System of Particles

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irs Y SHTeM oF Paaricnes CG RoTATiowaL MoTien ole oP mats ithe contre od maps f 2 Splem of Rorfcles & that single Point which’ mover Hh ‘sence jr which a Sigle Paxhile Raving tn total mass Ahn Syttem end acted fe Cane. exten al bee ava Pon dn wrile an expression for the cboeabton ¢ Contre of mae fa two Poshicle Sytem. 4 m afi CPnaider A System 2 Prrhules i ; Pi Pn SP masses m, Qa. et Yeu! rs ard be Hee prction veefore wre ” Ma orn o | he Petition verte Rou of te Conhe ‘op mars c of the tuo Poabrele System bs hven by, . . mim, y 5 hai igid iff rt oes not Rigid Rady: 4 body is Laid fo be rigid if undsfo ay change in ifs Size and chate fewever tarp, Optimal fore mag he aching. on ¢E> Conlre. fb mats Z Abid booty cleferds on C Ceamekicol Shoe of the borly WD dithibabion of mass in flr hooky, : Conbre of tars of Aupalar bodies “E2 @ @ (Thin reel) ey) a og carined wit Varnsca a « Equation, of Aetotisnad motion’ , 7 Derive phe 3 cpm # Aotakoral motion ureler estan e anfular acceleration a Jo Pore yxzwotdt consider a migid boty Aataticg c about a fixed axis with rstant ayfular aceleraton Z by efinitin oe = late 7 duseldt- —@D © ft t-9 ob owe < Oy esac a « | oteprating CD within the Limits. eB \ & | \ fours fade 7 1 wo w bd cea of . e | Cue = OP yew i. 7 | wwe > ope-eJ s aon Yy 7 Ww -We okt p> - urs dob - ¢ wav | Fe ee w, eit ¢ | To Prove @ - wet t+ Yet Pere 4 2 ee ee ee tek a ole da wat? — © ¢ At b20 azo < At = E a 2o ¢ nteprale ogn -O & opely fe Lim's» e a L a fae = fst 5 é wo file = fs +eerde : ls : ° b & € ces - S wort + faede ¢ ° ° t ° f e -o}) = wot, + afth (a-J = we (2, ‘ a ~ webs ary] ‘ ocadlineu Will vamSca ee ctr eeneuenadddbdddd e GIy ge k= duh, da de da . fs de de Kd “da * & (ie - 29 = we ole 2 © ‘da ada = urdut

(ede eax (2 ee@-eJ > EBT era ~ WK wwe] [ate swt net OO SCarneu wit Gal v cee wwwvvene Momont of force or Tortue @ coat falas don,t Jt fed Ln ee deed 2 “wats fix forged @ Fee” galtsl Fo open a coor, we pry a frie on ifs Randle, The cbor duit on its Birger. Tha Anger pra Crm, the more Bits teaming efedt” We can easily robin that rt ib easier fo Open 2 dior by cbelyy a fore roen the end phan Naor the Binge: Thi is becasue fit fusniny efled @f fle Came bre 5 hatger whan He cbifont fom fn anit Aotoliin is more- This faxmipg effect of fore ts called momsnt of oe ov porque. 2+ defends on v ipecle of perce | & oe Gk Aine of action of ta Bre From fx anit of Aofalion. Zhi Cobted ” Dever atm OC ynoment arm” pee Debes tee? (ov gunert of fou. Gre ih tok AG Dansin ood Prt Poend Tea ning oflat a a a measured as phe Proust fords. 7, 7, ? , t ‘a TF fens bef'n fhe Bint of aehon af che Dx Ha maprihide of the frre ancl fs Ba fre ant Ae onis of Aotatin, SB hoes Fif shows a bedly free fo tofale about oa vethen! aie Ro. p Keirnl Bx F abplicet enitot P Aolates big an ont: SB a 3 fa L cblitone of hy Lime of astion af Pore fam fhe axlt of deatien | canine with Varrsca PPh fugue or moment of bre F about the ‘ axit ¢ Aotolin & ‘ : c= Fron : <= FKd ; TOrqus = Forex Javerasum, 7 Direwyn : ( c+ Gaeta) CG8: Mas em ‘ Sewell : Nim. ‘ ‘ Exioin fow toque car be Roti 8 sede Sates ; uo “veefort ow the” dicelion of page debeerind > 2 : Conider a forkele Pin fie 2p 20 7* ‘ x-y plans - Saprote Hs Position @ < vector OP = RP wnt. origin o . ol Brg coger 5 7 of on inertial frame as Shown. y ; tot Fbe te Bre actiy on tie 2 : Porbcle - the toque acting on Hes : Poticle Bde vertr Pioolut xf : + Posiftin ct fre. Care . : * 7 re a BxP 2 ¢ T= A Fsinw y Lebiy Sk od cleterminsal by Alf b heral rule” ‘ Waco oO le a6 ‘ A290 c= Prsinay = Fa Ub) maximum porque . carned wit VarnSca @ Aix Het dhe wopitde f fron» mapiste of br x moment arm. fhe ghow Hat only the Replbr pemporant of ths be 8 dapsitle 2 poslecrs tags | \ Consiler a Particle capable Avtobiog in x—y plane about the Orin © Supt He Bra verlor mates an oagte. @ wis tha posilion veelor P Fike Fuside as xhown Draw ON te Ha bike of Getion of Ha forie- then from tee 3 omp sing he Sine oP vd + ving P THS BAe 1 clistance He Mae of action op fren Prom Hn onl: P Aetation Hhrowph the Point © and is cold pment am” or “Lens eter" » _———————, Tie magnibste of Ha betas oP fois FB given oy Le AF Since = Flssinse) - oD vs Magri P Las moment The fon PB can be yesolvec! tal 2 teed compluunts (eB tue SUEY ey te deem 2 pare see P No te mt Lhe Fr +Feosco fi, <.Fistnes (Ss Paina fetey] Tore = efter emprent Bote bre x ite litdance from the omit of Aotaion . Heme Forgas dea by = forex i only lun do ik Deke Th adie Component aloes nst arfuler comPoront . Contibute fo flee Braue . oOCalIneu WILT vainSca Gig DeRine fe deem angular momentum. Live ts veils 8 Aimenri ons — oor Riselaw. Angular momacturn of a Particle Retoting about an axis is clefrinael as tht monet of Linear momattum pPpre Poskicle about that oxis > . Angular memartuor (2) = Lingo momentum (2) x L dirtene Brom tha ovis of Aotrtion (Dy 7 cy bepd mavge be ie Diewaion . Gaver 4 “ SEIS pa mt fy S88 gem Le Explain fow Angular momentum Can be OR CxPepsed as the veetor * Proclict f to veetors; How its oliveetion dateeminael 7 Comider © Paslicle P oP mass m rotating’ 2 232 bout an axis through © in Me x-Y Plana: Suppose be fre Porle fas Linear momentum F which makes 7\ Cngle O with ie Positinn verter OP =F. the ongubor So ? momantum fo fhe Pashile about the orn o * defind ar tre Veedvr Frocbut of fo rector POP 7 L 4x2 = JPsine ah. dveton a Pw Lt te PRP 6 acearetiy fo aya pond robe ‘ Dek @ 20 Ie" w pe ARE ©e @ 290 LeAPKL SAP Je marino, Show thet A ovgilor momectam oP = farhile i the Proolues of its Binear monartum end Hes moment atm leo chow Hot Hr-anguber momentum is Procluud only ky tha onside component of Rinaaa momentum . anannnnanarvraaarornprpopgnnHKNnggggggen*t oCalneu with Lalnsoca — FEC OHEEKEECKEEEEKELECOEGDEH Conclusion. Cr] fe iO eebeer een wy comidor , Adotive Peslile P oP mags m whore. Position veetor ? the oijin oo gy x Suppote tle monurtum veater P Posticle mates apple @ with He Posihon veuter V- % Shown Draw on 1 fo Line ¢ ation of Breas momuntum Kom bone od or pest teash Sino dz vsine A- AL dtistene of Leaf action : . Of Lipase momantum from the Point of Aofatin o 5 called moment arm @ Ha momentom. Ls AP Since ~ PCAtine =Pd 7 Angler momantan = Linear monantum X moment arm, The momentum veeter P can be vetolved into Q PrN ComPonents- © Rectiad ComPonant alosg fhe cllvestion yf Position vebr 2 W Anjolor Comporant BL fo DP: 2 Pe = Peo = a Psine L= [P sino) 5 Lh = Pax? fy heap ConPoer. pot fla vaste) ConPorert- ‘ oCalned wittl Lallsca we wr TNS ‘ ea Pelalion bet derputiand enpelor avant CE) © e Tope Sea € Angolar rromanhan Pe Sx? 4D € Dip: ean D wrets toe S é uf nae 0B ev ¢ -a e e ‘ Thus trae actigg on = frtile g / f hep —of Appubar momentum. re aa Moment of Tretia @ its Phy) Define moment of joestia of a body. Give. i Wana ~ dinsasigns » a eS Zee wh co! ‘cenca : Boifeance Oo moment f Ineo 4 z Siiid Pedy abou 0 fired oxi a Te ad cb dM Sum of Phe procheds / ., [p>™ Pie passes of the porlies \ nis TOK, idating the. bo! aml the y ae up their Cie Ais tontes — Prom fhe axis of Aotetion. } ; Consiole a vigil body volabes with vat form cmngular velocity ah about a vesticol axe through © - mn mg. rome mars of fle pretiviclinnl Por Heles fhe Sys town, . nee ea Thee olla foaees for tH Ores ‘ Afadin, Scanned wit Garsca £ COC? GEGCSEZCCeCEeESCE (2S BeVUUUVTH FEF HESESSE @ moment af inatia abo oly abut on aris mmyofogrersy merce vec npy ah % 2 BD mih Sire 7 SE ont: eg mii Sg 8 ew Leclot daperds ef 00 fom ff ibe Uo wan q fhe ho oly AD dls bibuter of mar, 4 Gi Seed ghape of he be i psitin D orientation of th/anis of Befmdion wired - fie boy. Pract oll apelicadm of M2 (1, Bh egele , pullocte art ete MET bY Gntantvatin rast of He mapa ot the rien pte whk connechy fhe vim py fhe axle. Even afler Stop Paddling | tie wheels the bieyele Continus. fo dopate hy toms. Gus dus, fo (heir beige’ a7 : gebaton be'n Adlabimol RE AME Ww ; As Aa oppler voloeify we 7 all fhe, Prticles 4 Same, heir Hinear velocifies are pede re Arye Sas nh 4 Boal kee 7 a ee = Vg Wid Ye me vert so: Yarn 0 ia Dimunsivn ‘Pured Pain Wid Uy Ma MEAS == Pn Ti” Ya Cinta ma ret oo mart ue Yq Smy tue bot 2 a ocanneu with Uarnsca Rapivs LE GyeaTion Debina Sackivas ¢ dpielion pa body Astoling boat on owig. Deine en expressivn Px it on what facrors clees Ht \ depend 2 . Rader 2 Byation about is axle of Avfabin is) : AePined ar the distene from the axit PAelabivn af whith, ¥ the whole mays ff tee boey were Contantmled , itt ymoment of Inertia oboud fa fren Ox woulh he the Same ar wilh fhe actual lish budion of revs The monert of Inasta of m boty about phe axi't AB es 2 o Dos mynty merge LE mse mont te

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