged surfaces of shop coating.

• Surface preparation and priming of bare metallic surfaces.

A7XN-RC-85-SP-0022-R3 External Painting Mechanical

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• Finish painting of primed surfaces.

• Repainting of custom equipment with damaged finish paint.

• Application of safety color coding and pipe identification.

4.4 The Contractor shall provide a coating procedure including, but not limited to:

• Identification of the structures, systems and components to be coated, the

coating system and finish coat color to be applied, and the specific coating
products to be used for each coat of each system

• Product data sheets

• Safety data sheets prepared in accordance with Globally Harmonized System

(GHS - SGA: Sistema Globalmente Armonizado) per Resolution 801/95 of SRT
– Superintendency of Work Risks.

• Method for identification and removal of soluble salts and other contaminants

• Coating material handling and storage and inventory controls.

• Metal preparation at welds and edges.

• Description of the degree of cleanliness and surface profile to be achieved

during surface preparation. Indicate the abrasive to be used. Where different
types of surfaces comprising the item(s) to be coated will be prepared to
different criteria, define the criteria applicable for each.

• Description of the specific type/configuration of tools to be used for any

alternative surface preparation techniques other than abrasive blasting.

• Application, touch-up, and curing.

• Techniques to correct out-of-spec film thickness and surface treatment

processes for "freshening" coatings that have exceeded their recoat windows.

• Inspection.

• Disposal of waste, debris, and unconsumed coating materials.

3 • Supplier Coating procedure shall detailed Painting Schemes with brands that
shall be applied and verified (signed) by Coating Manufacturer.

• Certification of Personnel

• Supplier shall have a NACE level 3 Inspector (or equivalent) to verify and
control painting application or a NACE level 1 or 2 supervised by an
Inspector Level 3.

A7XN-RC-85-SP-0022-R3 External Painting Mechanical

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• Coating applicators shall be qualified according to ASTM D 4228-99:

Standard Practice for Qualification of Coating Applicators of Coatings to
Steel Surfaces. Operators shall be individually certified by an approved
organization (ACQPA, FROSIO, etc.)

• Inspectors shall be individually certified by an approved organization

(ACQPA, FROSIO, NACE International minimum Level 3 with Peer


5.1 Items Which Do Not Require Painting

The following items do not require any surface preparation or painting unless
otherwise specified.

• Non-metallic items such as concrete (except when required for corrosion

resistance or for safety i.e. edges of concrete steps), glass, plastic, wood, etc.

• FRP, plastics, and PVC piping except when required for UV protection.

3 • Non-ferrous metals such as aluminum, copper, or copper alloys, Monel 400,

nickel, galvanized steel and uninsulated stainless steel (containing more than
11% chromium), brass, etc.

• Galvanized surfaces except for safety color coding, when located in coastal
(within 4.8 km (3 miles) of the seacoast), offshore environments or coating

• Insulation weatherproofing.

• Cast iron products such as manhole covers and grating.

• Uninsulated stainless steel and alloy surfaces operating at -40°C (-40°F) and
below and above 148°C (300 ˚F).

• Insulated carbon steel surfaces operating at 149°C (301°F) and above unless
cycling below 148°C (300˚F).

3 • Surfaces that will be protected with intumescent fireproofing coating or concrete


• Surfaces that will be protected or insulated with refractory materials.

• Machined parts of operating equipment

• Exterior surface of insulation.

• Brick, concrete, and concrete block, and wood.

A7XN-RC-85-SP-0022-R3 External Painting Mechanical

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• Nameplates, identification tags, and sight glasses.

3 • Gasket sealing surfaces, threaded connections, and weld joint areas of piping
and other fittings to be field welded.

• Interior surface of piping, valves, and equipment.

• Tubing.

5.2 Items Which Require Protection from Blast Cleaning and painting

Surfaces which could be damaged by abrasives, dust, or paint overspray shall be

protected by wrapping, taping, or other means to prevent damage. Such surfaces
shall include, by way of example, but not by limitation, the following:

• High Alloys (Monel, Incoloy, or Hastelloy)

• Bearings
• Conduit
• Control panels
• Control valves
• Couplings
• Equipment nameplates
• Expansion joint bellows
• Fire sprinkler heads
• Flange and nozzle facings and other machined contact surfaces
• Glass, rubber, gasket materials etc.
• Identification tags
• Instrument glasses and gauge dials
• Machined surfaces (threads, valve stems, pump and cylinder rods, shafts, etc.)
• Screws
• Spring hanger graduations
• Uninsulated stainless steel operating at 60°C (140°F ) and below
• Internal surfaces of pipe, valves, etc.
• Valve stems and position indicators

Note: Stainless steel surfaces shall be protected from zinc- and aluminum-rich
coatings at all times. Any accidental overspray of zinc and aluminum,
including trace amounts, over stainless steel surfaces must be completely

5.3 All materials used to mask areas requiring protection during blasting and painting
operations shall be removed upon completion. Particular attention must be paid to
the removal of masking on valve stems, vents on storage tanks, and air intakes on
rotating equipment.


6.1 Unless otherwise stated in the Application Data and approved by the Purchaser,
painting shall be done when:

A7XN-RC-85-SP-0022-R3 External Painting Mechanical

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• Pressure testing is complete

• Ambient temperature is above 10°C (50°F) and below 43°C (110°F )
• Metal surface temperature is at least 3°C (5°F) above the dew point
• Relative humidity is less than 85%
• There is no likelihood of rain within 24 hours after painting
• Protection of surfaces not required to be painted, e.g. stainless steel, is in place


7.1 Carbon Steels (Bare Metal)

7.1.1 Surfaces shall be prepared and cleaned in accordance with the SSPC
specifications indicated in the Coating Schedule/Procedure, and as
indicated in the coating Manufacturer’s printed instructions specifying
surface preparation for the coating system to be used. Surfaces shall be
thoroughly pressure washed with potable water to remove all dirt, dust and
water soluble salts. The water washing shall be considered critical,
especially if the surfaces are, or have been, exposed to a salt environment.
If any grease and oils are present on the surface, the surfaces shall be
washed with biodegradable non-ionic detergent solution or suitable
hydrocarbon solvent until the surfaces are completely free of all surface
contamination. There shall be no smudge on the surface when rubbed with
a clean cloth. Surfaces cleaned with detergent shall be thoroughly rinsed
with potable water to remove traces of detergent.

3 7.1.2 Welded areas shall be given special attention for removal of rough or sharp
edges, weld flux, slag, weld metal spatter, weld heat oxides, slivers, and
foreign objects before blasting. Weld reinforcement shall not be removed
and base metal shall not be ground below the surface. Depending on
surface conditions, stripe coating of the weld seam may be required prior to
application of the first coat.

7.1.3 All sharp edges shall be ground to a minimum 2 mm (5/64th inch) radius.

7.1.4 Surface preparation and anchor pattern (surface profile) shall be as

specified in the Application Data for each individual paint system.

7.1.5 Before applying any coating, blast cleaned surfaces shall be vacuumed and
wiped with a clean cloth to remove all traces of dust. Care shall be taken to
ensure that no lint or other residue is left on the cleaned surface by the

7.1.6 Cleaned surfaces shall be coated within four hours and before occurrence
of any trace of rust. If rust is noticed, the surface shall be blast cleaned
again. Where the item to be painted is large, it shall be cleaned and primed
in sections.

3 7.1.7 Dry abrasive blasting shall be the preferred method. Where abrasive
blasting is impractical, impossible, or unsafe, alternate procedures using
power tool cleaning (in accordance with SSPC SP-3, SSPC SP-11, or
SSPC SP-15), hand tool cleaning (in accordance with SSPC SP-2), water

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blasting (in accordance with NACE WJ-1, NACE WJ-2, NACE WJ-3, and
NACE WJ-4), or other methods as recommended by Manufacturer may be
used with approval by the COMPANY or PURCHARSER.

7.1.8 Water jetting or steam cleaning may be used to remove oil, grease, and
other surface contaminants when approved by the Owner’s Engineer and/or

7.1.9 Hand and power tool cleaning shall be conducted per SSPC SP-2/SSPC
SP-3, so as to remove burrs, weld spatter, sharp edges, and other
irregularities, but to minimize polishing or burnishing of the prepared

7.1.10 Abrasive blasting should not be performed if the steel surface temperature
is less than 5°F above the dew point or if the relative humidity is greater
than 80%.

7.1.11 Carbon steel brushes shall not be used on stainless steel or other high-alloy
materials. Silicon carbide abrasives shall not be used on stainless steel or
other high-alloy materials.

7.1.12 Surfaces shall be blown, wiped, or vacuumed for free of blasting abrasive
and dust before they are primed.

7.1.13 Galvanized surfaces to be coated shall be cleaned per SSPC SP-16. (see

7.1.14 Freshly blasted surfaces are subject to immediate corrosion, particularly in

areas of high humidity or salt atmosphere. Surface preparation shall be
limited to areas which can be primed before visible or detrimental rusting

7.1.15 Immediately prior to coating application, the entire surface shall comply with
the degree of cleaning specified in the applicable SSPC standard.

7.1.16 A 12 inch wide strip of uncoated blasted surface shall be left between
primed and un-blasted surfaces to prevent damage to the newly dried
coating when additional blasting is done. When blast cleaning is resumed,
the 12 inch strip of previously blasted surface shall require only a light brush
blast to remove any rust that may be present. Cleaning shall be
accomplished by holding the cleaning nozzle in a direction away from the
coated surface.

7.1.17 SSPC SP-15 and SSPC SP-11 may be used for small areas (typically less
than 0,1 m²)

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7.2 Carbon Steel (Prepainted or Primed Surfaces Requiring Further Coating)

All surfaces shall be thoroughly degreased and washed in the manner stated for bare
carbon steels above. Coated surfaces shall not be washed until the
previously applied coating(s) have reached full water resistance. Consult
coating manufacturer for curing schedule.

The washed surfaces shall be completely dry prior to further application of paint
materials. Any additional surface preparation, such as sanding required by
the coating manufacturer shall be followed prior to top coating.

7.3 Galvanized Surfaces

Galvanized surfaces requiring painting for safety identification purposes or in

coastal/offshore environments shall be solvent washed per SSPC-AP 1 and
sweep blasted per SSPC-SP 16 and cleaned in accordance with the
Application Data for epoxy primer (P-4). A minimum surface profile of 25
microns (0.001”) or as required by the coating Manufacturer shall be

7.4 Stainless Steel

Any power or hand tool cleaning of stainless steel shall be done using SS brushes or
equipment that have not been used on carbon steel surfaces.

Solvents used for removal of oil or grease from SS surfaces shall be non-chlorinated
and suitable for use on stainless steel.


8.1 Environmental Compliance (see paragraph 17 for more information of Safety

and Environment)

All cleaners, primers, finishes and solvent materials shall be environmentally safe
products and regardless of local regulations, shall not contain hazardous
materials such as CFCs, lead, chromates and other heavy metals
which cause air, soil and water pollution. Products that do not comply with
the pollution regulations of the local governmental agencies are not allowed
for use on this Project. All products must be legally safe to use; and the
Supplier and the Contractor are responsible for verifying the product
compliance with local environmental regulations and IH regulations (Law

3 Dry sandblasting is not allowed to apply in open areas in the field of Refinery, in
accordance with Campana bylaw Nº 5.379

8.2 Compressed Air

The compressed air shall be passed through a cooler.

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All air compressors shall be of a sufficient size to deliver 690 kPa (100 psi) at the
nozzle. Each compressor shall have two coalescing oil/moisture filters, one
located at the compressed air discharge and one located just before the

Compressed air used for blasting and coating application must be clean, oil and water
free and dry. Testing for evidence of oil or water shall be done in
accordance with ASTM D4285 at the beginning of each shift, every four
hours thereafter, at the end of each shift and after any interruption of
compressor operation.

8.3 Abrasives

3 The abrasive media shall conform to regional, local, and environmental regulations.

Abrasives shall be composed of clean, dry, hard particles free of foreign substances
such as dirt, oil, grease, toxic substances, organic matter, mill scale and
water soluble salts, meeting the requirements of SSPC-AB 1, Class A. The
pH of the abrasive materials shall be 6.0 to 8.5. Abrasives shall be sharp
garnet or aluminum oxide grit of Rockwell hardness 40 to 50 and properly
graded. Abrasive particle size shall be suitable for producing an angular
sharp anchor profile of 40 to 65 µm (1.5 to 2.5 mils) or as specified in the
Application Data. Steel shot alone is not acceptable. Mineral abrasives
shall meet the requirements of SSPC-AB 1, Type I or II, Class A. Silica
sand and other abrasives containing more than 1% crystalline silica and
copper slag shall not be used.

Abrasives used for blasting stainless steel shall be garnet or aluminum oxide and
shall contain no metals.

8.4 Cleaners and Paint Materials

The degreaser shall be a non-toxic and biodegradable water based cleaner.

Primer and finish paint materials shall be those listed in Table 1 and Table 3.

Primers and finishes shall be factory tinted, sealed, and labeled products and
approved by the Purchaser. Each label shall show the product name,
number, type of paint, lot or batch number, color and instructions for mixing
and/or thinning. Solvents shall be products of the same manufacturer and
be used in accordance with the Application Data.

Coating materials that have exceeded their shelf life shall not be used.

Mixing of partial kits is not allowed.

Solvents used on SS shall be chlorine and halogen free.

All materials shall be free from asbestos, lead, and heavy metals.

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Coating product’s volatile organic content shall meet minimum requirements of local
and state requirements.

8.5 Paint Application Equipment

Spray equipment shall be as recommended in the Application Data. Sufficient

number of spare parts shall be made available at the work site.

3 8.6 Temperature and Humidity Requirements

Maintain environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, and ventilation) within

limits recommended by Coating Manufacturer

Do not apply primers or coatings when temperature of substrate and/or surrounding

ambient air temperature is outside of the recommended range by the
Coating Manufacturer. Temporary protection and heat shall be maintained
at this minimum temperature before, during, and after material application.

For low temperature (below 50°F (10°C), consult Coating Manufacturer, Project
Manager, Project Inspector, and COMPANY regarding low temperature
curing agents and/or products that can be applied and adequately cure in
these conditions.

Steel substrate temperature shall be a minimum of 5°F (3°C) above the dew point of
the surrounding air during the application of the material. If necessary for
job schedule, heat, and enclosures shall be provided to maintain proper
temperatures and humidity levels in the application areas.

The relative humidity of the application area shall not exceed the Coating
Manufacturer’s instructions during and after the application of the material.

Dew point temperature shall be determined by psychrometer in accordance with

ASTM E337 at the location where work is being performed.


9.1 Finish colors shall match the RAL Colors in accordance with Table 1 and Table 4 of
this specification and Annex I – table 5, attached.

9.2 Colors of each coat shall be contrasting.

9.3 Colors, Signage, and Identification Stenciling: Labels and markings that are damaged
or destroyed by blasting and painting operations shall be replaced unless directed
otherwise by Company's Site Representative.

3 9.4 Piping Identifications and Finish colors shall match the RAL Colors in accordance
with Table 5 of Annex I, attached to this technical specification.

9.5 Equipment Identifications shall be in accordance with Annex I, attached to this

technical specification.

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10.1 Proper functioning of the in-line moisture and oil traps shall be evaluated daily by
allowing the air supply (downstream of the traps) to blow against a clean, white cloth
in accordance with ASTM D4285 and as indicated in 6.2 above. No moisture or oil
should be deposited on the cloth. If contaminants are detected, the equipment
deficiencies shall be corrected and the air stream shall be retested. Cleaned surfaces
determined to have been blasted since the last successful test shall be degreased
and reblasted with clean air and abrasive. Primers and finishes determined to have
been applied using contaminated air shall be removed and recoated using clean air.

10.2 All painting shall be in accordance with this specification and Table 1, Primers and
Finishes, Table 2, Painting Schedule, Table 3, Approved Paint Products and
Suppliers and Table 4, Finish and Safety Colors.

10.3 Storing; thinning; mixing order; mixing procedure, including the mixer speed and
mixing time; handling; and application of paint materials shall be in accordance with
the Application Data.

10.4 Pigmented and catalyzed materials shall be thoroughly mixed and strained before
applying. Materials that have not been applied within the pot-life times shall be
discarded and properly disposed of.

10.5 Paints with metallic pigments such as zinc and aluminum shall be continuously
agitated to prevent settling of the pigment while being applied.

10.6 Ends of pipe and edges of structural steel items that will require welding shall be
masked off after blast cleaning and left unpainted 50 mm (2”) from the edge to
facilitate welding. The masking material shall be removed as soon as possible after

10.7 Paint shall be spray applied if the adjacent property can be protected from overspray.
Otherwise, except for inorganic zinc, the paint shall be applied by roller or brush.

10.8 Weld lanes, bolt heads, corners, and edges require an initial brush or “stripe” coat
before the application of the paint system to assure wetting of the surface and
adequate film build.

10.9 Paint materials shall be uniformly applied in even, parallel passes overlapping each
pass 50% immediately followed by cross-spray passes to obtain a continuous film
without bare spots, pinholes or holidays. The coated surface shall have no runs,
sags, solvent blisters, dry spray or other blemishes. All irregularities shall be removed
or repaired and recoated.

10.10 Intercoat contamination shall be minimized by maintaining proper cleanliness and by

applying all coatings within the time period stated in the Application Data. If
contaminants are present, they shall be removed before applying subsequent coats.

10.11 Coatings applied over inorganic zinc primer shall be applied using a mist coat/full coat

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10.12 All valve stems, glass, moving parts, bearings, couplings, shafts, lubricant fittings,
gasket sealing surfaces, threaded connections, equipment nameplates, or other
important or sensitive parts shall be protected from damage by coating operations
including over spray, dripping, and sandblasting. Any coating falling on, or applied to,
such surfaces shall be removed. All such parts may be coated with rust preventatives
or strippable coatings.


11.1 Repairs to primed, finish painted and galvanized surfaces shall be as follows:

11.2 Damaged coatings shall be removed by abrasive blasting or power tool cleaning
(SSPC-SP 11) unless they are tightly bonded to the substrate metal. The surface
shall be wiped with a clean rag to remove all dust and loose materials. If there is any
oil, grease or other foreign matter, it shall be pressure washed with water-based non-
ionic, biodegradable detergent followed by further rinsing with potable water to
remove all traces of the detergent. The surface shall then be dried.

11.3 Areas with spot rust, burnt residue, weld spatter and other solid adherent foreign
matter shall be cleaned per SSPC-SP 11, Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal, using
3M ScotchBrite surface conditioning discs, MBX Bristle Blaster or similar tool that will
yield a 40 to 65 µm (1.5 to 2.5 mils) profile. Weld joints of galvanized items shall be
cleaned with 3M Clean 'N Strip cup wheels or MBX Bristle Blaster prior to feathering
with 3M ScotchBrite surface conditioning discs.

11.4 Existing coating shall be feathered and roughened at the edges with sandpaper.

11.5 All dust shall be removed from the surface by vacuuming, brushing and wiping with a
clean cloth.

11.6 Repair materials shall be as follows:

Zinc rich epoxy (organic zinc) shall be used for repair of inorganic zinc primers where
the operating temperatures are ambient through 93°C (200°F).

Silicone acrylic for operating temperatures 94°C (201°F ) through 204°C (400°F ).

Silicone aluminum for operating temperatures 205°C (401°F ) through 538°C (1000°F

For repair of galvanized surfaces with operating temperatures at or below 93°C

(200°F): ZRC Galvalite, Zinga, Galvacon or approved equal. Aerosol
versions of these coatings are not to be used.

11.7 Primer repair material shall not overlap the existing adjacent finish. However, the
finish repair material shall overlap the adjacent existing finish a minimum of 50 mm

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12.1 Documentation and Requirements

The Supplier and Contractor are solely responsible for all QA/QC activities
regardless of any QA/QC activities performed by the Purchaser. The
Supplier and Contractor shall maintain documentation to comply with the
guidelines of ASTM D3276 and shall submit their daily surface preparation
and coating report form for review and approval. Inspection shall also
comply with the following additional requirements. Any approvals for
products and procedures submitted by the Supplier and Contractor shall
be considered additional to the requirements stated in the specification and
shall not be considered as a substitution to the requirements of this

All QA/QC documentation for work performed shall be made available to the
Purchaser on demand and without notice. If the Supplier and Contractor
are unable to produce the QA/QC documentation to the satisfaction of the
Purchaser, such absence of documentation shall be sufficient cause for the
Purchaser to reject the work performed.

3 Quality Assurance and an Inspection Test Plan ITP shall be developed by the
Supplier and Contractor and presented to the customer for approval prior to
the start of any work. The COMPANY or Purchaser shall identify all
required Hold or Witness inspection points.

The Purchaser’s review (or lack thereof) of quality control documents shall not be
construed as acceptance of omissions or defective work. Nor shall it in any
way lessen the Supplier’s responsibilities to provide a completely operative
system or component in full compliance with this specification.

At the discretion of the Owner’s Engineer, and prior to job commencement, the
Manufacturer shall submit Infrared Spectroscopy fingerprints of all coating
material batches to be supplied.

The shop coating facility and/or coating contractor shall permit inspection of all
phases of work by an authorized Company Representative. The following
items are general conditions and procedures which may be inspected at the

• Material handling and storage.

• Atmospheric and/or internal shop environmental conditions, such as

temperature, humidity, lighting, dew point.

• Surface preparation equipment.

• Steel surfaces prior to surface preparation.

• Steel surfaces following cleaning and surface preparation.

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• Application equipment.

• Material containers and ID labels.

• Application process.

• Coating film quality and thickness, wet and dry.

All coated surfaces in severe/emergent services as determined by the Owner's

Engineer shall be inspected for holidays and discontinuities as per NACE
0188 after completion and curing of the final coat.

For insulated equipment and piping, insulation shall not be installed until all coated
surfaces are fully cured, inspected, and approved by the Inspector.

The following are the minimum inspection points that are required during all coating
applications. For some projects, additional inspection points may be
specified by the Owner’s Engineer or Inspector and these inspection points
shall be identified on the ITP. The Contractor shall notify the Owner’s
Engineer or Inspector when the inspection points are ready for inspection.

• Hold Point 1: Prior to commencing surface preparation to verify that the

surfaces are free of oil, grease, or other contaminants that might not be
adequately removed by abrasive blasting. Note: Any other surface
anomalies, such as excessive weld spatter, rough weld beads, etc., as
identified by the Contractor shall be brought to the Owner’s Engineer or
Inspector’s attention for repair.

• Hold Point 2: After blasting to verify that the degree of cleanliness and
suitable surface profile prior to coating.

• Hold Point 3: After primer coat and each successive coat to check wet film
thickness, dry film thickness, and visually assess each coat for repairs.

• Hold Point 4: After coating system application to verify that the specified total
dry film thickness has been achieved, to visually assess the overall
application quality of the coating system, to verify the coating system has
properly cured per the Manufacturer’s product data sheet, and is free from
holidays or discontinuities.

• Additional hold points may be specified by the Owner’s Engineer or


The Contractor shall be responsible for quality control including inspection of their
work. The Contractor’s designated quality control supervisor shall be
responsible for the implementation of the approved ITP.

The Contractor shall provide all the testing equipment required (see paragraph 12.2
for more details) to implement the ITP, including but not limited to the

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• Assessing surface cleanliness using SSPC VIS-1 reference photographs.

• Measuring surface profile per NACE 0287.

• Measuring soluble salt contamination.

• Measuring surface temperature.

• Measuring wet film thickness.

• Measuring dry film thickness (non-destructive).

The Owner’s Engineer acceptance of the job shall not relieve the Contractor’s or the
Manufacturer’s responsibility for the performance of work to this

All materials and work shall be subject to inspection by the Owner’s Engineer or
Inspector. Work shall be accessible at all times. The Owner’s Engineer or
Inspector reserves the right to reject any work which does not comply with
this Practice.

The Contractor shall maintain a record of their inspections and shall submit this to the
Owner’s Engineer upon completion of the work.

As a minimum, the Contractor’s inspections records shall include the following:

• The Manufacturer’s product data sheets and batch numbers.

• Daily ambient weather conditions.

• Steel substrate temperature tests.

• Surface preparation inspections, including surface profile measurements and

residual chloride checks.

• Air supply quality tests.

• Records of equipment calibration for each use.

• Wet film thickness of each coat.

• Dry film thickness for each coat.

Daily weather conditions (see paragraphs 12.3 to 12.6 for more information) shall be
checked as follows:

• At the start and completion of surface preparation.

• At the start and completion of coating application.

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• Any time when weather conditions are changing.

Repairs shall be inspected to ensure they have been satisfactorily carried out and are
in accordance with the Manufacturer’s specified requirements.

An authorized Company Representative shall, for each item coated, determine and
record the information. A log shall be maintained of all reports, inspections,
and test (including date, time, and results of instrument calibrations). The
Shop Paint Supervisor and/or contractors Paint Foreman shall maintain this
record if the Company Representative is not present.

12.2 Instruments

The Supplier and Contractor shall supply, calibrate and maintain the following
instruments or approved equals for inspection. Alternate instruments may
be approved by the Purchaser. All instruments shall be capable of
recording measurements in SI units.

Temperature and Gardner Certified Hygrometer and Temperature

Humidity Indicator.
Surface cleanliness SSPC-VIS 1 or NACE blast cleaned panels.
Surface profile Elcometer surface profile gauge (Model 123), Keane-
Tator Surface Profile Comparator or Testex Press-O-
Wet Film Thickness Elcometer Model 154 or Nordson Wet Film Thickness
Dry Film Thickness Single coat thickness: Elcometer 415 or Mikrotest
Multi-coat system: Elcometer Paint Inspection Gauge
Model 121 or Electrophysik P.I.G 455.
Bond or Adhesion Elcometer Adhesion Tester Model 106 or PosiTest
Strength Adhesion Tester.

12.3 Minimum Inspection Required Prior To and During Surface Preparation

Verify that all oil, grease, dirt, chlorides and other contaminants have been removed.

Verify that nearby inlets of air intake and vacuum systems equipment are properly
protected before initiation of blast cleaning operations.

Verify that items requiring protection from abrasives and dust are properly protected.

Verify that the surface temperature is 3°C (5°F) above the dew point and rain is not
forecasted within the scheduled painting time plus 24 hours.

Check abrasive quality, air quality and surface profile.

Verify that cleaned surfaces are free of contamination and that chloride testing has
been completed.

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12.4 Minimum Inspection Required Prior to Painting

Verify that the storage, shelf life, mixing, thinning and application of primers and
finishes are in accordance with the Application Data.

All surfaces shall be visually inspected to assure that the proper surface cleanliness
and surface profile necessary for painting exist.

Document the temperature, humidity and substrate surface temperature.

Verify that surfaces not to be coated are masked off or otherwise protected prior to
painting of adjacent surfaces. Stainless steel must be protected from zinc-
and aluminum- rich coatings.

12.5 Minimum Inspection Required During Painting

Verify that the recoating time is in accordance with the Application Data.

Verify that the paint materials are applied within the shelf life and pot life.

Verify that the materials are properly strained and mixed in the recommended order
and that the reaction time as necessary was allowed.

Verify that the moisture and oil filters of the air lines are functioning properly.

Check for initial mist pass of the coating to avoid bubbling.

Check for criss-cross spray pattern to assure proper film buildup.

Check for proper atomization and avoid dry spray.

Verify the wet film thickness of each coat. The wet film shall be uniform without runs
or sags. Wet film thickness measurements shall be made in accordance
with ISO 2808.

12.6 Minimum Inspection Required After Painting

Verify that the paint film is free of defects. The painted surface shall be free of
blisters, bubbles, craters, sags, runs, dry spray, lap marks and unnecessary
brush marks.

Verify that all masking tape has been removed.

Verify that the coating is cured as specified in the Application Data. Cure of
catalyzed materials may be determined by exposure to a suitable solvent as
recommended by the coating manufacturer. Inorganic zinc primers may be
tested for cure by burnishing the surface with a dull metal object such as a
coin or paper clip and/or testing by exposure to a suitable solvent as noted

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Nondestructive dry film thickness gauges shall be calibrated in accordance with the
gauge manufacturer's instructions at the beginning of each day, before
proceeding with any measurement. Magnetic pull-off gauges shall be
calibrated using Certified Coating Thickness Calibration Standard of
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the US or an
equivalent certificate issued by a recognized metrology organism such as
INTI (National Institute of Industrial Technology) in Argentina. Magnetic flux
gauges shall be calibrated by using plastic shim standards supplied by the
gauge manufacturer.

Dry film thickness measurements shall be taken and recorded after each coat in the
painting system.

Dry film thickness measurements shall be made in accordance with ISO 2808,
paragraph 5.5 (Magnetic methods).

The Purchaser may require thickness measurement of individual coats of a multi-

coat system. Such destructive measurements of coating thickness shall be
performed by the Supplier and Contractor when directed by the


13.1 The primers and finishes listed below shall be applicable to surfaces that require
painting. Materials and systems shall not be revised or altered without approval from
the Purchaser.

13.2 For a list of approved products, refer to Table 3.

Operating Dry Film

Material Temperature Product Generic Thickness RAL Color
Code Range Description 2 (DFT) µm per Number
[°C] Coat
3 P-1 -40 to 204 Inorganic Zinc SSPC-SP 10 60 to 100 Std Stock
Organic Zinc (Zinc SSPC-SP 10
P-2 -40 to 90 75 to 100 Std Stock
Rich Epoxy)3 or SP 11
Surface Tolerant SSPC-SP 10
P-3 -40 to 90 125 to 175 9006 Aluminum
Epoxy Aluminum or SP 11
P-4 -40 to 90 Epoxy Primer5 SSPC-SP 16 75 to 100 Std Stock
High Build, High SSPC-SP 10
P-5 204 to 538 Temperature or SP 11 or 125 to 150 Std Stock
Primer SP 168
Buildcoats & Finish Coats (including self-priming finishes)
Any light color in
High Build Epoxy Refer to
F-1 -40 to 90 100 to 150 contrast with
Buildcoat Section 7
RAL 7038
7038 Agate
Acrylic Aliphatic Refer to
F-2 -40 to 90 50 to 75 Grey
Polyurethane Section 7
9003 Signal

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White (tanks)
Refer to 7038 Agate
F-3 91 to 200 Silicone Acrylic 40 to 50
Section 7 Grey

F-4 Refer to
3 204 to 538 High Heat Silicone 25 to 40 9006 Aluminum
Section 7
F-5 -40 to 150 Epoxy Phenolic4 SSPC-SP 10 100 to 150 Std Stock

Note 1: Blast cleaning requirement applies to first (prime) coat only. Refer to Section 7 for surface preparation
requirements before applying subsequent coats.
Note 2: The average surface profile shall be 40 to 65 µm (1.5 to 2.5 mils) for inorganic zinc, organic zinc, epoxy
and high build high temp primers and 13 to 19 µm (0.50 to 0.75 mils) for silicone paints unless specified
otherwise by the coating manufacturer.
Note 3: Organic zinc primers are acceptable alternates for inorganic zinc rich primers for FIELD APPLICATION
ONLY if the operating temperature is less than 93°C (200°F). Organic zinc primers shall be used for
field repairs to inorganic zinc primers operating at 93°C (200°F) and below.
Note 4: Epoxy phenolic (F-5) shall be applied to insulated carbon steel and stainless steel surfaces with
operating temperatures from -40 °C to 149°C (-40 °F to 300 °F).
Note 5: To be used to prime galvanized steel that must be topcoated with polyurethane finish (F-2) for safety
identification purposes and corrosion protection in coastal/offshore environments.
Note 6: General thickness range. Consult coating manufacturer for specific recommendation.
Note 7: Colors of each coat shall be contrasting.
Note 8: SSPC-SP 16 is used for galvanized steel, stainless steel or other non-ferrous metals only.

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14.1 Piping, equipment and tanks specified to be insulated shall be primed or finish
painted for the temperature ranges indicated in Table1. However, all protrusions
through the insulation and portions not covered by insulation (such as flanges,
nozzles, supports, clips, man ways, and saddles) shall be painted in accordance with
the paint system specified for uninsulated surfaces. The paint for insulated equipment
surfaces also applies to fireproofed surfaces. The painting requirements specified in
the Painting Schedule below pertain to all surfaces including uninsulated and
insulated. Unless specified otherwise, all surfaces in this Painting Schedule are
carbon steel and low alloys.

Operating Temperature
Paint System, and Item to Range [°C] Primer Buildcoat Finish
be Painted (1st coat) (2nd coat) (3rd coat)
From To
STRUCTURAL STEEL (Module and Non-Module)
Columns, Beams,
1A Trusses, etc. (to be Notes 4 and 5 None None
Columns, Beams,
1B Trusses, etc (not to be P-1 F-1 F-2
Ladders, Cages,
Platforms, Stairways
1C and Handrails P-1 F-1 F-2
attached to painted
Ladders, Cages,
Platforms, Stairways
1D and Handrails None F-1 F-2
attached to galvanized
Uninsulated Carbon
2A -40 90 P-1 F-1 F-2
Uninsulated Carbon
2B 90 200 P-1 F-3 F-3
Uninsulated Carbon
2C 201 400 P-1 F-4 F-4
Uninsulated Carbon
2D 401 538 P-5 F-4 F-4
2E Insulated Carbon Steel -40 150 P-5 None P-5
2F Insulated Carbon Steel 151 400 P-5 None P-5
Insulated Carbon Steel
2G to be Shipped by 151 538 P-5 None P-5
Ocean Freight

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Operating Temperature
Paint System, and Item to Range [°C] Primer Buildcoat Finish
be Painted (1st coat) (2nd coat) (3rd coat)
From To
Insulated Carbon
2H Steel, Cycling below 151 538 P-5 None P-5
149 °C
Uninsulated Stainless
2I -40 60 None None None
Uninsulated Stainless
2J 61°C 200 P-5 None F-3
Uninsulated Stainless
2K 201 538 P-5 None F-4
Insulated Stainless
2L -40 538 P-5 None P-5
Supplier’s Standard Paint System
3A Uninsulated
(Refer to Section 4)
Supplier’s Standard Paint System
3B Insulated
(Refer to Section 4)
4 4
4A Uninsulated Ambient 90 P-1 F-1 F-2
4B Uninsulated 90 200 P-1 F-3 F-3
4C Uninsulated 201 538 P-5 None F-4
4D Insulated Ambient 150 F-5 None F-5
4E Insulated 151 400 P-52 None P-5
5A Uninsulated -40 90 P-1 F-1 F-2
5B Insulated -40 149 F-5 None F-5
Note 1: To avoid embrittlement, paint materials containing zinc and aluminum shall not come in contact with
stainless steel surfaces.
Note 2: Custom carbon steel equipment and pipe that:
• will be insulated,
• has a continuous operating temperature of 150°C (301°F ) and above, and
• is shipped by ocean freight
shall be coated with P-5 primer prior to shipment.
Note 3: Refractory lined equipment such as fired heaters and thermal oxidizers shall be painted in accordance
with System 4B.
Note 4: Primers for use under intumescent epoxy fireproofing must be approved by the fireproofing
Note 5: If fireproofing material is cementious material, use P-3 primer.

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Inorganic Zinc Primer (P-1) High Build MIO Epoxy Buildcoat (F-1)
• Carboline, Carbozinc 11 Series • Carboline, Carboguard 890 Series
3 • Hempel, Galvosil 15780 or 15700 • Hempel, Hempadur 45880/15570 Series 3

• International, Interzinc 22 Series • International, Intergard 475 HS

• Jotun, Rñesist 86 • Jotun, Penguard TC
• PPG, Dimetcote 9 Series / SigmaZinc 9 • PPG, Amerlock 400/2 / SigmaCover 435
• Sherwin-Williams, Zinc Clad II Series • Sherwin-Williams, Macropoxy 646
Organic Zinc (Zinc Rich Epoxy) Primer (P-2) Acrylic Aliphatic Polyurethane Finish (F-2)
• Carboline, Carbozinc 858/859 • Carboline, Carbothane 134 Series
• Hempel, AvantGuard Series • Hempel, Hempathane 55210/55610 Series 3

• International, Interzinc 52 • International, Interthane 990 Series

• Jotun, Barrier • Jotun, Hardtop XP
• PPG, Amercoat 68HS / SigmaZinc 109 • PPG, Amercoat 450 Series / SigmaDur 500
• Sherwin-Williams, Zinc Clad IV Series
• Sherwin-Williams, Acrolon 218
Surface Tolerant Epoxy Mastic (Aluminum) P-3 Silicone Acrylic Finish (F-3)
• Carboline, Carboguard 890 Aluminum • Carboline, Thermaline 4900 Series
• Hempel, Hempadur 45880/45881 Aluminum • Dampney, Thurmalox 260 Series 3
17634-22090 • Hempel, Silicone Acrylic 56940
• International, Interseal 670HS Aluminum • International, Intertherm 875
• Jotun, Jotamastic 90 Aluminum • Jotun, Solvalitt Midtherm
• PPG, Amerlock 400/2 Aluminum / • PPG, Amercoat 874HS
SigmaCover 640 AL • PPG, SigmaTherm 540 (Aluminum only)
• Sherwin-Williams, Epoxy Mastic Aluminum II • PPG, Hi-Temp 500V (500VS w/ P-5 primer)
• Sherwin-Williams, Heat-Flex Hi-Temp 500
Epoxy Primer (for galvanized steel) (P-4) High Heat Silicone Aluminum (F-4)
• Carboline, Carboguard 890 Series • Carboline, Thermaline 4700 Series
• Hempel, Hempadur 45880/45881 • Dampney, Thurmalox 230C
• International, Interseal 670HS • Hempel, Silicone Aluminum Series Versaline 3

3 • Jotun, Jotamastic 90 CUI 56990/ 56914-1900

• PPG, Amerlock 400/2 / SigmaCover 280 • International, Intertherm 50
Series • Jotun, Solvalitt
• Sherwin-Williams, Macropoxy 646 • PPG, Amercoat 878
• PPG, SigmaTherm 540
• PPG, Hi-Temp 1000V (VS with P-5 Primer)
• Sherwin-Williams, Heat-Flex Hi-Temp 1000
High Build, High Temperature Primer (P-5) Epoxy Novolac (for coating under insulation (F-5)
• PPG, Hi-Temp 1027 • Carboline, Thermaline 450
3 • Carboline, THERMALINE 4001 • Hempel, Hempadur 85671 or Versaline CUI 3

• Hempel, VERSALINE CUI 56990 56990 (no Novolac)

• International, Intertherm 228
• Jotun, Epoxy HR
• PPG, Amercoat 90HS
• PPG, SigmaTherm 230
• PPG, Hi-Temp 222G
• Sherwin-Williams, Phenicon HS

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16.1 Topcoat color schedule shall be as required by Statutory and Company site

16.2 Contractor is responsible for obtaining requirements for color coding and safety
identification markings from a COMPANY representative of the site.

16.3 Unless otherwise instructed by the COMPANY, the finish colors shall be as follows:

Descriptive RAL
Process /Hazard description Colours Colours
Process Piping, Vessels, Exchangers and Equipment Agate Grey 7038
LPG system (piping, bullets etc) White 9010
Field Erected Storage Tanks Signal White 9003
Boilers and ducts, Heaters, Preheaters and Stacks 9006
Flare System (including Drum, Exposed Steel and
Signal Black 9004
Associated Piping)
Firefighting Piping and Equipment Flame Red 3000
Flame Red &
3000 &
Fire Extinguisher Locations Pure White
Dangerous Parts of Machinery Signal Orange 2010
Safety Relief Devices Signal Orange 2010
Handrails (Post, Midrails & Toe Plate) / Poste, Guarda
Rodilla & Guarda Pie Signal Yellow 1003
Cages / Jaulas
First Aid Equipment Signal Green 6032
Signal Green &
6032 &
Safety Eye Wash and Shower Station Pure White
Instrument Air Signal Blue 5005
Recycled water Signal Purple 4008
CSO/CSC valves Yellow 1003
BL Valves (except hand-wheel) Yellow 1003
BL Valves (hand-wheel) Green 6032
EBV Valves Purple 4008
PSV Valves (Conventional) Yellow 1003
PSV Valves (Bellows type) Orange 2010
Structural Steel / Acero Estructural
Stair Stringer / Gambas de Escalera
Handrails (Top rails) / Pasamano
Jet Black 9005
Ladders / Escalera Vertical
Gratings and Treads /Pisos Rejilla y Escalones
Floor Plates / Chapas para Piso
(To be defined
Closure Panels / Cerramientos
by project)

16.4 The following information shall be stenciled on large diameter vessels and tanks at
locations as directed by Site Representative:

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Surface preparation—identify method(s) used and level of cleanliness (i.e., SSPC SP

6, Swedish Std. SA 2.5).

Coating Manufacturer and product name for each coat—primer, intermediate, and
finish coats.

Month and year of application.

Subcontractor name.

Lead, chromium, and/or cadmium content of any coating.

Identification of equipment as post-weld heat treated and any related precautions

regarding welding.

16.5 Labels and markings that are damaged or destroyed by blasting and painting
operations shall be replaced unless directed otherwise by Company's Site


17.1 All work performed shall be in accordance, where applicable, with the Owner’s safety
requirements, SSPC PA-10, OSHA 29 CFR Part 1910, and the current jurisdictional
regulations that apply to the work provided.

17.2 All coating materials shall be pre-approved for any work performed on-site. The
following documents shall be submitted for approval:

a) Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

b) Product Technical Data Sheet.

c) OSHA hazardous chemical labeling requirements.

17.3 All delivered materials shall be in the Manufacturer's original, sealed, undamaged
container with identification label intact. The current SDS shall accompany each
product shipment.

17.4 All batch number, product identification and quantities shall be recorder. A copy of the
transport document and Manufacturer's conformance certificate shall be attached to
the material delivery.

17.5 All coatings, thinners, solvents, and cleaners shall be supplied by the same
Manufacturer unless approved by the Owner’s Engineer.

17.6 Personnel handling and applying any coatings including those containing
isocyanates, such as polyurethane coatings, shall wear and use proper PPE as
mandated by local jurisdictional requirements. Brushes, rollers, sprayers, and other
appropriate tools shall be used when applying coatings.

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17.7 Any surface preparation requiring removal of lead-based coating shall follow current
jurisdictional requirements.

17.8 All materials shall be stored, mixed, thinned, applied, and cured in strict accordance
with the Manufacturer's documented instructions and procedures. The Manufacturers
recommendations are considered an integral part of this Practice and shall take
precedence over requirements specified in this Practice.

17.9 Mixing of partial kits for coatings shall not be used unless recommended on
Manufacturer’s documented instructions and procedures.

17.10 Thinning shall not exceed the maximum allowable volatile organic compound (VOC)
level for the coating involved.

17.11 The storage and disposal of abrasive media, surplus materials, hazardous materials,
and materials contaminated by hazardous materials shall be done in accordance with
jurisdictional and COMPANY requirements.

17.12 Material that has exceeded the Manufacturer’s recommended shelf life shall not be

17.13 All material shall be stored in a clean, dry, shaded, and well-ventilated area. Highly
flammable or toxic solvents, i.e., chlorinated hydrocarbons, benzene (benzol), toluene
(toluol), xylene (xylol), or gasoline shall not be used for cleaning. The storage area
shall be protected from sparks, open flames, direct sunlight, and temperature
extremes. Outdoor storage of material is unacceptable.


18.1 5.1 Environmental zones, per ISO 12944-2, shall be used in selecting coating

18.2 Zones are listed from low to high severity as follows:

18.2.1. ISO 12944 C1 & C2: Rural areas with low pollution, dry environments.
Heated/unheated buildings with neutral atmosphere.

18.2.2. ISO 12944 C3: Urban and industrial atmospheres. Moderate sulfur dioxide
levels. Interior environment with high humidity and exposure to air pollution.

18.2.3. ISO 12944 C4: Industrial and coastal areas. Interior chemical processing
areas and swimming pools.

18.2.4. ISO 12944 C5: Industrial areas with high humidity and aggressive
environments. Marine, offshore, and coastal areas with high salinity. Interior
environments with permanent condensation and pollution.

18.3 5.3 The following parameters shall be considered to ensure effective coating systems
are selected and applied:

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a) Intended design life.

b) Type of coating system.

c) Configuration of the substrate.

d) Condition of the substrate before surface preparation.

e) Effectiveness of the planned surface preparation.

f) Standard of the application work.

g) Environmental conditions during surface preparation, product application, and


h) Time required for coating system preparation, application, and cure.

i) Exposure conditions after application.


The finish colors shall be as follows:

Descriptive RAL
Process /Hazard description
Colors Colors
According Annex
Process Piping
Process Vessels, Exchangers and Equipment Agate Grey 7038
LPG system piping White 9010
LPG bullets, etc White 9010
Field Erected Storage Tanks Signal White 9003
Boilers and ducts, Heaters, Preheaters and Stacks 9006
Flare System (including Drum, Exposed Steel) Signal Black 9004
According Annex
Flare System associated piping
Firefighting Equipment Flame Red 3000
According Annex
Firefighting Piping
Flame Red &
3000 &
Fire Extinguisher Locations Pure White
Dangerous Parts of Machinery Signal Orange 2010
Safety Relief Devices Signal Orange 2010
Handrails (Post, Midrails & Toe Plate) / Poste, Guarda
Rodilla & Guarda Pie Signal Yellow 1003
Cages / Jaulas

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First Aid Equipment Signal Green 6032

Signal Green &
6032 &
Safety Eye Wash and Shower Station Pure White
Instrument Air Equipment
Signal Blue 5005

Instrument Air piping system

According Annex
Recycled water Equipment
Signal Purple 4008

Recycled water piping system

According Annex
CSO/CSC valves Yellow 1003
BL Valves (except hand-wheel) Green 6032
BL Valves (hand-wheel) Yellow 1003
EBV Valves Purple 4008
PSV Valves (Conventional) Yellow 1003
PSV Valves (Bellows type) Orange 2010
Structural Steel / Acero Estructural
Stair Stringer / Gambas de Escalera
Handrails (Top rails) / Pasamano
Jet Black 9005
Ladders / Escalera Vertical
Gratings and Treads /Pisos Rejilla y Escalones
Floor Plates / Chapas para Piso
Closure Panels / Cerramientos (To be defined)
According Annex
Other piping system not include in this table

The following information shall be stenciled on large diameter vessels and tanks at locations as directed by Site
Surface preparation—identify method(s) used and level of cleanliness (i.e., SSPC SP 6,
Swedish Std. SA 2.5).
Coating Manufacturer and product name for each coat—primer, intermediate, and finish coats.
Month and year of application.
Subcontractor name.
Lead, chromium, and/or cadmium content of any coating.
Identification of equipment as post-weld heat treated and any related precautions regarding

Labels and markings that are damaged or destroyed by blasting and painting operations shall be replaced unless
directed otherwise by Company's Site Representative

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Piping Identification

Piping Identification and Finish colors shall match the RAL Colors in accordance with the
Table below.
Piping, for identification purpose, shall mean the arrangement of pipes, pipe fittings, all its
connections and even the external insulation (jacketing) that transport fluids or electric cables.
Table 5 shall be exhibited, for all employees, in all visible places.

Color identification:
Service lines (water, steam, fuel, etc.) smaller than 2” NPS shall be painted throughout its
length with the colors set in table 5.
Process Lines smaller than 2” NPS shall be painted Agate grey (RAL 7038) along its entire
length and stripes color or combination of color that identify the fluid according to the table 5.
All major lines 2” NPS and greater shall be painted Agate grey (RAL 7038) along its entire
length and stripes color or combination of color that identify the fluid according to the table 5.
For special case of LPG lines, they will be painted white (RAL 9010) throughout its length
and the corresponding strip according to table 5.

The following codes shall be used for fluid identification:

Color Name RAL CODE First and Last RAL COLOR IRAM CODE
Signal Yellow 1003 13 05-1-040
Rape Yellow 1021 11 05-1-020
Orange 2009 29 02-1-040

Red 3002 32 03-1-080

Violet 4004 44 10-1-020
Blue 5009 59 08-1-070
Light Blue 5012 52 08-1-040
Grey 7038 78 09-1-160
Green 6032 62 01-1-120

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Brown 8011 81 07-1-120

Black 9004 94 11-1-060
White 9010 90 11-1-010

Table 5 (codes included)

RAL /IRAM Colors BAND and stripes Codes/

Type of Bands
and Stripes

High Pressure Steam 2009 2009 B29S194


Medium Pressure Steam 2009 B29S000

Low Pressure Steam 2009 2009 B29S162

9004 5009 5009 6032

Fuel Gas 1021 1021 B11S159

Pilot Gas 1021 1021 B11S159

HC Gas (Process Gas) 1021 1021 B11S194

Liquid Gas 1021 B11S000

Solvent 8011 8011 8011 B81S211



Naphtha 8011 8011 B81S111


Kerosene 8011 8011 8011 B81S278

6032 7038

6032 7038

Fuel Jet 8011 8011 8011 B81S262

Gasoil 8011 8011 B81S159


DO 8011 8011 8011


Fuel Oil 8011 8011 B81S178

5012 7038

Lube Oil 8011 8011 B81S152

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Liquid Hydrocarbons to Slop B81S294

8011 8011 8011



Acid Closed Liquid Drain B81S294

8011 8011 8011



Reduced Crude 8011 8011 B81S194

Crude Oil 8011 B81S000

Asphalt 8011 8011 B81S162

Potable Water 5012 B62S000

Industrial Water 6032 6032


Cooling Water Supply and


6032 6032

Boiler Feed Water 6032 6032


Blowdown system

6032 6032 B62S111


Demineralized Water
6032 6032 B62S111

Treated Water 6032 6032


According to (1)
Sour Water (included sour

6032 6032 B62S129

water drains)

Fire Water 3002 B32S000

High Pressure Condensate 6032 6032 6032 6032



603 B62S229
Medium Pressure Condensate 6032 6032


Low Pressure Condensate 6032 6032 B62S129

2009 2009

Condensate 6032 6032 B62S129

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According to (1)
Acid Gas 1021 1021 B11S129


According to (1)
Sour Gas 1021 1021 B11S129


Nitrogen 5009 5009 5009



Hydrogen 1003 1003





5009 B59S178

Combustion Air




To Atmosphere 9010 B90S000

According to (1) select:

Hydrocarbon Flare 1021 1021 1021



(2) (4)

According to (1) select:

Acid Gas Flare 1021 1021 1021



(2) (4)

According to (1) select:

Toxic Gases 1021 1021


(2) (4)

Other Liquids 7038 B78S000

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According to (1) select:

Other Liquids 7038 7038


Liquid Sulphur 5012 5012 5012 B52S211


According to (1) select:
Amine (Lean/Rich/Pure) 4004 4004


According to (1) select:

Amine Drains 4004 4004


Anti-foam Do not paint. Only Signal Identification

Caustic Do not paint. Only Signal Identification

Oily Water Sewer 7038 7038 7038



Refinery Sewer 7038 7038 7038



According to (1) select:

Acid Closed Liquid Drain B78S129
7038 7038

Header B78S229

Aire Filtrado / Aire de

5005 5005 B55S129


Aire Comprimido / Aire de

5005 5005 B55S132


(1) The amount of orange stripes corresponds to the concentration of H2S in the product flowing through
the line, as follows:
a. For low concentration (10 to 500 ppm) – 1 orange strip.
b. For high concentration (500 to 20000 ppm) – 2 orange stripes

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c. For very high concentration (> 20000 ppm) – 3 orange stripes

H2S Concentration shall be defined at “Line List documents of the project ” in order to identify, for each fluid,
the amount of orange stripes that corresponds in each case.
(2) The black stripes applies only if there is a possibility of HC discharge.
(3) The blue stripes are only to indicate that the main color is grey; they do not indicate necessarily with
the width of the stripes in this standard.
(4) In this case it´s necessary to comply with the width of the stripes in this statement.

Arrows, Stripes and Legends in Piping

The flow direction in lines will be indicated by means of an arrow, placed adjacent to stripes or 10 cm from
valves and connections.
The arrow size shall be in accordance with the Piping Outside Diameter (OD), indicated in the following Table:

Nominal Pipe Diameter
Length (mm) Axis Width
“L” “H”
¾” to 2” ¼” 80 10
(19mm to 50 mm)
2 ½” to 4” 100 15
(64 mm to 102 mm)
6” to 8” 150 20
(152 mm to 203 mm)
Over 8” 200 25
(over 203 mm)

The width of the stripes depends on pipe outside diameter as defined below:

A7XN-RC-85-SP-0022-R3 External Painting Mechanical

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Identification bands shall be spaced at least every six (6) meters in straight sections, and
adjacent to valves, flanges, branches and changes of direction.

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The amount of stripes and with of them is described in Annex I according to piping diameter.
Stripe details are described in Annex I.

Piping identification shall be completed with legends with the name of the fluid transported or
type of hazard.
Text size shall be proportional to pipe outside diameter as defined in Table in Annex I.
For small diameter piping lines, special labels shall be used.

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Vessels and Equipment Identification

The equipment tag shall be painted in a visible location from the modules accesses.
For the Columns, Reactors and large vertical Structures, the letters and digits shall be 300 mm high and shall be
painted on the equipment
For the Heat Exchangers, Air Coolers, Vessels and small vertical Equipment the letters and digits shall be 150
mm high and shall be painted on the equipment.
The tag number of pressure vessels and other process equipment shall be in black, on both sides of the shell.
Letters and numbers shall be black.

Horizontal Vessels:


Tag location:
Vessel height shall be divided in 10(X) equal fractions to stablish TAG’s location.
TAG number should be located according to the vertical centerline on to the most visible area.
TAG shall lean on the line defined by the 5th fraction.

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Vertical Vessel:

Tag Location:
Vessel height shall be divided in 16(X) equal fractions to stablish TAG’s size and location.
TAG number height should be equivalent to 2(X) fractions (2X) and located according to the vertical centerline
on to the most visible area.
TAG shall lean on the line defined by the 10th fraction.

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Tanks Identification

Tanks identification shall be according to figure 3


Tag height and location:

Tank height shall be divided in 16(X) equal fractions to stablish TAG’s size and location.
TAG number height should be equivalent to 3(X) fractions (3X) and located according to the vertical centerline
on to the most visible area.
TAG shall lean on the line defined by the 5th fraction.

A7XN-RC-85-SP-0022-R3 External Painting Mechanical

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