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Good morning to all, eminent teachers, and dear friends. I'm here to talk about dreams, which is a
pretty interesting subject. Let me begin by asking each person how many of you experienced a dream the
night before. Do you recall your recent dreams? If you do recall, were you taken aback by the content of
the dream?

Dreams do not reflect the reality of the lives people lead, so there is no need to be alarmed or
astonished. Because dreams frequently represent the repressed emotions and thoughts of our subconscious
mind, they can be quite strange. And such dreams are more of an escape from reality, where we want to
live a life free of the difficulties we are currently experiencing.

There are some dreams that one can glimpse while still having their eyes open and going about their
daily life. dreams that one hopes to accomplish and that are regarded as being reasonably realistic. You
can refer to them as dreams, goals, or even aspirations. These kinds of dreams can motivate us and instill
a desire to take action in order to realize them.

Wild imagination and wishful thinking are uncharted territory in the world of dreams. In addition,
REM (rapid-eye movement) sleep is thought to be the time when dreams happen. It can be challenging to
distinguish dreams from reality because they contain so much emotion. Because of this, when someone has
a terrifying or horrible dream, they often breathe quickly and awaken sweating and with clammy hands. As
interruptions to REM sleep may cause issues with memory consolidation and health, making it more
difficult to learn and retain information, REM sleep should be allowed to occur uninterruptedly. One of the
primary reasons babies and infants have such high learning capacities is uninterrupted deep REM sleep.

If people had not taken risks and had not had huge dreams, the world would be very different.
Someone had a huge dream and worked hard to make it a reality, creating the world we live in today with
all of its luxurious comforts. Long after they are no longer with us, their creations continue to live on. So,
do not worry about failures if you want to make a difference on a personal level or for society's sake.
Failures are inevitable because mistakes are part of being human, and you can only learn from them what
not to do. More than success, failure can teach us. Dream big, be courageous, and take risks.

Many thanks!

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