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I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence
1.________, there are more and more people dying from it.
A. Despite some cures have been develop
B. Although some cures for HIV/AIDS have been developed
c. Though the fact that some cures for HIV/AIDS have been developed
D. In spite the fact that some cures for HIVIAIDS have been developed
2._________, we have to face the environmental consequences.
A. Because that we have industrialized our country without thinking
B. Now that we have industrialized our country without thinking
C. Due to we have industrialized our country without thinking
D. On account of we have industrialized our country without thinking
3. Nobody agreed to receive the award________
A. now that its lowered value by the organizers
B. because its lowered value by the organizers
C. due to its value has been lowered by the organizers
D. because of the fact that its value has been lowered by the organizers.
4._________, local people had existed there thousands of years before.
A. Despite America was discovered in 1492
B. Although the 1492 American discovery
C. In spite of the fact that the 1492 American discovery
D. Despite the fact that America was discovered in 1492
5._______, zebras was no match for quick lions
A. Even though being fast runners
B. In spite of the fact that they were fast runners
C. Despite they were running very fast
D. Although their running fast

6. The victims have managed to survive________.
A. though buried for two days without water
B. as though being buried for two days without water
C. despite that they are being buried for two days without water
D. in spite buried for two days without water
7.________, the climbers were successful to conquer the summit of the mountain.
A. In spite of exhausted B. Even though exhausted
C. Despite exhausted D. Though being exhausted
8.________he always does well in Math, we weren't surprised that he got 10 points.
A. Since B. Although C. So D.When
9. York Street has closed_______ it has been under repair.
A. so B. because C. in order that D. even though
10. ________the difficulties, he successfully completed the task.
A. In spite of / despite B. In view of C. During D. For
11._______ the doctor said that his condition was hopeless, he recovered very well.
A. While / whereas B. In case C. As if D. Despite
12. He likes everything about Thailand, _________the streets are so dangerous
A. as if B. although C. except D. due to

II. Choose the best sentenee that is formed from the words given
1. new book /amaze /critics/ difficult/ believe/ he/ write
A. Now that the new book amazed many people, critics found it difficult to believe in what he
B. His new book amazed many critics due to it was difficult to believe in what he wrote.
C. Whereas his new book amazed many people, critics found it difficult to believe in what he
D. The new book was amazing because of the difficult critics believed in what he wrote.
2. white sharks/ kill /humans/ not/target/ them
A. Because killing many humans, white sharks have not targeted them typically.
B. Since white sharks having been killed, humans have not targeted them typically.

C. white sharks have killed some humans despite that humans have not targeted them typically.
D. While white sharks have killed a few humans, they do not target them typically.
3. discrepancy/ two results/ machine/ malfunction
A. The discrepancy between the two results is in order to a machine malfunction.
B. The discrepancy in the two results is on account of a machine malfunction
C. The discrepancy between the two results is in spite of a machine malfunction.
D. The discrepancy in the two results is during the fact that machine malfunction.
4. global /effort/ eradicate /polio/ common/ Asia.
A. Despite the global effort to eradicate polio, it is still common in Asia.
B. A global effort was eradicated in order that polio is still common in Asia.
C. Because of the effort to eradicate polio, it is very common in Asia.
D. A global effort eradicated polio where it is very common in Asia.
5. now /treat/ environment/ bad /suffer/ cause
A. The environment treating badly now, we have to suffer from what we have caused.
B. Although treating the environment badly now, we have to suffer from what we caused.
C. Now that we treated our environment badly, we have to suffer from what we caused.
D. In spite of treating the environment badly now, it has to suffer from what we cause.

III. Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to each sentence given
1. They earn little money but manage to support two orphans.
A. They manage to support two orphans, so they earn little money.
B. Because they manage to support two orphans, they don't have a lot of money.
C. Due to they are poor, they manage to support two orphans.
D. Although they are poor, they manage to support two orphans.
2. He is living with his grandmother as his parents got divorced.
A. Despite the fact that his parents got divorced, he is living with his grandmother.
B. Now that his parents got divorced, he is living with his grandmother.
C. During his parents got divorced, he lived with his grandmother.
D. His parents got divorced due to the fact that he is living with his grandmother.

3. The way of teaching is still traditional in spite of changes in the textbooks.
A. The way of traditional teaching triggers changes in the textbooks
B. Changes in the textbooks are despite the fact that the way of teaching is still traditional
C. There are changes in the textbooks, but the way of teaching is still traditional.
D. The way of teaching is still traditional in view of changes in the textbooks.
4. Thanks to technological development, new areas on the earth have been discovered
A. Upon technological development, new areas on the earth have been discovered.
B. In spite of the fact that new areas on the earth have been discovered, technology develops.
C. Having been discovered, the new areas on the earth developed technologically.
D. New areas on the earth have been discovered on account of technological development.
5. The autumn in Hanoi is so attractive that it inspires many song composers.
A. Hanoi appears in many songs because of its autumnal attraction.
B. The autumn in Hanoi is so attractive but inspires many song composers
C. Although the autumn in Hanoi is so attractive, it inspires many song composers.
D. Many song composers include Hanoi in their songs despite its autumnal attraction.
6. Many parents claimed that teenagers care for everything but not their study
A. Many parents claimed that teenagers don't care for anything including their study.
B. Many parents claimed that teenagers don't care for anything but their study.
C. Many parents claimed that teenagers care for everything except their study.
D. Many parents claimed that teenagers care for everything than their study.
7. Since the ice in Greenland is melting fast, the sea level is rising at an amazing speed.
A. The ice in Greenland is melting fast because the sea level is rising at an amazing speed.
B. The ice in Greenland is melting fast, which causes the sea level to rise at an amazing speed.
C. For the ice in Greenland is melting fast the sea level is rising at an amazing speed.
D.The sea level is rising at an amazing speed as if the ice in Greenland is melting fast.
IV. Choose the part that needs correcting in each sentence
1. People will never know the causes of dinosaurs’ disappearance in spite of many fossils have been
2. Children these days seem weaker than those in the past so that they have various source of nutritious

3. Since the construction of infrastructures has increased remarkably, it cannot be compared with the
rocketing number of inhabitants in the city.
4. They will never give up crossing the Siberian Plateau even though are facing many challenges.
5. On view of the clothes worn on the recently-found mummies, scientists insisted that they had lived in
severe weather
6. The model's health is critically damaged because of not eat enough nutritious food for a long time.
7. The court sentenced her 9 years in prison despite that she is 70 years old.

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