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Part 1

How do children celebrate birthdays in your country? (throw a party)

There are many different ways to celebrate a kid’s birthday in my country. Most of the time, birthday kids
enjoy the parties thrown by their parents or even their teachers at school with many gifts and birthday cakes.
Others might enjoy their day out with their parents at the cinema or some camping site.

How did you celebrate your last birthday?

Nothing special, I’d say. Last year, my birthday was amid the outbreak of the coronavirus, therefore, there
was no party at all. I just got up later than usual, cooked my all breakfast, and watch my favorite movie.

What did you do on your birthday when you were younger/ smaller?
Is there a difference between the way you celebrated your birthday in the past and in the
What do you usually do on your birthday?
I would say there is a big difference. When I was small/ younger, I always threw huge parties (tổ chức
tiệc) and invited many people to come to share my happy moments. Now as I become much more mature,
I love to have special get-togethers (buổi tụ họp) with close people such as parents, siblings, or a group
of my close friends.

Do you think it’s important for you to celebrate your birthday?

I think it is, absolutely. However, I prefer to spend my birthday with my most beloved one, not to throw a
party or the like as it’s somehow tiring. I also hate it when I have to answer hundreds of comments from

Whose birthday do you think is the most important to celebrate?

I don’t think anyone should be prioritized when it comes to this celebration. Actually, each person’s birthday
deserves to be remembered and celebrated by their families, friends, or colleagues despite their age, social
status (địa vị xã hội) or gender.
What kinds of birthday gifts do you want to receive?
Oh, I really like to be given money as I can use it to buy things I want, but it’s usually a kind of present from
very close relatives. As far as presents from acquaintances and friends are concerned, I like to receive books,
clothes, shoes or handmade gifts or décor ones.

TOPIC 16. SNACKS (a small amount of food that is eaten between meals, or a very small meal:)

When do you often eat snacks now?

I usually eat snacks in the mid-morning between breakfast and lunch. I often eat some healthy stuff like
nuts, yogurt or fruits. Sometimes I eat snacks late in the evening when I have to burn the midnight oil
and feel hungry.

Do you think it’s healthy (for you) to eat snacks?

What’s your opinion about snacks between meals?
I’d say it depends. Unhealthy snacks like pizza, cakes and chocolates add extra calories to our day,
which makes it difficult to keep weight under control. They also cause many health-related problems
such as obesity or high blood pressure or tooth decay as the sugar is left in the mouth after eating
sugary snacks. However, healthy snacks such as fruits and vegetables provide valuable nutrition and
satisfy people’s hunger.
Do your parents allow you to eat snacks?
They do, but only healthy ones like fresh or dried fruits and vegetables or Greek yogurt. They won’t let me
eat junk food like crisps or sausages as they don’t want me to ruin my health.

What snack did you eat when you were young/ small?
What kind of snacks do children in your country/ you love to eat?
Honestly speaking, I adore all kinds of junk and sugary snacks such as pizza, cakes, pies or crisp, but I am
trying to replace them with healthy ones like oatmeal, fruits or dried fruit to satisfy my sweet tooth(thỏa
mãn cơn them đồ ngọt) and at the same time not ruin my health.


Do you write a lot? What do you like to write? Why?

Do you prefer typing or handwriting when you are writing?
On the one hand, I do a lot of writing by hand. For example, I write down to-do lists if I want to recall
some important pieces of information or when I come up with a good idea. This is fast and convenient. I
also note down a lot when I am at school as noting down is required by all teachers. But when it comes to
writing long texts such as reports, articles, or essays, I never use pen and paper. I prefer typing.

Did you like to write when you were a kid?

Well, I’d say no as it was a real struggle for me and I didn’t feel comfortable with it. To be exact, I didn’t
have good penmanship (chữ viết), and I was constantly worried about making mistakes with the
dictation (chép chính tả). This sometimes made me feel stressed out and cry a lot.


What’s the weather like where you live? (Do you like it?)
The weather in my hometown is characterized by four distinct seasons: hot summers and fairly cold
winter, warm and humid spring and dry and cool autumn. It’s very sunny and extremely hot in the
summertime with the temperatures soaring up to (tăng lên cao đến mức) 35 degrees Celsius at
maximum. In contrast, the temperature might go as low as 6 degrees Celsius in winter.

Do you prefer cold or hot weather?

Do you like hot and dry weather?
- Well, I do actually. I adore the sunshine and enjoy getting tons of vitamin D because it always affects my
mood positively. So, yes, I’d rather sweat than get cold, for sure.
-(2) allows me to run my errands (làm những việc lặt vặt) without getting wet or dirty due to the rain.

What do you do in hot weather?

Well, if I am on a vacation, I’d go for a dip at the sea or visit waterpark or might try some aquatic sports/
water sports. But if not, I try to stay indoors with an air-conditioner on. In case I have to get outside, I
look for ways to spend time in cool shady places, drink plenty of fluids (chất lỏng), and eat ice-cream
or drink cold water.

Do you like wet weather?

I would say partially. Wet weather means rainy. So one side we can enjoy a long ride with friends
and family and sometimes have a hot tea. But on the other side, it is difficult to go anywhere as there will
be water everywhere and there are high chances of getting clothes dirty because of water dirt.

Do you like to visit a hot country?

If I have that money to stay in luxurious hotels and enjoy all the services of resorts, then it’s ok. But if I just
go there to experience the normal life of a country where the heat waves are common, then, I’d say no. I
really hate it when my body gets sticky as I sweat and I have always put on suntan (thoa kem chống
nắng) or wear a sun-protection shirt (áo chống nắng) whenever I go out. It’s also easy for me to get
sick due to the temperature shock.
What’s your favorite weather?
Well, a cool and mild climate is definitely my cup of tea. This type of weather always uplifts my mood.
You know, I can show off my fashionable outfits with different layers and enjoy my favorite hot pot (or

Do you have the habit of checking the weather forecast?

Yes, absolutely. Actually, I do it on a daily basis to make plans for my day or even my week. I’d say that I’m
quite reliant on it now as I really need it to know what to wear for the day, or whether as I have to bring a
raincoat or not.


Is there any tradition about naming babies (in your country)?
How do you choose names for your next generation?
Children's last names were the same as their fathers, this is the tradition of Vietnam. But the first name was
chosen by a member of the family.
Some common names you can easily see are Anh, Hoa, Thu, Son, Tuan, and so on. Each name contains a
special meaning. Actually, parents believe the name will create the owner's destiny or characteristics. For
example, Minh means bright, Dũng means courage, and An means peace). To sum up, whatever the name
is, children always take pride in it. And parents also put their love inside each name.

Does your name have any special meaning?

Do you like your name?
This is such an interesting question. I’ve asked my parents about it. My name is Thuy, and according to Sino-
Vietnamese, it means water. But the reason why my parents chose that name for me is that it was the name
of their favorite singer at that time. She looked gorgeous and glamorous and my parents hoped that I could
become a person like her. To tell the truth, I don’t really love this name, but as my parents put their love in
it, I’m proud of it.

Would you like to change your name?

Definitely not. Though I haven’t been much interested in this name, as I’ve told you, I will never change the
name given to me by my parents. Moreover, people around me are also used to calling me by this name. In
short, I wouldn’t change it, not for the world (vì bất cứ lí do nào)

Do people in your country ever change their names?

I don’t think it’s common but I guess it happens from time to time. For example, when people dislike their
current name as they might have some awkward meanings. They can also do this if they want to have a
unique name or want to change their life by starting it with a new name. some well-known actors and singers
do so.


What’s the most popular means of transport in your hometown?
Well, the majority of people in my hometown get around (đi lại) by motorbike. The main reason is that
it’s affordable for most people and convenient as people can use their own vehicles to travel to their
destinations. Also, many people in my city drive their cars. This mode of transport is preferred by many rich
ones as it helps them to avoid the sunlight or the sudden rain.

Is driving to work popular in your country?

I’d say driving to work is quite common in VN nowadays. (the same as the first answer)

Do you/people prefer public transport or private transport?

Do you/people prefer public transport TO private transport?
From my observation, I’m afraid I have to say no. (people)
I’m afraid I have to say no. Actually, I prefer to get around in a private vehicle because I don’t like to be
dependent on other people. I love it when I drive my own motorbike and can stop whenever and wherever
I want. I can take as much stuff with me as I wish and I can sing loudly on the way without disturbing others.
Though it’s better for the traffic situation and the environment if more people switch to mass transit
(phương tiện di chuyển đại chúng/ công cộng), I have no intention of doing so.
Will you use public transport more in the future?
(As above)

Are there any public transport problems in your area?

In my city, I guess, it is the traffic congestion that is the most worrying one. During rush hours, the city
center and the main roads are blocked by vehicles which move so slowly.

How would you improve transport in your area?

How would you reduce traffic problems in your area?
First, I think the government should promote the use of public transportation by making it more
comfortable and faster. For example, the traffic conditions in Hanoi have improved considerably after the
launch of the new bus system and the Cat Linh – Ha Dong Metro route. Also, the roads need to
be widened wherever possible to accommodate more cars. And it might be a good idea to ban heavy
traffic in the central cities at rush hours avoid traffic jams.

How do you think public transport can be improved?

First of all, this can be done by giving everyone in the country access to safe, reliable, and frequent
public transportation, I guess. To be more specific, the government should allocate (phân bổ) more
money to making public transport more comfortable for passengers, namely, improving seating
arrangements, well-trained and more polite bus conductors (phụ xe), increasing bus frequency
(tăng chuyến) and so on. I also recommend our authorities ban cars from the busiest parts of our cities
and encourage car-sharing or bike use instead of cars.

What kind of public transport do you usually take?

When do you usually take public transport?
I am living in a small/ medium-sized city, so the bus is not that popular, and there is no subway yet, so
the public transport that I often take is the taxi. It’s quite prevalent (phổ biến) here and the attitude of
the taxi drivers is really good. I often take a taxi when I need to travel around the city when it is raining or
when we need to travel in a group, or just when I go with the elderly.

Did you take public transport when you were a kid?

I did, if my memory serves me right, but rarely because my parents used to take me somewhere with their
scooters. There were only several times when I traveled with them by train or by coach to other provinces.


Do you like cooking?
Yes, I adore it (I’m into it/ I’m big on it). Cooking at home is always a fun time with family because we like
to cook together, which somehow increases the bond among all the family members (tăng sự gắn
kết). And even when we can’t cook together, I still love it as preparing home-cooked food is a good way
to control my family’s health and save money.

Who usually cooks in your home?

Most of the time my mother is the one that is responsible for the cooking. I don’t know whether she really
adores it or not, but she spends a lot of time choosing fresh ingredients and looking for new recipes. I’d
say mom is absolutely a good cook since she can make a good combination (kết hợp khéo léo) of
random ingredients from the fridge. When she is busy, grandma and dad and I give her a hand.

Do you want to learn to cook well?

There is no doubt about it. I really adore my mother’s cooking skills, and want to develop my culinary skills
(kĩ năng ẩm thực) like her. Having such a good cook at home is so wonderful as you will have the chance
to enjoy scrumptious meals every day. Looking at your child eating your food like a horse is really
meaningful to parents, right? Cooking well also means that we know how to prepare nutritious and healthy
food for meals.


Do you like singing? Do you often sing?
When do you like to sing?
- Well, I’d say almost never. I can only do it while cooking and having a shower. Actually, I don’t have
a knack for (có khướu) singing so I don’t want to bother people around me.
- Well, quite often. I do it every morning when I have a shower when I want to get away from my
problems (thoát khỏi các vấn đề) and relax. I also sing when I am in a good mood (tâm trạng
tốt). Sometimes, when I hear some nice and familiar melody, I just sing along.

What kinds of music do you like to sing?

Well, I really enjoy singing ballads because they are typically slow and have an emotional touch(có
cảm xúc) thanks to the lyrical content. I also love country songs for their meaningful lyrics and soothing
tunes (nhạc điệu du dương), and, of course, for the good stories they tell.

Is it difficult to sing well?

I guess it isn’t if you are extremely gifted (có tài năng) or if you practice daily taking singing classes or
using a good vocal training course/ program with proper guidance from experts. Regular practice
helps people discover the full potential of their voice (khám phá được tiềm năng) and develop it.
However, when it comes to those who are born not having a knack for singing, it is definitely difficult.

Have you ever learnt to sing?

Yes. Don’t take me wrong. I didn’t take a professional course with the aim of becoming a professional singer.
I am mentioning here is the singing class assigned to (thiết kế, giao cho) us in the curriculum (khung
CT học).

Who do you want to sing for?

Most of the time, I just want to sing for my close friends who share the same interest in my favorite kind
of music with me. Also, I feel really confident singing for them because we are so close. Sometimes, when
we go to the karaoke parlors (tụ điểm karaoke), I also want to perform in front of my crush and

Do you want to become a singer?

Oh no, I don’t. First of all, I am too shy to perform live on stage in front of a large crowd. Also, I am quite
bad at acting which is really important for a professional singer. On top of that, I don’t think I am suitable to
be a person of the mass (người của công chúng) as I don’t want to have my own affairs (chuyện
riêng) concerned too much by the public. It’s too tiring and stressful.

Do you think singing can bring happiness to people?

Definitely, I’d say. Let me explain it in detail. Scientifically, each time we sing, our brain releases feel-good
chemicals called endorphins, which boost our happiness levels and act as a ‘natural painkiller’. Another
hormone released when we sing is oxytocin, the ‘love hormone’, which helps to relieve stress and anxiety,
as well as heighten feelings of trust and our ability to form bonds.


What are the benefits of using technology?
Does technology affect deeply people’s life?
Definitely yes. It has changed the way people work, play, and even raise kids. It has improved
people’s life letting them have more free time and giving them better opportunities. It has also bridged
the gap in communication with people over long distances, changed the way education functions and
learning methods as well as led to increased productivity (tăng năng suất) in the workplaces.

Do you like new technology?

Well, I would even say I adore it as it has increased the speed of life and shaped nearly every aspect
of the way we live and work today. New technologies make me smarter and give me better opportunities
for my study and entertainment as well as developing myself. They also help me to find solutions for my
problems quicker and more conveniently than ever before. In short, new technologies are the triumph of
the human intellect (là sự chiến thắng của trí tuệ con người), so, of course, I enjoy using them.
What technology do you often use, computers or mobile phones?
Though both of them are to me, I think that I use my mobile phone more often. This is because it is more
compact (nhỏ gọn), so I can take them with me whenever I go and use it more often. Actually, a
smartphone now offers users many apps and functions that seem to be nearly as equal to what a computer
can offer. I only use a computer when I need to read information online on a large screen in a long time or
need to compile a document (soạn thảo văn bản).

What electronic devices have you bought lately?

2 weeks ago, I used most of my savings to buy a new smartphone. Actually, I am not a sucker for new
technology or high-end items. It was just because my old one stopped functioning properly after 4
years in use.

Is there any technology you want to buy?

There are many technology products that I love to buy, but off the top of my head, it is the set of
newly - released wireless earbuds named Nothing Ear. It has variable levels of noise cancellation
(mức chống ồn đa dạng), and is water- and splash-resistant (chống nước). Its price is 99 pound
on Amazon, so I am saving for it.


Do you like using social media? Do you often use social media?
Yes, absolutely. I mean, who doesn’t? I use many platforms like Facebook, Zalo and Instagram. I think the
main reason I use social media is to stay in touch with others and to stay updated on what is going on in the
world around me.

Do you think your friends use too much social media?

Do social networking sites have disadvantages?
Sure. The most obvious one, for me, is that it is really time-consuming. I know social networks are
supposed to be fun, but the fact is that people are wasting too much precious time surfing such sites,
some even become slaves to these platforms. Consequently, people’s study and work will be badly affected
too. Moreover, social media platforms are also potential places for scams and bullying.

Do you want to work in social media?

Yes, I love to work in social media because it's a very interesting platform to work where you will get
connected with lots of people. We can easily promote a product (quảng bá sản phẩm) here to reach
our targeted audience (hướng tới khách hàng).

Do you think it is good to make friends online?

Well, I think whether it is considered good or bad will depend on what people expect from a friend. If we
just wish to share your thoughts, online friends can really help. But if you need something like “a friend in
need is a friend indeed”, then it may not be a good idea because online friends cannot offer you any
emotional support.


Did you like doing puzzles when you were a kid?

Yes. When I was small, I didn’t have to study as much as I have to now. Therefore, my parents encouraged
me to do many crosswords and Sudoku with my siblings and neighbors to keep me always from the Telly
(TV). They also believed that doing puzzles would be good for my brain.

Who do you often do puzzle with?

When do you do puzzles, during trips or when you feel bored?
I seldom do puzzles now as I am now too busy with my hectic schedule, you know, study, extra classes,
clubs, and hobbies. But sometimes, I do crosswords and Rubik to increase my concentration span (tăng
khả năng tập trung) and sharpen my logical skill (cải thiện tư duy lô gic). From time to time when
I feel too bored or when I am on the trips, I just do it to kill time. Most of the time, I do it alone, but
sometimes with my close friend, Thang. He is really smart, and I have never beaten him.
Do you like doing word puzzles or number puzzles?
Actually, I am not a fan of puzzles in general, and I seldom do them. But if I have to choose, I’d say I love
both equally. Number puzzles like Sudoku, math puzzles, Rubik’s Cubes, then word puzzles like
crosswords and Boggle, you name it. All of these puzzles require our full attention, helping
us increase our concentration and being a mental workout (một cách rèn luyện trí óc) that
improves our problem-solving skills (khả năng giải quyết vấn đề) and attention span (khả năng
chú ý).

Do you think it is good for old people to do puzzles?

There is no doubt about it. This is mainly because doing puzzles can help seniors to strengthen their brain
function as solving problems requires logical thinking skills. Moreover, it can serve as a workout for their
brains and delay Alzheimer’s disease. In short, it’s definitely good for the elderly.


Have you ever studied geography at school?

Well, geography was a compulsory subject (môn học bắt buộc) at my primary school, so I think I
started to learn it in Grade 2. I have learned both national geography (địa lí trong nước) and world
geography. I just remember that at that time there were many names to memorize, the mountains, the
rivers, etc, not a pleasant experience for me.

Do you like geography?

Yeah, I love geography because it gives me the chance to have a look at the places I’ve never been to. It’s
amazing. And this subject also explains how different islands and volcanoes form and things like that. It
has solved tons of mysteries (nhiều điều bí ấn), which is really like an eye-opener (mở mang tầm

Do you want to travel to a country because of its geographical conditions?

Yes, I’m always curious about the places I’m not very familiar with, and the special geographical features
make it more mysterious. And Egypt must be the one. The desert there is so impressive. And apart from
that, I’d love go to Korea, a peninsular area (khí vực bán đảo) in East Asia in winter when the weather
is often freezing cold due to the affection of Siberia during winter. I fancy the idea of going there and
enjoying spicy and hot dishes such as fermented (lên men) Kimchi and various types of instant noodles (mì
ăn liền) as well as street food.

Are you good at reading a map?

I’m quite good at reading the paper map. But now, I often use the navigation app (áp chỉ đường) in
the smartphone for convenience, and I’d say is my savior (cứu tinh). You know, it shows my starting
point, the route and even the distance and expected time.


Do you like going to a hairdresser’s/barber’s?

Of course, I do as it is a chance for me to catch up with the girls and get my hair taken care of at
the same time. A fresh hair cut always makes me feel fabulous.

Do you want to change your hair colour?

Well, I don’t think so. I am satisfied with the current color of my hair. Moreover, I can’t just imagine myself
with a different color like green or white. I don’t want to be the center of attention.

How often do you have a haircut?

I usually have a haircut on a monthly basis as I need to get my hair trimmed regularly to keep the same
style. Actually, it costs me quite a lot of money, but it’s a must.

How long have you had this hair cut?

Well, I’ve had it for 2 years, if my memory serves me right.
Have you had a haircut that you didn’t like?
Thank God it happened only once in my life. I guess this happened due to the miscommunication between
me and the barber, and also his stubbornness.

What is your morning routine?

Well, my typical morning kicks off/ starts with my making my bed (dọn giường), and then running
for 15 minutes. Then I drink a glass of warm water with lemon and honey, which does wonders for (rất
có ích cho) my throat. After that, I do my personal hygiene (vệ sinh cá nhân) and grab something
for breakfast (Ăn tạm cái gì) before getting dressed and going to school.

Do you like the morning or the evening?

Actually I love both equally but for different reasons. I love the morning for it is really refreshing. I mean,
I can start my new day after getting recharged with full energy. I also love it for all the newness and
opportunities it offers. At the same time, I always expect for the evening as it is time for family gathering
and daily reflection (sự hồi tưởng, tổng kết lại 1 ngày) and time to unwind as well.

Is breakfast important?
There is no doubt about it. Breakfast provides many benefits for health and wellbeing. In fact, a proper
and healthy breakfast will fuel our body and brain after a long day, providing us enough energy for a new
day and helping concentrate. Without breakfast, our brain might not have enough essential carbohydrates
to function and feel happy.

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