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TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................................1

MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES.............................................................................................................................................3
DATA OF SET-01 WELL ......................................................................................................................................................4
1. GENERAL DATA ........................................................................................................................................................5
2. WELL PLANNING AND DRILLING PROGNOSIS .........................................................................................................11
2.1 WELL REFERENCE ................................................................................................................................................11
2.2 GENERAL DRILLING PROGRAM AND DESIGN ..............................................................................................................13
2.3 FORMATION PRESSURE AND FRACTURE GRADIENT ......................................................................................................16
2.4 CASING SETTING DEPTH........................................................................................................................................17
2.5 MUD PROGRAM .................................................................................................................................................18
2.6 WELLHEAD ........................................................................................................................................................18
2.7 BOP-WELLHEAD STACK .......................................................................................................................................19
2.8 PRESSURE TESTING ..............................................................................................................................................20
2.9 BIT PROGRAM ....................................................................................................................................................20
2.10 CEMENTING PROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................21
2.11 ELECTRIC LOGGING PROGRAM................................................................................................................................22
2.12 CUTTING SAMPLING.............................................................................................................................................22
2.13 DRILLING HAZARD ...............................................................................................................................................23
2.13.1 Shallow Gas Sands Pressure .....................................................................................................................25
2.13.2 Low Leak-Off Tests ...................................................................................................................................25
2.13.4 Pipe Sticking ............................................................................................................................................25
2.13.5 Toxic Environments (H2S or Other Dangerous Gases) ...............................................................................25
2 DRILLING PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................................27
3.1 RIG MOVE AND PRE-SPUD ....................................................................................................................................27
3.2 PRE-SPUD MEETING ............................................................................................................................................28
3.3. 20" DRIVE PIPE ..................................................................................................................................................29
3.4. DRILLING 17-½” HOLE FOR 13-3/8” CASING............................................................................................................29
3.5. DRILLING 12-¼” HOLE FOR 9-5/8” CASING ..............................................................................................................34
3.6. DRILLING 8-½” HOLE FOR 7” LINER ........................................................................................................................40
3.8 COMPLETION PROGRAM .......................................................................................................................................45
3.9 ABANDONMENT PROGRAM ...................................................................................................................................45
3. SAFETY, HEALTH, ENVIROMENT AND SOCIAL REPSONSIBILITY ..............................................................................47
4.1. PRE-JOB MEETING ..............................................................................................................................................47
4.2. RIG INSPECTION ..................................................................................................................................................47
4.3. PRE-SPUD INSPECTION .........................................................................................................................................47
4.4. BOP TESTING/DRILL............................................................................................................................................47
4.5. HYDROGEN SULPHIDE (H2S)/FLAMMABLE GASES ......................................................................................................48
4.6. SIGNPOSTING .....................................................................................................................................................48
4.7. SMOKING/IGNITION SOURCES ................................................................................................................................48
4.8. HOT WORK .......................................................................................................................................................48
4.9. CONFINED SPACE WORK.......................................................................................................................................49
4.10. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES .....................................................................................................................................49
4.11. DANGEROUS CIRCUMSTANCES ...............................................................................................................................49
4.12. SAFETY MEETINGS ...............................................................................................................................................49
4.13. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................................................50
4.14. BREATHING APPARATUS TRAINING ..........................................................................................................................51
4.15. FIRE .................................................................................................................................................................51
4.16. ACCIDENT/INCIDENT REPORTING ............................................................................................................................51
4.17. MAN HOURS WORKED .........................................................................................................................................52
4.18. ALCOHOL AND DRUGS ..........................................................................................................................................53
4.19. COVID-19 .........................................................................................................................................................53

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1. ATTACHMENT 1 SOLVE TO LOST CIRCULATIONS PROBLEM .......................................................................................55
2. ATTACHMENT 2 WELL CONTROL ............................................................................................................................56
1.1. A. EMERGENCY PROCEDURE: .................................................................................................................................56
1.2. B. KILL WELL PROCEDURES ...................................................................................................................................59

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Well Name : SET-1

Well Classification : Exploration / Vertical

Drilling Rig : Arjuna#28

Drilling Contractor : PT. APS

Surface Well Coordinates : LONGITUDE : 99° 51’ 22.72" E

LATITUDE 01° 15’ 32.06" N

Subsurface Well Coordinates : LONGITUDE : 99° 51’ 22.72" E

LATITUDE 01° 15’ 32.06" N

Primary Objectives : Lower Sihapas Fm. (Early Miocene)

Proposed TD : 6,600 ft TVD / MD

KB Elevation from MSL : 24 ft

Ground Elevation : 787 ft

Estimated Time : 53 Days

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South East Tonga-1 (SET-1) is proposed as exploration well by targeting structural reservoir
from Lower Sihapas Formation as the main target. The sand layers of reservoir targets were
identified by 2D seismic data (latest data went through inhouse reprocessing in …) and
supported by correlation & interpretation from adjacent wells in Tonga Field and
South East Tonga structure is located in the SE part of Tonga Block. Compared to the already
producing Tonga Field, the structure is geologically situated in the deeper part of Mandian
Graben, making it closer to the kitchen area (approximately 2 km towards kitchen). This
structure has similar interval target within Lower Sihapas Formation. Due to its proximity (only
4 km away) to the regional kitchen (source rock deposits), it has higher chance of being
charged by hydrocarbon.
Resources estimation that P90 of Lower Sihapas sand is 4.32 MMBO, P50 is 22.54 MMBO, and
P10 is 56.92 MMBO.

Figure 1.1 Map of SET Structure within Tonga Block

1.1 Regional Geology

1.1.1 Basinal Setting
The Central Sumatra Basin, is situated in the middle of three prolific hydrocarbon producing
back arc basins of Sumatra, i.e. the North, Central, and South Sumatra Basins.

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Figure 1.1 Tonga PSC location in Central Sumatra Basin

The Central Sumatra Basin is bounded by Late Miocene – Recent volcanic arc of the Bukit
Barisan Mountains in the west, Kampar – Tigapuluh High to the south, Asahan Arc at the
northern part, and east side by Sunda Craton. There are active structural elements in Sumatra
Region with southwest trend, parallel with the Sunda Trench, outer-arc ridge and basin,
Barisan volcanic arc and Great Sumatra fault zone.

The Tonga Block lies in the west Central Sumatra Basin. This block is situated in the Barumun
Through which has narrow, shallow half graben with approximately 150 km in length,
extending from Perbaungan Graben in north side to Tonga Field and Dalu¬dalu thrust fold belt
that become the southern part of basin edge. The characteristic of Barumun Through is
dominantly filled by the upper red bed that contains brown shale, and showing the high
amplitude above basement.

1.1.2 Structural Elements

The available data indicates the structural development of the Tonga Block is similar to
the Central Sumatra Basin. The main phases of structural evolution are summarized as
Mid – Late Eocene
Initiation of north-south trending graben development is response to tensional stresses
in the back arc. Deposition of the Pematang Formation probably commenced at around
the 46 m.a. Initial graben deposistional system were probably was low and swamp.
Fluvial and shallow lacustrine sedimentation characterize the earliest stages of
Pematang Formation deposition.
Late Eocene – Late Oligocene

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Increased rates of graben subsidence over sedimentation probably resulted in the
development of slightly deeper lacustrine environments. Many of the larger Central
Sumatra Basin grabens developed deep anoxic lacustrine facies at this stage.
Late Oligocene – Middle Miocene
A phase of general tectonic quiescence including a regression/ transgression cycle
com¬menced with graben infill (Upper Pematang Formation and Sihapas Foremation)
than continued through to the deep marine depositional environment of the Telisa
Formation. Local unconformities within the Upper Pematang Formation are evidence of
continuation of tectonic adjustments through to the Early Miocene. Further south,
towards the Proto Barisan Mountains there is evidence of volcanic activity by way of
interbedded tuffs and volcanics within the Telisa Formation.
Middle Miocene
Uplift, folding, faulting and igneous activity followed by erosion records a major tectonic
event in the Central Sumatra Basin. The Middle Miocene period of structuring is
considerable economic significance as it predates the main phase of hydrocarbon
generation and expulsion from the Lower Pematang Formation source rocks.
Middle Miocene – Recent
The Barisan uplift began in the Middle Miocene in response to increased dextral shear
at the plate margin. Major events occurred both at beginning and end of the Pliocene
with the Sumatra fault System. The dextral shear and compression produced classic
wrench tectonic structural styles including high angle faults, up thrusts, fold axes at first
order angles to wrench strike, “S” shapes fold axes and the characteristic Sunda fold of
Sumatra. Erosion that followed the last phase of Plio-Pleistocene tectonics breached
many of the larger anticlines of the Telisa seal and removed the entire Sihapas
Formation from the core of the Basar Antiform.

1.1.3 Regional stratigraphy

Regional stratigraphy of the Central Sumatra Basin as shown in Startigraphic Column of
Central Sumatra Basin (Figure 1.2).

Tertiary tectono - stratigraphic cycles in the Tonga Block, can be divided into four main units,
these are:
1 Middle Eocene – Late Oligocene (Syn Rift Sequence),
2 Late Oligocene – Early Middle Miocene (Transgressive Sequence),
3 Middle Miocene – Early Pliocene (Regressive Sequence) and
4 Late Pliocene – Recent (Volcaniclastic Cycle).

Pre-Tertiary Basement
The Pre-Tertiary basement rocks are well exposed in the SW and NW of the Tonga Block. The
basement is composed of meta-sediment/metamorphic rocks, consisting of slates, phyllites,
schists, meta tuffs and minor limestones. The basement complex is intruded by a number of
biotite/cassiterite granites such as those exposed along the Pulau Gadang High. No age
diagnostic fossils are found in the basement lithologies, which are generally considered to be
Lower Carboniferous to Mid Permian in age. The basement complex is unconformable
overlain by Pematang Formation or younger formations.

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Figure 1.3 Regional Stratigraphy of Central Sumatra Basin

Syn Rift Sequence

The Pematang Formation consists of coarse clastics, various-colored shales, and finely
laminated organic-rich lacustrine shale with minor thin coals. Overall the sequence represents
fluvial to lower delta plain sedimentation with significant periods of shallow and possibility
deep lacustrine sedimentation. The age of this formation is uncertain, as there are only few
age diagnostic fossils in non-marine sediments. The formation is interpreted to be no older
than Middle -Late Eocene with deposition being terminated by the 29 MA year tectonic
The Pematang Formation unconformably overlies basement and is unconformably overlain
by the Lower Sihapas Formation. Its geological setting is equivalent with West Kampar to the
south as their settings in the mountain front basin.

Lower Sihapas Formation

The Lower Sihapas Formation is productive reservoir in the Central Sumatra Basin and the
primary exploration objective within the Tonga Block. The formation consists of interbedded
sandstones, siltstones and mudstones with minor conglomeratic sandstones and coals. The
depositional environment of Bangko Formation is interpreted to be lower delta plain to
shallow marine as indicated by the occurrence of bioturbation and shallow marine fauna to
wards the top of formation.
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Telisa Formation
The Telisa Formation consists of calcareous shales, glauconitic sandstones, alternation of silty
clay and calcareous sandstones, intercalation of limestone, and highly calcareous shales with
slightly carbonaceous and highly fossiliferous. This formation has proven to be an effective
cap rock in the Central Sumatra Basin and where present is expected to be the same in the
Tonga Block. Especially in the Tonga Block, this formation is also potential as source rock.
Diagnostic fossils of foraminifera indicated an outer sub-littoral to upper bathyal environment
of deposition.The Telisa Formation is overlain unconformable by Kota Alam Volcanic deposits,
Petani Formation or Minas Formation.

Regressive Sequence
The Middle Miocene period of tectonics recognized throughout the Central Sumatra Basin
terminated the transgressive cycle of deposition and sedi-ments of the regressive cycle
unconformable overly the Telisa Formation, which was deeply eroded in parts.

Petani Formation
This formation comprises white gray calcareous claystone and siltstone with occasional
intercalations of coal and tuffs. Bioturbation and the occurrence of planktonic and benthonic
foraminifera indicated an inner to middle neritic environment of deposition.

Volcaniclastic Cycle
Volcanics and volcano-clastic rocks of the Kota Alam Volcanic series crop out throughout the
Tibawan, Pendalian, and Kota Mesjid Sub-basins. The volcanic series are intermediate to basic
in composition and are interpreted as correlatives of the Minas Formation in the Central
Sumatra basin.

1.2 Objective
Refined geological interpretation using 2D & 3D seismic data shows a more detailed
evaluation of the South East Tonga prospect. The 3-ways dip of the structural trap in South
East Tonga prospect at Lower Sihapas Fm. can be accurately defined and calculated. The SET-
1 exploration well is proposed to prove the existence of hydrocarbon within the interval,
which is closer to Mandian Graben kitchen area compared to Tonga structure.

The drilling result is expected to give more information about reservoir distribution,
hydrocarbon contact, and evaluate the reservoir deliverability. As an exploration well, SET-1
will be located relatively on the top of South East Tonga structure, inside P90 boundary of
Lower Sihapas fault-bounded anticline.

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Figure 1.4 Seismic line section with trend N-S that shown migration model from Pematang Brownshale
Formation to Lower Sihapas and Pematang sandstone

Figure 1.5 Depth structure map of Lower Sihapas Formation as the main reservoir target in SET-1

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1.3 Formation Top and Reservoir Target

Table 1.1
The Formation Top and Reservoir Targets of SET-1 Proposed Well (GL estimate at 787 ft *surveyed
before DSP is done)

Reservoir Target Depth (ft TVDSS) Depth (ft MD) Thickness (ft)
Telisa 2967 3754 836
Top Upper Sihapas 3803 4590 1209
Top Lower Sihapas 5012 5799 68
Sand A 5012 5799 68
Sand B 5080 5867 65
Sand C 5145 5932 114
Sand D 5259 6046 173
Sand E 5432 6219 266
Sand F 5698 6485 115
Pematang 5813 6600
TD @Top Pematang 5813 6600


2.1 Well Reference

Tonga-03 as offset well for SET-01, is the exploration well of PT Mosesa Petroleum, this wells
are a Directional well with coordinate Surface Lat: 1° 17’47.41” N Long: 99° 49’ 13.17” E, sub-surface
Lat: 1° 17’ 47.31” N Long: 99° 49’ 18.02” E, located in Desa Padang Garugur, North Sumatera Province.
The primary objective of this well is to prove appraisal potential oil reserves of Sihapas Sands. The
well was accomplished in 24 days. The well was spuded on May 05th, 2011 at 06:00 WIB and June
29th, 2011 at 12:00 WIB, reached TD at 6,161 ftMD KB. The well penetrated the Petani, Telisa, Upper
Sihapas, Lower SIhapas, Upper Pematang and Lower Pematang Formations.

17-1/2” Hole Section

The Gel polymer was used to drill this section MW 8.7 up to 9.2 ppg and then increased to 9.3
prior to running casing. Section 17-1/2” hole from 75’ MD to 2,109’ MD was protected by 13-3/8”
casing. 13-3/8” casing shoe was set at 2,106’ MD.

12-1/4” Hole Section

The KLA-Shield was used to drill this section, starting with DOC and continued until 10’ of new
formation. While drilling 12-1/4” hole, mud weight used was 9.1 ppg then increased to 9.2 ppg
while FIT program execute. FIT then completed, drilling 12-1/4” hole continued with increasing
gradually mud weight used to maksimum 9.9 ppg. There was no hole problem but found a lot of
cutting at shaker unless circulating performed continously. This condition suspected that hole
stability was low. ROP that used was normal ROP that referring to drilling program. After reach
TD, mud weight used was increased to 10.0 ppg and circulated for hole cleaning. While running
casing there was no problem, but then circulated and found a lot of cutting at shaker. So that,
mud weight used was increased to 10.1 ppg before cementing job. Keeping hole stability is the
primary objective to this section

8-1/2” Hole Section

The KLA-Shield was used to drill this section started to drill using 9.1 ppg mud weight. It is

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not increased while coring job performed. MW increased to 9.2 ppg until reach TD at 6,161’ MD.
While drilling third section, PDC bit was used to drill sihapas & pematang formation. It is tight
sand formation. The bit wasn’t match with this formation. Drilling parameters shown low ROP
that makes longer drilling time. For the next well, it should prepare 8-1/2” Mill Tooth bit to drill
this tight sand formation. This bit could be as main drilling bit for third section or as a back-up for
PDC Bit.

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2.2 General Drilling Program and Design

Note: All depths are referenced KB

The SET-01 well program assumes 54 days will be required from spud until the well
completed. The casing program is shown in the Table 2.1. A proposed drilling time versus
depth curve for SET-01 is shown in Figure 2.2.


Casing Hole Size Depth’ Mud Weight

(in) (in) MD KB (ppg)

20 Driven 100 -
13 /8 17 ½ 2311 9.0 - 9.5
9 /8 12 ¼ 4611 9.5 - 10.5

7 8½ 6624 9.0 - 9.5

Note: LCM must be available at well site and Mud Weight used should be discussed first with Drilling
Supervisor & Well Site Geologist

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RIG : 1000 HP

Time VS Depth

1. Drill 17-1/2" Hole
2. Run 13-3/8" Casing & Cement Job, Work on BOP
3. Drill 12-1/4" Hole
4. 12-1/4" OH Logging, Run 9-5/8" Casing & Cement Job, Work on BOP
5. Drill 8-1/2" Hole
2000 6. 8-1/2"OH Logging, Run 7" Liner Casing & Cement Job, Completion, WellTest






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70


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2.3 Formation Pressure and Fracture Gradient


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2.4 Casing Setting Depth

Casing Depth Weight

Hole Size Grade Thread Remarks
Size (ft) (ppf)

Conductor casing, should be

20” +/- 100 106 K-55 n/a
pilled or drilled before Rig Up
Set in Petani formation at +/-
2311 ftMD as determined by
lithology from Offset Well.
This casing is set to cover
13-3/8” 17-1/2” +/- 2,311 72 L-80 BTC Upper Petani formation and
give casing integrity and BOP
to drill next section. Casing ini
di set pada maskmimum
depth untuk surface section
Set at Bottom of Telisa
formation est. at 4611’ ftMD
+/- 10’. This casing is for
isolate Petani and Telisa
formation, before meet the
9 5/8” 12 ¼” +/- 4,611 53.5 L-80 New vam
Limestone at Upper Sihapas.
Casing has to be set before
penetrating HC bearing
formation in Upper Sihapas
and Lower Sihapas
Liner set as production liner to
cover primary and secondary
7” 8 1/2” +/- 6,624 32 L-80 Vam top target. Overlap 200 ft +/-
4411 ft MD above 9-5/8” casing

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2.5 Mud Program
Hole Size 17-1/2" 12-1/4" 8-1/2" 7 Casing"
Type of Mud 5 % KCl-PHPA 7 % KCl-PHPA 7% KCl-PHPA KCL Brine
Viscosity 45 - 65 45 - 65 45 - 60 38 - 39
Mud Weight 9.0 - 9.5 ppg 9.5 - 10.5 ppg 9.0 - 9.5 ppg 8.7 -9.0 ppg
Fluid Loss <8 cc/30 min <6 cc/30 min 5 cc/30 min
PV <20 <20 <20

YP 20 - 35 lbs/100 sqft 20 – 30 lbs/100 sqft 18 - 25 lbs/100 sqft

pH 8.5 – 9.5 9.0 - 10 9.0 - 10 9

10-15/17-25 10-15/17-25 6-10/10-15
lbs/100 sqft lbs/100 sqft lbs/100 sqft
Cake 1/32 inch 1/32 inch 1/32 inch
Pm 0.3 - 0.4 0.3 - 0.4 0.2 - 0.6

Pf/Mf 0.6 - 1 / 1.1 - 1.9 0.2 - 0.9 / 1 - 1.8 0.8 - 0.9 / 1.7 - 1.9

Cl- >34,000 ppm >34,000 ppm >34,000 ppm 24000 - 25000 Min

Ca++ <200 ppm <200 ppm <200 ppm

K+ 36,500 - 46,000 ppm 36,500 - 46,000 ppm 27,500 - 33,00 ppm

MBT <12 ppb <12 ppb < 5 ppb

Drill Solids <5% <5% <5% <5%

KCL % 3-5 7-9 7-9 2

2.6 Wellhead

Section Bottom Top
20” 20” 2M Starting Head 21-¼” 2M Flange Top
A 13-3/8” 13-3/8” 3M Slip on lock bottom 13-5/8” 3M Flange Top
B 9- /8” 13-5/8” 3M Flange bottom 11” 5M Flange Top
C 7” 11” 5M Flange Bottom 11” 5M Flange Top
D 7” Single X-Mastree 5M

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2.7 BOP-Wellhead Stack

Drilling Pressure
Last Casing Description (from bottom to top)
Section Rating

20” x 21-1/4” (Starting Head)

17-1/2” 20” 2,000 21 ¼” 2M Diverter
21 ¼” 2M Annular

13-5/8” 5M Section A (SOL bottom)

13-5/8” 5M Drilling Spool
12-1/4” 13 3/8” 5,000
13-5/8” 5M Double Ram
13-5/8” 5M Annular BOP

13-5/8” 5M Section A (SOL bottom)

13-5/8” 5M x 11” 5M Section B
DSAF 11” x 13/5-8” 5M
8-1/2” 9-5/8” 5,000
13-5/8” 5M Drilling Spool
13-5/8” 5M Double Ram
13-5/8” 5M Annular BOP

13-5/8” 5M Section A (SOL bottom)

13-5/8” 5M x 11” 5M Section B
DSAF 11” 5M x 13-5/8”” 5M
Completion 7” 5,000
13-5/8” 5M Drilling Spool
13-5/8” 5M Double Ram
13-5/8” 5M Annular BOP

Note: BOP Equipment should be discuss first with Drilling Supervisor & Drilling Engineer. Check Rig Floor
height to match BOP stack height.

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2.8 Pressure Testing

Depth Plug Seal Pipe Blind/Shear Surface
Casing String Bump Assembly Rams Rams Equipment
(ft MD (psi)
(psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi)

20” Conductor 100 NA NA NA NA NA

13 3/8” Surface 2,311 500 over 2000 300/2000 300/2000 300/2000 300/2000

95/8” 1000
4,611 2000 300/2000 300/2000 300/2000 300/2000
Intermediate over
7” Production 1000
6,624 2000 300/2000 300/2000 300/2000 300/2000
liner over

• Pressure tests shall be proceeded by a low pressure test of 300 psi for five (5) minutes. High pressure
tests to be 10 minutes duration. Chart recorder shall be used for all tests, signed and submitted with
the daily reports.
• Routine BOP test frequency shall be fourteen (14) days, or on the first bit trip after this period has
• The contractor is responsible for maintaining an auditable record of pressure tests for all equipment
including safety valves. These records are to be provided to the Operator prior to spud.
• The plug bumping pressures, when and if annulus packers are used and set, are subject to packer set-up
which will be determined when actual depths and mud weights are known.

2.9 Bit Program

NO Bit Size Bit Type Nozzles Remarks Unit Remarks
1 17-½” Rock Bit 19 x 19 x 19 2-3-5 1 ea Drill out cement and formation
2 12-¼” PDC 18 5 Blades 19 mm 1 ea Drill out formation
3 8-½” PDC 20 5 Blades 19 mm 1 ea Drill out formation
4 12-¼” Rock Bit xx 2-1-7 1 ea Drill out cement
5 8-½” Rock Bit xx 2-1-7 1 ea Drill out cement
1 ea Drill out cement/ scrapper
6. 5-7/8” Rock Bit -xx 2-1-7

Note: Nozzle bit used should be discussed first by Drilling Supervisor & Drilling Contractor Services.

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2.10 Cementing Program

TABLE 2.11

Hole Size 17 ½" 12 ¼" 8-1/2"

Interval, ft MD 0' - 2000' 0' - 4300'
Open Hole Excess 100% from OH 50% from Caliper 35% from Caliper
Slurry Type Lead Lead
Weight 12.5 ppg 12.5 ppg
Slurry Yield (cps) 2.12 2.77

Free Water <1% <1%

Thickening time >6 hrs >4 hrs

Fluid Loss <70 cc <70 cc

Compressive Strength 800 psi in 24 hrs 800 psi in 24 hrs

Slurry Type Tail Tail Tail

Interval, ft MD 2000' - 2311' 4300' - 4611" 4200' - 6620'

Weight 15.8 ppg 15.8 ppg 15.8 ppg

Slurry Yield (cps) 1.15 1.52 1.54

Free Water 0 0 0

Thickening Time >2 hrs >2 hrs >3 hrs

Fluid Loss <70 cc <70 cc <30 cc
Compressive Str 2500 psi in 24 hrs 2500 psi in 24 hrs 2000 psi in 24 hrs

Refer to detailed Refer to detailed

Refer to detailed
program supplied by program supplied by
program supplied by
cementing company cementing company
cementing company for
Special Aditive for additive, High for additive, High
additive, High
Compressive Compressive strength,
Compressive strength,
strength, Low Fluid Low Fluid Loss, Gas
Low Fluid Loss, Gas Block
Loss, Gas Block Block

• The detailed cementing program will be provided by the cementing company.
• Cementing tests will be conducted with water and cement samples from the rig to confirm additives and
thickening times

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2.11 Electric Logging Program

TABLE 2.12


12-1/4” Open 1. Combo (SP-GR-RES-DEN-NEU-SON- -
2. Pressure Test – Fluid Sampling
8-1/2” Open Hole
3. Cross Dipole Sonic
4. VSP
5. SWC (Side Wall Coring) Big probe 50
7” Casing Liner - CBL-VDL-CCL-GR and advance CBL

• The detailed logging program will be discussed with the Town

2.12 Cutting Sampling

TABLE 2.13

Hole Size 17 ½” 12 ¼” 8 ½”

Interval 30’ 10’ 10’

Bulk Dried envelope 2 set 2 set 2 set

Washed (Bag) Yes 3 set 3 set

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2.13 Drilling Hazard

Refer to table 2.13.1 for generalized potential drilling hazards.

TABLE 2.13.1

Hazard Potential Consequence Risk of Occurrence Controls

Possible tendency for Time and cost due to Moderate The use of adequate
swabbing the wellbore increased mud weight mud weight and
in productive interval requirements for well increase if connection
due to gauge hole and control operations gas is observed.
relatively low trip
margin Keep drilling fluid gels
and yield properties

Slow trips until well off


Maintain good trip

sheet records and
observe the well

Run slick BHA to reduce

swabbing due to balled
up BHAs

• Hole Phase : 12-1/4 inches hole, Set 9-5/8 inches casing

Refer to table 2.13.2 for potential well hazards.

TABLE 2.13.2
HOLE PHASE: 12-1/4 inches hole, Set 9-5/8 inches casing

Hazard Potential Consequence Risk of Occurrence Controls

Possible shallow gas Increased time and Moderate The use of adequate
cost due to increased initial mud weight and
mud weight good measurement
requirements and controls
controlled diversion of The use of a diverter
wellbore influx system
Pore pressure is just
start to increase Time and cost due to Moderate The use of adequate
increased mud weight mud weight.
requirements and gas
entrained mud
Possible lost circulation
zones with high
EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 23 of 62
overbalance mud Increase time and cost Moderate Adequate lost
weight. due to mud losses circulation and mud
materials will be

Possible casing sticking Poor cement job on Low : not a problem on Adequate mud
surface casing and offset data properties and hole
possible low LOT. cleaning prior to
running casing.
WL < 10 cc 30 min.
The squeeze at casing
shoe to acquire a good

Possible swelling, tight Narrower wellbore, Moderate Adequate mud weight

hole and hard shale slow down the drilling and properties by using
process and increase appropriate Mud
the wear and tear on Additives. Also Control
the equipment, and the drilling rate
wellbore instability

• Hole Phase : 8-1/2 inches hole, Set 7 inches liner

Refer to table 2.13.3 for potential well hazards.

TABLE 2.13.3
HOLE PHASE: 8-1/2 inches hole, Set 7 inches casing

Hazard Potential Consequence Risk of Occurrence Controls

Probable above normal Time and cost due to High The use of adequate
pressure gradients increased mud weight mud weight.
requirements and gas
entrained mud

Possible lost circulation Increase time and cost Moderate Adequate lost
zones with high due to mud losses circulation and mud
overbalance mud materials will be
weight available.

Possible whole mud Reduced well Low : not a problem on Adequate

losses into productive productivity due to offset wells LCM/bridging
zones. formation damage and materials will be
higher skin factor. available if required.

Gas migration while Poor cement job due to Moderate. The use of a cement
cementing production gas channelling additives (gas block) to
casing Possible loss of well stop gas migration. The
control use of LCM additives on
spacer/cement slurry.
Minimum WOC 6 hrs

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 24 of 62

2.13.1 Shallow Gas Sands Pressure

The well program assumes there is no shallow gas and pressure, however the proper diverter
will be installed prior to drilling. The next sands formation will be encountered After set 9
5/8” casing where the BOP has been installed. The drilling crew should be ready for any gas
kick/potential gas flow in this well.

2.13.2 Low Leak-Off Tests

The leak-off test (“LOT”) at each casing seat is critical for the well design. If the LOT does not
meet minimum casing design requirements consideration will be given to squeezing the shoe
until an adequate LOT is achieved or the maximum available LOT is determined. The next
casing setting depth will be dependent on the LOT achieved, the ECD and the mud weight

2.13.3 Loss Circulation

The loss circulation may be encountered. The treatment of loss circulation should be
depending on the type of losses. The drillers must be prepared to pick up immediately if losses
occur and commence filling the annulus with reserve mud. The drill string should be
reciprocated and rotated to avoid packing off. Extreme care to prevent getting stuck if total
losses occur. The drilling supervisor and Mud Engineer should ensure the availability of LCM

2.13.4 Pipe Sticking

There may be problems with tight hole that is caused by the swelling clays or unconsolidated
shale. The potential of sticking the drill-string is high so if tight hole is encountered while
wiper trips and increased mud weight will be used. The utilization of Black Magic/Mill Free/EZ
Spot mud chemical has been recommended to get free pipe.

2.13.5 Toxic Environments (H2S or Other Dangerous Gases)

There is no hazardous levels of H2S and CO2 have been recorded during testing the Sihapas
sands formation, H2S, or hydrogen sulfide, is a highly toxic gas that can be encountered during
drilling for oil and gas. It is important to take proper precautions to prevent exposure to H2S,
which can have serious health effects, including respiratory failure and death.

Here are some mitigation measures that can be taken to prevent exposure to H2S during
drilling operations:

Monitoring: One of the most important measures for preventing exposure to H2S is to
monitor for the presence of the gas. This can be done through the use of gas detection
equipment, such as portable gas monitors and fixed gas detection systems. It is important to
regularly test the air in and around the drilling rig to ensure that H2S levels are within safe

Ventilation: Proper ventilation is also critical for preventing exposure to H2S. This includes
ensuring that there is adequate airflow in the drilling area and that exhaust fans are properly
functioning. In some cases, it may be necessary to use a ventilation hood or other specialized
equipment to control H2S emissions.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Workers in the drilling area should always wear
appropriate PPE to protect against H2S exposure. This may include respiratory protection,
EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 25 of 62
such as a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), as well as protective clothing, gloves,
and eye protection.

Training: Workers should be properly trained on the hazards of H2S and how to recognize and
respond to a potential exposure. This includes knowing how to use gas detection equipment
and how to properly don and doff PPE.

Worksite Control: It is important to implement worksite controls to minimize the potential

for H2S exposure. This may include implementing engineering controls, such as using drilling
mud additives that can help to prevent the release of H2S, or administrative controls, such as
limiting the number of workers in the drilling area.

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 26 of 62


The Drilling Procedure is to be used as a guidance only. Changes can and should be made in
respond to actual drilling conditions. Proposed changes to the program should be made only
after consulting with the Drilling Supervisor, Drilling Superintendent with the approval of the
Drilling Manager.

3.1 Rig Move and Pre-Spud

1. Inspect and ensure the rig equipment has been completed and it is in good condition for
drilling the all section based on the contract equipment list. The contractor should supply
the certificate of last equipment’s inspection or pressure/function test. Conduct third party
Inpection where required.
2. Well Control refresher is a mandatory for Drilling supervisor, Rig Superintendent, Tool
pusher, Driller and Assistant Driller. It will be conducted by DWO Depatment.
3. The 21 ¼”-2M Diverter and 21 ¼”-2M Annular ram shall be tested on the supplier workshop
and witness with Company Representative prior to send to rig site.
4. Mobilize the rig to SET-01 surface location. Prior to mobilize, inspect and handover location
from Authority Area.
5. Ensure the supply of drill water from the water wells or river to mud pit is sufficient prior
to spud in and drilling operation.
6. Ensure enough stock of mud chemicals, barite, and cement at rig site.
7. Ensure physically the complete of wellhead equipment including test tool, wear bushing
and its retrieve/running tool, adapter spool, seal, ring gasket, etc. are available on the rig.
8. Ensure with Rig Superintendent the wellhead drawing, or BOP stack up for wellhead
flange/clamp sizes and pressure ratings. Ensure all BOP related equipment, spools,
adaptors, ring gaskets, etc required for BOP stack up are available on the Rig. Ensure on the
required space below rig floor the maximum height of BOP stack up.
9. Ensure the integrity of the well site including its drainage, water wells and cutting pits.
10. Ensure float valves of all sizes of BHA are non-ported types. It will be the policy of this well
for all BHA’s to use a non-ported float.
11. Rig up and conduct proper function test for rig pumps, pump lines, mud pits and its lines,
mud mixing system, all solid control equipment (shale shakers, desander, desilter, mud
cleaner and centrifuges), rotary table and kelly. Calibrate the rig pump and calculate its
12. Pressure test rig pump, pump lines, standpipe manifold, rotary hose, swivel, Kelly, Kelly cock
(upper and lower) to minimum of 3,000 psi – 10 minutes.
13. Mobilize 13 3/8” casing and its accessories from the yard/stagging area to rig site.
14. Rig up and function test cementing units and its lines, cement silos, cement cutting and
bulking systems.
15. Rig and all third parties’ equipment/personnel will not go on operating rate until PT EMP
Tonga drilling supervisor is satisfied that their equipment are rigged up properly and tested,
and the sufficient drill water supplies are available on the rig
16. Mix 12.8 ppg Kill Mud in reserve pit and 11.2 ppg KCL PHPA in active system ensure the mud
is sufficiently sheared before spudding well.

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 27 of 62

17. Prepare and send sample of cement, cement additives, and water for slurry lab.test, also
initial mud to ELC division in Jakarta. Ensure that cement, cement additives and water
samples are taken from same sources as materials to be used in the upcoming job. The
onsite cementer shall pilot test thickening time of proposed slurry prescriptions for a
section and report the result to PT EMP Tonga Driling Supv.
18. Write in Daily drilling report for the well record with the following data.
• RKB – Ground Level (GL)
• Spud date and time
• Rig Heading
• GL-MeanSea Level (MSL)
• Final Well Coordinate (Geodetic and UTM)
Note: Make Sure min 5,000 sax Barite are available at warehouse yard.

3.2 Pre-Spud Meeting

A prespud meeting will be held in Company’s office or rig site prior to spud-in. Performed Migas
checklist and inspection to ensure all of safety issues has been addressed to HSE contractor, PT
EMP Tonga and DWO.
The drilling hazards, pressure profile, mud properties, casing point, cementing design, well
trajectory and operational procedures will be stated as guidance

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 28 of 62

3.3. 20" Drive Pipe

1. A 20" conductor pipe has been driven approximately 100 ftMD.

2. Cut 20” conductor above the ground, do not cut below the ground. (Cut based on
calculation maximum height of BOP’s).
3. Weld on casing swage 21 ¼” 2M Flanged Top x 20” SOW Bottom to 20” casing conductor.
Note: All item above needs to be done before rig move to location
4. Install Riser Adapter 21-1/4” 2M Flanged Top x 13-5/8” 2M Flanged Bottom and 21-1/4”
2M Diverter Spool with 10” Outlet Line, 21-1/4” Annular DivertermSystem complete with
min 150’ of 2 x 10” diverter lines equipped with pneumatic/automatic valves. Function test
diverter bag, and all associated valves for automatic operation. Pump water through both
lines to flush. Automatic valve for close diverter/annular preventer and open diverter valve
is recommended.
5. After making required rig inspection, fill in Rig Safety Check List. Record times of closing
Preventer and opening Diverter valves.

NOTE: Prior to drilling any section of hole, the Drilling Supervisor, Contractor Rig Superintendent
will hold a safety meeting with the mud engineers, cementer, mud loggers, toolpushers,
drillers and rig crew in attendance. The drilling hazards, casing point, anticipated
formation pressure, mud weights and the operational procedures to be followed will be

3.4. Drilling 17-½” Hole for 13-3/8” Casing

• Be ready with 120 bbls 12.8 ppg Kill Mud.
• Never close the well or never close 21-¼” Diverter and diverter line at the same
time at any condition. During killing procedures, if required, must continue
pumping kill mud/mud/water and divert the flows thru opened Diverter Line to
the air/cutting pit.
• Optimize hole cleaning, circulate at maximum rate as specified in the drilling
parameters. Optimize the shaker screen sizes applicable for the flow rate and max
allowable solid content in mud. Optimize mud cleaner with 80,100 Mesh screen
and centrifuges.
• Serious consideration must be given on hole cleaning. If pump capability cannot
catch up with cuttings produced, try pumping hi-vis pill occasionally or circulate
a little longer prior to connection. Flow rate of 800-1000 gpm is suggested to drill
at this section

• Sweep hole with 30 bbls of 80 sec/qt Hi-Vis every 3 stands drill, only if required.
• Be ready with 200 bbls 12.8 ppg Kill Mud before spud in.
• If the gas presence, stop drilling and circulate until all gas circulated out. Stop
pump and observe for flow.
o If no flow: continue drilling.
o If there is a flow,
▪ Open diverter valves, close diverter, and pump kill mud with
higher rate, 500 GPM min.
▪ Continue drilling with kill mud.

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• If the well kicked, open Diverter Valves and close Diverter and pump kill mud with
500 GPM min until the well is dead. Mix additional 12.8 ppg kill mud if required.
If the kill mud is run out, continues pump water with 500 GPM min until the well
is controlled.
• Do not leave the hole open too long.
• Use 2 pumps to drill with mud and line up 1 pump to water pits in case continues
killing or pumping water to the well with 500 GPM is required. Fill up all unused
pits full of water before spud.
• During the trip out of hole, pump out of hole and pull slowly to avoid swabbing.
• Mobilize 13-3/8” casing and its accessories from the yard to rig site.
• Mobilize cement to rig site.
• Be aware with gas pocket. If gas pocket exist, circulate hole until gas clear.
Increase mud weight if gas still exis.
• Ensure LCM are on site.

1. M/U Pendulum BHA for 17-1/2” hole drilling.

No Item Nominal Size Quantity (jts)
1 Rock Bit 17-1/2” 1
2 Bit Sub with FV 1
3 Drill Collars 8” 1
4 Stabilizer 17-1/2” 1
5 Drill Collars 8” 2
6 X/O Sub 1
7 Drill Collars 6-1/4” 2
8 Drilling Jars 6-1/4” 1
9 Drill Collars 6-1/4” 1
10 HWDP 5” 6

Note: number of tubular joint of every item should be under Drilling Supervisor

2. Clean out a 20” driven pipe from surface to shoe, approx at 100 ft. Circulate hole with
9.0 ppg mud. Slowly penetration around shoe to avoid back out shoe joint.
3. Max WOB 1-2 klbs. Min. 60 RPM or refer to drilling supervisor.
4. Optimize hydraulic for good hole cleaning and bit horsepower.

5. Drill vertical hole to 13-3/8” casing shoe, ream each stand prior to making a
connection, use Hi-Vis sweeps to clean hole (if required). Flow check, 5 min. The
wellsite geologist and G&G from Jakarta office will advise the setting depth.
Section drilling target & parameters:

Description Value Unit

Est. Casing Shoe Set 2,311 ft MD KB
Starting Mud Weight 9.0 Ppg
Flow Rate 800 – 1000 Gpm
WOB 3 – 10 Klbs
RPM 90 – 120 RPM

Note: While drilling 17-½” hole

▪ Control ROP to optimize hole cleaning by circulating at maximum rate as specified
in drilling parameter.
▪ Working pipe minimum three times every stands

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 30 of 62

▪ Sweep hole with 30 bbls of 80 sec/qt Hivis every 3 stands when drilling 17-½” hole
▪ Mud Engineer must control mud properties, make adequate dilution. Utilize 0.1
gpb of mud detergen to minimize bit balling and mud treatment for any
shale/gumbo problem.
▪ Conduct short trip every 1000 ft.
▪ Take survey every 1000 ft with TOTCO tool run with sandline.
▪ Run centrifuges conbtinuously to maintain low gravity solids as low as possible.
Maintain PV 14-16 (as low as possible).
▪ Increase mud weight as required to ECD or 9.2 ppg to run casing.
▪ The 13-3/8” casing point will be confirmed by Wellsite Geologist and approved by
EMP main office.

6. At 13 3/8” Casing Point Depth, circulate hole clean, sweep with Hi-Vis if required.
Wiper trip (pump out of hole or slow back ream if required) to 20” casing Shoe, flow
check-5 min and RIH back to bottom. Circulate and drop carbide. Pull out of hole to
shoe. Flow check – 5 min. Monitor trip tank while POH to surface (Flow check-5 min
prior BHA pass through BOP).
▪ Drilling supervisor, tool pusher/rig superintendent must on the rig floor during
pulling out of hole operations until bit is up in casing string.
▪ Trip sheet should be made while tripping in/out.
▪ Circulate with 800-1,000 GPM, twice bottoms up.
▪ Reduce mud viscosity if considered necessary to minimize fracturing/losses.
▪ Observe and monitor wellbore while drilling and tripping for any shallow gas
presence and other anomaly.
▪ Mud engineer must control mud properties, make adequate dilution. Utilize
additional polyamine and or Soltex on mud system when experience with gumbo
or reactive shale.
▪ Do not leave the hole open too long. Work to fill up and to run 13 3/8” casing as
soon as possible but not to induce surging.

7. BOP Operation
▪ Retrieve wear bushing.
▪ Change top 5” rams with 13 3/8” ram.
▪ Test bonnet seal to 500 psi.

8. Conduct Pre-job safety meeting before running casing & continued with cementing
job, conduct a pre-job safety meeting with all parties involve to discuss action items
and contingencies.
9. Casing Operation
Rig up 13 3/8” casing handling tools and and or fill up tool. Run 13 3/8” casing as
follows: (Conditional)

Setting Depth
Description No. Length (ft) Weight (ppf) Grade Conn
(ft MD KB)
Total Depth 2,311
13 3/8” Float shoe 1 2 2,309 72 L-80 BTC
13 3/8” Casing 1 40 2,269 72 L-80 BTC
13 3/8” Float collar 1 2 2,267 72 L-80 BTC
13 3/8” Casing 57 2,271 -4 72 L-80 BTC

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 31 of 62

a) Check actual ID of casing and info to Jakarta for calculate cement volume
b) Thread lock compound the first three joint of casing, weld float shoe & float collar at
4 spot to avoid casing rotated while DOC (do not cinduct on rig floor area).
c) Check the integrity of float equipment.
d) Ensure that all casing has been drifted with proper size before lifting up to rig floor.
e) Re-check float shoe & float collar condition before connected to casing.
Run Bow centralizer 20 ft above shoe and at top of jt #3, #5 and 1 ea every five or six
joints. And 1 rigid centralizer in position around wellhead area. Minimize centralizer
utilization to reduce tight hole while run casing.
*Minimize centralizer utilization to reduce tight hole while run casing.
f) Run standoff centralizer program.
g) Fill up casing maximum three joint if the fill up tool is unavailable.
h) Circulating swedge must be available on rig floor.
The optimum torque of 13-3/8” casing is 7,000-7,200 ft-lbs.
Check triangle mark for the first 10 jts while making casing connection. Re-check
every 10 jts.
Be prepared to wash the casing to bottom but use extreme care not to stick the casing
as the 13 3/8” casing setting depth is critical to the success of the well
i) The good primary cement job on 13-3/8” casing is critical for the LOT

10. Circulate to clean and condition hole for cementing (break circulation slowly and
increase periodically until annular velocity around casing similar with while drilling).
Check for any gas to surface. Reciprocate casing while circulating if possible. circulate
minimum of one casing volumes and lower mud rheology, cut YP to 12. Take final
circulating temperature.
11. While circulating, conduct a pre-job meeting with all parties involve to discuss action
items and contingencies.
12. Cementing Job
• Make sure Top & Bottom Plug has placed inside of cementing head
(withnessed by company man or company representatives).
• R/U cementing lines & cementing head. Flush cement lines with water, rig up
lines, break circulation and test lines to 2500 psi for 5 mins. Cementing head is
suggested with tattle tale
• Circulate to clean and conditioned hole for cementing (break circulation slowly
and increase periodically until AV around casing similar with while drilling).
Check for any gas to surface. Reciprocate casing while circulating if possible.
Circulate minimum of one casing volumes and lower mud rheology. Take final
circulating temperature.
• Pump spacer (spacer weight do not over than 2,0 ppg from last mud weight in
hole, spacer volume will be discussed prior to cementing job).
• Release bottom plug
• Pump Cement 13 3/8” as per cementing program:
o 15.8 ppg tail slurry and 12.5 ppg lead slurry
o The slurry should be re-tested on location prior the cementing job
o The slurry column length from the proposed casing shoe until the surface.
Using 100% excess for open hole by carbide lag check or depend on well
condition (will be follow as per update cementing program).

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 32 of 62

o Reciprocate casing about 3-15 ft during cementing job if possible
o Check weight of cement pumped every 10 bbls mixing fluid pumped.
o Record all pumping pressure.
• Release top plug by 2 bbls tail slurry and 10 bbls water. Continue displace with
mud as per program
• Bump plug with 1,000 psi over final pump pressure, hold for 5 minutes. If plug
does not bump plug with calculated displacement, the maximum displacement
should not exceed theoretical volume to float collar plus ½ shoe track volume
• Bleed off pressure and check floats holding. Open the side outlet casing head
valve, and flash out the diverter package and casing head from any
access/contaminated cement.
• Mud Engineer should check weight of contaminated cement

13. Wait on cement until sample cement gets hard. Monitor 20” x 13 3/8” annulus for fluid
level drop.
14. Function and Pressure test 13 5/8” BOP’s on test stump while wait on cement.
15. BOP Operation
• Pick Up 21-¼” Diverter,
• Rough cut 13-3/8” casing, L/D excess casing, N/D Diverter,
• Perform top job cement (if required)
16. Cut off and dress 13-3/8” casing.
17. N/D Diverter package. If no cement returns are observed then conduct a top job using
lead slurry formulation. Remove 21 ¼’ 2M Starting head and Ring up between 13-3/8”
Casing x 20” Casing.
18. Final cut 13 3/8” Casing.
19. Check ring grooves, casing spool and casing hanger sealing area are free from damage.
Drift casing head and check wear bushing fits correctly prior to be installed. Install
casing head 13 3/8” 3M Slip On Lock Bottom x 13 5/8” 3M Flanged Top.
20. Pressure test casing head to sufficient pressure with wellhead engineer calculation.
Install drilling spool 13-5/8” 5 M. Lower 13-5/8” 5M BOP groups, RIH and set test plug.
21. Test BOP rams and choke manifolds as per program.
22. Retrieve the test plug, set wear bushing.

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 33 of 62

3.5. Drilling 12-¼” Hole for 9-5/8” Casing

• KCL/PHPA will be used to drill this section. Mud Engineer need to control the quality
of this mud.
• Optimize hole cleaning, circulate at maximum rate as specified in the drilling
parameters. Optimize the shaker screen sizes applicable for the flow rate and max
allowable solid content in mud. Optimize mud cleaner with 100 Mesh screen and
• Sweep hole with 30 bbls of 80 sec/qt Hi-Vis every 3 stands drill, only if required.
• Be ready with 120 bbls 12.8 ppg Kill Mud.
• Do not leave the hole open too long.
• Mobilize 9-5/8” casing and its accessories from the yard/stagging area to rig site.
• Mobilize cement to rig site.
• Avoid swab and surge pressure.
• Vital to maintain hole full at all the times.
• Intra-Petani is known as predominantly reactive shale/clay.
• Be aware with gas pocket. If shallow gas exist, circulate hole until gas clear. Increase
mud weight if gas still exist.
• DC exponent should be updated and reported the estimate pore pressure on daily
morning report.
• If background gas increase, connection gas is appearing, and find out anomaly
drilling parameter. It must be reported to rig floor and Drilling Supervisor
• Ensure LCM are onsite
• Ensure 12-1/4” PDC with 5 blades complete with variance of nozzle are onsite.
• Ensure electric wireline logging are onsite

1. Stand up 5” DP to derrick until 4,700 ft.

• Optimize hydraulic for good hole cleaning and bit horse power.
• Use larger jets in case LCM are needed to cure losses
• BHA will be prepared by drilling supervisor. Any changes should be informed and
gotten approval from Jakarta office

2. M/U 12-1/4” Rock Bit with BHA:

No Item Nominal Size Quantity (jts)
1 Rock Bit/PDC Bit 12-1/4” 1
2 Bit Sub w/FV 1
3 Drill Collars 8” 1
4 Stabilizer 12-1/4” 1
5 Drill Collars 8” 1
6 X/O 1
7 Drill Collars 6-1/4” 5
8 Drilling Jars 1

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 34 of 62

9 Drill Collars 6-1/4” 1
10 HWDP 5” 6

Note: number of tubular joint of every item should be under Drilling Supervisor suggestion
RIH to tag Top of Cement.

3. Drill out cement inside 13-3/8” casing, plug, float collars, & float shoe.
• Increase mud weight to 9.5 ppg
• Optimize hydraulic for good hole cleaning and bit horsepower.
• Use larger jets in case LCM are needed to cure losses.
• When the Rock bit close to top of cement, run slowly and tag gently to avoid
bumping and breaking of bit cutters
• Slowly penetration around shoe to avoid back out shoe joint.
• Max. WOB 2-6 klbs. Min. 80 RPM.

4. Drill 10’ new formation. Circulate hole condition with 9.5 ppg mud. Perform Leak of test.
• Perform LOT using cementing unit with maximum rate 0.25 bpm and record the
pressure taken from the low ranges gauge.
• Prepare to squeeze the shoe if LOT value is below 16.0 ppg. Call Jakarta for the
LOT result.
• Plot LOT in pore pressure plot and based on this data make assessment of the kick
tolerance at ~ 4,611 ft (propose 9 5/8” casing shoe).
Note: The leak-off test (LOT) at each casing seat is critical for the well design. If
the LOT does not meet minimum casing design requirements consideration will be
given to squeezing the shoe until an adequate LOT is achieved or the maximum
available LOT is determined.
5. Circulate bottoms up. POOH to surface. Replace 12-1/4” Rock Bit with PDC Bit. Run in Hole
to bottom.
6. Drill ahead vertical hole to estimated +/- 4,611 ftMD. Observed the formation hardness
while drilling to modify drilling parameter if required.

Description Value Unit

Est. Casing Shoe Set 4,611 ft MD KB
Starting Mud Weight 9.5 Ppg
Flow Rate 600 – 800 Gpm
WOB 3 – 15 Klbs
RPM 90 – 120 RPM

Note: while drilling 12-1/4” hole

• Final drilling parameter will be advised with drilling supervisor.
• Maximum ROP will be maintained up to the limitation of the surface equipment
or as hole condition dictated.

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 35 of 62

• Control ROP to prevent overloading the annulus with drill cuttings which could
induce stuck pipe or loss of returns.
• Increase mud weight as required.
• Sweep hole with 30 bbls of minimum 80 sec/qt Hivis every 5 stands when drilling
12 ¼” hole while take SPR for all mud pumps.
• Mud Engineer must control mud properties, make adequate dilution.
• Conduct short trip every 1000ft
• Take survey every 1000 ft with TOTCO tool run with sandline.
• Run centrifuges continuously to maintain low gravity solids as low as possible.
Maintain PV 14-16 (as low as possible).
• Increase mud weight as required to ECD to run casing
• The 9 5/8” casing point will be confirmed by Wellsite Geologist and approved by
EMP main office
• Monitor mud over balance vs pore pressure
• Circulate and monitoring at TD, circulate hole clean, check if any gas trip
recorded. Increase mud weight (if required), check hole static 5 minutes before
wiper trip to last casing shoe.

7. At 9 5/8” Casing Point Depth, circulate hole clean, sweep with Hi-Vis. Wiper trip (pump
out of hole or slow back ream if required) to 13 3/8” casing Shoe, flow check-5 min and
RIH back to bottom. Spot hi-viss pill, Pull out of hole to shoe. Flow check – 5 min. Monitor
trip tank while POH to surface (Flow check-5 min prior BHA pass through BOP).
• Drilling supervisor, tool pusher/rig superintendent must on the rig floor during
pulling out of hole operations until bit is up in casing string.
• Trip sheet should be made while tripping in/out.
• Circulate with 800 GPM, twice bottoms up.
• Reduce mud viscosity if considered necessary to minimize fracturing/losses.
• Observe and monitor wellbore while drilling and tripping for any shallow gas
presence and other anomaly.
• Mud engineer must control mud properties, make adequate dilution. Utilize
additional polyamine and or Soltex on mud system when experience with gumbo
or reactive shale.
• Record bit condition & take bit picture. Filled out while trip.
• Do not leave the hole open too long. Work to fill up and to run 9 5/8” casing as
soon as possible but not to induce surging
8. Run electrical logging as per program. The final logging program to be advised. Observe
annulus when run logging.
9. Wiper trip (pump out of hole or slow back ream if required) to 13 3/8” casing Shoe, flow
check-5 min and RIH back to bottom. Circulate and drop carbide. Pull out of hole to shoe.
Flow check – 5 min. Monitor trip tank while POH to surface (Flow check-5 min prior BHA
pass through BOP). Follow item no.22 above for any operation concerns.

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 36 of 62

10. BOP Operation :
• Retrieve wear bushing.
• Change top 5” rams with 9-5/8” ram.
• Test bonnet seal to 500 psi.
11. Conduct Pre-Job Safety Meeting Before running casing & continued with cementing job,
conduct a pre-job safety meeting with all parties involve to discuss action items and
12. Casing operation.
Rig up 9-5/8” casing handling tools and fill up tool. Run 9-5/8” casing as follows:

Length Setting Depth Weight

Description No. Grade Conn
(ft) (ft MD KB) (ppf)
Total Depth 4,611
9 5/8” Float shoe 1 2 4,609 53.5 L-80 BTC
9 5/8” Casing 2 80 4,529 53.5 L-80 New vam
9 5/8” Float collar 1 2 4,527 53.5 L-80 BTC
9 5/8” Casing 114 4,531 -4 53.5 L-80 New vam
a) Check actual ID of casing and info to Jakarta for calculate cement volume
b) Apply Thread lock compund on first 3 joints, tag float shoe and float collar (Do not
conduct on the rig floor)
c) Check the integrity of float equipment.
d) Ensure that all casing has been rabbit with proper size before lift up to rig floor.
e) Run Bow centralizer 20 ft above shoe and at top of jt #3, #5 and 1 ea every five or six
joints. And 1 rigid centralizer to position around wellhead area. Minimize centralizer
utilization to reduce tight hole while run casing.
f) Run standoff centralizer program.
g) Fill up casing every three joint if the fill up tool is unavailable.
h) Circulating swedge or fill up tool must be available on rig floor.
i) Prepared to wash the casing to bottom but use extreme care not to stick the casing
at the 9 5/8” casing setting depth is critical to the success of the well.
j) The optimum torque of 9 5/8” casing will be determined by casing running services
and will be discussed with EMP Jakarta. Check triangle mark for the first 10 jts while
making casing connection. Re-check every 10 jts.
k) The good primary cement job on 9 5/8” casing is critical for the LOT

13. Circulate to hole clean and conditioning for cementing (break circulation slowly and
increase periodically until AV around casing similiar with while drilling). Check for any gas
to surface. Reciprocate casing while circulating if possible. Circulate minimum of one
casing volumes and lower mud rheology cut YP to 12.Take final circulating temperature.
Increase mud weight if required. Prepare to mix cement at cementing unit
14. While circulating, conduct a pre-job meeting with all parties involve to discuss action
items and contingencies.
15. Cementing Job:
• Make sure Top & Bottom Plug has been check & placed inside of cementing head.
• R/U cementing lines & cementing head. Flush cement lines with water, rig up
lines, break circulation and test lines to 5000 psi for 5 mins. Cementing head is
suggested with tattle tale
EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 37 of 62
• Pump spacer (spacer weight do not over than 2,0 ppg from last mud weight in
hole, spacer volume will be discussed prior to cementing job).
• Release bottom plug
• Cement 9 5/8” casing as per program using 13.5 ppg lead slurry and 15.8 ppg tail
slurry (will be follow as per update cementing program)
o The slurry should be re-tested on location prior the cementing
o Using 50% excess volume by carbide lag check or caliper
meassurement, depend on well condition (will be follow as per
update cementing program).
o Check weight of cement pumped every 20 bbls mixing fluid
o Record all pumping pressure.
• Bump plug with 1,000 psi over final pump pressure, hold for 5 minutes. If plug
does not bump plug with calculated displacement, the maximum displacement
should not exceed theoretical volume to float collar plus ½ shoe track volume
• Bleed off pressure and check floats holding. Open the side outlet casing head
valve, and flash out the diverter package and casing head from any
access/contaminated cement.
• Mud Engineer should check weight of contaminated cement
16. Close 9-5/8” Pipe ram to minimize gas influx & possibility of cement kick. WOC until
sample cement gets hard, Retrieve studs between BOP and wellhead and left 6 studs in
cross position. Monitor 13-3/8” x 9-5/8” annulus pressure. Rig down cementing head &
line. Disconnect diverter line & L/D cementing head.

17. BOP Operation (after sample cement already hard enough):

• Pick Up 13-5/8” BOP.
• Set 9-5/8” casing slips, slack off weight with 40 Klbs to expand slip seals.
• Rough cut 9-5/8” casing, L/D excess casing.
18. Final cut 9-5/8” casing
19. Well Head Operation:
• Install 13-5/8” 3M Flange bottom x 11” 5M Flange top (Wellhead Section-B) c/w
• Pressure test tubing head seals to 3,000 psi (80% of 9-5/8” casing collapse
• N/U 13-5/8” BOP, install bell nipple & flow line.
• Change top 9-5/8” rams with 5” ram.
20. Pressure Test BOP
• M/U and set test plug. Pressure test bonnet seal 500 psi.
• Pressure test BOP as per program.
o Pressure test every break or new connetion (Wellhead section
B, DSA, lower pipe ram, kill line, choke manifold) with low

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 38 of 62

pressure (300 psi) – 5 Minutes and high pressure (2000 psi) –
10 Minutes.
o Ensure tubing head spools outlets are opened before testing
o During test BOP, prepare mud for next section.
• Retrieve test plug and set wear bushing.

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 39 of 62

3.6. Drilling 8-½” Hole for 7” Liner

• KCL/PHPA drilling fluid will be used to drill this section. Mud Engineer need to
control the quality of this mud.
• Possible lost circulation during drilling through Primary objective, The prevention
can be seen in the Lost Circulation attachment.
• Optimize hole cleaning, circulate at maximum rate as specified in the drilling
parameters. Optimize the shaker screen sizes applicable for the flow rate and
max.allowable solid content in mud. Optimize mud cleaner with 170 Mesh screen
and 200-220 centrifuges.
• Sweep hole with 30 bbls of 80 sec/qt Hi-Vis every 3 stands drill, as required.
• Be ready with 120 bbls 12.0 ppg Kill Mud.
• Mobilize 7” casing with its accessories from the yard/stagging to rig site.
• Mobilize cement to rig site.
• Do not leave the hole open too long.
• Avoid swab and surge pressure.
• Ensure the gas detector of Mud Logging and all sensors are working properly.
• If background gas is increase, connection gas is appearing and find out anomaly-
drilling parameter. It must be reported to rig floor and Drilling Supervisor
• Vital to maintain hole full at all the times. Main target will be in Sihapas formation
• Ensure LCM are onsite.
• Estimate Pore Pressure must be reported on daily morning report.
• If got background gas increase, connection gas is appearing and find out anomaly
drilling parameter, it must be reported to rig floor and company man
• If got drilling break 1 meter, stop drilling. Circulate b/u to ensure gas cut mud
release from mud system.
• Ensure degasser working properly
• Ensure 12-1/4” PDC with 5 blades complete with variance of nozzle are onsite.
• Ensure Electric wireline logging tools and coring equipment are onsite

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 40 of 62

1. Stand up 5” DP to derrick until 6,700 ft.
2. M/U 8-1/2” BHA assembly:
• Optimize hydraulic for good hole cleaning and bit horse power.
• Use larger jets in case LCM are needed to cure losses
• BHA will be prepared by drilling supervisor. Any changes should be informed
and gotten approval from Jakarta office

Number of Item /
No Item Nominal Size
Joint Number
1 Rock Bit-PDC Bit 8-1/2” 1
2 Bit Sub w/ FV 1
3 Drill Collars 6-1/4” 1
4 Stabilizer 8-1/2” 1
5 Drill Collars 6-1/4” 7
6 X/O 1
7 Drilling Jars 6-1/2” 1
8 X/O 1
9 Drill Collars 6-1/4” 1
10 HWDP 5” 10

Note: number of tubular joint of every item should be under Drilling Supervisor suggestion.
RIH to tag TOC

3. RIH 8 ½” Rock Bit inside 9 5/8” casing. When Rock Bit close to top of cement, run slowly
and tag gently to avoid bumping and breaking of Rock Bit cutters.
4. Drill out cement inside 9-5/8” casing, float collars, shoe track casing, float shoe.
• While 20 ft from float shoe (TD) or at Mid of shoe track joint, conduct pressure
test casing with 2000 psi. Pressure test casing to sufficient pressure for
performing LOT. Ensure the pressure are not more than casing burst rating
• Slowly penetration around shoe to avoid back out shoe joint.
• Max. WOB 2-6 klbs. Min. 80 RPM or refer to Bit Technician Specialist advised.

5. Drill 10’ new formation. Circulate hole condition with 9.0 ppg new mud. Check if any gas
trip perform. Pull out bit to last casing shoe & conduct LOT
• Perform LOT using cementing unit with maximum rate 0.25 bpm and record the
pressure taken from the low ranges gauge.
• Prepare to squeeze the shoe if LOT value is below 16.0 ppg. Call Jakarta for the
LOT result.
• Plot LOT in pore pressure plot and based on this data make assessment of the kick
tolerance at ~ 6,611 ft (propose 7” casing shoe).

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 41 of 62

6. Circulate bottoms up. POOH to surface. Replace 8-1/2” Rock Bit with PDC Bit. Run in Hole
to bottom.
7. Drill ahead vertical hole 8-1/2” new hole to TD with target & parameters:
Description Value Unit
Est. Casing Shoe Set 6,624 ft MD KB
Starting Mud Weight 9.0 Ppg
Flow Rate 400 – 600 Gpm
WOB 3 – 10 Klbs
RPM 90 – 120 RPM
Note: While drilling 8 ½” hole
• Final drilling parameter will be advised by Bit technician/specialist and discussed
with drilling supervisor.
• Maximum ROP will be maintained up to the limitation of the surface equipment
or as hole condition dictated.
• Ensure MBT and filtration loss as low as per program to avoid formation damage.
• Sweep hole with 30 bbls of minimum 80 sec/qt Hivis every 5 stands when drilling
8 ½” hole while take SPR for all mud pumps.
• Mud Engineer must control mud properties, make adequate dilution.
• Take survey every 1000 ft with TOTCO tool run with sandline.
• Run centrifuges continuously to maintain low gravity solids as low as possible.
Maintain PV 14-16 (as low as possible).
• Increase mud weight as required to ECD ppg to run coring
• Monitor mud over balance vs pore pressure.
8. At 7” Casing Point Depth, circulate hole clean, sweep with Hi-Vis if required. 7” casing
point will be confirmed by Wellsite geologist and approved by EMP main office.
9. Wiper trip (POOH or slow back ream if required) to shoe, filled out while trip, flow check
– 5 min at shoe and RIH back to bottom.
10. At TD, circulate hole clean.check any gas trip, flow check-5 min, increase mud weight (if
• Circulate with 600 GPM, twice bottoms up
• Reduce mud viscosity if considered necessary to minimize fracturing/losses.
11. Pump out of hole to several stands, check hole static then continue POOH to shoe. Flow
check 5 minutes, continue to POOH to surface & L/D stabilizer. Record bit condition &
take bit pictures.
• Drilling supervisor, tool pusher/rig superintendent must on the rig floor during
pulling out of hole operations until bit is up in casing string
• Mud Engineer must control mud properties, make adequate dilution. Utilize 3
ppb Soltex on mud system when experience with gumbo or reactive shale.
• Do not leave the hole open too long. Work to fill up and to run 7” casing as soon
as possible but not to induce surging.
Observe and monitor wellbore while drilling and tripping for any shallow gas presence
and other anomaly

12. Logging
EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 42 of 62
R/U eletrical wireline logging. Run electrical logging as per program. The final logging
program to be advised.
• Wiper trips every 2 times logging (maximum 3 times logging) and Drilling
Supervisor should be advice for wiper trip.
• Wiper trips (if required), M/U Slick assembly, RIH to TD. Circulate hole clean, flow
check 5 minuts, POOH to surface.
• Observe annulus when run logging.
• Be prepared with 7” lubricator and pack off seals.
13. BOP Operation
• Retrieve wear bushing.
• Change top 5” rams with 7” ram.
• Test bonnet seal to 500 psi.
14. Conduct Pre-Job Safety Meeting before running casing & continued with cementing job,
conduct a pre-job safety meeting with all parties involve to discuss action items and
15. Casing & Cementing Operations
- Rig up 7” casing handling tools and fill up tool.
- Make up 7” Liner hanger and running tools, lay out same in V-door, Run 7" casing as per
Casing Program and Tally

Length Weight
Description No. Depth Grade Connection
(ft) (ppf)
(ft MD KB)
Total Depth 6,624
7” Float shoe 1 2 6,622 32 L-80 BTC
7” Casing 2 80 6,542 32 L-80 Vam top
7” Float collar 1 2 6,540 32 L-80 BTC
7” Liner 49 1,929 -4 32 L-80 Vam top
a) Check actual ID of casing and inform to Jakarta for calculate cement volume

b) Apply Thread lock compund on first 3 joints, tag float shoe and float collar.
c) Check the integrity of float equipment.
d) Ensure that all casing has been rabbit with proper size.
e) Run Bow centralizer 20 ft above shoe and at top of jt #3, #5 and 1 ea every five or
six joints. And 1 rigid centralizer to position around wellhead area. One bow
centralizer every joint in production zone. Minimize centralizer utilization to
reduce tight hole while run casing
f) Ensure that all 5” DP has been rabbit with proper size refer to OD of pipe dart
g) Fill up casing every five joint if the fill up tool is unavailable.
h) Circulating swedge must be available on rig floor.
i) Prepared to wash the casing to bottom but use extreme care not to stick the
casing at the 7” casing setting depth is critical to the success of the well
j) The optimum torque of 7” liner will be determined by casing running services.
Check triangle mark for the first 10 jts while making casing connection. Re-check
every 10 jts.
EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 43 of 62
k) The good primary cement job on 7” casing is critical for the isolation between
production zone and reduce the production skin.

16. Pick up liner hanger jt. Make up wiper plug and hanger. RIH with pup joint. Confirm total
weight of liner.
17. Change top 7” rams with 5” ram.
18. Run liner in hole on drill pipe, monitor returns for losses while RIH. Circulate liner at 9-
5/8” casing shoe. Wash last stand to bottom, increase circulation rate slowly monitoring
PVT for losses. Circulate minimum of one casing capacity, reciprocate casing throughout.
Note : Liner hanger type used is a non-rotating liner hanger which could not be rotate while
RIH. Consult with Liner Hanger Engineer for an advice.
19. Drop ball and set liner hanger (refer to liner hanger program as per Liner hanger
specialist), release running tool, cement 7” liner as per program. Release DP dart. Displace
with small amount of cement. Continue pumping displacement with mud. Observe when
the dart latches in and shearing off the liner wiper plug.
20. Pressure up to 1500 psi to set liner hanger as per Liner hanger set procedure
21. Batch Mix Tail Slurry on Batch mixer (Max 120 Minuntes)
22. Pump Spacer and Pump Tail cement slurry
23. Drop DP Wiper Plug
24. Pump theoretical displacement, bump plug with 1000 psi above final circulating pressure.
If plug does not bump, displacement should not exceed the calculated volume to float
equipment plus 1/2 shoe track volume.
• The cement slurry should be tested using cement and water sample from field
prior the cementing job.
• The Tail slurry type to be advised. The excess slurry volume to be determined
based on caliper log or hole condition.
25. Bleed off pressure and check floats holding. Pick up engage dogs and set liner packer (or
as per DWO recommendation). Release liner running tool.
26. POOH 5-10 ftMD, Reverse circulates. Observe any cement returns. Pressure test packer
to 2000 psi. POH with running tool to surface
27. Make up 8 1/2” Mill tooth bit and clean out BHA. RIH and clean out cement to top of 7”
Liner. Circulate hole clean. Record top of 7” liner depth. POOH.
28. Make up 6” Rock bit and slick assembly (tappered string 3-1/2” – 5” DP). Drill out cement
inside 7” liner, float shoe, circulate clean. Continue RIH 6” assembly to TD. Circulate hole
clean. POOH.
29. Make up 6” Mill tooth bit complete with 7” casing scraper and 9-5/8” casing scraper. RIH
and clean out cement inside 7” liner to landing collar or any depth recommended by
drilling Jakarta.
30. Displace hole with drill water and circulate hole clean. Pump Hi-Vis spacer and displace
with KCL-Brine.
31. POH to surface.
32. Rig up wireline logging. Run CBL-VDL-CCL-GR with advanced CBL. Log to 7” top of liner (7”
casing only). Rig down wireline logging.
Note : Report to Headquarters Office as soon as CBL resulted.

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 44 of 62

Testing Program and Completion Program will be issued separately.
33. WOC until sample cement gets hard, monitor 9-5/8” x 7” annulus pressure. Open 7” pipe
ram and Rig down cementing head & line. Disconnect diverter line & L/D cementing head.
While WOC, prepare completion fluid. L/D 5” Drill pipe.
34. BOP Operation
• Pick Up 13-5/8” BOP.
• Set 7” casing slips, slack off weight with 40 Klbs to expand slip seals.
• Rough cut 7” casing, L/D excess casing.
• Cut off and dress 7” casing.
35. Well Head Operation
• Install 11” 5M Flange bottom x 11” 5M Flange top (Wellhead Section-C).
• Pressure test tubing head seals to 2000 psi (80% of 7” casing collapse resistance),
• N/U BOP, install bell nipple & flow line.
• Change top 7” rams with 3-1/2” ram.
36. Pressure Test BOP
• M/U and set test plug. Pressure test bonnet seal 500 psi.
• Pressure test BOP as per program.
o Pressure test every break or new connetion (Wellhead section C, DSA, lower
pipe ram, kill line, choke manifold, Annular BOP) with low pressure (300 psi)
– 5 Minutes and high pressure (2000 psi) – 10 Minutes.
o Ensure tubing head spools outlets are opened before testing BOP’s.
• Retrieve test plug and set wear bushing.
37. Make up 5-7/8” TCB complete with 7” casing scraper. RIH and clean out cement inside 7”
casing to float collar or any depth recommended by EMP Tonga. re-check casing scrapper
38. At bottom, circulate hole clean.
39. Pull out of hole to surface & lay down BHA, casing scrapper, & Drill Pipe.
40. Logging, Rig up wireline logging. Run case hole logging as per program. Log up from 7”
float collar to 9-5/8” casing shoe. Rig down wireline logging. Continue with completion
3.8 Completion Program
1. The completion program will be issued separately

3.9 Abandonment Program

This abandonment program should include the minimum of:
1. Isolate any permeable zone(s) and permeable freshwater zone(s) with cement plug 100’
above and below interval(s).
2. Set a 400’ of cement plug across 9-5/8” shoe consist of; 300’ above and 300’ below 9-5/8”
shoe. WOC 6 hrs tag cement to verify TOC and record depth. Test cement plug with 15
KPsi and 1000 psi for 15 min, pressure drops max 10
3. Set a 150’ of surface cement plug
EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 45 of 62
4. Cut off wellhead and fill cellar full of cement. Make up a steel sign on top of cut off with
sufficient written information to identify the well.
5. All abandonment or suspension programs are subject to SKKMIGAS approval.

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4.1. Pre-Job Meeting

Before any work commences on specific contracts, the contractor is to attend

a briefing with the Drilling Supervisor.
At this briefing:

• Procedures and safety requirements for the work will be reviewed.

• reporting relationships will be established.

• Potential problems and responsibilities will be discussed further. This

will include details of hazards that may exist or to be introduced/created
by those doing the work, and details of management and control
methods. All personnel on the drilling site will be informed of these
decisions through safety meetings prior to the start-up of the job.

4.2. Rig Inspection

Rig inspection will be conducted by a MIGAS Safety Inspector prior to spud

the well.

Should this inspection reveal an unsafe act or condition, the Drilling

Supervisor is to be work with Rig Superintendent so that immediate steps
can be taken to effect remedial action.

A result of the Rig inspection is to be forwarded to Drilling Manager/Drilling

Superintendent with copy to Drilling SHE Coordinator.

4.3. Pre-Spud Inspection

An inspection of the drilling operation is required to ensure the following

requirements have been fulfilled:

• Rig in full & safe operating mode.

• All necessary materials are on the drilling site.
• All safety equipment on hand and
• H2S gas detection gear installed and fully operational if required.

The rig inspection will be conducted by the Drilling Manager, the Drilling
Supervisor, the Rig Superintendent and HSE Manager/Officer.

4.4. BOP Testing/Drill

Testing: This is to be carried out immediately after installation then every

14 days. The frequency of testing will increase as the operation dictates.

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 47 of 62

Function tests will be carried out on trips out of the hole, alternating
between drillers and consoles.

Drills: Pit/kick drills are to be initiated by supervisors while drilling/tripping

and response time logged. A drill is to be conducted at least once a week for
each tour.

4.5. Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S)/Flammable Gases

The mud logging unit/ H2S Specialist will have the appropriate equipment for
the detection of H2S and flammable gases. Alarms will be set to
automatically sound should the H2S gas level exceed >20 ppm or the
flammable gas concentration exceed 20% of the lower explosive limit.

Evacuation drills will need to be practiced and muster point / assembly areas
arranged beforehand.

4.6. Signposting

This will be posted detailing well identification, person-in-charge, flammable

liquid storage, reporting procedures, no smoking, and the wearing of
personal protective equipment (“PPE”).

During the drilling program, the appropriate signage will need to be erected
in those areas off-limits due to:

• The presence of combustible or noxious gas.

• The use of explosives.
• Formation testing; and
• High pressure work.

4.7. Smoking/Ignition Sources

Smoking or the carrying of matches, lighters or other ignition source is not

permitted on the drilling site. Smoking may be allowed in designated
smoking areas / muster point.

Machinery and equipment that are a potential source of ignition shall not be
placed or used within the vicinity of any source of flammable vapor. The
Drilling Supervisor may waive or modify this requirement depending on the
drilling activity and provided the appropriate procedures are taken.

4.8. Hot Work

No hot work shall be undertaken without the express written consent of the
Drilling Supervisor and Rig Superintendent.

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 48 of 62

Hot work is defined as that which involves a potential source of ignition and
includes welding, gas cutting, naked flame use, grinding, concrete chipping,
percussion tools, sand blasting, drilling, electrical equipment not intrinsically
safe (including battery-operated devices) and internal combustion engines.

4.9. Confined Space Work

No entry or work in a tank, vessel, pipe, sump, or pit shall be undertaken

without the express written consent of the Rig Superintendent or Drilling
Supervisor. Generally, an air quality test will be done prior to the issue of this

4.10. Hazardous Substances

Before any substance that is likely to be hazardous is used or handled, the

current material safety data sheet (“MSDS”) is to be checked for the
precautions to be taken. Do not handle the substance unless the precautions
are clearly understood.

The MSDS shall be current, and supply full and correct details on:

• Identification and ingredients.

• Health hazard and first aid.
• Precautions for use.
• Safety handling.
• Environmental hazards, spill, and disposal procedures; and
• Contact point.

Radioactive material is to be under the control of a licensed operator with

the transportation, storage and work area suitably protected.

Asbestos or products containing asbestos are not to be used or supplied with

plant or equipment for use on the drilling site.

4.11. Dangerous Circumstances

Anything that could be a cause of danger of any kind is to be immediately

reported to the person in control who shall take remedial action.

4.12. Safety Meetings

There will be several safety meetings should be conducted, such as: Pre-Tour
meeting, daily/shift day and night, Supervisor meeting, weekly meeting, Pre-
Job/Safety Talk as required.

The above safety meeting will be attended by the Drilling Supervisor and Rig
Superintendent. They will also be held whenever operational activities are
planned that may increase hazards (e.g., drilling into known pressure zones,
lost circulation problems, etc.).

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 49 of 62

A copy of the meeting report is to be forwarded to the SHE Drilling Manager
and Drilling Manager.

4.13. Personal Protective Equipment

Generally, personnel are to be supplied by their employer with the

appropriate PPE for the work being undertaken. This equipment is to be


Loose fitting clothing is not to be worn when attending moving machinery.

Safety Footwear

Standards approved covered steel cap safety footwear is to be worn by all

personnel working on the drilling site.


Gloves are to be worn when handling machinery, equipment, ropes, and

chains. Special gloves should be worn, when handling with any chemicals.

Eye Protection

Impact-resistant safety glasses are to be worn by all personnel

walking/working on or around the drilling site. Where there is a risk from
flying objects, for flame cutting and exposure to dust or chemicals, the
appropriate eye protection is to be worn.

Respiratory Protection

Respiratory protection is to be worn where toxic vapors, dusts or an oxygen

deficiency exists.

Hearing Protection

Hearing protection is to be worn where a noise hazard exists. This will occur
when in the vicinity of the mud tanks, rig engines and drill floor for more
than two hours per day. Grade 2 ear plugs, or muffs are suitable.

Hard Hats

Standards approved hard hats in good condition and less than two years old
are always to be worn. Aluminium hard hats are not permitted. All hard hats
are to be fitted with chin straps.

Safety Belts/Lifeline/Fully Harness

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 50 of 62

Certified Safety belts/lifelines/Fully Harness are always to be worn by the
derrickman and persons working over unprotected drops (minimum 2 meters

4.14. Breathing Apparatus Training

Those persons who may be required to wear self-contained breathing

apparatus (“SCBA”) are required to be trained in the use of the equipment
and/or have undertaken refresher training within the previous 12 months.

4.15. Fire

It is essential that good surveillance is maintained to ensure that fire risk is


Adequate firefighting equipment will be available for immediate use, will be

in good working order and shall have been tested within the previous three

All crew members are to be trained in the use of the equipment and regular
fire drills held.

All personnel are to be aware of their muster station.

An alarm capable of alerting all personnel will be installed and tested.

A drilling site-specific emergency response/evacuation procedure (ERP-

Emergency Response Plan) is to be prominently displayed and all personnel
made familiar with it.

All personnel shall comply with any emergency response procedures in force
and are to participate in drills and exercises as instructed by the Rig
Superintendent or Drilling Supervisor.

4.16. Accident/Incident Reporting

Every injury, illness, property damage, fire, explosion or near miss is to be

reported immediately to the Rig Superintendent and the Drilling Supervisor.

Reporting of all incidents will comply with the MIGAS and EMP BENTU LTD
reporting procedures.

Serious Harm Injury

Upon Investigation

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 51 of 62

If there is actual or there could have been major loss (i.e. “serious harm”
injury), fire, explosion or major non-injury accident, the following are to be
contacted immediately:

- Tri Firmanto Work: (+62) 21 2994 1500 ext. 7203

Mobile:(+62) 812 1003 190

- Adhy Yudisthira Work: (+62) 21 2994 1500 ext. 7413

Mobile:(+62) 811 892 043

The Rig Superintendent and Drilling Supervisor are to take control at the
scene and preserve the accident site until further instructions.

Except for the purpose of saving life, preventing injury, or preventing serious
damage to or serious loss of property, the accident scene is not to be
interfered with.

The Drilling Supervisor or the On Scene Commander is to notify the above

VIP person who will notify SKKMIGAS/MIGAS of the accident details in the
event of:

- Major loss: immediately by telephone or facsimile.

- Other lost time injury:within seven (7) days by written accident report

Upon Investigation

If of minor nature:

- Affected person or witness to complete an accident report.

- The Drilling Supervisor to complete investigation and determine cause.
- The Drilling Supervisor to develop and take remedial action.
- The Drilling Supervisor to report findings and remedial actions to the On
Scene Commander and Emergency Response Leader within 24 hours of the

An Accident Report is to be completed by the Drilling Supervisor for all lost time
injuries and faxed to the SHE Drilling Manager, Operation Manager& GMEMP
BENTU LTD Jakarta office within 24 hours of the event.

4.17. Man Hours Worked

Each contracting company is to forward to the SHE Drilling Manager by the

daily report, the following details of the previous month’s work performed
on the well site:

• Total man hours worked.

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 52 of 62

• Lost time man hours due to injury/illness.
• Number of lost times injuries;
• Number of minor (first aid) injuries .

4.18. Alcohol and Drugs

No person shall enter or remain on any site owned or operated by EMP

BENTU LTD while in a state of intoxication or under the influence of
recreational drugs.

Alcohol or recreational drugs must not be brought on to or consumed on any

site owned or operated by EMP BENTU LTD, including a drilling site.

Disciplinary action will be taken for those persons not observing this work
condition. This may include summary dismissal.

4.19. Covid-19

All issues related to Covid-19 protocol will refer to “PROSEDUR OPERASI


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- Reduce ROP to limit cutting load - Reduce ROP to limit - Pull off bottom, keep string
- Minimize mud rheology cutting load moving
- Minimize GPM - Minimize mud rheology - Fill annulus with water or light
- Minimize wellbore pressure surge - Minimize wellbore mud
- Minimize mud weight pressure surges - Record strokes if or when
- Consider pulling into casing and - Minimize mud weight annulus fills up
waiting 6 to 8 hours - Consider pulling into - Consider pulling into the casing
casing and waiting 6 to 8 - Minimize wellbore pressure
hours surges
Add LCM pill in 5-11 ppb
increment. Evaluate result over 2
circulating before increasing to next RECOVERY RECOVERY
level of LCM concetration. Add LCM pill in 5 - 11 ppb Formulations for the specialty pill
Mix in 30 to 50 bbl batches dictated increment. Evaluate results over and cement are dictated by
by hole size. Consider spotting circulations before increasing to conditions of each event
LCM pill before POOH next level of LCM concentration.
Mix in 30 - 50 bbl batches dictated NON-PRODUCTIVE INTERVALS
NON-PRODUCTIVE INTERVALS by hole size. Consider spotting LCM - 40 ppb LCM pill
- LCM Blend (F) 5 - 15 ppb pill before POOH - Speciality Pill
- LCM Blend (M) 5 - 15 ppb - Cement Squeeze
- CaCO3 (F/M) 5 - 30 ppb - LCM Blend (C) 15 - 25 ppb - 40 ppb LCM Pill
- Walnut (M/C) 10 - 20 ppb - Speciality Pill
- LCM Blend (F) 5 - 15 ppb - Address Reservoir needs
- LCM Blend (M) 5 - 15 ppb
- Cellulosic (M) 10-20 ppb

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1.1. A. Emergency Procedure:

Emergency conditions mainly caused by improper hole fill up. The following conditions
require proper hole fill up:
1. Tripping
2. Loss circulations
3. Well logging

The following conditions should be done to keep hole under control:

1) Tripping.

a) Before tripping
– Check and ensure trip tank is working properly
– Check and ensure safety valves and BOP are available and working properly
– Prepare tripping worksheet
– Prepare a such volume and weight heavy slug mud

Rule of thumb:
Slug density: at least 1 ppg higher compare to mud density
Slug volume: to unbalance / to keep dry of 2 stands (126 ft or 38.4 m ) of 5”
19.5 ppf DP while drilling with 9.2 ppg mud, slug volume

DP capacity (bbl/ft) *length of dry DP (ft)*MW (ppg)

Slug volume =
slug weight – MW

0.0178 * 126 * 9.2

10.2 – 9.2

= 20.6 bbls

b) While tripping
– Ensure a dry pipe during tripping
– Watch, record and compare the actual fill up volumes and theoretical hole
– Perform hole fill up:
• Every pulling 5 stand of drill pipe
• Every pulling 3 stands of heavy weight drill pipe
• Every pulling 1 stand of drill collar
– Report any change of hole fill up to driller, tool pusher, rig supervisor and
company man:
• If the hole fill up less than it should be, perform flow check then circulate
if necessary
• If the hole is flowing, shut the well in and strip in the pipe to the bottom.
c) Tripping completed
EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 56 of 62
Close blind/shear ram, observe the well, circulate the well thru kill line, choke line
and trip tank.
Pipe speed during tripping should be relatively low to prevent both swab effect in
trip out and piston effect in trip in which will trigger to loss circulation or hole

2) Loss Circulation

It is a must to keep the following:

a. Hole fully of mud
b. In case of partial loss circulation, measure loss rate then mix and pump Loss
Circulation Material (LCM)
c. If total loss circulation happens, fill up the hole immediately and pick up bit
above loss zone. In severe loss, bentonite diesel oil cement should be
d. Any further decisions must be consulted with company man and a Berita Acara
should be made.

3) Well Logging

It is a must to keep the following:

a. Hole fully of mud
b. In case of the well flows, shut the well in using the wireline pack off and strip
it out. If the condition getting worst, further decisions must be consulted with
Jakarta and a Berita Acara should be made.
c. If the wireline pack off is not available, an annular BOP should be used.

Shut in Procedures During Well Kick

a well kick can be detected as follows:
1. Tank volume increases.
2. Well flows while the mud pump off.

In case of kick is detected, a flow check should be done. The following procedures must
be done immediately:

1) During drilling:
a) Sound the alarm
b) Stop rotary
c) Pick up the Kelly above rotary table
d) Shut off the pump
e) Divert flow line to trip tank
f) Measure fluid increment in trip tank
g) Perform a flow check

If the well is definitely flow, the next steps are:

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 57 of 62

a) Notify rig superintendent, well site supervisor, and company man.
b) Open HCR up to choke manifold valves. Ensure poor boy degasser is connected
c) Close annular preventer
d) Close choke manifold gradually, while keeping casing pressure below the
minimum figure of the following:
– Casing burst rating pressure.
– Leak off pressure
– BOP limitations
e) Prepare kill worksheet
f) Observe and record a stabilize shut in drill pipe pressure (SIDPP)
g) Observe and record a stabilize shut in casing pressure (SICP).
h) Preparation of killing the well

2) During Tripping:
a) Sound the alarm
b) Fill out the trip sheet
c) Ensure the mud pump shut off. Be alert
d) Set slip so last tool position of drill pipe should be above of the rotary table
e) Install DP slip, remove the elevator
f) NU full open safety valve. Close it when it was properly connected.
g) Divert flow line to trip tank
h) Measure fluid increment in trip tank
i) Perform a flow check

If the well is definitely flow, the next steps are:

a) Notify rig superintendent, well site supervisor, and company man.

b) Open HCR up to choke manifold valves. Ensure poor boy degasser is
connected properly.
c) Close annular preventer
d) Close choke manifold gradually, while keeping casing pressure below the
minimum figure of the following:
– Casing burst rating pressure.
– Leak off pressure
– BOP limitations
e) Prepare kill worksheet
f) Install Kelly or circulating swedge. If no float is in use, make sure surface
equipment is full before opening safety valve.
g) Open safety valve
h) Observe and record a stabilize shut in drill pipe pressure (SIDPP)
i) Observe and record a stabilize shut in casing pressure (SICP).
j) Preparation of killing the well

3) During pipe was pulling out of hole:

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 58 of 62

When flow is detected, a decision must be made quickly to either shut in or start
running pipe in hole.
In case of low flow rate and gas is minimal, running in hole can be done. Float valve
is not recommended to run in this situation.

If the well is definitely flow at low rate, the next steps are:
a) Notify rig superintendent, well site supervisor, and company man.
b) Sound the alarm
c) Open HCR up to choke manifold valves. Ensure poor boy degasser is connected
d) RIH open ended drill pipe to the last casing shoe if possible. Install Kelly or
circulating swedge
e) Close annular preventer
f) Close choke manifold gradually, while keeping casing pressure below the
minimum figure of the following:
– Casing burst rating pressure.
– Leak off pressure
– BOP limitations
g) Prepare kill worksheet
h) Observe and record a stabilize shut in drill pipe pressure (SIDPP)
i) Observe and record a stabilize shut in casing pressure (SICP).
j) Preparation of killing the well

Otherwise, if flow rate is high shut the well in using blind ram and use kill line to fill
If the well is definitely flow at high rate, the next steps are:

a) Notify rig superintendent, well site supervisor, and company man.

b) Sound the alarm
c) Open HCR up to choke manifold valves. Ensure poor boy degasser is connected
d) Close blind ram
e) Close choke manifold gradually, while keeping casing pressure below the
minimum figure of the following:
– Casing burst rating pressure.
– Leak off pressure
– BOP limitations
f) Prepare kill worksheet
g) Observe and record a stabilize shut in drill pipe pressure (SIDPP)
h) Observe and record a stabilize shut in casing pressure (SICP).
i) Preparation of killing the well

1.2. B. Kill Well Procedures

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 59 of 62
There are 4 methods in killing the well:

1. Wait and weight method: as kick happens, the well is shut off, kill mud weight is
prepared and kill well to be done in 1 circulation. The method is basically maintaining
the bottom hole pressure (mostly called casing pressure) the same as or slightly above
of formation pressure.

The advantages of the method are:

a) Time to kill is the shortest compare to other method
b) Lowest pressure at bottom hole

The disadvantage of the method is to require good mud mixing equipment, best crew
and good material stock.

2. Driller method: as kick happens, the well is shut off , kick is immediately circulated out
using existing mud weight, shut off the well for second time and kill well to be done
using kill mud weight.

The advantages of the method are:

a) Simple and straight forward
b) Can be used where a short of crew and barite, also poor mixing facilities

The disadvantages of the method are:

a) Higher casing pressure
b) Longer time to kill

3. Concurrent method: as kick happens, the existing mud weight to be increased and
circulated many cycles. Generally speaking, the method is complicated and unusual.

4. Volumetric Method: This method is subject to some errors and is a mathematical

concept so is not practical.

Since the wait and weight method is the most popular, the kill worksheet is attached

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Pre-recorded Information
Well Data

Well name Completed by


OD, inch ID, inch Length, ft Capacity, bbl/ft Weight, lbs/ft Total Drill String
length (DP&DC), ft

OD, inch ID, inch Length, ft Capacity, bbl/ft Hole size, inch TVD (to bit), ft

OD, inch ID, inch TVD, ft MD, ft Weight & grade Internal Yield,
psi @ 100 psi

Length Liner, inch Dia. Liner, inch Efficiency, % PO, bbl/strk


Length Liner, inch Dia. Liner, inch Efficiency, % PO, bbl/strk

Max. Pump Press, psi Surface line volume


Present MW, ppg Reserve MW, ppg LOT MW, ppg LOT Press, psi Depth of shoe, ft Vol in active pits, bbls

Pressure Considerations
1 Estimated Formation Leak off Fluid Density (EMW), ppg
÷ 0.052 ÷ + =
Leak of press, psi Depth of shoe, ft LOT MW, ppg EMW, ppg
2 Estimated Formation Integrity Pressure (with Present Mud Weight)
- x x 0.052 =
EMW, ppg Present MW, ppg Depth of shoe, ft Est. Integrity Press, psi
3 Casing Internal Yield
x 0.7 =
Csg Internal Yield, Safety Factor Adjusted Csg Yield, psi
psi @ 100 %
4 BOP Test Pressure

BOP Press Test, psi

Kill Rates (Slow Pump Rate) & Pump Pressure (3 Different Rates)
Measure at beginning of each tour, after drilling 500 feet and after each mud weight and viscosity charge
= =
SPM SPP, psi SPM SPP, psi
= =
SPM SPP, psi SPM SPP, psi
= =
SPM SPP, psi SPM SPP, psi

EMP Tonga Drilling Program SET-01 Page 61 of 62

Wait and Weight Worksheet
Kill Mud and Pressure Considerations
5 Required Kill Mud Weight
÷ 0.052 ÷ + =
SIDPP TVD , ft Present MW, ppg Kill Mud Weight, ppg
(to Bit or Zone kick)
6 Select Pump and SPR to Kill Well
x = @
Select pump SPR PO, bbl/strk Circulating rate, Kill rate
to kill well bbl/min Pump press, psi
7 Initial Circulating Presssure (ICP)
+ =
SIDP Kill rate Initial Circulating
Pump Press, psi Press (ICP), psi
8 Final Circulating Pressure (FCP)
x ÷ =
Kill Rate Kill Mud Weight, pg Present Mud Final Circulating
P{ump Press, psi Weight, ppg Pressure (FCP), psi

Drill String Volume and Stoke Calculation

9 Drill Pipe, Drill Collar Volumes
x =
DP length, ft Capacity, bbl/ft Volume in DP, bbls
10 Drill Collar Volumes
x =
DC length, ft Capacity, bbl/ft Volume in DC, bbls
11 Strokes Surface to Bit
+ + = ÷ =
Vol. in DP, bbls Vol. in DC, bbls Surface line vol, bbls Drill String vol, bbls PO, bbls/strk Strokes Surface
to Bit

Annular Volume and Strokes Calculations

12 Annular Capacities and Volume
A. Annular Volume DP-Casing, bbls
- ÷ 1029.4 = x =
ID2 Csg, inch OD2 DP, inch Cap.DP-Csg, bbls/ft Length DP in Csg,ft Vol Ann.DP-Csg,bbls
B. Annular Volume DP-OH, bbls
- ÷ 1029.4 = x =
2 2
OH , inch OD DP, inch Cap.DP-OH, bbls/ft Length DP in OH,ft Vol.Ann.DP-OH,bbls
C. Annular VolumeDC-OH, bbls
- ÷ 1029.4 = x =
OH2, inch OD2 DP, inch Cap DC-OH, bbls/ft Length DC in OH,ft Vol.Ann.DC-OH,bbls
D. Total Annular Volume
+ + =
Vol Ann DP-CSG,bbls Vol Ann DP-OH, bbls Vol Ann DC-OH,bbls Tot. Vol. Ann, bbls
13 Strokes Bit to Casing Shoe
+ ÷ =
Vol.Ann DP-OH,bbls Vol.Ann DC-OH,bbls PO, bbl/strk Stokes Bit to Csg shoe
14 Strokes Bit to Surface
÷ =
Ann. Vol, bbl PO, bbls/strk Strokes Bit to surface
15 Total Strokes Surface to Surface

Strks Surface to bit Strks bit to surface Strks Surface to surface

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Kick Depth Kill Mud Weight

TVD, ft ppg
Initial Circulating Pressure
MD, ft psi
Final Circulating Pressure
Shut in Drill Pipe Pressure psi
psi Drill String Volume
Shut in Casing Pressure bbls
psi Stroke Surface to Bit
Gains of Kick strokes
bbls Annular Volume
Present Mud Weight bbls
ppg Strokes Bit to Casing Shoe
Strokes Bit to Surface
SPR strokes
SPM Strokes Surface to Surface
Circulating Rate strokes
Choke Adjustment Approximate Lag Time From Casing to Drill Pipe is ………. Seconds

Pressure Chart
Strokes or Volume Teoretical DP Actual Drill Pipe Casing Pressure Pit Volume
Pressure Pressure Deviation


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