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Thesis statement: Although society argues that the fashion industry should prioritise

inclusivity in order to reflect diversity, challenge traditional beauty standards, and promote
positive body image, critics argue that exclusivity within the industry is essential to its allure
and may jeopardise its economic success.


Essay outline
1. Introduction
- Introduce the topic and provide some background on the high fashion modelling
industry's historical lack of inclusivity.
- define “inclusivity”
- Present the thesis statement: "Advocates argue that the high fashion modelling industry
should prioritise inclusivity to reflect the diversity of society, challenge traditional beauty
standards, and promote positive body image, while critics assert that the industry's
exclusivity is integral to its allure and that striving for inclusivity may compromise its artistic
vision and economic success."

2. The Case for Inclusivity

- Discuss the importance of inclusivity in reflecting the diversity of society.
- Examine how inclusivity challenges traditional beauty standards and promotes a healthier
body image.
- Provide examples of fashion brands or agencies that have successfully embraced
inclusivity and the positive impact it has had.

3. The Case Against Inclusivity

- Present arguments from critics who believe that exclusivity is essential to the high fashion
industry's allure.
- Explore concerns that striving for inclusivity may compromise the industry's artistic vision.
- Discuss the economic aspects of the industry, such as whether inclusivity can lead to
financial success or setbacks.

4. Striking a Balance
- Argue that there can be a middle ground between exclusivity and inclusivity that allows
the industry to evolve while preserving its unique characteristics.
- Discuss potential strategies for achieving this balance, such as targeted inclusion efforts
and maintaining a core identity.

5. Impact on Society
- Analyse how the high fashion modelling industry's level of inclusivity affects societal
perceptions of beauty and fashion.
- Discuss the potential role of the industry in influencing broader cultural change.

6. Conclusion
- Summarise the main arguments presented in the essay.
- Reiterate the need for a balanced approach to inclusivity in the high fashion modelling
- Offer some closing thoughts on the potential future of the industry and its impact on
societal beauty standards.

1. What is the question you want to answer? What would be the purpose of your
The purpose of this essay is to explore the arguments for and against more inclusivity in the
modelling industry and to dive into the controversies associated with fashion inclusivity. I am
seeking to discover more about the lack of racial inclusivity and representation of plus sized
models throughout the industry.
2. Do you fully understand it? If not, what do you need to clarify?
I need to clarify the history of the concept of inclusivity; how this issue has arised, and what
companies are doing now to reflect this diversity and extend their customer base. Moreover,
it is crucial for me to grasp the impact that inclusivity exerts on the industry's financial
3. What do you already know about the topic?
I have conducted research based on the raising concerns that inclusivity might not always
lead to financial success and that the high fashion industry is based on exclusivity.
4. What will you need to find out about it (i.e. preliminary research plan)?
- Data related to sales affected by the industries shift in becoming more inclusive
- The history of the body positivity movement
- Fashion industry scandals and controversies
- The concept of Tokenism
5. Can you already think of some potential arguments or main points you would
want to raise (or at least research)? Outline them in bullet point format.
- The body positively movement
- A shift in inclusivity within the industry
- The concept of diversity not being just a trend
- Tokenism
- Exclusivity is essential within the high fashion industry
- Can inclusivity lead to financial success or setbacks
- Will the industry prioritise inclusivity over sales efforts?
- underrepresentation
6. What other question do you need to ask, or what other points do you need to
raise at this stage in relation to your prompt? If nothing comes to mind, leave it
for later.

Include a Case study demonstrating reasons for inclusivity

Include a Case study demonstrating reasons against inclusivity

- “Luxury fashion is repeatedly associated with exclusivity, rather than inclusivity.”
- ‘high end fashion brands don’t cater towards big bodies at all as they hold the
ideology that plus-size bodies somehow don’t like to dress up”

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