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Category Exceeding Mastery Achieving Mastery Emerging No Basis

Content Has all required Has Information Has required Has Information Has informatio
information on on only 4 information on 3 on 2 sections of 1 sections of t
the 6-5 sections sections of sections of brochure Brochures brochure
of Brochure brochure
Pictures Included all 4 Included only 3 Included 2 labeled Included 1 No pictures w
with labels labels pictures pictures only labeled picture included and
pictures required only
Neatness All writing is clear Most Writing is Some writing is clear Writing is Writing needs
and neat without clear and Neat and neat acceptable improvement
smears or
Grammar/ All clear of Has 5 or less Has 7 spelling errors Has 10 spelling Has 15 spellin
Mechanics grammar spelling errors errors errors
Due Date Submitted on due Submitted 1 day Submitted 2 days late Submitted 3 days Submitted 4 d
date late late late

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