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Hướng dẫn sử dụng Tài liệu:

- Đề bôi màu xanh lá: Đề của quí liền trước (Quí 2) giữ lại
- Đề bôi màu vàng: Đề mới ra (Quí 3 – đến quí 1/ 2023 vẫn sẽ dùng)
- Nửa quí cũ sẽ ở phía trên, nửa mới sẽ ở phía dưới (cả 2 đều vẫn dùng cho quí 3 này)




(các bạn có thể đá đề bác Trương Gia Bình – When I was surfing the Internet, a news popped up
on my newsfeed. It was about a businessman who decided/declared to adopt 1000 children who
lost their children due to the Covid 19 pandemic.)

You should say:

When it was

Why you were surprised

Who was/were there with you

And explain how you felt ab0ut it.

Surprises are always pleasant and in fact, the surprises are made to make people feel amazed.
Commonly, the surprises are made by the near and dear ones and for my cases, it was the same. So, I will
take this chance to tell you about the time when I received a very special cake on my birthday from my 3
besties in my group.
So, my birthday was 6 months ago when the scenario of covid 19 pandemic was rather serious.
Normally, we would throw a party (tổ chức tiệc) at my house and spend quality time together. However,
due to the pandemic, most celebrations were forbidden. I was quite sad.
But, yk, 1 day before my birthday, my friends sent me a birthday cake. The moment I received the
cake from the shipper, I was over the moon, and totally surprised as well.
So, about the reason why I’d say it was a pleasant surprise to me, well, it was because my friends
made the cake for me themselves. Though my friends are extremely affectionate and sweet, they didn’t have
any interest in these things, I know it for sure. Moreover, they were, at that time, up to their ears in their
study as they were all rehearsing for their IELTS exam.
To talk about the cake, it was not kinda stunning. I mean it was not baked to perfection. In short,
it was not kinda a mouth-watering cake like those from the bakery, but it was so special because they made

it out of love and affection. So, the taste doesn’t matter but the love that counts (vị không quan
trọng, quan trọng là tình cảm), right?
So, this was the time when I had a pleasant surprise.
Part 3
Question 1. How do you express happiness in your culture?

I think people have various ways to show they are happy. Many people just smile or laugh, many choose to
share their happy moments with friends or family by eating out or celebrating. Many people now
choose to write a status on their social account to spread their well-being (lan toả sự hạnh phúc)
with others.

Question 2. Do you think happiness has any effect on people’s lives

Of course yes. Actually, happiness is not just about feeling good. It also makes us healthier, more
productive (hiệu quả hơn) and nicer. For example, when people have a satisfying experience, they are
often more willing to do things or be more receptive to new things. In contrast, when people feel down
in the dumps, they don’t often have that source of positive energy to study or work, even talk with others.

Question 3. How can people be happy/ What kinds of things make people happy?

Oh, it depends on people, their needs and wants, their perception of the world in general and
happiness in particular. Some people in my country feel happy hearing birds chirping early in the morning,
taking care of pets or spending time with family and friends. These people are thankful for small mercies
(biết ơn những niềm vui nhỏ) and enjoy every day of their lives. Others take pleasure in dancing,
singing, getting together, travelling, doing what they love, and helping other people. There are some people
who feel happy only when they buy something that they dream about or earn a lot of money. In short, it
varies from person to person.

Question 4. Is being unhappy good for people?

Being sad from time to time serves some kinds of purpose in helping our species to survive. Sadness is
normal; it’s the temporary emotion(cảm xúc tạm thời) that we all feel on occasions when we’ve been hurt
or something is wrong in our lives. It’s a message that can tell us what’s wrong and what to do about it – if we
listen. For instance, when some students are sad for getting bad result at school, they may then realize that
they need more genuine effort in(cần nỗ lực thực sự) their study.

Question 5. How would you define happiness?

Well, the definition might be different throughout different stages of life. Sometimes it’s just the
appreciation of life (việc trân trọng cuộc sống), life satisfaction and moments of pleasure.
Sometimes it’s the joy I feel when I am striving after my potential/ goal. To sum up, I can say that happiness
if a state of well-being (trạng thái hạnh phúc) and satisfying experience.

Question 6. What do you do when you feel unhappy? / What do people do when they feel

Of, when I am unhappy, I would normally cry first for some time, feeling sorry for myself, then take a bath to
relax and sleep. When I wake up, I start doing my best to change the negative emotions and move on. Or, I
would either hang out with my buddies and have fun with them to cultivate positive emotions (có
them cảm xúc tích cực) or just watch something funny to unwind myself.

Question 7. Are people in your country now happier than 30 years ago?

Well, I think it differs among people. Some people are undoubtedly happier now than 3 decades ago because
they have higher levels of well-being, more technologies aiding them and more opportunities in all areas
of life. Moreover, they are offered a great variety of entertainment and sport to relax and stay healthy.
However, there are people who are less happy than in the past because they have longer working and learning
hours and less time for themselves. I’d say, most of people are now under much pressure of either study
or financial issues.

Question 8. Why some people say that happiness never lasts long?

Well, I guess some people say so because happiness is based on conditions, I mean some external
circumstances(các tình huống ngoại cảnh) which often change. Let’s say, if the weather is perfect, I will
feel happy, but when it soons changes for the worse, I will not feel happy anymore.

Question 9. Is it important to have goals in life in order to feel happy?

Do you think people will feel happy if they don’t have goals to achieve?

Well, I’m in two minds about it. On the one hand, goals give you a sense of mission and help yo more closer to
your ideal life and therefore you’ve got the reason to wake up in the morning and overcome all the
hardships. Also, whenever you set a goal and accomplish(hoàn thành) it, levels of dopamine,
happiness hormone, tend to increase. So, it’s true that you do feel happier when you work on your goals. On
the other hand, there are some things that are more important to enjoy your present moments rather than
focusing too much on your goals, which might make you exhausted sometimes.

Question 10. Do you think money can make people happy?

I wouldn’t say money makes people happy, I’d say it can dramatically increase the opportunities for
people to be happy. For example, money makes people stop worrying about their daily expenses,
medical bills or rental payment, and they, therefore, can focus on enjoying themselves by hitting the gym,
enjoying favorite foods or buying new clothes, spending time with their beloved ones, ect. By and large(tóm
lại), money can be spent on things that translate into happiness.


You should say:

What it was
Where it happened
Why it was important
How people felt about it

So, I will take this chance to tell you about the time when I organized a surprise birthday party for
my close friend, Linh, of course, with the participation of others in our group.
So, 2 months ago was Linh’s birthday. As usual, we would throw her a party (tổ chức tiệc) at her
house and spend quality time together. However, due to the pandemic, most celebrations were forbidden.
So, I decided to give her a surprise online party.
I asked my friend for advice on how we can make it special. We have a group of 4 besties and we
asked everyone in the group to record something for Linh. It could be anything, there were no restrictions.
One recorded a song accompanied by (đệm) the guitar, one wrote a funny poem, and one made a video
with the most gorgeous pictures of Linh.
Finally, the day came, and we organized a special get-together on zoom for the group. When she
joined the meeting room, no one said a single word but I started to show the video prepared for her.
Needless to say, (khỏi phải bàn) she was moved to tears watching the video. Then, we turned on our
camera and sang “happy birthday” to her. No words could describe the radiant smile (nụ cười rạng rỡ) on
her face. She kept saying thank you to all of us.

We all felt happy as the birthday party was still organized despite the pandemic and luckily, everything
went as we had expected.
So, this was the time when I was preparing for a happy event.
Part 3 (have a blast, have a whale of a time)
Question 1. Do you like to celebrate important events?
Yes, absolutely. I love the atmosphere of excitement and joy when everyone comes together to celebrate
a special occasion. It’s the perfect excuse to let your hair down, forget about all of your usual
commitments/ usual schedules and spend time with your beloved ones. With most celebrations, there’s
also usually amazing food. So what’s not to love?

Question 2. What kinds of events do people often celebrate?

There are many events that people celebrate ranging from festivals to personal important days or celebrations
such as birthdays, weddings, welcoming parties or even farewell parties. I think it's important to celebrate
these things because they are landmarks in our lives. Parties are a good way to bring people together,
and they're an opportunity to let off some steam.

2. Why do you think some people like parties but others hate them? Nerve-racking/

Most people like parties because they have a good time - eating a nice meal, chatting to friends, or having a
dance. People who don't like them might find social situations difficult because they are shy, or maybe
they don't enjoy having to make small talk with people they don't know.

Question 3. Do people often celebrate events with a large group of people or with just few

I think it depends on each person’s preference and aslo the types of celebration. For example, wedding parties
or end-year- parties of companies are often held with many people, but wedding anniversaries or birthdays
are often with a small number of guests. Of course, there are many people who invite a lot of people to their
birthday parties.

Question 4. Do people often celebrate events with their families?

Family parties are very popular in my country. Most people organize special parties on birthdays and marriage
anniversaries. Some young adults give parties after getting good grades in their exams or after being
promoted to a high-level position.

Question5. How do people celebrate important events in your country?

Well, people usually throw a party. Everything depends on people’s preferences and budgets. It can be
either dinner with their closest people or a lavish party at a restaurant. I almost forget, people often give
people gifts on these occasions and try to fill the day with lovely and thoughtful surprises, which will help them
create pleasant memories of a lifetime.

Rituals (n) nghi thức

Question 6. Do you think people spend too much money on celebrating special occasions such as
weddings or birthdays? Lavish parties / luxurious

I don’t actually think so because such celebrations such as weddings or birthdays create memories which make
people’s lives meaningful. These occasions enrich people’s social lives (làm giàu thêm vốn sống xã hội)
and make them happy by giving them a great chance to share happiness with their most beloved ones, which
is worth spending a lot of money. Of course, I am talking about cases when people have big money and can
afford to pay for lavish celebrations (những lễ kỉ niệm xa xỉ). Yet, I don’t understand the motives of
people who take out the loan banks (xin vay) for such celebrations, ignoring more important
expenditures (những chi phí) such as education or healthcare.

Question 7. Why do more and more young people prefer to celebrate festivals with their friends
rather than with their families?

I think this is mainly because young people share the same interests with their friends so it’s easy for them to
relate.Moreover, friends allow each other to be themselves and, as a result, feel at ease and act without

restraint while spending time together, which allows them to enjoy the celebrations to the fullest. I think this
makes the young prioritize (ưu tiên) celebrating festivals with their friends.



What it is?
What benefits it has brought about?
How it influences people of different ages?
How it changed the world in a positive way?

I believe that most inventions have been benefiting humankind in certain ways, and there are many to
name. However, I’d love to take this chance to talk about an invention that I think has helped share the
burden of a household chore with people, especially women, enabling them to have more time for
themselves- robotic vacuum cleaner.

To my knowledge, the first robotic vacuum cleaner first appeared in the market in 1996, and it has
soon became all the rage for housewives worldwide for its superior funtions.

Cleaning the floor is always an annoying task and can be laborious /ləˈbɔːr.i.əs/ (tốn thời
gian và sức lực) and boring. Nowadays, in this fast-paced society (xã hội phát triển nhanh), it is too
time-consuming (tốn thời gian), as well. As a result, getting a robotic vacuum is a wonderful way for many
people to get their hands off such chores and clean their homes without devoting as much time and
energy to the task. In other words, it helps free your hands and can give you more time to do other, more
interesting things or at least, spend more quality time with your beloved ones.

The machine can be set to clean exactly as required, while requiring little maintenance. Your only
job is to replace the bag or empty the container from time to time (thi thoảng).
Before the advent (sự ra đời) of the robotic vacuum, people used to spend much of their time
cleaning the floor, which was extremely back-breaking and time-consuming. Now, thanks to the vacuum,
they no longer have to do this, and many people are actually too reliant on it.
Part 3

Question 1. What is the most helpful invention at home?

I think this is such a tough question as every invention or device at home seems to be equally essential to me,
but if I have to pick one, I‘d go for the fridge. The fundamental reason (lí do quan trọng) for having a
refrigerator is to keep food cold. Cold temperatures help food stay fresh longer. The basic idea behind

refrigeration is to slow down the activity of bacteria (which all food contains) so that it takes longer for the
bacteria to spoil the food. Without a fridge, people will have to go to the market to buy fresh food every day or
we might waste a lot of food for there is nothing to keep it from being spoiled.

Question 2. What household appliances make us lazy?

Actually, I don’t think that household appliances make us lazy. It is a question of choices. Smart home
appliances make life more comfortable to you. These devices allow us to get our hands off many boring and
exhausting tasks such as washing the clothes, cleaning the floor, or cooking rice, so people have more time for

Question 3. What kinds of inventions/technology can be used at school?

Actually, there are many inventions and technologies that can be used in classrooms to assist teachers in
offering students more vivid and lively lessons such as the projector or computers. Normally, teachers or
students can bring presentations to life by using videos, photos, sound, and visual effects into them. Let’s
consider how excited students will be in Geography class if they can enjoy a virtual-reality technology (công
nghệ thực tế ảo) which allows them to enjoy the whole view of the Eiffel Tower.

Question 4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of online courses?

One of the biggest benefits of e-learning/distant learning is that you can access study materials at any time
that works for you. For example, if you have to work or take care of your children during the day, you can
study at night. Also, if you are tired, you can take a break from studying anytime you want and come back to
it when you are feeling refreshed. I’m sure that flexibility (sự linh động) is an advantage that traditional face-
to-face courses cannot beat .Another perk is that you can find a suitable course from home when it doesn’t
matter where you live and what you want to study. What I mean is you don’t need to go to England to attend
the course taught by a teacher who lives there.

However, studying online requires more self-motivation and time-management skills because you will spend a
lot of time on your own without the teacher physically close to keep you focused on what you are learning or
assist you right away.

Question 4. Do you think AI will replace the teachers’ roles in the future?
I don’t think so. Such a future is possible today when AI technologies have taken a big step forward. But
artificial intelligence still has to learn from humans, and its functionality is limited.
Question 5. Do you think there will be any negative effects resulting from future technology?
I think every coin has two sides, and future technology is not an exception. The worst thing that might happen
is that human unemployment may increase as robots may substitute (thay thế) humans in manufacturing and
production. Another problem is that some bad guys may control over the most high-end technology(công nghệ
hiện đại) and take advantages of it to spread some kinds of fatal viruses (virus chết người) and the whole
world will suffer from real disaster.


What is it?
When you do this?
How you feel when you do this?
How it helps you?
Well, it is having the smart cleaning robot clean the house that helps me save a lot of time.
I am tasked with (được giao nhiệm vụ) cleaning the floors on a daily basis, and it used to be
quite time-consuming and exhausting for me to do so. Actually, it used to take me almost 40 minutes a day
to clean my house with 2 floors. This household chore was literally a burden to me and it was really
annoying to me, to be exact, especially when I was up to my ears in the study and other social
Having been so tired of this boring and time-consuming chore, I decided to spend most of my savings
buying a new smart cleaning robot that uses AI. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it is now my life-
saver as it helps me save a lot of time. In other words, I am too reliant on it now.
This kind of cleaning robot never refuses to work when you activate (khởi động) it. It is also very diligent
(tận tụy) since it can focus on cleaning up to 3 hours without complaint no matter how dirty your room
could be. As I don’t have to clean the floors myself, I can have more quality time with my family, friends, or
my study.
I think that it’s one of the best investments in my life as it helps save me a bunch of time.
Part 3.

Question 1. How do people manage their time?

Question 2. What do people do to spend their time efficiently?
Question 3. What do people do to save time? / How to avoid wasting time?

A lot of people do it by planning out their time and resources and trying their best not to waste their time on
the wrong things. Some people have a habit to make up their plans for a day, a week, a month, or even a
year, making a to-do list antrackingck their progress at least 2 or 3 times a day. Many prioritize their tasks
based on urgency and importance.

Well, a lot of people do it by making up their plans for a day, a week, or even a year, writing them down on
to-do lists, and tracking their progress at least 2 or 3 times a day. Many others save time by breaking their
tasks into many little steps that can be taken in the shortest span of time, prioritizing tasks and projects based
on the level of their importance.

Question 4. It is important to save time?

Question 5. Is it important to manage your time efficiently?
Oh, I’m sure it is. We all have 24 hours a day, and no one can store or save time for later use. Efficient time
management will help you to accomplish more with less effort and eliminate the pressure that comes from
feeling like you don’t have enough time. Without good time management skills, people might let find their
tasks uncompleted at the end of the day, or be late for deadlines.

Question 6. Do you agree that today success mainly depends on being able to manage time
Well, I don’t think it has a key part to play in achieving success, but it is definitely one of the most important
factors that work for the success of people these days. What I mean is when people manage time wisely, they
allocate their 24 hours in the right place, which, as a consequence, helps them to achieve the right results.

Question 7. Should parents help children manage time?

I guess they should because learning strategies for time management from an early age helps kids be aware
of the time, its importance and ways to manage it effectively. This will do wonders for their study and future
by teaching them to complete tasks in certain amount of time instead of wasting on doing meaningless stuff.

Question 8. Do you think deadlines are necessary?

Absolutely, especially with procrastinators who often leave things to the last minute. Deadline can be
considered as the driving force for people to focus on their homework, tasks or projects. It will remind them
about the consequence of letting their tasks undone.



Who he/she is?
What he/she has done?
Why he/she is popular?
How do you feel about that person?

Well, actually it is difficult for me to pick one as there are many well-known people in VN. However, I
will take this chance to tell you about a famous businessman who shines for not only for his talent and success
but also his contributions to our society.
He is Mr. Truong Gia Binh, or Mr. Binh for short, Chairman of FPT corporation- a giant (ông lớn)
in the field of technology in my country. It not only provides services about technology but also runs a
prestigious university (trường DH danh tiếng) in Vietnam- FPT University.
But, this is not the thing that I’m gonna tell you today but the thing that makes him stand out from
many other successful businessmen and celebrities. It is his humane (nhân văn) decision to raise 1,000
children who lost their parents due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

To be more specific, he decided to build a school for those children. This school will be the training
place from grade 1 to 12 and even the university.

For children who have lost their parents due to Covid-19 pandemic, he wants to create an environment
for them to study, practice, and turn their pain into strength (biến nỗi đau thành sức mạnh
Yk, there have been many successful and renowned people who have done voluntary work or did donate a
huge sum of money for needy people, but the fact that he decided to be the father of 1,000 children is such a
miracle (điều kì diệu). He must have a heart made of gold. So, this is something I wanna talk about a
famous businessman in my country.
Part 3
Question 1. What kinds of people are popular at work?
I think there are 3 main kinds of people that are popular at work. The first kind I want to mention are
resourceful people (người có kĩ năng giải quyết vấn đề và đưa ra quyết định tốt). I mean, those who
are able to see a solution to every problem they encounter, are able to make the working process highly
productive and inspire every team member. The second type are fun people who always come up with fun
ideas and stories or good jokes that help cheer people up when a stressful situation appears. Last but
not least, those are sympathetic people who make a workplace as nice as home so that people always feel
good at their workplace.

Question 2. Are bosses more popular than employees at work?

I think it depends. For the most part, they are, due to the fact that they are the managers and they get to
work and manage employees. In this way, they have more relationships than most other people and often get
respect and support from their inferior colleagues (đồng nghiệp cấp dưới). However, some employers
are even more popular than their bosses due to their outstanding performances, sympathetic and fun
characteristics, or talents.

Question 3. Which one is important: doing well at work or having a good relationship with

I’d say these two criteria are equally important. A vast majority of full-time employees spend more of their
waking hours with their colleagues compared to families. With such a large amount of time being spent at
work with co-workers, it seems only fitting that a good relationship with the team would be advantageous
to all involved. On the other hand, you can not get a promotion and be respected if you don’t work effectively
at your workplace.

Question 4. Benefits of a child being popular at school?

Well, one of the very obvious benefits of being popular at school, to my mind, is that school
celebrities(ngôi sao trường học) get preferential treatment and even privileges (Đặc quyền) from both
teachers and classmates. What I mean is they get special tasks from the teacher and get support and
admiration from their classmates. It’d be a nice experience, I reckon.


Who this person is

When you talked
What you talked
Why you enjoyed talking to this person
Well, thank you for giving me this opportunity to talk about the person that I really loved talking to -
Mr. Truong Gia Binh, or Mr. Binh for short. Well, in case you might not know, he is the chairman of FPT
corporation- a giant (ông lớn) in the field of technology in my country, also the founder of FPT University.
That time, I was so fortunate to get a scholarship from FPT University and have the privilege (có
đặc ân) to talk to Mr. TGB for one hour. He asked me to go for a walk with him while talking. I asked him a
lot about his life, his childhood, and how he overcame all difficulties in his life. In response, he told me the
stories about his childhood and his life with ups and downs, how he overcame them all and became a
successful man as he is now. But the highlight of the conversation was about his humane (nhân văn)
decision to raise 1,000 children who lost their parents due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

This is such a moving story and a miracle (điều kì diệu) instead. He is not only charming and
knowledgeable but also a warm and lovable man. The way he told the story was so enthralling (cuốn hút)
that I was engrossed in it, losing track of time (quên cả thời gian). From the conversation with him, I
learned many valuable lessons about life, love, and sympathy. A long walk with him was truly a once-in-a-
lifetime experience (trải nghiệm để đời) to me.
Question 1. What topics do young people talk about?
Well, I think young people like to talk about what is going on in their lives, what they are engaged in, or
what they want to achieve in life. They also want to share with others what they dream about or what they
plan for the foreseeable future. However, things that interest or worry young men and women are different,
which in turn makes the topics they discuss different as well. For example, young men are keen on blabbing
about sport, cars, girls, business, and technology while girls often love to talk about traveling, beauty, clothes,
and fitness.

Question 2. Do you think that women chat more than men?

Well, mostly yes as it’s women’s nature to chat a lot to overcome monotony (sự nhàm chán).
Women are more emotional than men and whenever they get some information or ideas, they immediately
want to share them with everyone. One more reason why women talk more than men is that they want
connection and closer relationships with others. Having said that, in many cases who talks more depends on
the individual or context of the conversation.

Question 3. How do you know if others aren’t interested in your conversation?
There are a number of signs that can indicate that my conversation partner is not really interested
in our conversation. If it’s a face-to-face conversation, I can figure out by reading their body language or
listening to their responses. For instance, if a person I’m talking to isn’t too engaged in the conversation,
they often yawn frequently orthey might ignore my questions, keep checking their phones or staring
somewhere else. If I text or call someone, I can tell they don’t want to talk to me by seeing how long it takes
them to reply me.

Question 4. Why do some people prefer to tell secrets to strangers?

I think because talking to strangers can be less embarrassing as people may feel less judged by
them. What’s more, such people are usually not concerned about strangers’ gossiping about their secrets
(bàn tán về bí mật). Or maybe they like sharing secrets with strangers because they hope to see a new
perspective (quan điểm khác) with their help. There are lots of reasons, I guess.
Question 5. Can people communicate if they don’t speak the same language?
I think it’s not impossible to communicate, but of course, it depends on the message people need
to deliver or receive. I mean, people can use body language to communicate in this case. For example,
people can use hands to indicate size or location. Moreover, people can communicate by drawing things or
typing their sentences on google translation and get them stranslated to target language.


You should say:

Who this person is
How you know this person
What this person likes to do
And explain why you think this neighbor is interesting.
So, the very first one that springs to my mind is Ms. Ly, my neighbor, a freelance artist (một họa
sĩ tự do).
So, let me introduce her first. Ms. Ly is now in her early 40s and she is such a creative person who
always comes up with interesting ideas. In fact, she always makes something out of trash (làm ra đồ từ
rác), things that we throw away (ném đi). Whenever I go to her house, she’s always making something or
the other.
It seems that she never sits idle (ngồi nhàn rỗi). She always has a project in her hands. I am also a
huge fan of these kinds of things so I often spend my free time at her house doing these DIY items
(những đồ tự làm) with her.
She also runs a project named “exchange your trash for plants” in which you change your
categorized trash (rác đã phân loại) such as bottles, paper, old clothes or even used batteries for a small
pot of plant. This project aims at raising people’s awareness about (nâng cao nhận thức con người

về) protecting the environment, which is so meaningful. I often support her by categorizing trash when I
come to her house.
I really love spending time with her as she is not only a sweet and creative person but also the one
who devotes much of her time for the sake of the environment (vì môi trường). I always feel positive
energy when being with her and I can learn so much from her.
So, that’s all I want to tell you about a woman that I want to spend time with.
Part 3
Question 1. Do you think people are familiar with their neighbors?
Do you think people’s relationships with their neighbors today are the same as they
were in the past?

I think it depends on people’s values and lifestyles. Those who value relations with people who live nearby
haven’t changed anything in communication with our neighbors. They spend some evenings and days off
together having BBQ or hotpot parties in just the same way it was years ago. They still keep an eye on each
other and are willing to give their neighbors a hand when they need help. But those who are working a lot
these days and don’t want to spend free time with neighbors have changed neighbor relations, opting for
strengthening family bonds or devoting time to ourselves.

Question 2. How can people improve their relationships with their neighbors in a community?

The most important factor, to my mind, is respecting each other because it’s impossible to build good
relationships with people you dislike or disrespect. I think it’s also important to trust each other and have
shared beliefs and thoughts. Moreover, neighbors should be willing to help each other in cases others need
help. Last but not least, people should have a commitment to work through conflicts and
disagreements in a respectful manner. I almost forget to mention that they should find time to celebrate
special moments together to strengthen neighbor relations.

Question 3. How do children build relationships with other people in a community?

First of all, they should introduce themselves to their neighbors. If they are new in the area, they should get
acquainted with neighbors and then smile whenever they meet them. They should also try to be nice to
neighbors by making nice and interesting conversations with them. And if possible, they can offer their
neighbors help with something. For example, they can help them do the shopping when they are ill or take
care of their pets while they are away for work.

Question 4. Is it beneficial to get on well with neighbors?

Of course, it is. In fact, it is of great importance to have a good relationship with our neighbors. When we
buy a house, we don’t often think of leaving for other places soon, so we often spend much of our time, even
years with our neighbors. And they are the ones who can help us when we need help in case our family or
relatives are far away. If we cannot get on well with our neighbors, we might risk being isolated and getting
into quarrels or conflicts with them, which will make our lives uncomfortable or even dangerous.

Question 5. What makes a neighborhood a good place to live in?

I think the convenience of the neighborhood is an important criterium, for example, being near to school,
workplace, markets, hospitals, bus stops or main roads. Neighbors are also very important as no one wants to
live with bad-tempered or ill-mannered ones. Oh, and the top priority is the safety factor – good street
light and a low crime rate.


You should say:

Who this person is
What kind of person he or she is
Whether you have worked together before
And explain why you would like to work with this person (more than with other members of your
So, the very first one that springs to my mind is Ms. Ly, my father’s sibling, a freelance artist (một
họa sĩ tự do).
So, let me introduce her first. Ms. Ly is now in her early 40s and she is such a creative person who
always comes up with interesting ideas. I have known her since my childhood. She is not only my aunt but
also the leader of the group in which I am a member. This group is created for those who share the same
interest of making things from discarded trash. We also runs a project named “change your trash for
plants” in which you change your categorized trash (rác đã phân loại) such as bottles, paper, old clothes
or even batteries for a small pot of plant. This project aims at raising people’s awareness about (nâng
cao nhận thức con người về) protecting the environment, which is so meaningful.
I have spent a lot of free time working with her, and I’d say working with her is such a rewarding
experience as she is not only a sweet and creative person but also the one who shares many things in
common with me. Actually, it doesn’t really matter what we do as long as we are together. Every
hour with her feels like a minute. I always feel the positive energy when being with her and I can learn
so much from her.
So, that’s all I want to tell you about a family member that I want to work with.
Part 3
Question 1. What kinds of family businesses are common in VN?

Vietnam is a diverse country and a fast-growing one too. All sorts of family businesses are there in Vietnam.
They can run a business in the fields of garment and textiles (may mặc), food processing (Chế biến
thực phẩm), transportation, real estates (bất động sản), you name it.

Question 2. Is it good to work with family members? Why?

Certainly, there are many benefits of working with a family member. A family member would be more
supportive. Secondly, the family member would also be satisfied as he would not have the fear of any
outsider cheating him in business.

Question 3. Why do people want to do family businesses?

Family business ensures employment within a family. If there is some business know-how to any person, he
can start a small business and make it grow with family support. One does not have to go out hunting for jobs.
By having a family business, one can be a job provider rather than being a job seeker.

Q4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a family business?

The advantages are that one does not have to go out hunting for jobs. By having a family business, one can
be a job provider rather than being a job seeker.
The disadvantages are that if the business faces a slump, the whole family can turn from riches to rags
overnight. The family members may also have conflicts if they feel that some of them are just reaping
benefits without actually working hard.

Question 5. Benefits of working for big companies?

Big companies always provide employees with big opportunities. Working for a large corporation means you
will become a part of a huge community and create invaluable networks, get access to a host of resources
such as specialists training courses and additional qualifications, and chances for growth
opportunities without having to leave. What’s more, you have greater security and a steadier workplace than
employees of small businesses as big companies tend to face lass risks of going bankrupt (phá sản).

Question 6. Why do many young people keep changing their jobs?

I guess there are a variety of reasons for that. They can job hop because of boredom in their current job, a
low salary, unfriendly coworkers or boss, a lack of new challenges, or vice versa too many challenges.
Frequent job changes can also happen when young people feel a lack of information about the business
performance or not enough recognition for their contributions and, of course, when the young want career
advancement and desire progress.



What the decision was?

How you made your decision?

What were the positive results of your decision?

Why it was difficult to make it?

I’ll take this chance to tell you about the time I was caught in a real dilemma. I had to decide whether
I would move to a new place.
So, 2 years ago when I passed the exam into highschool, which is quite far from my house, my
parents decided to buy a new house in the heart of the city and were about to move there so that it’d take
me less time to go to school. Of course, my parents wanted the agreement of all the members in my family,
myself included.
To tell the truth, it was not easy for me to make up my mind. You cannot imagine how painful the
process was. On the other hand, I was so excited because, after a long wait, I got my dream home in the
heart of the city. The vibrant vibe (không khí sống động) of the life here is more suitable for young
people like me.
Having said that, shifting to the new accommodation also meant that I had to part ways with
(chia xa) my old friends who used to stay in my neighborhood. I was also afraid to suffer the consequences
of the wrong choice.
After 2 weeks taking both pros and cons into consideration, I finally decided to move with my
family. And fortunately, our neighbors turned out to be quite friendly and assisted us to adjust to our new life.
I also got along with my new companions (bạn đồng hành) and enjoyed my new life in the city
center. Everything was better than I had expected.
So, this was a time when I had to make such a difficult decision that led to a positive result.

Question 1. Is it important for children to make decisions when they are young?
I guess it is because decision-making is one of the most important skills children need to develop to
become healthy and mature adults. Decision-making teaches people to have control over their lives
and take responsibility for their choices, mistakes, and failures. It lets people have a say in
everything that concerns their lives, and childhood is the best time for kids to take risks and test their
own capacities. The ealier they start,the better decision makers they will become as good decision-making is
complex and takes years of experience to master.

Question 2. Do you think that parents should make important decisions for their children?

I think that it depends on their child’s maturity. If a decision is really crucial but a child is still living in a
world of fantasy and doesn’t clearly understand the rules of real life, of course parents should interfere and
give their kid a hand. They can share their huge experience which they accumulated throughout life in
order to help their child avoid potential danger and realize the consequences of different
decisions.But if a child is psychologically mature and ready to take responsibility for their choices, I
think parents should accept their own choices.

Question 3. Do you think that teachers should help students make decisions?

I think it’s more than a question of should or should not but “a must”. Actually, teachers should allow students
to make simple decisions, but when it comes to important ones, students should be helped by teachers.
Teachers can ask them why they choose this but not other ones, analyze the problem, or give them advice.

Question 4. Do you think young people are often easily influenced by others while making

I do think so. Most young people are immature and inexperienced, so they often seek others’ advice
before making their final decisions. Therefore, their decisions are, somehow, affected by others’ opinion or
idealology. For example, when grade 12th students want to choose what university to apply for, they often
ask teachers, parents or even their aquantances for information or consultation before deciding.

Question 5. At what age can a child make their own decision?

I think children can make their own decisions when they are ready to make choices without their parents’help
and are able to understand the information, use it to weigh the pros and cons of their choice. For
example, a one-year-old boy can also make their own decision on what toy they want to play with based on
their favorite color or shape.

Question 6. What is the difference between decisions that children and adults make?

Well, I think that children mostly make decisions relevant to their daily experience or, in other
words, so-called small decisions such as who to play with, what to eat or drink, or what film to
watch. These are quite safe decisions as they concern only a limited circle of their daily activities.
Whereas, adults make both small and big decisions such as making major purchases and taking on
new responsibilities. Their decisions are often of much higher level of responsibility and require a
number of steps to take, for example, considering alternatives, thinking about pros and cons,
thinking of the consequences to make a sound advice



You should say:
- What the competition is
- How you knew it
- What you need to prepare for it
- And explain why you want to attend it

It is Who Wants to Be a Millionaire – a Vietnamese version that I’d love to take part in one
day. It is a Vietnamese television game show adapted from (chuyển thể từ) the same-titled British
program. The show features a quiz competition with contestants attempting to win a top prize of 200 million
dong by answering a series of multiple-choice questions, usually of increasing difficulty.
The show is broadcast on VTV3 every Tuesday at 8.30 pm. A contestant has four main lifelines
(sự trợ giúp): 50:50, Phone-A-Friend, Ask the Audience, and Three of the Audience.
I have been a loyal fan of this show since I was a child for its interesting content, I mean, it’s about
the general knowledge from a very simple one like what letter comes before G or knowledge about other fields.
To do well in the show, the contestant must be very knowledgeable, kinda Mr. Know-all. On top of that, I’m
really drawn by the charming host of this TV show, Mr. Lai Van Sam, who is a man of dignity(người
đàn ông lịch thiệp). The feeling of sitting on the hot seat, answering questions, and talking with Mr. Sam
will be a truly rewarding experience to me. And if I am lucky enough to answer more than 10 questions, I
might get a huge sum of money, and I can use it to invest in my future education or donate to some
charitable organizations to help poor people. Most importantly, I wanna test my understanding of the
world. I’ve registered for it 3 times but never accepted, maybe because there are too many applicants. I’m still
preparing for it by trying its online version- a kind of online game on my cell phone.
Part 3

Question 1. What contests are commonly seen on TV programs?

Question 2. What are common competition shows?
(1-2) To be honest, I am not a huge fan of TV programs, so I think it’s difficult to tell you the exact answer.
To my knowledge, the most common competition shows in Vietnam nowadays are “The Face”, “The Voice of
Vietnam”, “Comedians Challenge”, “The perfect version”, you name it. Most of them are adapted reality
shows with a large number of watchers. Normally, they are shown on VTV 3 channel at prime time (giờ

- The majority of competitions are related to education like Maths, Science, English, and General Knowledge
Olympiads. Apart from this people show their creative talents in dance, music and acting shows.
Beauty contests have also gained their popularity these days, and young females participate in them.
Lastly, football, volleyball, and tennis competitions are also popular.

Question 3. Why are competition shows popular?

I think that’s mainly because our world is very competitive nowadays, so competitions appeal to a large
number of audiences. People watch TV not only to relax but also to gain some skills, and competition
programs teach them how to survive in a competitive playing field, and motivate them to take the chance,
even if it may seem a bit scary and out of their comfort zone. In such shows, participants often share their
strategies how to face fears and pursue dreams despite all the obstacles. Sometimes, these shows are so
popular to audiences due to their scandals or dramas among contestants. The fact that more and more people
watch these programs encourages producers to create even more competition programs.

Question 3. What kinds of industries need competition? Why?
To be honest, this is not an area of my interest, but I guess all kinds of industries need competition as they all
need competition or rivals (đối thủ) to promote themselves to develop and fulfill themselves. Even when
they are selling something on the cutting edge (hiện đại) or something that’s never been done before, new
competitors (đối thủ cạnh tranh) will emerge (xuất hiện) all the time.

Question 5. Do you think competition is important in the workplace?

Question 6. Is it necessary to encourage people to compete with others in companies?

Definitely, it is. But, of course, I mean healthy competition which helps drive creative achievement and
innovation, enhances motivation and makes employees put in more effort and perform better. Only in this
case, there is a chance to increase company efficiency. In other cases, competition can only lead to lower
productivity, hard feelings, and a loss of focus, which will make company performance much worse. So, only
healthy competition (sự cạnh tranh lành mạnh) and positive emotions.

Question 7. What kind of people would be competitive?

I guess, these would be ambitious people who are very confident and willing to take risks and people who
strive (cố gắng) until they reach their desired goals. I also think these would be people who center their
life on their careers, love the spotlight, hate the idea of wasting time, and are able to focus intently when
things need to be done.


1/ Describe a time when you were stuck in a traffic jam.

You should say:
When it was
Where you were going
How long you had to wait
And explain how you felt about this.

The streets of Vietnam are often occupied with excessive traffic. Consequently, the commuters
have to face traffic congestion. I also experienced a serious traffic jam last week.
So, last week, I caught a taxi to Hanoi for an interview. I was afraid of being late for the interview at 9
am, so I booked an early taxi which departed at 5 am. Everything went smoothly at first, but right after we
entered Hanoi territory, we were trapped in a traffic jam.
There was a long queue of traffic before us, and they showed no sign of moving. The taxi driver
tried to escape the increasing traffic but he could not do so. Though he tried to cross the main road

using the narrow inner streets, he failed as the streets were too narrow to enter, and again he had to join
on the main road of the city. As a result, he got trapped in the jam perfectly.
The feeling about the traffic jam was unpleasant. It did give me real butterflies in my stomach
(khiến tôi bồn chồn) ás I might miss my important interview. To make it worse, many drivers didn’t turn off
their engines so I could feel the bad smell of the exhausted fumes. Some bad-tempered ones even pushed
their sirens, which was really annoying. To my disappointment, I was late for the interview.
I do not know what actually happened on that day. If it had not been for the traffic jam, I
would have reached the revenue in time, but it was my bad luck.
Sample 2

Well, traffic jam is quite a common scene, especially in big cities where people waste a lot of time in
these jams.
I am going to talk about one such experience that I lately had where I was stuck in a jam for a long
Actually, my friend and I planned a weekend. We decided to go to HN on the weekend and have a lot of
fun. We planned to go shopping, watch a movie in the cinema and later have a meal in a restaurant and come
back home.

I was pretty excited about the same, and we were planned to travel by bus. The next morning, when I
reached the bus stop, I received a phone call from my friend who cancelled the program for some reason, but
I decided to travel alone. I vividly remember it was a pretty hot day, and I boarded a non-air-conditioned
bus. It was fully packed, and somehow, I managed to get a seat, but the journey was quite uncomfortable.
It had been hardly 30 minutes, and the bus suddenly stopped.

There was a huge jam, and there was a long queue of vehicles ahead. The bus driver stopped the
engine and went out to enquire. It was really difficult to spend the time waiting in this bus. So I decided to
play a game on my phone or listen to music. I hardly spend 15-20 minutes and my mobile battery got flat.
In the meantime, we got to know that the jam is because of a road accident and it may take a long time
before the police let the vehicles to move.
It was the height of my patience because I couldn’t wait anymore and I was too much irritated because
of the constant honking (tiếng bóp còi liên tục) and toxic fumes of other vehicles, and that’s a reason
why I decided to get off the bus and board a bus going the other direction.
Finally, after wasting around four hours, I was back home, and I was really frustrated because a traffic
jam completely ruined my weekend.

Part 3.

Question 1. In what ways can we fix traffic problems?

First, I think the government should promote the use of public transportation by making it more comfortable
and faster. For example, the traffic conditions in Hanoi have improved considerably after the launch of the

new bus system and the Cat Linh – Ha Dong Metro route. Also, the roads need to be widened
wherever possible to accommodate more cars. And it might be a good idea to ban heavy traffic in the
central cities at rush hours avoid traffic jams.

Question 2. Do you think more roads will make getting around in cities easier?
Well, I don’t think so. Although more lanes create more capacity for vehicles to pass through faster, the
practice does have the opposite effect: increasing roadways capacity encourages more people to drive,
thus failing to make getting around easier. In other words, new road capacity will get filled up very

Question 3. What needs to be improved in public transport?

I think the first measure that should be implemented in order to improve public transport is to buy higher-
end bus models that are faster, quieter and more comfortable. Next, it would be good if there were lanes
dedicated especially for the use of transport, enabling the commute faster.

Question 4. Which mode of transport is more popular in your country: a bike or a car?
I would say they are equally popular in my country but with people from different walks of life. Cars are
mainly preferred by wealthier people because they are not that cheap for everyone. They are likes for their
speed, comfort, flexibility, and reliability. As far as bicycles are concerned, they are much more
affordable. What’s more, they give people more freedom when using. What I am trying to say here is that bike
users don’t have to have a driving license, insurance payment, or pay for fill-ups, and riding a bike
seems to be easier to take a shortcut when it comes to traffic jams.

Question 5. How can transport be improved in your country?

First of all, this can be done by giving everyone in the country access to safe, reliable, and frequent
public transportation, I guess. To be more specific, the government should allocate more money to
making public transport more comfortable for passengers, namely, improving seating arrangements,
well-trained and more polite bus conductors, increasing bus frequency and so on. I also recommend
our authorities ban cars from the busiest parts of our cities and encourage car-sharing or bike use instead
of cars.

Question 6. Is it fair to limit the use of private cars?

Well, I think it’s fair for governments that need to find ways to solve air pollution and traffic congestion
problems in big cities. But I can’t say it will change the life of ordinary people for the better as there aren’t
extensive public transport networks which will make commuting comfortable and fast and give people at least
half of that freedom they had while driving their own cars. So, the idea is good and fair but, unfortunately, not
applicable in present-day conditions.

Question 7. Will there be fewer people using cars because of improved public transport?
Question 8. Will there be fewer cars if public transport is free?

Probably yes as good public transport will enable people to get anywhere they need in the same time, but at a
much lower price. However, on the second thought, I don’t think that the number of people using cars will
reduce dramatically as it will still be important for many people to be free to go anywhere and whenever they
want and to take as much stuff with them as they wish, and have a chance to stop or change their route any
time they want, which is possible only when traveling by private vehicle.

Question 9. Do you think modern means of transport cause harm to the environment?
Of course, they do because transport is a major user of energy, and burns most of the world’s petrol, which
creates air pollution. It is also a significant contributor to global warming through the emission of
carbon dioxide and a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, regrettably, modern means of
transport, but for electric cars, have negative effects on the Earth’s air quality and the environment on the
whole. Hopefully, scientists will come up with an alternative fuel made from water to protect the environment.



You should say:

What it was

How you lost it

How you found it

How you felt when you lost it

As an absent-minded (đãng trí) person, I have lost count of the time when I lost misplaced (để
nhầm chỗ) something and lost them, but I’m gonna take this chance to tell you about the time when I lost my
So, one day I returned home after going for a dip (đi bơi) and I wanted to text my friends, but I
couldn’t find my smartphone. At first, I didn’t worry at all. However, after searching for it high and low (tìm
khắp nơi) in vain (trong vô vọng), I started to panic (hoảng sợ). When I used my mom’s phone to call my
phone, what we heard was “the number you have dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later”. It
was not until that moment that I was sure that I had lost it.
At that moment, I felt like my heart was coming to a complete stop (tim muốn ngừng đập). I
was afraid that someone might hack my phone and get access to my photos, messages or even my
Facebook account, which was the last thing I wanted to have happened.

I tried to think about the places I might have left it. I might have lost it either in the bookshop or in
the coffee shop. To be honest, I thought that I would never see it again. Much to my surprise, I got it back.
As soon as I returned to the coffee shop, the waiter told me that he found it on the coffee table. He
carefully checked the CCTV to make sure that I was the rightful owner (chính chủ) before giving it back to
me. I thanked him profusely (cảm ơn rối rít). Finally, I could sigh with a relief (thở phào nhẹ nhõm).
Part 3
Question 1. What kinds of things do people often lose?

I think that phones, keys, and wallets top the list of the most commonly lost items. Running second to
them are battery chargers, stationery, and driver’s licenses. If we also talk about what people lose at home, I
am sure that the leader is TV remote control and shocks.

Question 2. What do people often do when they lose something?

First of all, they must search the possible places where the item may get lost. If it is not found, then they
inform other people that something is lost and they may help to search. Also must be informed at helpdesk
or nearest police station, so that they inform the owner if someone who found the object report at station.

Question 3. Is it a good idea to reward to find thing lost?

I think it depends. For trivial things like the keys, notebooks, hats, I think a sincere thank-you and a polite
handshake is all that is needed. But when it comes to something very special and it might take much time
and effort to find, or something expensive such as motorbikes, mobile phones or identification cards, I think
offering a reward will help people to find it more easily.

Question 4. What kinds of people often lose things?

I guess it’quite easy to lose your stuff if you are absent-minded or disorganized. It can also happen
naturally if you don’t have a habit of putting things in their regular place. In other cases, it can be quite easy
to lose something when they get distracted by something or someone, taking their eyes off (rời mắt khỏi)
their things.



You should say:

What the change was about
When it happened
Describe details of the change happened

And describe how it affected you later in life.

I would like to share with you something about a pivotal change in my life, which is jogging.

I took up this habit about 2 years ago. At that time, I was up to my ears with (bù đầu với) study to
prepare for my graduation examination so I was a little bit stressed out (căng thẳng). Then I thought that I
needed to do something energetic to release some stress (xả stress), so I decided to have a crack at
(thử) jogging.

At first, doing this was quite challenging (khó khan) for me because I led a sedentary lifestyle (có lối
sống thụ động). To be more specific, I just sat in front of my computer every day to complete my
assignments. But after a few days of suffering from muscle aches (bị đau cơ), I got used to jogging and
kept doing it in the evenings.

Well, I have to say that this sport has helped me a lot in strengthening (tăng cường) my physical health
as well as my mental health. Thanks to jogging, I was able to lose weight and get lean (săn chắc).
Now, to be honest, I’m quite satisfied with my youthful appearance and trying to maintain it. Also,
jogging allows me to unwind (thư giãn) and enjoy fresh air, and whenever I go jogging I feel like my mind
is being refreshed.

In short, I got rid of my sedentary lifestyle and currently lead a more active lifestyle. So, that’s all about an
important change in my life.

Part 3

Question 1. Is it easier for young people to change?

For the most part, yes. Young people understand that it is crucial to change if they want to develop and live
better because change stimulates progress, gives them excitement, and brings more opportunities.
Consequently, it enables young people to walk out of their comfort zone and move forward with the world.

Question 2. Is it easy for old people to change their habits?

I don’t think so. And I guess the main reason for this is that the elderly are creatures of habits, and the
majority of them would rather stay in their comfort zone than take steps into the unknown. And they often
tend to scare themselves into believing that they will face risks and failures if they change their habits. For
example, most old people have got used to having home-cooked food at their own house, and it is really hard
to persuade them to change that habit – to eat takeaway food, for instance.

Question 3. How can people change their habits / routines?

I think this is a very tough question. But I think they can do so by starting with something easy to
achieve and then slowly enhancing the degree of difficulty. For example, if you want to change your bad
habit of consuming a lot of junk food every day, you should start off by cutting down on the amount of

your daily junk food consumption, not by trying to eliminate all of the junk food from your
proportion (khẩu phần) right away because everything takes time. Your body needs time to get acquainted
with it.

Question 4. Disadvantages of people making constant changes / too many changes?

Well, there are a couple of downsides of making constant changes that I can think of right now. The first one
is that changes to frequently might cost people a lot of money. Change is never free, you know. Changing the
furniture in your house costs you money, changing your smartphone when whenever your favorite brand
releases a new version is a waste of money, actually. On top of that, as people, organizations all need time to
adapt to new things, if they have to change too often, they might get shocked or work ineffectively.


You should say:

What you do
Where you do it
Who you do it with
And explain why you think doing this is healthy.

I would like to share with you something that I am keen on doing in my leisure time to stay healthy, which is

I took up this habit about 2 years ago. At that time, I was up to my ears with (bù đầu với) study to
prepare for my graduation examination so I was a little bit stressed out (căng thẳng). Then I thought that I
needed to do something energetic to release some stress (xả stress), so I decided to have a crack at
(thử) jogging.

At first, doing this was quite challenging (khó khan) for me because I led a sedentary lifestyle (có lối
sống thụ động). I just sat in front of my computer every day to complete my assignments. But after a few
days of suffering from muscle aches (bị đau cơ), I got used to jogging and kept doing it in the evenings.

Well, I have to say that this sport has helped me a lot in strengthening (tăng cường) my physical health
as well as my mental health. Thanks to jogging, I was able to lose my fat belly and get lean (săn chắc).
Now, to be honest, I’m quite satisfied with my youthful appearance and trying to maintain it. Also,
jogging allows me to unwind (thư giãn) and enjoy fresh air, and whenever I go jogging I feel like my mind
is being refreshed.

In the future, I am going to keep doing this to stay healthy and maybe I will try some other sports too. That’s

Part 3

How do old people and children keep fit to stay healthy?

Old people

- Do morning exercises on a regular basis

- Do gardening and play with kids
- Go cycling or go jogging
➔ Involve themselves in any kinds of physical movements to train their muscles and reduce their wear
and tear (giảm độ hao mòn cơ thể)

- Do morning exercises / go jogging

- Take part in PE classes at school with teacher’s instruction
- Take part in outdoor activities or classes of swimming, dancing, skip roping
- Do sports such as playing football, badminton, running
➔ Stretch their muscles + stay in shape + relax
What do people in your country often do to keep fit and stay healthy?

How can parents help to guide children to stay healthy and keep fit?
- Educate them about the importance of consuming healthy food and drinks and doing exercise
- Teach them how to choose healthy food and drink and have an active lifestyle.
- Let them choose a sport they love and encourage them to remain to play sport as a habit.
Do you think it is a good idea for the governments to use the power of idols to build people /
young people’s health awareness?
- A good idea
- Idols or celebrities have a huge influence on their fans (young people and teenagers) so if they talk
about their healthy diet and lifestyle -> many of their fans will believe them and follow them.
What can governments do to improve people’s health?
- Promote healthy communities and healthy behaviors by providing information and education about
how to stay healthy. The information provided by the governments is selected and correct.
- Protect people against environmental health hazards (yếu tố môi trường độc hại): address aspects of
the environment that pose risks to human health such as radiation and occupational hazards.


What is it?
How it helps you to concentrate?
When you do it?
How do you feel about it?

I’m going to tell you about the thing which helps me the most in staying focused: going jogging in the
morning. I often get bogged down (busy) with study, and it seems like I cannot stay concentrated if I
don’t take a short break to exercise.

I took up this habit about 2 years ago. At that time, I was up to my ears with (bù đầu với) study to
prepare for my entrance examination so I was a little bit stressed out (căng thẳng). Then I thought that I
needed to do something energetic to release some stress (xả stress), so I decided to have a crack at
(thử) jogging.

At first, doing this was quite challenging (khó khan) for me because I led a sedentary lifestyle (có lối
sống thụ động). I just sat in front of my computer every day to complete my assignments. But after a few
days of suffering from muscle aches (bị đau cơ), I got used to jogging and kept doing it in the evenings.

Well, I have to say that this sport has helped me a lot in strengthening (tăng cường) my physical health
as well as my mental health.

I feel like a new person after sweating a bit in the morning. Actually, I feel like I wouldn’t be able to function
without exercise- it’s what gives me energy. I feel proud of myself that this is what keeps me focused, as it is
also a healthy habit to have. I can re-charge my brain and work on my fitness simultaneously (at the
same time)! All in all, I’m in love with this method and it makes me feel amazing!

Part 3:

Question 1. What kinds of jobs require higher concentration at work?

I’d say all kinds of jobs need people to pay attention to details at work. Or else, they might make mistakes,
violate the rules, the laws, create dangerous situations or even ruin their careers. For example, an architect
should be totally concentrated at his work to avoid a crooked house or unstable foundation. A surgeon
needs to be 100 % focused while doing a surgery or else he might fail to rescue the patients. A taxi driver
might cause accident if she don’t focus while driving.

Question 2. How can we help children stay focused?

I think the first and most important thing we can do to help kids keep their focus is to prepare a distraction-
free environment for them. For example, do homework at a designated desk or table in a quiet room with
the TV off, the phone in another room, and the laptop shut unless it’s needed to complete homework.
Moreover, adults can help them to have planned breaks. I mean, kids need to get up, move around, and do
something different and not too taxing after spending some time concentrating. They will benefit from taking
some time to rest and recharge, especially during after-school homework time. Younger children can take a
snack or play break, and teens can take the opportunity to check out their friends’ posts or text with peers.

Question 3. Is it harder for children to concentrate now than in the past?

Question 4. Do new technologies make it harder for children to focus?

I’d say yes. Actually, with the advent of technologies and more and more digital gadgets, children seem
to be addicted to mobile phones, watching TV and surfing the internet, and be unable to focus on what they
are doing. My cousin, who is now 10 years old, for example, always tries to watch some funny clips on
YouTube while doing his homework, and consequently, he cannot concentrate on his duty (q4). Moreover, it is
clear that the living and learning environment is now noisier and much more disturbing for kids to focus on
their studies. The noises from vehicles, more people chatting, construction sites, and markets all make it hard
for them to focus.

Question 5. Is it important for children to learn how to concentrate?

Definitely yes as concentration is, as far as childhood is concerned, makes the studying process more
engaging by helping students save a lot of time and effort while doing or learning something. This, later,
helps form an important cognitive skill for lifelong success. Children who learn to be focused on their
work from a very young age tend to work more effectively when they grow up.

Question 6. What can employers do to help employees concentrate?

Well, I think there are several ways for the employers to help their staff concentrate. First of all, they can
create a comfortable working environment for the employees with minimal distractions where employees
won’t easily get distracted with thoughts about food, water, heat, and stuff like that. On top of that, they can
help their employees create goals for the day, setting a time limit for each task and project as well as
prioritizing the assignments they need to complete first.

Question 7. Have you ever felt difficult to concentrate?

To be honest, not once, to my regret. Actually, I always feel difficult to concentrate when I am hungry or
stressed out, or when I am overwhelmed with tasks to complete. At such moments, my brain seems not to
function properly. Also, it’s hard for me to focus when there are a lot of distractions around such as noise and
constant interruptions of my phone or colleagues.

Question 8. What distractions are bothering you in your life?




Who this person is

What he/ she said
How this advice affected you

How you felt about the advice
(Nếu là vào đề thật cue card vẫn kh linh động cho học sinh là suggestion bout your study thì các bạn phải tự
chuyển thành công việc nhé. Ví dụ- công việc part time dịch thuật chẳng hạn)

I’m going to tell you about the time when I received a piece of sound advice from one of my colleagues, which
helped me stay focused: going jogging in the morning. 2 years ago, I was up to my ears with (bù đầu
với) study to prepare for my entrance examination so I was a little bit stressed out (căng thẳng), and it
seemed like I could not stay concentrated. Knowing this, my colleague, Nga, advised me to take a short
break to exercise every morning. She said that I needed to do something energetic to release some stress
(xả stress), and suggested me to have a crack at (thử) jogging.

At first, doing this was quite challenging (khó khan) for me because I led a sedentary lifestyle (có lối
sống thụ động). I just sat in front of my computer every day to complete my assignments. But after a few
days of suffering from muscle aches (bị đau cơ), I got used to jogging and kept doing it in the evenings.

Well, I have to say that this sport has helped me a lot in strengthening (tăng cường) my physical health
as well as my mental health.

I feel like a new person after sweating a bit in the morning. Actually, I feel like I wouldn’t be able to function
without exercise- it’s what gives me energy. I feel proud of myself that this is what keeps me focused, as it is
also a healthy habit to have. I can re-charge my brain, which enabled me to concentrate on my study! All
in all, I’m in love with this method and I owe my colleague thousands of thanks for her help. Without her
advice, I might still be suffering from depression and unable to focus on my study.

When should parents encourage their children?

Well, I think that children need some kind of motivation from parents when they face a difficult task or
some challenges and do not keep going out of fear, or when they feel stuck and don’t want to
keep moving forward. I also think that parents should encourage children when they start doing
something new. One more situation in which they need motivation is when they experience negative
outcomes. I mean, when they fail to do something. Encouragement from parents can actually help uplift
their mood and prevent them from feeling discouraged.

What can parents do to encourage their children?

I guess the best way to encourage children to do something is to talk to them about the importance of
the activity or its positive outcomes of it. For example, parents can keep telling the children about the
importance of eating more vegetables to their health and appearance to motivate them to eat vegetables.
Another way to do this is to let the children know how much their efforts are appreciated by offering
them gifts or rewards if they push to get something done, especially something they don’t like.

How can parents and teachers motivate children to study more?

- Create an open atmostphere where children can feel comfortable expressing their likes, dislikes or

- Share with children adults’ enthusiasm for learning to inspire them to study

- Focus on children’s strength and offer rewards

Should parents always encourage their children by giving them rewards?

Yes, definitely. Parents should reward their little ones for their achievements and hard work. A little pat on
one’s back suggests that their effort has been recognized, and this would develop a sense of
achievement among children, encouraging them to keep up the good work in the future. Parents see
rewards as a way to get kids going in the right direction on the path to establishing good habits. The reward
shouldn’t necessarily be money or material goods, but parents can reward children by showing
them affection, praising them, or giving them extra time with a favorite activity.

Do you think negative feedback is sometimes more important than positive feedback? Why?
I absolutely agree with this idea. Feedback is a key driver of performance and leadership effectiveness.
And negative feedback in particular can be valuable because it allows us to monitor our performance and
alerts us to important changes we need to make. Actually, avoiding negative feedback is dangerous
sometimes because without awareness of the mistakes he or she is making, no one can possibly improve.


Who you gave advice to

What the situation was

What advice you gave

What the result was

I’m going to tell you about the time when I gave my close friend, also my cousin a piece of sound advice to
help him stay focused: going jogging in the morning. 2 years ago, my close friend, Linh, was up to her ears
with (bù đầu với) study to prepare for her entrance examination so she was a little bit stressed out (căng
thẳng), and it seemed like she could not stay concentrated. Knowing this, I advised him to take a short
break to exercise every morning. Actually, I consulted her to do something energetic to release some
stress (xả stress), and suggested him to have a crack at (thử) jogging.

At first, doing this was quite challenging (khó khan) for him because she led a sedentary lifestyle (có
lối sống thụ động). But after a few days of suffering from muscle aches (bị đau cơ), she got used to
jogging and kept doing it in the morning.

She told me that this sport helped her a lot in strengthening (tăng cường) her physical health as well as
her mental health. Actually, going jogging on a daily basis helped her to re-charge her brain, which
enabled her to concentrate on her study! She kept thanking me for my advice.

Do you think in the future, people will get more advice from computers than humans?

Yes, I think so because nowadays computers are all equipped with AI so they are pretty smart and can give us
plenty of choices for what to do in every aspect of life. If we ask a friend for some advice, oftentimes their
advice is based on their personal experience which is not totally suitable or clever.

Why is receiving advice from professionals expensive?

Obviously, I believe advice from professionals is costly because they have received special training to become
an expert in their field. For example, to be able to get psychological aids from psychotherapists, we must pay a
fortune per hour as the psychotherapist has spent decades studying psychology to find the best solution for

How do professionals receive advice?

Well, I have to say this question is hard to answer because I’ve never experienced being a professional before
but I guess they will seek for books because books contain precious information and are accessible for anyone
who can read and understand. Take me as an example, whenever I need to find a solution to my life’s issue, I
will pick up a book that relates to the current problem and read it carefully.

When do people need advice?

Without a doubt, most people have to seek advice at some point in their lives, but I suppose the most
common situation is when they are struggling with a tough decision. Like for instance when they’re unsure
of which university to attend or what career to pursue, then it would be best for them to ask for guidance from
experienced people. Another possible scenario might be when they have to perform a daunting or unfamiliar
task. For example, when people are starting their first business, I believe they would need a mentor or
even seek professional advice from a consulting service.

What are some qualities of people who give good advice?

Of course, different people have different criteria for a reliable mentor or advisor. From my perspective, the
most crucial quality is that they must be an expert in the field they are giving advice on. Without tremendous
wisdom and expertise, they might come up with unrealistic or irrelevant solutions, which is obviously
undesirable for those seeking help. . Another essential trait to look for is honesty. If they are untrustworthy,
then it wouldn’t be wise to turn to them for advice in the first place.

What do you think about asking too many people for advice?

That’s an interesting one. The way I see it, it’s unwise to seek advice from too many people, especially those
who have no practical experience in that area. People with different personalities and ways of thinking
might approach a problem from contradicting perspectives and thus offer conflicting advice. This
may exacerbate the dilemma of advice-seekers. Too many cooks spoil the broth you know.
In your country, what kinds of advice do parents usually give their children?

Well, there is a ton of advice that children in Vietnam usually receive from their parents. The most common
ones are what to wear, whom to be friends with, which schools to attend, what subjects to choose and who to
love and marry. Vietnamese parents do have a substantial influence on their kids.

Do you think teenagers like to listen to their parents’ advice?

Definitely, not. I’ve been there. Adolescence is a tough period for everyone. Although their body and mind
have not fully developed, teenagers always assume they’ve already grown up and try to act as independent
adults. They tend to have arguments with their parents more frequently and often ignore their advice. This is
just a way to assert themselves.



You should say:
What place it is?
How often you go there, when you go there?
What you usually do there?
Why it is a quiet place?
Why you like to visit there?

Well, nowadays there’s so much noise around that sometimes silence is a luxury (điều khó có) we
can hardly afford. So at times, I try to go to some quiet places not to forget what “silence” is. My favorite one
is the pasture which is just about a 20-minute drive from the city. This is a magical place where quietness
is almost tangible (sự yên tĩnh gần như hữu hình).

Unlike all the crowded places inside the city, this pasture which is along the dyke is literally a paradise
for those who love to seek tranquility and peacefulness. This is mainly because there are only herds of
buffalos or sheep grazing when you come there.

I often go there with my best friend, or occasionally, I go there alone. I like to walk, enjoying the air,
the scents, the scenes of buffalos grazing grass or the sounds of birds chirping, and the

vegetation. The older I am, the more I appreciate each opportunity to take time to walk or sit and enjoy the
silence, especially when I feel down in the dumps/ I am on the verge of burnout.

I often go there on hot days and spread a small carpet and sit under the tall tree, reading books,
having a chat, or just enjoying nature or taking some photos to preserve the majestic beauty of the
scenery there.

This is by far the best place where I can take a break from a constant stream of noises and
unwind. When I feel stressed out and exhausted, it helps me to recharge my batteries. This is the
thing that keeps me coming back for more.

Is it easy to find quiet places in your country? Why?

- No

- Reason: noise is everywhere: noise from construction sites, markets, schools, parks, vehicles, barking
dogs, you name it.

- Might be people have to go to remote areas or the forest to enjoy the tranquility.

Why do old people prefer to live in quiet places?

- Old people are not as energetic as young people, they may get tired easily every day. In this case,
they prefer somewhere quite which can give them chances to have a good rest

- In later stages of life, old people have already done everything and become mature and experienced in
dealing with life. They start to find a quiet place and like to give more time to themselves to enjoy

Why are there more noises made at home now than in the past?

- Due to the availability of more electronic household appliances such as TV, radio, fridge, air-
conditioner, washing machine -> all create noise while working.

Why do people like to use noises as background sound when they are working or studying?

- Because music can deliver a relief on the job/ study, reduce stress that could prevents their
concentration, and lift up their mood.

- Music help making their repetitive tasks more enjoyable: eg : cooking, cleaning the floor : you can
work while enjoying your favorite songs.


You should say:

Where did you go on that day.
What did you do.
Who did you go out with.

Why was it special to you – Why it didn’t cost too much?
Last week, after a week of hard work and deadlines, I was literally on the verge of burnout, and I
said to my close friend that I’d love to find somewhere to spend my Sunday out, somewhere free of noise and
people. My friend suggested going to the pasture on the outskirts of our city, and I agreed.

It took us about 15 minutes to go there by our scooter. The pasture is a magical place where
quietness is almost tangible (sự yên tĩnh gần như hữu hình).

Unlike all the crowded places inside the city, this pasture was literally a paradise for those who love to
seek tranquility (sự tĩnh lặng) and peacefulness.

We spread a small carpet and sat under the tall tree, enjoying the fresh air, the scents of grass
(hương cỏ), the scenes of buffalos grazing grass or the sounds of birds chirping, and the vegetation. I really
appreciated the opportunity to take time to walk or sit and enjoy the silence, especially when I feel down in
the dumps. We chatted a lot about what had happened that week, which helped me to feel better. After that,
we took a lot of photos to preserve the majestic beauty of the scenery (lưu giữ vẻ đẹp tuyệt vời)

At noon, we ate some snacks and fruits that we brought along that didn’t cost us much. We stay there
until the sun went down to enjoy the sunset.

Spending a day there was a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience for me. I mean, I could take a
break from a constant stream of noises and unwind. In other words, it helped me to recharge my

Part 3

Question 1. Do people often spend their leisure time out in the country?
It depends. (two groups – question 2)

Question 2. How do people in your country often spend their leisure time?
- Normally, people spend time with their family or friends/spouses.
- Use their mobile phones to relax and keep in touch with their friends / family if they stay away from
- Pursuing their hobbies such as doing sports, playing chess, and collecting stamps.
- Reading and taking extra classes.
- Exercise to stay healthy.

Question 3. How does technology affect the way people enjoy their leisure time?
- Before the availability of technology, most people used to spend their leisure time outdoors either
playing in the parks, the gardens or paying relatives or neighbors a visit, or doing household chores.
- Now, thanks to the advent of technology, people tend to spend most of their time surfing the internet,
playing computer games, and communicating with others on social networks.

Question 4. Do you think that only old people have time for leisure?
- No.
- Although nowadays, people, especially young people are much busier due to their study and work
pressure, I think that they still have time for leisure activities.

Question 4 . Is leisure time important to people?

- Not just important, but essential
- Because humans are not robots: we all need time to relax and recharge our batteries.
- If we don’t have enough rest, we cannot work effectively because you gonna burn out very soon.


When you helped him/her?

How you helped?
Why you helped?
How you felt?
Well, I am a person with a very helpful nature, and I never miss any opportunity to help people in
need. Let me share one such experience here when I helped a child who was in great trouble. Actually, one
day my aunt told me that her son, my cousin, was suffering from a lot of study pressure and he even had
nightmares at night. She was extremely worried about that as he was just a 5 grader. I instantly came up
with an idea to help him relax.
I took him out on a Sunday morning, and instead of taking him to coffee shops or recreational
parlors (tụ điểm giải trí) as usual, I took him to the pasture on the outskirts of the city where he could
enjoy the fresh air and the tranquility, or just take a break from his normal hectic schedule.
Unlike all the crowded places inside the city, this pasture which is along the dyke is literally a paradise for
those who love to seek tranquility and peacefulness. This is mainly because there are only herds of
buffalos or sheep grazing when you come there.
I told him to just enjoy the air, the scents, the scenes of buffalos grazing grass or the sounds
of birds chirping, and the vegetation, and forget all about his homework or exam.
We spent the whole day there, just relaxing, eating some packed snacks, taking photos, chatting and
telling jokes. At the end of the day, he told me that maybe he was too stressed about his coming exam to
choose gifted students, but now as he realized that his health was much more important, he would think less
about it.
Realizing that her son’s situation was improved, my aunt kept saying thank you to me but I said that I
was happy to do that.
Offering help to this child gave me internal satisfaction, and in the future also, if I have an opportunity
to help anyone, I will not step back.
Part 3. Voluntering

Question 1. Do you think people nowadays should participate more in volunteering?
Question 2. Why is it neccessary to do voluntary service?

- They should. Because volunteering benefits everyone.

- It’s a great way to help individuals and communities in need, which helps build a happier society for
- Volunteering helps people to develop self-esteem, confidence, and a feeling of self-worth. I mean,
doing good for others and the community provides a natural sense of accomplishment, which can give
people a great sense of pride.
- Doing voluntary work is a plus in your university application and work CV
- People have a chance to go out, help other people, and treasure their life more.
- Have more skills such as working in a team, and communication skills. They also learn about people
and life from different perspectives.
(give examples for 2 ideas)

Question 3. How do you think the volunteers themselves benefit?

(the same)

Question 4. What are the benefits of having unpaid volunteer workers?

- It helps save costs as the companies don’t have to pay money for hired employees.
- It also lets companies get free help in solving some secondary tasks. Volunteers are always excited to
get involved and take on new projects and are willing to give their ideas -> contribute to the
company’s success.
Question 5. Should professionals be hired rather than using volunteer workers?
- Yes
- Because only professionals are able to apply their knowledge and skills to comprehend and analyze
real-life situations or issues and make proper decisions.
- They are more efficient workers -> enhance the performance of their companies
- Many voluntary are helpful but inexperienced and not well-trained enough for the jobs.
Question 6. How can we encourage children to help others?
- Parents and adults should set their own example by helping their neighbor or by-passer and let their
kids seeing their actions. Or even engage their kids in this act of kindness.
- Teach them to give and share things with people.

Question 7. How can we support people in need apart from giving money?
- Teach them skills and vocations so that they can earn a job and feed themselves.
- Help them find local professionals such as career counselors or employment agencies -> they can find
a job

- For disadvantaged ones or the elderly-> we can help by helping them with the housework or
- Spend time with them to cheer them up.
Question 8. How can companies engage in volunteering and help our society?
- By encouraging their employees to take part in voluntary tasks. I mean, the companies can pay for the
time their workers do voluntary work.
- Donating to volunteering organizations or sponsoring voluntary events.
- Donating volunteering trips to underdeveloped countries to let their employees share their skills and
experience with those who have no access to free education and vocational training.



What is the product?

When you tried it for the first time?

Where can you buy it?

How it is produced?

Why is it popular?

Thank you for giving me this chance to talk about one of the famous products from my country
(province)- tea.
Actually, I cannot remember exactly when I started drinking tea. Since I could remember things, my
family has been drinking tea on a daily basis. It’s more of our routine than a treat.
Tea is often planted in the North of Vietnam, and you can buy it very easily at many stores in my
country. It is exported to other countries as well. I’m sorry that I cannot go into detail about the
production process, but basically, there are some steps to prepare it: picking buds from the tea trees,
wilting, cracking, (vò
) and drying before being finally treated with hot water and served. Vietnamese green tea can be served in
many styles, including boiled fresh leaves (the simplest way), dried green tea wrapped in lotus
leaves and brewed in hot water, and so on. Tea water is usually green or yellow. Maybe only tea
artisans (nghệ nhân pha trà) can give you enough information about how to make the best tea.
Drinking tea is considered a daily habit of people in households and in society in general. In
the morning, people start a new day with some cups of tea to wake their power. Tea is often served at
the start of business meetings, during weddings, after meals or as part of gossip between friends
as well. In cities, people usually drink tea commonly in “quán cóc” – a typical of small street vendor – which

can easily be seen everywhere, especially in front the gate of bus terminals, train stations, schools,
office buildings, sidewalks or even in quiet alleys.
Drinking tea is a beautiful custom in Vietnamese culture for not only íts unique flavor and refreshing
function but also its effect in curing some simple diseases.

Question 1. What is the value of traditions?

Question 2. Do you think traditions are important?
- (1-2)
- Traditions represent a critical piece of our culture. They help form the structure and foundation of our
families and our society. They remind us that we are part of a history that defines our past, and
shapes who we are today and who we are likely to become. Once we ignore the meaning of our
traditions, weʼre in danger of damaging our identity.
Question 3. What different types of traditional products attract tourists?
- Mainly handicrafts: handmade carpets, rugs, pillows, embroidered goods, baskets, and different kinds
of jewelry.
- A wide range of ceramics and earthenware coming from various regions of Asian counstries.
- Folk clothes with distinctive designs such as geometrical patterns, floral motifs, and images of people,
birds, or animals.
- Some kinds of traditional foods with unique flavors and cooking methods.
Question 4. Why are traditional products important?
- Local products play a key role in any effort to determine the identity of a place. Eg : Ha Dong, a part
of Hanoi is extremely famous for silk products.
- Contribute to providing jobs for local people and even people throughout the country.
- Contribute to boosting the development of the economy.
- Attract tourists, especially foreign ones : eg: coffee, paper lanterns, ao dai (VN)
Question 5. Why do traditional products attract tourists?
- They appeal to holidaymakers because they are truly local and kind of add flavor to holidays.
- Tourists are likely to take these products home as reminders of their travels, something they can use
to look back and reminisce about the fantastic experience they had during their holiday. Eg : Tourists
coming to Vietnam often buy home souvenirs such as conical hats, sets of ao dai or embroidered
Question 6. Why do people like to buy imported products?
- Foreign products have a good reputations and almost mean a higher quality. They are internationally
accepted by consumers, and it’s a sign of their worthiness for many people.(Japanese cars)
- They are often regarded as a status symbol, which is very important for customers and make them
feel proud of themselves (If you use the imported clothes from Korea, then you are thought to be
really rich because such clothes are often expensive)
- Offer customers with a wider range of choices (food, clothes, technological gadgets)

Question 7. What are popular traditional products in VN?
- Tribal Textiles, Silk Products, Vietnamese Coffee, Paper Lanterns, Ao dai, Puppets, bamboo products,
herbs and spices, ceramics, tea -> attract many tourists for their uniqueness and quality.

Question 8. Is it important for children to learn about traditional products?

- Yes, of course
- It helps children to know more about the tradition of their country, which helps build their national
pride and sense of belonging.
- It helps them to understand well about those products and be able to introduce them to the world,
promoting the image of the nation and the sale of these products. (Many young people have been
inspired by the beauty of tribal textiles and introduce them to foreign conumers. This helps preserving
and developing these products.



You should say:

What this river is called.
How you know about it.
How long/big it is.
Why it is important.

I’m going to talk about a lake which is really vital to people in our country. It is Hoan Kiem Lake,
which is considered the symbol of Hanoi capital.

Though I don’t live in Hanoi, I have heard about Hoan Kiem Lake since I was small thanks
to my grandpa’s story. To the best of my knowledge, the lake is tied to the legend named Le Loi King
and his attempt to save our country in the past by using the sword from this lake to fight against the
invaders. It is a not-so-large lake, yet it attracts tons of tourists for its historical beauty and special color
which is greenish, with dark or light shade depending on the reflection of the sky.

This lake is an essential part of our life for many reasons. Firstly, the lake is a pride of all Hanoians as
the lake reminds us of the victory of our nation over foreign invaders. Moreover, its elegant beauty is out of
this world, with a big tower and a red bridge leading to an old temple located in the middle of the lake. To be
frank, I’m strongly attracted by historical monuments and relics of the past– they always give me a
sense of nostalgia upon seeing them because they provide a link to our roots. That’s why I really love this

One of the various things I’d like to do there is to wander around with my friends, letting out
negative feelings in my mind, and I’d take some tasty street food.
Every year, tons of tourists from all corners of the world flock there to visit Hoan Kiem Lake, and it is
considered as a-must-go tourist destination when people come to Hanoi. In this way, the lake not only
helps introduce the beauty and the history of our country to people worldwide but also helps promotes the
Part 3
Question 1. What occupations are associated with water?
- Commercial fishermen, ship crew members and coastal zone engineers. These people are not only
associated with water but also dependent on it.
- Tourist guide who guide tour on rivers or sea.
Question 2. What water sports are popular in your country?
- Swimming: the most popular one: a great source of recreation, a life-saving skill, and an efficient way
to burn calories and stay in shape.
- Surfing: a lot of fun, but a little bit dangerous.
Question 3. Why do people like water sports?
- They are fun: give people lots of positive emotions and leave them with a unique feeling of satisfaction
and accomplishment.
- People love being in nature
- Suitable for hot days (on scorching hot day -> it’s best to go for a dip)
Question 4. Do you think having a river has an impact on tourism in the city?
- Definitely yes.
- Water has a powerful attraction for people, so rivers appeal to tourists as a major tourism resource :
spectacular setting, and allow holidaymakers opportunities to mingle with nature.
- Bruise trip/boat trip.
Question 5. Why do many people like to go to places with water? / seaside so much?
- Water element helps balancing the body and create physical harmony. It makes people feel calmer
and helps relieves anxiety, pain and depression.
Question 6. Is travelling by water as important now as it was in the past?
- On the one hand, the importance of sea travel has decreased due to the rise of more reliable and
cheaper transport services offered by the railways and airline.
- On the other hand, water transport is still frequently used for purposes of recreation and military.
- For intercontinental trade, it plays a more significant role
- To sum up, maybe travelling by water is more important than in the past.
Question 7. Advantages and dis of transporting goods on water?
- Its capacity of conveying heavy cargoes and its low-running costs which make it the cheapest means
of transport over long distances.

- Face fewer risks of being disrupted due to congestion (unlike on roads)
- It’s unsuitable for short distance journeys as it’s costly and time-consuming.
- It’s more dangerous when it comes to extreme weather conditions like storms.
Question 8. Do you think cruise trips will become more popular in the future?
- I think so.
- The cruise industry is the fastest growing segment of the travel industry.
- Reason: Many people choose cruises for their vacations because of their value, food, pampering, and
family friendly, all-in-one atmosphere. Romance, variety, reunions, new experiences, and simplicity
also rank high on the list of reasons for choosing a cruise vacation.
Question 9. As a place to spend some leisure time, do you think a place near water is more
suitable for children or for old people?
- I’d say both
- Because both children and the elderly can find lots of stuff to do near water. Kids can take a walk, go
swimming, enjoy collecting shells and playing water or seaside sports, while the old can have a
sunbath and enjoy the cool breeze of the sea.
Question 10. How can lakes/ rivers benefit people?
- Provide a source of food for people like crabs, shrimps, fish, and so on.
- Rivers are precious sources of fresh drinking water for people across the world and water for irrigation.
- Water transportation for people, especially international trading.
- Places to enjoy the fresh air and cool breeze, heeling the mental stress.
Question 11. How does ocean pollution affect the environment?

- Marine pollution, which is a combination of chemicals and trash, results in enormous damage to the
- The increased concentration of chemicals, such as nitrogen and phosphorus promotes the growth of
alga blooms -> contributes to climate change (because algal blooms absorb sunlight, making the
water warmer.
- Chemicals kill marine life
- Many marine species die for swallowing plastic bags or getting caught in them.



When it happened?
Where you were?
What you did?
Why you were busy?

We all get busy at times when we have exams, or a family member gets sick, or when we have strict
deadlines and so on. Though most of us wish to lead a relaxed and hassle-free life (cuộc sống không
bận rộn), we all get busy then. One such busy time I still remember was the time when I had a deadline to
submit my project proposal (nộp bản thảo dự án) last year.

I had about 2 months to complete the project proposal, but I did little progress with it during the
first two weeks due to my work and study pressure. I joined a center as a part-time tutor at the beginning
of my final term and had to work for about 2 hours per day. I had classes to attend, exams to prepare
for, and all these made my schedule very compact (bận rộn). I had hardly any time for my personal
stuff, and I was worried that I was falling behind my schedule for my submission deadline (hạn nộp).
The topic of the project was complex and I had to visit libraries, browse the internet, do group
discussions, and brainstorm a lot to organize the writing for the proposal. Those days were so tough, and I
had been so busy that sometimes I slept for 4 hours only at night.

The work pressure, tension (căng thẳng), tight schedules (lịch dày đặc), deadlines, moving
from place to place, classes and study were my life. I usually watch 2-3 movies on my computer each week,
go for walks each morning, visit some close friends, maintain my social networking profiles and update my
blog, but during this period, I was so busy that I did not do any of these activities I usually maintain.

I was so lucky that I finally completed the proposal and submitted it in due time (kịp thời gian),
and it was approved by the judging board. But for that, I had to sacrifice a lot and maintain a strict routine.

Question 1. Are you often busy?
- High school student with hectic schedule -> bus. Actually, up to my ears in homework, projects and
other social activities.
Question 2. Benefits and disadvantages of being busy?
The Cons
- Stress: It doesn't matter how much you love something and want it to fill up your life, you will
inevitably get stressed. At times it can also be super stressful because you might feel like you don't have time
for other things you also might love like family.
- Missing Opportunities: something really exciting comes along like an event or social gathering, but
because of prior commitments, you have to say no. I've lost a few sweet opportunities because of already
being booked.
The Pros
- Being busy leaves no time for boredom.

- Achievement and Success: normally, being effectively busy can lead to some great success, or at
least, you are likely to earn more money.

Question 3. Do you think children should learn through playing games or under pressure?
- On the one hand, Young children learn how things fit together through play. It allows them to use
their senses and encourages exploration and curiosity, and these skills are the foundation of intellectual
development and cognitive processing.
- Playing also inspires children to pretend, create, and imagine.
- On the other hand, studying under pressure somehow makes children focus on what they are doing and
realize the importance of studying, making much effort for their work.

Question 4. What kinds of pressure do people often suffer at work?

- Some of the many causes of work-related stress include long hours, heavy workload, job insecurity
and conflicts with co-workers or bosses.
- Symptoms include a drop in work performance, depression, anxiety and sleeping difficulties.
- It is important for employers to recognise work-related stress as a significant health and safety issue.

Question 5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a stressful job?
- Stressful jobs require constant learning and growth, pushing employees to exceed their normal limits
and letting them stretch the boundaries of what they can accomplish and manage in order to create personal
growth and coping skills.
- Stressful jobs enable people to discover their potential and motivate them to reach their goals.
- Often go with well-paid salary.
- Taking a stressful job may make the employees suffer from health deterioration (suy giảm sức khỏe). I
mean, weakened immune system, high blood pressure, anxiety and depression.
- Less time for themselves and famil -> cannot have a work-life balance -> relationship suffer.
Question 6. How do you think highly efficient people manage their time?
- They don’t waste time on anything they don’t consider really important.
- They are also great at delegating tasks, leaving enough time for the things only they can do (bosses/
- They always have a plan and a clear direction for a day, a week, a month, a year, and even 5 years.
- They break their plan into smaller chunks, prioritizing tasks based on the level of importance and

Question 7. Do you manage your time efficiently?



What happended

When it happened

How important your phone was

How you felt about the experience

Once my smartphone literally protected me from losing all my money. So, once I realized the credit card
was missing. I was so shocked that I just didn’t know what to do at first.

The last time I saw it, it was in my wallet with a lot of my personal papers. I was sure no one could reach my
wallet and pull it out without me noticing it. So I thought it just fell out of my wallet when I let it open or I
could have left it at the cashier’s desk. Anyway, I understood it was missing.

To be honest, I started to panic as I wrote the password of the account on one side of the credit card
as I couldn’t remember it. I knew that I had to hold myself together (bình tĩnh và tìm cách xử trí) in
order to deal with this issue as quickly as possible and avoid losing money.

Then I understood that there was just one thing that would protect me from unauthorized charges (giao
dịch trộm, không phải chủ thẻ giao dịch). I had to contact my bank as quickly as possible in order to
report the loss of it and have the bank lock it. And this was what I immediately did.

But the experience wasn’t as pleasant as I had expected because I had to wait on hold for about 20 minutes. I
was growing angry every minute because every minute of delay could potentially cost me a lot of money. At
that time, I kept all of my savings in my bank account. I felt the butterflies in my stomach (lo lắng, căng
thẳng) while waiting.

Of course, in the end, I managed to cancel my credit card and order a replacement one, but I was
feeling frustrated and panicked. I must say that if it had not been for my smartphone, I would have
lost all of my money.

Question 1. Many people think mobile phones can be annoying at times? Can you give examples?
- When the phone ring interrupts an important conversation or distracts my attention from what I am
doing at that moment.
- When people talk so loudly on their phones on public transport such as bus or coach, or when people
keep chatting on the phone while staying with others in a room-> that noise will grab other people’s
attention +
make them irritated.
- When people play music or watch movies with the loud sound on, preventing others from be focused.
Question 2. Do you think that there should be laws on the use of mobile phones??
- Definitely, there should be rules and laws on the use of mobile phones in public places
- Phones should be banned at places such as libraries, churches, temples so as not to annoy others.
- People shouldn’t be allowed to talk on the phone while being on public transportation or at public
places such as hospitals or cinemas except for emergency situations.
- The use of mobile phones should be banned totally during meeting and classes -> people can focus on
what they are doing
- The government should fine people who use mobile phone while driving their vehicles for the sake of
their own safety, and even others’.
Question 3. Your attitude to people who speak on the phone in public?
- It depends.
- In cases they keep their voice low and only speak for a short time -> it’s ok
- In some cases they do it loudly and for a long time -> find it annoying. There were times when people
kept doing that made me irritated that I even asked them to stop doing so.
Question 4. Do young and old people use phones in the same ways?
- Definitely no.
- Seniors generally lag behind their younger counterparts especially when it comes to using mobile
- The only pattern they share is voice calling.
- Other patterns:
- Young people (teens and young adults): more enthusiastic users of cellphones and text messaging.
They also use their phones more for multimedia content, for taking pictures or videos and for
accessing the Internet. They also exploit the apps installed in the phone better than the elderly.
- Old people: just for basic functions like calling or taking pictures, listening to radio or watching film.




When it happened?

Who gave you money?

Why that person gave you money?

Explain how you felt about it?

You know, receiving money as a gift is not a custom in my country but at wedding parties or Tet
holidays. However, there was a time when I received money from other people. On my 15 th birthday party, I
received a big amount of money from my sister, Linh. On my birthday, I threw a small party at home and
invited some friends and relatives to come.We had a good time there. Everyone had a blast there
(mọi người đã rất vui). Most people brought with them sentimental gifts (món quà giá trị tinh thần) such
as flowers, cards, ornaments and toys (you name it) but only my sister gave me an envelope with money

To tell the truth, I was too shy to get that money but I’d say the money was indeed very meaningful to me.
Actually, my sister knew that I had been longing for a new laptop and had been saving the whole year for it,

but hadn’t saved enough for it yet. The laptop I was yearning for was one from a famous technology
brand named HP with exceptional functions (chức năng vượt chội), which would allow me to study
more effectively. However, it was quite pricey, so I could not afford it.

I really appreciated her gift as it was not only about the money but also the fact that she really put herself
in my shoes (hiểu) and cared about me.

To me, my sister is more than a sister, but a big friend who is always there for me at my worst or best,
especially when I was in deep water (gặp khó khăn).

Why do people rarely use cash now?

To my mind, there are several reasons why this happens. First of all, these days, people buy more and more
products on the Internet which is a cash-free zone (môi trường không tiền mặt). Secondly, carrying
banknotes and coins can be insecure/unsafe due to the risk of loss or thief, while credit cards are much
more secure as they can be canceled soon after the owners report the case of credit loss to the bank.
Moreover, paying due to a bank app and QR code is much faster and more convenient for both the sellers and
the buyers.

Do you agree that nowadays people value money the most?

Definitely. Don’t take me wrong, I don’t mean people are too practical and just focus on money only. But
money is a very powerful tool nowadays which helps people enjoy other important values they have.
Money enables people to have more control over their life, gives them the opportunities to make the
most of their talents and lets them live their life to the fullest. Money also allows people to stay
healthy due to good medical/healthcare services and a balanced diet. And I should not forget to
mention that money helps children to have access to good education, and it is a really good start in their

What do young people spend money on?

It depends on their level of income, I guess. If they have a limited budget, they mostly spend their
money on necessities (những thứ cơ bản, thiết yếu) like housing, food, clothes, education and healthcare
service. If young people have well-paid jobs or are supported by wealthy parents, then beside such
necessities I’ve mentioned above, they will mostly spend their money on travelling, expensive education, and
luxurious items and parties or beauty care. There are young start-ups who spend most of their money on
their projects.

Why do young people tend to waste money?

There are many reasons behind this phenomenon. I’d say the main reason is the pressure from the
society. I mean, they are under pressure of wasting money on luxurious items such as the latest version of

Iphone or clothes from famous brands (hãng nổi tiếng) just to impress (gây ấn tượng) others and feel
somehow equal. The second reason is that many young people want to show off their wealth (khoe mẽ
sự giàu có) and taste of fashion (guu thời trang) or cars by buying and using expensive/ prohibitive

Do people in your country like to save money?

I’d say, for the most part, people in VN do as they want a secure future. Having some money to set aside
gives people a sense of peace of security as they need money for unexpected situations such as a big
investment or sudden sickness or pandemic. People also save money for their age and their children. (Save
for the rainy days)

The best way to save money?

To tell the truth, I am not the one who is good at this thing, but I guess, people can save money buy earn
more money first, then they should plan to spend properly and limit overspending (kiểm soát chi tiêu
quá đà). Moreover, sometimes, people have to prioritize on (có ưu tiên về) what to spend on, what not to,
and maybe, make a comparison of the prices of the same product to save money.



Which country is the song from?

What story is the song about?

Whom did you know the song from?

Explain why you like it?

So today I’d like to tell you about an interesting song performed by my all-time favorite singer- Kelly
Clarkson- an American celebrity /səˈleb.rə.t̬ i/ (ngôi sao). Its name is “Stronger “or “What does not kill

So to talk about how I first heard this song, about 5 years ago, I failed an important exam, which
disappointed not only me but also my parents. I was under a lot of peer pressure- áp lực từ bạn bè and
I was literally down in the dumps (rất thê thảm) at that time. However hard I tried to hide my feelings,
everyone could realize my sadness. And a kind friend sent me the link to this song on YouTube channel with
a message: What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”
As soon as I heard the first few sentences of the song, I became engrossed in (chìm đắm vào) it
and kept listening to it again and again. The song is about how a lady overcame her depression (vượt

qua khủng hoảng) after her break-up with her ex. There is no need for us to keep crying over spilled
milk- tiếc nuối những điều đã qua, kh làm gì dc.
What I like most about the song is the repeated sentence “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”,
which encourages (động viên, khuyến khích) people to overcome their sufferings- nỗi đau by learning
to accept them and forget them.
After listening to the song again and again, I’ve made up my mind (quyết định) to be optimistic-
lạc quan. In other words, I need to let my failure pass and look on the bright side (nhìn mọi việc tích
cực). Opportunities are waiting for me in the future, right?

What music is popular in your country?

The kind of music young people like now? Why?

I think in my country, people mostly enjoy pop and rap. Pop music appeals to people with its pretty melodies,
which allows people to sing along. Vietnamese rap music has recently become more popular/ gain popularity
due to the production of two seasons of a TV show called Rap Viet. This and many excellent Rap song by
Denvau – a distinguished rapper. I suppose people love it for the lyrics that seem to be very close to our daily
life and meaningful. To old people, they often love country music.

The kind of music people listen to at the pub?

Well, actually, music plays an important role in a pub’s success, so there is a variety of music that is chosen to
suit different times and moods of patrons. They might play quieter, blues-type music early in the evening
when the party is just getting started, and they might play dance classics late at night when patrons feel
nostalgic. The genres might include Dance music, agrressive music, relaxing music, country music, R and B,
Rap, EDM, you name it.

The difference between the kinds of music preferred by girls and boys?

In fact, there is really some difference between men and women in terms of preferred music genres. Classic
rock, rap, hip/hop, or heavy metal appeal to men, as something more masculine. And the majority of women
choose rap, pop, and indie rock as something more femiline.



Where is it?

When you when there?

What you did there?

Explain how you felt about this place?

In my city, by far the most popular place for sports is a 50-meter indoor pool. It’s located pretty far from
the city center, which might seem a serious obstacle (trở ngại) for people willing to visit it regularly.
However, it’s very popular with city dwellers, and nobody has ever complained about its location as there are
a number of things that make this swimming pool the best pool in the city.

First of all, it has ample (rộng rãi) parking space for all the visitors. This means you don’t have to come
much ealier to find where to park your vehicles. Also, the facility is new and clean. There are showers with
towels, shampoos, conditioners and hair dryers, but the memberships aren’t pricey at all. The pool is really
large, so even at peak times (khung giờ cao điểm), you don’t have to share a lane with more than 3
people. One thing very special about this pool is that there are some lanes dedicated to special swimmers.
Several lanes on the one side of the pool is for professionals swimmers, several ones are for elderly people,
pregnant women and beginners.

There is also a large water space for children where they are looked after by the staff of the pool. This will
help parents feel free and safe when bringing their kids here. And I can’t forget to mention that the water is
always warm enough for comfortable swimming, and the water is changed on a daily basis, which is really up
to my expectation (đúng như kì vọng).

I have been there for many times, and most of the time I went there with my family/ friends.

Every time I went there, I was always satisfied with the services of the pool and the attitude of the staff.

What are the benefits of sports for children?

Do children need to exercise?

Absolutely. Exercise is essential for children because it, first of all, helps them to enjoy many health
benefits such as achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight (giữ được mức cân lí tưởng,
building strong muscles and bones (hệ cơ và xương chắc khỏe), improving their sleep and preventing
them from leading a sedetary lifestyle (lối sống thụ động). Secondly, involving in doing sports, especially
team sports, helps children to expand their social circle (mở mang mối quan hệ XH) and feel more
motivated and refreshed.

Do young people like to do sports?

Why do young people do less sport than their parents?

I guess there are a couple of reasons for which young people nowadays are not really into doing sports / do
sports less than their parents. The first reason is that, young parents, unlike their parents, might not be
aware of health bebefits that sports can bring to them. And because of this, exercise can sometimes be
the last thing on their to-do list. The second reason I can think of is due to their hectic schedule with

study at school, extra classes, after-school activities and even their addiction to social media which
normally cost them a lot of time.



What is it?

When you learned it?

How did you learn it?

Why it was important?

Well, the first thing I can thing of is how to do the gardening organically, which I learnt from my
father, who knows all ins and outs (biết mọi thứ) of agriculture. After his working hours, he spends much
of his free time taking care of the gardens full of different kinds of vegetables ranging from cauliflower,
cabbage, carrots, water spinach, you name it.
Besides this, in the backyard of our house, he has grown many fruit trees like guava, mango,
orange etc. I’d say, I was really inspired by him.
Also, he always does organic farming and avoids the usage of pesticides.
Since I was really small, he has taught me about growing vegetables and fruit trees organically. He
kept telling me that these days a lot of pesticides and chemicals are being used in farming, which was
detrimental to (có hại cho) our health and environment. Therefore, I also decided to learn how to plant
everything organically like him.
He guided me to use some kinds of organic fertilizers and organic spray (xịt hữu cơ) to
prevent a plant from ailments (bệnh) because organic farming is not harmful to soil and the
environment.I also learnt from him the way to choose the healthy seeds and young trees, how to grow
vegetables in raised beds (luống vun), which will help to keep plant roots above the saturated soil (úng
nước), how to clear the weeds (làm cỏ), how to make the soil richer by adding garden compost (chất
thải vườn), well-rotted manure (phân ủ mục) or leafmold (lá ải).
This hands-on experience (kinh nghiệm thực tế) and knowledge is of great importance to me
as I learned how to plant organically, which will help me not only save money but also self-supply a safe
source of fruits and vegetable. This kind of practical knowledge is not taught at school.

What can children learn from their parents?

There are various things children can learn from their parents. First, they can learn from their parents how to
take care of themselves. I mean what to eat, how often to exercise, and how much rest they need. Also, they
learn from their parents the ways to treat others, or more specifically, how to help less fortunate ones, how to
treat younger people and older people, how to handle conflict (xử trí mâu thuẫn) and get on well with
others. Actually, I think there are many more to name.

Do you think employees must want to constantly learn new things?

Definitely yes as lifelong learning (việc học cả đời) is an indispensable tool (một phần không thể
thiếu) for every career and organization. It promotes professional development (sự phát triển nghề
nghiệp) and helps avoid stagnation (sự trì trệ) in the workplace. Moreover, the more people learn, the
more potential opportunities they are going to have with their promotion and the more confident they will be.

Do you think learning new things is important?

There is no doubt about it. Let’s make a comparision, if we need food and fluids to nourish our body, we
also need information and new things to nourish our mind. Beside the benefit of keeping our mind
active, improving our concentration and problem solving skill or knowledge, it also helps us become more
confident and gives us a sense of accomplishment (cảm giác hoàn thiện bản thân, đạt được cái gì
đó). Sometimes, a new hobby can also act as a stress reliever (giúp giải tỏa stress) to our life.

Do you think some children are well-behaved because they are influenced by their parents?

I’d say, for the most part, parents play an important role in shaping their children’s characteristics and
manners. Therefore, the way they educate their children consequently affects the way their children behave
later in their life. Most children who behave well are those who are well-educated by their parents.

How can people learn new things?

People can learn new things by observing the people around them. For example, children can learn the way
to tie the shoelaces by watching their brothers or fathers do. New people in their apprenticeship (đang
học việc) can learn new skills by observing the experienced ones working there. People also learn by asking, I
mean, making questions and learning through reading books or searching for information on the Internet.


You should say:

Who this person is

What he/she grows

Where he/she grows them

Explain how you feel about this

Well, gardening is the most common hobby among people in my nation. Here I would like to talk
about a person who admires growing plants. He is none other than my father.
Actually my father was born and brought up in the countryside and his father is a farmer. So he
knows all ins and outs (biết mọi thứ) of agriculture. However, my father has been interested in planting
distinct types of trees, vegetable plants and fruits.

After completing his senior secondary education, he pursued his bachelor’s degree in the
agricultural stream. Now, he is working as a lecturer of agricultural department of Hung Vuong
He is a kind and hard-working person. After his working hours, he spends much of his free time taking
care of the gardens full of different kinds of vegetables ranging from cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, water
spinach, you name it.

Besides this, in the backyard of our house, he has grown many fruit trees like guava, mango, orange
etc. Also, he always does organic farming and avoids the usage of pesticides.
These days a lot of pesticides and chemicals are being used in farming which is detrimental to
our health and environment. So he started to grow plants at home.
He only uses organic fertilizers and organic spray (xịt hữu cơ) to prevent a plant from
ailments (bệnh). Because he believes that organic farming is not harmful to soil and the environment.
Though I have no intention of becoming a lecturer like him, or a farmer, I will surely keep the gardens of our
house green. Overall, he is a person who likes to grow plants as a hobby.

Part 3


What are the differences between traditional and modern agriculture?

Of course, there is. Compared to the past, farmers have improved / intensified their production by using
synthetic fertilisers, improved varieties, and crop protection chemicals and adopting better
management practices, such as crop rotation to sustain soils and irrigation to improve water use. In
short, all these criteria have made it possible for us to produce more food in a shorter period of time compared
to the amount of food produced 2 or more decades ago. Moreover, modern agriculture also enjoys the support
of many modern inventions and devices. However, we cannot ignore some problems such as more chemical
residues in food products and the risks of GM foods.

Do you think farming is important?

Actually, I’d say farming is pivotal to humankind. First of all, it is the source of our food supply. Without it,
human cannot survive or if it is not developed, we might not have sufficient foof to feed the whole
population of the world, which can lead to hunger or starvation. Secondly, it contributes to the
development of local economy and provides jobs for many people.

What do you think of a job of a farmer?

I think it is an important and noble job because farmers help provide food for our world. Without them, we
might struggle to have enough food. It is also a very hard and dangerous job as farmers have to work
manually all day long despite any harsh weather conditions, and they have to, at the same time, risk
facing chemicals from fertilizers and pesticides or some unexpected accidents while working.

How do people feel when they eat vegetables that they grew on their own?

Of, I guess, first of all, they would feel so proud of themselves when they see the fruits of what they sow.
I also think that they will feel really confident and happy as they and their families can eat healthy and fresh
products. And of course, to some people, it is a relief when they can save money spent on food.

Do people like to grow vegetables in your country?

I’d say most people do. First of all, people want to eat healthy and fresh food and stop worrying about
food safety. Moreover, involving in some manual work brings them closer to nature and they can
enjoy the greenery right at their house, or just satisfy their wish of having a small garden. Of course,
there are people who hate doing it because it is quite time-consuming and demands hard work.

Do you think climate change is influencing food production in any way?

Definitely, and mostly in a negative way. What I mean is, climate change poses challenges for farmers,
making it difficult for them to grow crop, raise animals and catch fish in the same ways as in the past, even
reducing crop productivity.

How will technological and scientific improvements affect food production?

First, I’d love to claim that they have been affecting food production in a positive way. First of all, they
help boosting agricultural output and promote safe, sustainable, abundant supply and more
resistant to harsh weather conditions. They also enable people to enjoy fresher farm products as they
reduce the time food is exported and transported. There are many more to name. In short, they have a
positive impact on the whole process of food production.



What the movie is about?

Where you watched it?

Why you liked it?

Why you want to watch it again?

Well, the first name that springs to my mind is “Home Alone”, an American Comedy film, which is such
a meaningful yet amusing film.
I first watched the movie about 6 years ago, and I was really engrossed in it. A week ago, when I
was too stressed out, I decided to watch it again.
“Home Alone” is a film starring (đem lại sự nổi tiếng cho) an 8-year-old boy. The film is about
Kelvin, who is accidently left home alone by his family at Christmas and tries to make the best of it. And here,
all amazing, dangerous, and hilarious (buồn cười) things start.
He has to single-handedly handle (một mình xử trí) two house burglars by trapping the house.
And they are the kinds of traps that any 8-year-old could devise with 10 dollars.
The two thieves break in, spring the traps (mắc bẫy), and suffer various injuries before finally
being caught by the police. The family return home, happy to find that Kevin, the 8-year-old boy safe and
sound (an toàn).
So, what makes this box office so appealing is its various twists (tình tiết bất ngờ) and climax
(cao trào) with many chasing scenes (cảnh rượt đuổi) and action scenes (cảnh hành động). And
they are made more apppealing by suitable sound effects (hiệu ứng âm thanh). I bet that no one can
help laughing hysterically (cười ngặt nghẽo) while watching this film. In other words, almost the scenes
in this film did crack me up (làm tôi rất buồn cười).
Though it was produced many years ago, it has never failed to excite and entertain people. Whenever
Christmas comes, I often watch it again.

1/ Is the film a waste of money?

Well, though many films cost a huge sum of money to make, I don’t think the investment is a waste of
money. This is because a successful film can provide jobs for many people, from film makers, actors,
actresses, designers, singers, and so on. A good film can also help entertain viewers a lot.

Do people in your country still like to go to a cinema?

Why are there fewer people going to the cinema to watch movies?

Though cinemas allow moviegoers (người đi xem phim) to focus on the movie and not to get distracted
and give them the chance to go out, I’d say the number of people who go to the cinema to watch movies is
decreasing. This is due to the boom (sự bùng nổ của) of social media which allow people to watch good
movies with only a small amount of fees such as Netflix or Galaxy play, or even free with Youtube in their
comfort zone. People can still enjoy the newly-released films or even blockbusters (phim bom tấn)
without having to go to the cinemas, paying quite a lot of money for the tickets or queuing there, which might
take them a bunch of time which not everyone has nowadays.

Where do people normally watch movies?

Differences between watching movies at home and in a cinema?

There are many options for people to watch movies. The first option is to stay at home watching movies on
popular apps, websites and channels devoted to providing people with movies of all kinds with fee and without
fee. One of the most popular ones is Netflix. Or people may choose to go to the movie theaters to enjoy the
very famous ones, or the newly-released ones that are shown only at the movie theaters and enjoy watching
the films on the big screen and getting pulled into the sound and color in the way that can’t be felt at home.

(Với câu difference có thể thêm ý rõ hơn: There are certain differences between…… First, watching movies at
home means you can enjoy the movies in your own comfort zone without being interfered by other
moviegoers, and you won’t have to pay money for the traffic, the tickets and the popcorn and drinks. You
won’t have to wait for the film to be shown, as you can choose any film given on the list at any time
convenient to you. On the other hand, (như trên)

Should actors be paid more?

I guess they should as acting is not an easy job at all. Actors sometimes make huge sacrifices (hi sinh
nhiều) for their roles like gaining or losing a lot of weight, cutting off their hair and things like that. What’s
more, they are always in the public eyes (là con người của công chúng) and often stalked (bị theo dõi)
by paparazzi (người chuyên đi rình mò người nổi tiếng), which means their privacy is often deprived
(sự riêng tư bị tước bỏ). One more reason is that the success of the movie depends on their performance,
so the more money the box office(phòng vé- rạp chiếu phim) earns, the higher pay they should get.

What makes an actor a famous movie star?

I think there must be a combination of many factors. The most important one, I think, is their ability to act, I
mean, their top-notch acting skills (khả năng diễn xuất đỉnh cao) that can help star and lead the
movies (làm cho bộ phim nổi lên), and attract the audiences. One more important factor is the right roles
in the right movies. There are many good actors who become famous / ascend to the climax of glory
(bước đến đỉnh cao của sự nghiệp) only after many years of acting due to the right role to play in a film.
They also have to be very hard-working and may sacrifice a lot of their time and privacy for the role.

Are actors and actresses important to movies?

There is no doubt about it. Actors and actresses play a key role in the success of a movie. Without them, there
would be no movies but for cartoon or some documentaries.


What you waited for

Why you decided to wait

When it was

How you felt about your decision

Well, I’d love to take this chance to tell you about the time when I decide to wait for the day that my
all-time favorite movie was shown in the movie theater to enjoy it on the large screen. The film is “Home
Alone”, an American Comedy film, which is such a meaningful yet amusing film, and it is often known as
“Chrismas movie”as it is normally shown during Chirtmas time. And once a year, I watch it as a routine. Last
winter, my friend asked me to go to the movie theater to watch a newly released box office (phim hot
mới ra), and it had very good reviews. However, realizing that Christmas was coming, I asked him to wait
for 2 more weeks to watch the movie “Home alone” together. Though my friend was too eager to go to the
movie theater to watch the new movie, he couldn’t go against my wish. So, let me tell you the reason why I
was so crazy about that film. Of course, we could watch it at home, but you know, watching a movie on a
large screen with high quality is a totally different experience.
“Home Alone” is a film starring (đem lại sự nổi tiếng cho) an 8-year-old boy. The film is about
Kelvin, who is accidently left home alone by his family at Christmas and tries to make the best of it. He has to
single-handedly handle (một mình xử trí) two house burglars by trapping the house. The family return
home, happy to find that Kevin, the 8-year-old boy safe and sound (an toàn).
So, what makes this box office so appealing is its various twists (tình tiết bất ngờ) and climax
(cao trào) with many chasing scenes (cảnh rượt đuổi) together with sound effects (hiệu ứng âm
thanh). I bet that no one can help laughing hysterically (cười ngặt nghẽo) while watching this film.
Though it was produced many years ago, it has never failed to excite and entertain people. So, that’s the time
when I decided to wait for my film to be shown.

Compared to the past, are people less patient now?

Unfortunately, we seem to be less patient now. And I think the main reason is due to the fast pace of life
with increasing obstacles and pressure that people have to face. Consequently, we are having to try
harder and do things faster. It somehow makes people become more impatient.

Do you think children have more patience than adults?

I don’t think so. Actually, most children cannot deal with small disappointments such as sitting on a bus
for a long time or waiting for something. Many of them erupt in anger if they can’t get what they want.
Whereas, mature people try to remain patient when they have to wait for something or do something again
and again. I guess this is because adults know exactly the consequences of being impatient: failures, quarrels
and even fight.

Is patience always a good characteristic?

I absolutely agree with this. Patience allows people to overcome roadblocks in their life by keeping doing
things constantly and keeping doing it again after failures. It also helps them to avoid failures due to
harsh decisions or bad plans. I can also say that patience makes people less stressed as they know how
to accept situations, feeling more calm and free.



You should say:

What information you needed to search for

When you searched for it

Where you searched for it

Explain why you needed to search for it

So, today I will take this chance to tell you about the time when I had to search for information. It was about
3 years ago when I was too obese and weak. One day, I decided to make an attempt to change my lifestyle
(có một lối sống lành mạnh) and lose weight, but I didn’t know how to do it. Therefore, I started to
search for the information on Google searching engine. There were a lot of results but I chose to read an
article about health from a website of a reputed hospital in Vietnam.
Thanks to the article, I came to know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so we
should never skip it. In fact, this helps boost our immunity (tăng cường hệ miễn dịch) and also helps us
go through the day with full energy.
The article also said that one should consume more fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain food and drink
more water, which does wonders for our body. Moreover, we shouldn’t consume beer, soft drinks, packed
food, junk food, etc
To burn calories, she should also spend about 30 mins a day walking without the need to do some
strenuous exercises (bài tập nặng) or go on a strict diet (ăn kiêng hà khắc).
When it comes to physical exercise, the article also said that walking for an hour a day is as good as
one hour of gym. Since then, a morning walk has become a part of my routine.
Thanks to the article, I have changed my lifestyle and felt much healthier than before. I have also
shared it with many of my friends and relatives. So, this was the time when I looked for information on the
Internet, and that website has become my favorite one since then.

Part 3:

How can people search for information now?

I think the most popular way is to use search engines, social networks, and public records to search for
What information can people get from television?
Well, I think that people can get any information from TV nowadays. For example, they can open up the world
by learning about different people, places, cultures and even ideas they might never encounter in their life.
Also, they can get updated information about what is going on in their country and in the world, which helps
them stay informed 24 by 7. And TV also provides many courses that instruct people how to cook, how to
make DIY products and even study.

With the development of the Internet, is the library still important?
Will libraries be replaced by the Internet?
Well, I don’t think so, at least in the coming years. This is because, nowadays, the Internet just gives a small
percentage of what is published, and the most reliable scholarly information is available only in books and
journals. Moreover, the Internet is not organized and doesn’t have quality control, which makes it difficult to
find the information people can trust and refer to. So, to my mind, the library is still important and will not
Does the development of the Internet have any impact on some disadvantaged people?
There is no doubt about it. First of all, it allows disadvantaged ones to have means to entertain themselves
when they are let alone at home without their family members around. They can listen to music, watch TV, or
find friends online. Many handicapped people also make use of the Internet to learn more knowledge and skills
that enable them to get a job and earn money by themselves. In my opinion, the Internet has open the whole
new world to these people and helped them live a more worthy life.
Do people trust information online?
It depends on each person and the kind of information. Normally, people often believe the information posted
on websites or fanpages that have a good reputation or ar managed by the governments. However, there are
many people who are really innocent, and they even believe in all the information on the Internet even though
it is from a tabloid. For instance, there are many people who believe in the false information on the Internet
about the ways to cure Covid 19 and thay wasted a lot of money on buying the medicine sold on fake websites.
How can people check if the information is correct or not?
Normally, people have to wait until the information if confirmed by the mainstream organizations and channels
such as VTV, the official publishers or the governments. For example, during the covid 19 pandemic, there
were many rumors about the number of infected cases on the Internet, but I often waited for the official
announcement on TV.
What are the ways of getting information nowadays?
For the most part, people can get information due to social media such as TV, newspapers, radio and the
Internet. The information is updated daily, even hourly, so people can keep themselves updated to the news
by using social media. Moreover, people can also get information from other people – a kind of words of


Who you had the disagreement with?

What the disagreement was about?

What happened?

How you felt about it?

So, today I will take this chance to tell you about a time I and my friend, Linh argued about the ways to lose
As one of my friends, Trang, kept complaining about being obese, and asked us how she could lose weight,
which sparkled an argument(dẫn đến cuộc tranh luận) between 2 of us.
While Linh was the supporter of the idea that only strict diet (chế độ ăn kiêng nghiêm ngặt) and
strenuous physical activities could help Trang to cut down on her weight, I held a trong belief that she
could lose weight by following making only small changes in her eating and living style by consuming
more fruits and vegetables and drink more water. Besides, she should consume only a moderate amount
(lượng hạn chế) of soft drinks, packed food, junk food. When it comes to physical exercises, I thought that
walking for an hour a day was as good as one hour of gym.
We kept argueing for almost 2 hours and had no sign of stopping. Finally, we had to call our cousin, who was
a doctor for advice. He supported my idea that to lose weight, we should eat and live healthily instead of
applying a strict diet.
So, only after listening to the consultant(người tư vấn) did they stop argueing. I didn’t understand
why they could become both bad-tempered.

What would you do if you disagree with someone?

Normally when I disagree with someone, I will let them know my thoughts, then we will exchange our ideas
and try to reach an agreement. And if it is impossible for us to reach an agreement, I will try to stay calm and
show my respect to them. But sometimes, when someone does something wrong or inhumane, I will react
fiercely to their actions.

How do we stop an argument from escalating into a fight?

I think the first way is that the 2 sides or 2 people have to learn to be patient and keep silent, and learn how
to respect others as well. If a person tries to listen to the other’s opinion, they will feel respected, and then
they will do the same. Even in case people can’t reach an agreement, they should never insult the other, or
get angry. If they feel the conversation is too intense, they should stop talking for a while.

Who do you think should teach children to respect teachers?

I think parents and teachers both should be the ones who teach children to respect teachers. Actually, parents
should always teach their kids to show respect to their teachers or tutors. And I also think that the teachers
should also teach children to respect them in case the kids are not told to do so by their parents.
What disagreements do parents and children often have?

Actually, people from 2 generations have many things that they can’t have in common. For example, parents
and children often have disagreements about education – what subjects to focus on, what major to choose, or
what teacher to study. They also disagree on other issues such as friendships or partners, food, fashion and
choices of jobs. In fact, they have their own viewpoints and beliefs, so it’s hard for them to share everything in

Is the argument important?

In my opinion, arguing is of great importance to a relationship. I mean, it allows people to

communicate their needs to their partner and get to know others better. Also, the argument can help
people figure out the real problems of an issue, and come up with the solution to the problem. Of
course, I am talking about healthy argument.

What do brothers and sisters argue about?

There are many things that can make them argue, actually. First of all, they often fight for their privacy. I
mean, if their siblings come into their room or taking their school things without asking for permission, then
they might get angry and argue. They can also quarrel for fairness and equality when it comes to their
household duties or parents’ treatment. They might also argue about the film, the food or their neighbor. As
they live together, there are many things that they migh disagee with each other.

What arguments occur between family members?

The most common reasons for family arguments are money and financial hardships. For example, people
might argue about who should be responsible foraging parents, or house fixing or family events or where to
earn enough money to make ends meet. Another reason is the argument about the way to raise and educate
their children as sometimes, couples don’t share the same point. Of course, they also argue about jealousy in a
relationship and the attitudes of their family members.


You should say:

What you did

How you did

How difficult it was

Why you are proud of it

So, today I will take this chance to tell you about the time when I made an attempt to lead a healthy
lifestyle (có một lối sống lành mạnh) by changing my living and eating habits, and I managed to
do it despite its being so challengin.

It was about 3 years ago that I suffered from a severe stomachache (đau bụng dữ dội), and the doctor
advised me to change my eating habits to get better. He handed me an article about health which did
provide me with so much important information about health. Thanks to the article, I came to know that
breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so we should never skip it. It’s hard for me as there were

days when I had to burn the midnight oil (thức khuya) to study, getting up late and didn’t have enough
time to have a proper breakfast (ăn bữa sang tử tế), but I try to get up ealier to do that.

I also read that we should consume more fruits and vegetables and drink more water, which does wonders
for our body, and stay away from beer, soft drinks, packed food, junk food, etc. It’s also difficult for me as
well because I am really into junk foods and soft drinks. They are jummy and act as a stress reliever for
me. However, I manages to cut down on them then finally get rid of them.
I also try to carve my time out of my hectic schedule to go jogging on a daily basis to lead an active
lifestyle. It’s hard to change my lifestyle, but I managed to do it.
I felt better day by day, and worked more productively. Thanks God, I overcame all the difficulties to avoid a
sedentary lifestyle. I’m so proud of myself for that.

P3. Success

Are successful people often lonely?

I’m afraid so. In most cases, being successful means they have to put everything elase aside to focus on their
goal. For example, instead of spending time out partying with friends, successful people will work on an
important project all by themselves. Consequently, they miss many important meetings, gatherings, hanging
outs, and might be forgotten by people.

In general, how do people judge, assess the success of others?

Well, I guess it depends on people. Some of them assess the success of others by looking at how much money
they have or what they have achieved. Others do it by looking at who they are surrounded by or what they
feel about who they are.

Why do (or should) people set goals?

I think without goals, people would be like a boat in a large see without the direction. I mean, they don’t know
what they will do. What’s more, setting a goal motivates people and drive them forward as they know they
have to try their best for what they set in their mind.

Do you believe in being successful and making a lot of money are the same thing?

Of course, no. The true meaning of success goes far beyond having a lot of money. Being successful is being
healthy, and money sometimes cannot buy health. Being successful is having a life full of joy and happiness
with the family, and money cannot buy family sometimes. So, I am more than sure that success cannot be
defined with money, but instead with values in life that make people happy such as health, friendship, family
and job satisfaction.

What does it take to become successful?

First, you need to have a clear goal in your life, then make plan for it, then try your best for what you want.
On the way to success, you also need to be persistent with what you do as there are many obstacles and you
may face failures as well. It’s important that you need skills and knowledge for whatever you do. You might
also need a proper guidance and support from others to succeed.

Why do some people achieve success faster?

Maybe because they are more talented understand more about the thing they are doing. Maybe because they
are luckier. Sometimes success needs luck, you know. Or maybe someone are more determined and more

Do you think that mistakes can help people achieve the greatest success?

Well, I think so, but not in many cases. In some cases, mistakes are useful and somehow important for
success. If people keep making mistakes, they will try new things, create and experience new things, and this
can help them achieve something unexpected, something great. Most of inventors don’t succeed on their first

Do you agree that today success mainly depends on being able to manage time effectively?

What skills are important for success in business?

Actually, I think effective time managing skill is just an important fator contributing to success, not the main
one. There are many important factors as I have mentioned before, and skills such as teamwork,
communication, English and IT, leadership, financial management, you name it.

How do people achieve success at school?

First, I think they need to be totally focused on their study and consider it their priority. Second, I think they
have to work extremely very hard despite their ability and be eager to learn new things from every source and
even from their mistakes. They are also the ones who can allocate their time properly and set smart goals for
their study.


You should say:

What you shared

Who you shared it with

What you usually share with others

Explain why you shared it with him/her

So, today I will take this chance to tell you about the time when I had to share an article on health
with one of my cousins.
The article that I came across the other day did provide me with so much important information about
how to lead a healthy lifestyle and proper ways to loose weight by changing your living and eating habits.
I applied most of the guidelines and became much healthier. Tired of listening to my cousin’s comlaint about
being overweight, my mother asked me to share with her the article. Though I didn’t like to share with her
because we were not so close, I had to as it’s require by my mom. So, let’s talk about the content of the article.
The article emphasized the importance of breakfast, saying that it was the most important meal of the
day, so we should never skip it. The article also advised us to consume more fruits and vegetables and drink
more water, which could do wonders for our body, and stay away from or consume only a moderate
amount (lượng hạn chế) of beer, soft drinks, packed food, junk food, etc. Instead, we should eat more
whole-grain food (ngũ cốc nguyên cám) or salads as they are good sources of proteins and
nutrients. The writer of the article also mentioned the importance of regular exercises such as going jogging
or doing yoga to keep our bodies active avoid leading a sedentary lifestyle.

What I shared with my sister seemed to be an eye-opener to her. As before, she had been always
thinking that to lose weight, she needed to do some strenuous exercises (bài tập nặng) or go on a strict
diet (Ăn kiêng hà khắc). She thanked me a lot for my sharing.

Do you think kids like to share? Why?

I think it depends on each child. To be more specific, it depends on their characteristics and their educational
background. Some children are well educated by their parents about the importance of sharing, then they
are often willing to share certain things with others such as food or toys, or even seats. But some kids who are
very mean and are not well-educated about sharing might not want to share anything with each other.
How can parents teach their children to share?
How can parents and teachers teach children to share?
First of all, by setting a good example for them. Parents and caregivers are the most important role models
for kids, and kids tend to imitate their actions. Adults can also involve children in the actions of sharing and
explain to them the benefits or the meaning of sharing.
What do you think is the benefit of sharing for children?
Children need to learn to share so they can make and keep friends, play cooperatively, take turns,
negotiate and cope with disappointment. Sharing also teaches children about fairness. They learn that if
we give a little to others, we can get some of what we want too. For example, when playing with other kids, if
a child is willing to share his/her toys with them, he/she might ask for the ones she/he doesn’t have from their

Can you suggest why some people don’t like sharing?

I think maybe they are just selfish and greedy or because they are not taught to do so. If parents didn’t
educate their children about the importance of sharing in their childhood, they tend to never do so when they
grow up because they don’t have a habit of doing so. Some others might have a bad experience of sharing
things with someone and don’t want to worry about the stuffed they have shared anymore.

Do you think it’s important to have rules in shared accommodation?

Definitely yes. It’s of great importance to have certain rules if you want to create a happy shared house and
keep everyone satisfied. For example, if shared spaces like bathrooms or kitchens are used freely without
rules, or if someone turns on the music loudly at night, it might interfere with others in the same rooms or
flats, making them angry or frustrated. Having rules means that everyone is clear about their rights and
responsibilities, or even restrictions. It also helps in case there might be a conflict.
Do you think there are any advantages to sharing your home with other people?
How do you feel about sharing accommodation with others on campus?
Of course, there are some perks of this. For example, it lowers the cost of living and makes the bill more
manageable. It’s really important for people, especially students because it can help them spare a sum of
money for their education or entertainment. One more advantage of this is that people will feel less lonely as
there is always someone to talk to and stay with them.
Do people in your country prefer to share public transport or do they prefer to use private
From my observation, the majority of people would prefer private transport because it is a more flexible
and easier form of travel which gives people the freedom to go wherever they want. Of course, there are
many people who love to share public transport as it is more affordable for people from all walks of life. It
also helps reduce carbon footprint, which is better for the environment.
Do you think it’s good to share personal information with others on the Internet?
It really depends. To be more specific, if it is just basic information about you like our likes or dislikes, your
occupations, or your workplace, then it’s ok as it can help you to communicate with people and find people
who share the same interest with you. However, when it comes to detailed and private information such as
your date of birth, your password, you might not control of consequences of the leak of the information. It
might lead to scams.


Who he/she is?

What job she/he is?

What kind of clothes he/she wears?

Explain why you think he/she is fashionable?

In my opinion, by far the most stylish person I’ve ever met in person is my neighbor Linh. She is a
beginner fashion stylist although she doesn’t have a degree in fashion. She’s just naturally good at
picking and pairing the right clothes together. She understands which colors and shapes look good on
people, and which don’t. She knows exactly what is ideal for her body type. Due to this, everything she wears
just looks like it was made precisely for her.

As far as I
can jugde, most of the time she wears casual clothes such as jeans, comfortable T-shirts, sneakers,
and flat-boosts (boosts đế bằng). But as I’ve said before, she has an eye for (có mắt nhìn. Có khướu)
style. So she always looks casual but stylish. Fro example, of she dresses all in black, she will put on a pair of
white shoes. She likes to pair skinny pants with loose-fitting tops (áo rộng). If we go to a party, she
dresses up her casual outfits with some trendy accessories such as a bracelet and a long necklace. If it
is a denim shirt, she will rolls up her sleeves to give it a carefree vibe (đem lại cảm giác thoải mái,
phóng khoáng). It’s amazing how she chooses clothes and accessories that can be well mixed and
matched together.

Good looks are important for her to create a good impression on her potential custmers. But I
think if she weren’t a fashion stylist, she would still be fashionable because it’s a way for her to express
herself without saying a word, a way to show people who she really is.


Why is fashion important to some people?

I think the main reason is that fashion allows them to express themselves to the world. I mean, it kinda lets
them make a certain statement about themselves without saying a word, like, how creative or unique,
or even wealthy they are. Moreover, it helps them to be a part of a certain trend, making them feel belong to
a group of people. To some people, wearing fashionable outfits also makes them feel more confident.

Do you think online shopping will replace shopping in reaity?

I don’t think that in-store shopping will be replaced by e-shopping. The thing is no matter how popular
online shopping will become, there might be cases when buyers/shoppers want to buy things in brick-
and-mortar stores. For example, when it comes to clothes, many people still want to go to the fashion
boutique to try on the products before buying them as they are afraid of e-scams and fake products. There
are many cases and buyers are dissatisfied with the products that they ordered.

Do you like to follow fashion?

No. I respect those who keep up with the fashion trends but for me, I don't. Fashion clothes like wearing
revealing clothes are not my thing and I don't like to follow what other cool kids wear just to be like them and
being socially accepted. I rather find my own style, and wear what I like regardless of what other people might

Are older people as fashionable as young people? Why?

Well, I don’t think so. Young people enjoy fashionable clothes and like keeping the pace of trends. Compared
with the young, old people prefer to wear traditional and comfortable clothes, and they don’t spend much on

Are women more fashionable than men? Why?

It's not that women are more fashion minded than men, it's that society has a different expectation for how
women should dress. For centuries, women have been seen as objects of beauty rather than people with their
own thoughts and feelings.

This is why you'll see ads that target women with phrases like "you're worth it" or "indulge yourself". Women
are constantly being told that they need to look a certain way to be attractive, and this creates an obsession
with fashion and appearance. Men don't typically face the same level of pressure to look perfect, which is why
you'll see them wearing the same outfit for months on end without giving it a second thought.



What you bought?

When you bought it?

What problems you had while shopping online?

How you felt about it?

I am a crazy fan of online shopping as it is convenient, and most of the time, I had an excellent
shopping experience. But here I would like to share a situation when I had a terrible experience.

A couple of years ago, it was a flash season, and every big brand name (nhãn hiệu nổi tiếng) or
shop slash prices (giảm giá sâu) to lure customers. I also wanted to buy a pair of sneakers. At the time,
the pair of my favorite shoes was offered at a knock-down price (giá sập sàn), just about one-fifth of the
normal price, which was affordable for me.
Without hesitation, I clicked on the “buy button” on the page and left information about size and
Although the Product quality is outstanding and I got it with a great offer, I faced many problems during
my entire shopping.

First and foremost, the quality of service was inferior because I had to wait for a longer time to
find other colour options. It is because there were too many orders and messages, so they didn’t respond
quickly to the customers. Actually, they almost missed my order.

Apart from this, they sent me the wrong size, and I had to return it to the store to exchange for
another pair of my exact foot size, which was quite annoying.

Last and the biggest problem I faced was the attitude of the shipper. As I wasn’t at home twice when
he delivered the packet to my house, he got mad on me, but actually, he both came when I was at school. As
I didn’t answer the phone, he even threatened to send the goods back to the store. What a terrible service.

If I am talking about my overall experience, I was happy to get whatever I wanted at a great price,
but I was totally irritated during the shopping experience.


What is good service?

As a customer, what kinds of services do you expect from a company?
First of all, I expect that the products and services that I buy from that company perform well and do what
they are expected to do. In other words, when buying something, I want the sellers to stick to their words.
Also, I expect quality customer service. I mean, the department which is devoted to helping customers with all
the inquiries or difficulties they have. The last thing I expect from a company is a quick response for any
complaints, whether it is on digital channels – like social media or webpage comments.

What is bad service?

Contrary to good service, bad service is the one that doesn’t meet the customers’needs or wants. It is the one
that fails to keep its promises to the customers like Guaranty Service

or return service, or even worse, the shop might try to fool the buyers from the beginning with low-quality
products. It is also the one that lacks knowledge about the products and can’t assist customers in choosing the
proper products or fixing the problems. I also consider it a bad service when they treat customers rudely.

Do you think it’s important for a company to provide after-sales service?

Definitely yes because by providing buyers with after-sale service, companies get truly satisfied customers,
which results in repeated orders or good reputation, and this is very important to every business. When the
customer is satisfied with the service, they might help spread their words-of-mouth and bring more customers
to the shop. In short, it is of great importance to provide after-sale service.

Why is online shopping so popular these days?

I believe there are many reasons, really. First of all, it’s convenient. Buyers don’t have to drive all the way to a
store, whichs will save them a lot of time. Moreover, they can stay home or at their workplaces and choose a
wide range of products from various shops. Whereas, if you go to a store, you might not be able to get the
product you want as it might not be available or might be out of stock, especially when it comes to
products that people can’t buy locally. Last but not least, most online stores offer customers with more
competitive prices than brick-and-mortar stores do.

What is the difference between shopping online and in a store?

Các bạn bổ sung thêm phần đặc điểm của shopping in a store: It allows customers to see, touch and even try
the products before buying -> avoid escams/ fake products.

What should customers do if there are problems with products they bought online?
Should it happen, they shoudn’t just let it go. First of all, customers should contact the seller and explain
what the situation is. After that, depending on their reaction, they should either return the merchandise
and get a refund or else, they can write a complaint and vote 1 star on the rating system of the shop,
leaving bad comments to alert other customers. Another way is to write a post on your Facebook to
share your bad experience with the service you got and ask your friends to share it so that other people
who read it will not fall prey to that shop anymore.



Whose home is it?

How often do you go there?

What is it like?

How you feel about the home?

Well, the very first thing that springs to my mind is my grand mother’s house, which is 20 km away
from my house. I often visit her house once every week. I’d say that I was so drawn to (bị cuốn hút với)
that place. So, I would love to take this chance to tell you about that place so you can visualize (tưởng
tượng) it more easily.
Well, my grandma’s house is located in a peaceful village, so when I went there, I could enjoy the
tranquil atmosphere (không khí trong lành).
It is a big house, with three bedrooms, a kitchen, 2 bathrooms and 2 gardens. The thing I like most
about the house is that it has only one floor so that all members in the family could feel more close-knit
(khăng khít).
As I am very fond of gardening, spending time there was extremely wonderful. Her house had 2
gardens, a back garden where they planted fruit trees and a front garden where they planted some kinds of
vegetables and flowers. This enabled me to immerse myself in nature (đắm chìm vào thiên nhiên) and
ease our mind (thư thái) whenever I feel too stressed.
In the front yard, there was a coffee table where we could sit and have a chat over a drink while
looking at beautiful flower beds.
In the evening, we could sit in the front yard admiring the mysterious beauty of the sparkling
stars at night. It’s romantic, right?
So, that’s my grandma’s house which I really love to visit. I hope that in the future, I will have a cosy
house like that.

The differences between houses and buildings in the city and in the countryside?

It’s such a tough question to answer, I have to admit that as this is not an area of my interest. I think the
main difference between houses and buildings in 2 areas lies in the height of the building. To be more specific,
the height of rural buildings and houses is often much lower than that in the city, which might be due to the
land budget and the finance of people in 2 areas. In many less developed areas in rural, dwellings are quite
simple and are often made of wood and bamboo. Whereas, the buildings in the city are often more modern
and well-designed to make use of the limited space.

Do you prefer to live in the countryside or in the city?

In the city, definitely, as I am used to all the conveniences here. I also love the vibrant vibe of the city with
access to more means of entertainment. I think that I can’t stand the boring life in the countryside when I am

What safety risks are there in residential buildings in cities?

Actually, there are many potential risks when living in a residential building such as the risk of fire, lack of
stairs in case of emergencies, insecurity, and so on.

In addition, apartment buyers also need to pay attention to the security of the area around the apartment
complex. If the apartment building is located in a very deserted area, it is also quite dangerous when residents
have to go out at night.

Is it expensive to decorate a house or an apartment in the place where you live?

It depends on the kind of design and the price of the furniture that people are going to buy. For example,
there is a wide variety of furniture of different quality and of different prices for people to choose. Therefore,
people can choose to decorate their house or apartment according to their own budget.



You should say:

Where you saw the plastic waste

When you saw them

What you did

Explain how you felt about this

Last year, I had a nice holiday. I went to the seaside for a week with my classmates. And every morning, I
went for a run on the beach. One morning, I was running along the beach to enjoy the dawn when I saw
something strange in the distance. What I saw closer did leave me speechless. I found absolutely amounts
of plastic. There were billions of small plastic food containers, broken down pieces of plastic, plastic
bottles, caps, straws, to name but a few.It looked like a dump site (chỗ vứt rác)

I didn’t expect to see this because the night before I was taking pictures there. And the beach was clean. So it
might be the aftermath (hậu quả) of a violent storm last night.

I turned around and ran away because there was so much plastic litter that there was no point in trying to
collect it by myself. Before I moved, I took a picture of the sit, then posted it on the local fanpage of the area
where I stayed for the holiday as well as on the group of my class. I also sent it to the manager of the hotel
where we were staying, calling for help. Right 1 hour later, the local volunteers and my class organized a
beach clean-up. I also participated in, of course.

We took trash bags and gloves to collect the trash. Actually, we did categorize it so that most of it could
be recycled later. It took us about half an hour to clean the trash. I felt so proud of ourselves for contributing
to the clean-up. It’s extremely heartbreaking to see our marine environment being polluted like this.

Part 3:

Do you think we should use plastic products?

It’s very hard to answer, to tell the truth. In fact, it is ideal for us not to use plastic products, especially single-
used products as they are dumped everywhere, polluting the environment. However, due to their convenience
and flexibility, we can hardly get rid of them. Therefore, I think we should still use plastic products, but reduce
them, use them more wisely, and try to work out a method to treat the plastic waste effectively.

How can we reduce our use of plastic?

Avoid single-use plastics such as drinking straws

If you go shopping, remember to take a cloth bag
Make those around you aware of the importance of reducing the consumption of plastic
Pay attention and put your plastic waste in the correct recycling container
Why do you think people like to use plastic products?

I think the top reasons are that they are strong, light, various in shapes, and really cheap.


You should say:

What the appointment was for

Who you made it with

Why you forgot it

Explain how you felt about the experience

So, the first thing that springs to my mind is the time when I totally forgot about an appointment with
one of my friend. Last year, I had a nice holiday to the seaside for a week with my classmates. And every
morning, I went for a run on the beach. On the second day, I made an appointment with my online friend at
8 am. It would be our first face-to-face meeting as she was also staying at the same tourist destination as
me. One morning, I was running along the beach to enjoy the dawn when I saw something strange in the
distance. What I saw closer did leave me speechless. I found absolutely amounts of plastic. It looked like a
dump site (chỗ vứt rác)

I turned around and ran away because there was so much plastic litter that there was no point in
trying to collect it by myself. Before I moved, I took a picture of the sit, then posted it on the local fanpage of
the area where I stayed for the holiday as well as on the group of my class. I also sent it to the manager of
the hotel where we were staying, calling for help. Right 1 hour later, the local volunteers and my class
organized a beach clean-up. I also participated in, of course.

It took us about half an hour to clean the trash. It was not until later did I suddenly remember my
appointment with my friend. I checked my phone and there were hundreds of missed calls and messages. She
was worried that there was something bad happening to me. I instantly called her back and apologized her
and explained the situation to her. To my expectation, she was not angry with me but said that she was so
proud of me for contributing to the clean-up. We instantly rearranged another appointment 1 hour later.
We really had a good time together. So, that’s all about the time when I forgot a meeting with my friend.

Part 3:

How do you people who are busy remember things they need to do?

Well, I guess the first thing they do is have the right nutrition, consistent exercise, and high-quality sleep as all
these factors are the basis for strong memory. Another way, I guess, is to structure and organize the
information people need to memorize. For example, they can creat mind map, memory tree or to-do list.

Do you think people should remember family history?

Yes, I do. In fact, knowing, recording, and preserving your family history directly impacts you, your family,
and even your future generations. Knowing our cultural background and where we came from can help
us develop a strong sense of who we really are. Moreover, in learning about our ancestors’ lives, we can
see patterns of overcoming failures and surviving hard times. Their stories remind us that surely not
everything in life will work easily, but we can recover, triumph, and find happiness despite hardships.
How do busy people remember things they need to do?

There are several ways that people can use to remember things they need to do. First of all, they can take
notes on their smartphones or or sticky note, or set an alarm clock, or write something on the calendar.
Sometimes, it is advisable to ask parents or close friends to remind us about our duties and appointments.
What do you think of people using calendars to remind themselves of things?
First, I think they are very responsible and disciplined. Also, they might know their goals and like to be
sure that they are staying on track with them. One more thing I can say about them is that they don’t like
their time to be wasted, so they use their calendars to produce quality work without taking unnecessary


You should say:

When you took it

Where you took it

What is in this photo

Explain why you are proud of it

As a photogenic person, I am really into taking photos as photos help me to save many sweet
memories in my life. But when it comes to this topic, the very first thing I can think of is a photo I took 2
years ago. Actually, it was the photo that I clicked of a dump site that made me feel so proud.

Last year, I had a nice holiday at the seaside for a week with my classmates. One morning, I was
running along the beach to enjoy the dawn when I saw something strange in the distance. What I saw
closer did leave me speechless. I found absolutely amounts of plastic. There were billions of small plastic
food containers, broken down pieces of plastic, plastic bottles, caps, straws, milk cartons, dead fish,
and even nets, to name but a few. It looked like a dump site (chỗ vứt rác)

I turned around and ran away because there was so much plastic litter that there was no point in
trying to collect it by myself. Before I moved, I took a picture of the site, then posted it on the local fanpage
of the area where I stayed for the holiday Right 1 hour later, the local volunteers and my class organized a
beach clean-up. I also participated in, of course.

It took us about half an hour to clean the trash. I felt so proud of ourselves for contributing to the
clean-up and the photo that I took as well. The picture was then later liked and shared by many people,
making it a popular photo on social media. This helped raise the awareness of people about protecting
the beach. Some environmentalists launched a campaign to call for local people’s participation in cleaning up
the local beach.

So, this is the photo that I took and felt so proud of it.

Part 3:

What can people learn from historical photographs?

I instantly remember the often-quoted old Chinese saying"A picture is worth ten thousand words”. I
mean, by observing or studying historical photos, people can visualize about the world in the past more easily:
how people in the past dressed, looked or how the strutures of ancient times were like. Sometimes, words
cannot desbribe exactly how things were.

What do you think of beautified selfies?

What do you think of those who like to change or beautify faces and post them on social media?

I think they are the ones who love to attract attention from others, especially from online friends whom they
will hardly meet in their real life. They might not be confident about their actual look/ appearance, so they
need to use some apps to edit their photos to be more gorgeous, or they ust want others to give nice
comments on their photos, or hook views (câu view) and sell more products.

Do people in your country like to take photos? (yes)

Is taking photos the best way to remember something?

Why do people like to record important things with photos?

I’d say yes. You know, no matter how unforgettable something seems, memories will fade away one day, but
photos won’t. They will always remind people of the way they looked at a particular moment. For example,
when we are 50, we can look at the picture of us when we were 20 with nice memories striking back.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling with a camera?

I can name several benefits of taking a carema on vacation. First, it allows people to save sweet memories
of their trips, and share them with others, otherwise, those beautiful moments might be fading or lost forever.
Moreover, the pictures and the videos that they capture in their camera ca be later used as a proof or some
document for their future career and event. Many travel vloggers use their professional camera to film their
trip and then post the videos on facebook or on their channels to promote the cuisines and scenic beauty of
some regions. When it comes to the downside of it, the only thing I can think of is that the camera might take
quite much room, especially when it is a professional one, and it needs protection and care.


You should say:

What the activity is and where you did it

Who you did it with

Whether it was easy or difficult

Explain why this activity was new or exciting for you

So, let me tell you about an outdoor activity that I took part in last month, which was not only exciting but
very meaningful. Last month, I had a nice holiday to the seaside for a week with my classmates. And every
morning, I went for a run on the beach. One morning, I was running along the beach to enjoy the dawn
when I saw something strange in the distance. What I saw closer did leave me speechless. I found
absolutely amounts of plastic. There were billions of small plastic food containers, broken down pieces
of plastic, plastic bottles, caps, straws, to name but a few.It looked like a dump site (chỗ vứt rác)

I instantly click a picture of that site and post on a local fanpage to call for help because there was no point
in trying to collect it by myself. Right 1 hour later, my post was accepted by the admin of the fanpage, and
some local volunteers decided to organize a beach clean-up. I also participated in, of course.

We took trash bags and gloves to collect the trash. Actually, we did categorize it so that most of it could
be recycled later. It took us about half an hour to clean the trash. I felt so proud of ourselves for contributing
to the clean-up. Though the smell of the trash was quite stingy and we sweated buckets (mồ hôi tong
tỏng), I felt really happy to do so. It’s extremely heartbreaking to see our marine environment being
polluted like this.

Part 3:

What outdoor activities are popular in Vietnam?

There are many to name, and the choices vary from person to person. Many Vietnamese enjoy playing
badminton, riding bicycles, and walking. Many others chose to take part in some camping trips or excursions.
Are those people who like dangerous activities more likely to be successful?
I think so. These are the ones that love to take risks, and taking risks eliminates the possibility of looking back
and asking, "what if?" Even if they fail, they'll walk away with more experience and more knowledge, which
can lead them to further success in other areas. Don’t take me wrong, I don’t say that all people who like
dangerous activities will become successful.
Do you think it’s better for people to change jobs when there are new chances?
I think it is, but people should take into careful consideration the option or the offer before making the final
choice. Normally, changing jobs helps people to have more working experience and open their horizons,
seeking for better working environment or better salary. Many people have to change their jobs many times
before feeling with a job. Of course, when it comes to jobs that are decent, stable and hard to earn, it is not
advisable to change the job if there is nothing to complain about them.
Should young people try as many new activities as possible?

I definitely think so. Trying something new broadens young people’s horizons and gives their soul a boost.
Trying something allow them to learn more about themselves and even might help some of them discover
unknown talents. It also helps men and women face their fears and gives them afresh perspective, which
feeds their creativity and increases their confidence.




You should say:

What it is

Where you saw it

What it looks like

Explain why you think it is beautiful

The very first thing that springs to my mind is the Statue of Liberty, located on the Liberty Island in
New York. It is one of the most impressive and wonderful sculptures in the world and attracts thousands of
tourists from different parts of the world every day. This is a historical sculpture and was a gift from
the French people to the USA in 1885, marking the liberty of the USA (đánh dấu sự tự do của Mĩ).
The statue was made of copper (đồng) and it was sent to the USA by breaking down the entire
statue into several parts. The statue was made by Eiffel, who is also famous for the construction of the Eiffel
Tower in France.
The statue is a symbolic one and the Lady Liberty has a nice look. It is 151 feet height. The statue
is also known as the Liberty Enlightening the World. The statue is in the form of a robbed woman who
represents Libertas. Libertas was a Roman goddess. And here, the statue wears a crown on her head, and
holds a torch with her right hand above the head. She is also carrying a book in her left arm that contains the
date of the independence declaration (tuyên bố độc lập) of the USA. The broken chain down at her
feet symbolizes freedom.
This is a beautiful sculpture indeed in all terms. Though the symbolic meaning is not known to all,
people all around the world come to visit the statue and the island only to enjoy its exceptional beauty.
Earlier, the visitors could have reached the torch but now the visit is limited. It has been enlisted (ghi tên)
on the UNESCO World Heritage Site list in 1984.

Part 3:

Do you think there are more beautiful things now than in the past? Why?

For sure. This is mainly because in the past, beautiful things used to be natural things and some kinds of art
masterpieces or some artisian products. However, in this modern world, there more beautiful things that
are artificially made with a large quantity.
What beautiful scenery spots are there in your country?
There are tons of beautiful scenery spots in Vietnam to name. Actually, all of them have now been exploited
to be tourist attractions. I can name some famous ones such as Da Lat for its cool temperature, Cat Ba
Island for its beautiful beaches, Hoi An for its colonial architecture,Phu Quoc for its mixture of jungle and
beaches, Ha Giang for its dramatic scenery, Sapa for its cold temperature and wonderful sceneries, to
name but a few.
Where do you think people usually come into contact with beautiful things?
Why do you think people create beautiful things?
I think this is because beautiful things bring them joy and optimism. The aesthetic experience is always great
as it provides an escape from everyday practical experiences, which uplifts people’s mood or can help people
from boredom or depression.
What do you think beauty is?
I think that there is no exact answer to this question as each person interprets beauty in their own ways. For
me, I think beauty is something that is pleasant to look at, some kind of combination of different qualities such
as shape, color or form that pleases my aesthetic senses.



When it was?
Where it was?
What you did?
What your teacher did?
Why it was special?

Though English is my favorite subject, I don’t find most of the English lessons at my school quite
boring as my teachers mostly teach us about grammar and new words. However, here I’d like to share one of
the rare experiences with English lessons at my school when I felt so engrossed in the lesson.
It was during a grammar lesson. Our English teacher was quite ill so she couldn’t attend the class.
Since our final exams were just around the corner, a substitute teacher (giáo viên dạy thay) came to take

up the lesson. Mrs. Phuong delivered a marvellous lecture about how the entertainment industry can
help us sharpen our English skills (mài rũa các kĩ năng).
Throughout the lesson, she patiently explained to us the process of learning the language and how
movies and TV serials play an integral role in helping us immerse into the language (đắm chìm vào thứ
ngôn ngữ này). Right from basic vocabulary to advanced grammar, we can learn almost everything from
these shows. This way, we can effortlessly improve our language skills and can get a hang of English
with ease (hiểu được tiếng Anh dễ dàng).
I enjoyed the lesson to a great extent and found the method effective as well. I was already bored of
learning through the traditional method. However, as soon as I started watching movies and TV series with
subtitles on, everything started improving. And now, I can concentrate much more than before, and I am now
on the verge of (sắp sửa) mastering this language.

Do you think grammar is important?

Definite it is as it is the foundation for communication and a mark of a good education. It affects the
meaning and clarity of an intended message, making it easier for people to understand the sentences
and passages. It also helps you to avoid being misunderstood by others. When it comes to formal exams,
it of great importance as it might make you lose your marks once you make mistakes with grammar.

What qualities should a good language teacher have?

I guess an effective language teacher should, first of all, be knowledgeable and competent to answer all
students’ questions accurately and lay a good foundation for students’ mastering the language. They
should also be able to be innovative and imaginative to break the monotony as well as get students
excited. Last but not least, they should be a source of inspiration for students to love this language, spend
more time self-study at home and practice using this language as much as possible.

Why do people learn foreign language?

I think they mainly do it in order to open up a world of education and job opportunities. I mean,
mastering a foreign language allows them to apply for scholarships overseas or meet the
requirements of most well-paid jobs. Also, people learn other languages for other purposes of
communicating with business partners and foreign friends, or to experience more cultures through reading
books or watching films in other languages.

Do you think learning a foreign language is important?

(the same)




You should say:

What that place is Where it is

Why it is interesting And what can people do there

Hoặc các bạn có thể dùng đề Hồ Hoàn Kiếm

So, this is such a nice topic and now, I’d like to take this chance to tell you about Hoi An ancient town
– a highly recommended destination for both local and foreign tourists.
Hoi An is located in the center of Vietnam. The town has something for everyone: glorious
history (lịch sử vẻ vang), stunning architecture (kiến trúc độc đáo), amazing food and
picturesque landscape (cảnh đẹp nên thơ). When being here, visitors can take a bike trip around the
town and admire (thưởng ngoạn) its ancient and poetic beauty (vẻ đẹp cổ và nên thơ). It was truly a
once-in-a-life-time experience (trải nghiệm hiếm có trong đời) for us. At night, you can wander
around the town and try local cuisines which are not only scrumptious but also reasonably priced.
One more thing that makes this city so interesting and unique is its buildings that reflect the influences
of both indigenous (bản địa) and foreign that you can hardly find anywhere else
Here, you can also immerse yourselves in the nature (đắm chìm vào thiên nhiên) and take
tons of gorgeous photos to preserve our sweet memories (lưu giữ những kỉ niệm đẹp) there.
So, for all the reasons mentioned above, Hoi An city is truly an interesting destination that tourists
should never ever miss.

Accommodation, buildings

What is the difference between living in the countryside and the city?

I guess the most striking difference is that in the countryside there isn’t much traffic even during rush
hours. Consequently, there are fewer vehicles emitting exhaust fumes, so rural areas seem to be fresher than
the cities. However, when it comes to education, entertainment, and services or facilities, city dwellers have
more opportunities to enjoy the better quality of these aspects. People who live in the cities also enjoy more
opportunities for professional growth.

Do you prefer to live in the city or the countryside?

I don’t know if I will change my mind later when I am old but right now, living in the city is my preference. As
a young person, I need to live in the city for my education and career prospect. I am also afraid of being bored
to death if now I live in the countryside as there are limited sources of entertainment there. I love the unique
vibe of the city.



What this story was about?

Who told you this story?

When you heard it?

How you felt about it?

Well, off the top of my head, it’s the story about a very well-known businessman in my country
who shines for not only for his talent and success but also his contributions to our society.
That morning, when we are learning Maths, our Maths teacher told us the story about MR. Binh all of
a sudden. I guess this is because he wanted to tell us a story that could inspire us. Mr. Binh is the Chairman
of FPT Corporation- a giant (ông lớn) in the field of technology in my country. It not only provides
services about technology but also runs a prestigious university (trường DH danh tiếng) in Vietnam- FPT

But, this is not the highlight of the story about him that my Maths teacher told me but the story
about his humane (nhân văn) decision to raise 1,000 children who lost their parents due to the
Covid-19 pandemic.
To be more specific, he decided to build a school for those children. This school will be the training
place from grade 1 to 12 and even the university.
For children who have lost their parents due to Covid-19 pandemic, he wants to create an environment
for them to study, practice, and turn their pain into strength (biến nỗi đau thành sức mạnh
Yk, there have been many successful and renowned people who have done voluntary work or did donate a
huge sum of money for needy people, but the fact that he decided to be the father of 1,000 children is such a
miracle (điều kì diệu). He must have a heart made of gold. This is not only a story, a fairy tale in this
modern world, but also a source of inspiration for all of us to live better and care more about the
unfortunate ones.

Why do children like to listen to the same bedtime story?

The very good reason for this is that to children, familiar things make them feel comfortable, and when they
can hear something they love, they will feel for relaxed. Also, younger children often need more time to
encode information (xử lí thông tin) than older children, and they tend to forget faster. That’s why they
need repetition (sự lặp lại). To sum up, chidren request the same story every night, sometimes many times
a night because they enjoy the familiar in order to feel relaxed.

Why do children like stories?

I guess, the very first reason which kids love stories is that through stories, they are able to learn about life,
the world around them, and themselves as stories take them to the world that they have never been to, never
seen or never witnessed in their real life. This helps them open their eyes to new things and gives them
plenty of opportunities to learn wonderful ideas and experience new cultures. Another important reason is
that stories encourage their imagination, which allows them to forget the stress of the day and feel

What kind of stories do children like to listen to?

I guess, all kids love stories about heroes, giants, dragons, monsters, witches and fairies (bà tiên),
many kinds of animals and kings, princes, queens, planets, you name it. They specially like the stories
that have details about powers, magics, and they can educate them about courage and the kindness as
well as bring them laughter and excitement. I should not forget to mention that they really adore tales
that have happy ending where good triumphs over bad (cái thiện thắng cái ác).

What can a child learn from a story?

First, I’d love to say that children can learn various meaningful and important things by reading or listen to
stories. First, it can help them to differentiate (phân biệt) between right and wrong ans the consequences
of the wrong and immoral actions (hành động phi đạo đức). Second, stories teach them to learn about
their daily tasks such as how to brush their teeth, get dresses, take care of animals and young kids, and
many other tasks that they need to survive. There are also many stories teaching them about the
importance of love, compassion, sharing and kindness or loyalty. Children who are really into reading
are also likely to develop their cognitive abilities and their writing tends to be better.


Who is she/he?

Where is she/he from?

How you know him/her?

Explain how you feel about him/her?

So, the very first one that springs to my mind is Ms. Jenny, a freelance English teacher and artist
(một họa sĩ tự do) who lives quite near my house. Well, Ms. Jenny was born and raised in Singapore.
From the age of 36, moved to Vietnam and has been working here for several years.
So, let me introduce her first. Ms. Jenny is now in her early 40s and she is such a creative person who
always comes up with interesting ideas. In fact, she always makes something out of trash (làm ra đồ từ

rác), things that we throw away (ném đi). Whenever I go to her house, she’s always making something or
the other. I am also a huge fan of these kinds of things so I often spend my free time at her house doing
these DIY items (những đồ tự làm) with her.
She also runs a project named “exchange your trash for plants” in which you change your
categorized trash (rác đã phân loại) such as bottles, paper, old clothes or even used batteries for a small
pot of plant. This project aims at raising people’s awareness about (nâng cao nhận thức con người
về) protecting the environment, which is so meaningful. I often support her by categorizing trash when I
come to her house. On her Youtube Channel and fanpage, she sells handmade products from recycled
materials, and all of the money earned will be for the disadvantaged students at our local school.
I really love spending time with her as she is not only a kind and creative person but also very
environmentally conscious. I always feel a positive energy when being with her and she was indeed a
great source of inspiration for me to a kind and responsible person. So, that’s all I want to tell you about a
Singaporean woman that I am so lucky to know.

What is the best way to learn a foreign culture? Where and how can we get to know people from
other cultures better?

I think it is the combination of the process that people immerse themselves in a culture and learn
about it as much as possible. The majority of people choose to travel or moving to that foregin country
with the culture they want to experience in order to live among people who represent that culture and
learn about things such as their values, cuisine, and fashion. However, when it comes to people who
cannot have that condition to do so, they can still get to know about a culture by reading books about that
country’s history, etiquette, festivals and religions, for example. There are now also many Youtube channels
and documentaries to help people do so.

Do you agree that reading is the best way to know about culture?

No. The same as the aboved answer.

Do you think people from different cultures will understand each other better in the future?

I’m sure they will because they will have more opportunities and conditions/ conveniences to do so,
First, mass travelling is now a trend, enabling people from all corners of the world to be overseas and
get to know about other nations’ people and cultures with their own eyes. Secondly, the boom of the
internet, the development of many social apps and economy and education copporation among
nations aslo help motivating the deeper understanding among partners. Last but not least, people now have
books and the internet available to help them look for most of the basic, or even detailed information about
the cultures of different countries.

Do you think that cultural differences will disappear in the future?

It’s hard to predict the future, but I don’t think this will happen. Although globalization is a big threat to
local culture, and Western civilization is a typical example, countries and authorities have been doing their
great jobs in preserving their cultures, preventing them from mingling with others.

What can be done to make people more interested in other cultures?

I guess that the best way for local government to spark people’s interest in other cultures is to put them
in situations where they need to interact with people from different cultural backgrounds, and this
can be achieved in many way such as opening foreign culture festivals, promoting international
cooperation and or organizing student exchange programs. I also think that showing movies and TV
shows about different cultures will help.

Advantages and disadvantages of cultural diversity?

In many ways, diversity is a major advantage to an industrialized society. Diversity provides labor
resources to first world countries that would otherwise be severely impacted by aging populations.
However, this does not mean that diversity comes without difficulties. Among the most noticeable
disadvantages of cultural diversity include language barriers, social tension, and civic disengagement.

How can traditional culture and other cultures coexist?

Cultural coexistence is based on existence of various cultures in an age of globalization. Every culture
has its own cultural influence and everyone should respect the cultural diversity. It's incredible that every
culture should be respected. Respect is just basic for cultural coexistence. It will build harmonious
relationship among peoples with different cultures.



You should say:

Who this person is
What this person inspired you to do
How this person helped you
And explain why this encouragement helped you to achieve a goal.
So, the very first one that springs to my mind is Ms. Ly, my neighbor, a freelance artist (một họa
sĩ tự do). And she is the one who inspired me to join hands to protect the environment.
So, let me introduce her first. Ms. Ly is now in her early 40s and she is such a creative person who
always comes up with interesting ideas. In fact, she always makes something out of trash (làm ra đồ từ
rác), things that we throw away (ném đi). Whenever I go to her house, she’s always making something or
the other. I am also a huge fan of these kinds of things so I often spend my free time at her house doing

these DIY items (những đồ tự làm) with her. As a clumsy girl, I struggled with doing these things at
first, but due to her encouragement and guidance, I managed to make it.
She also runs a project named “exchange your trash for plants” in which you change your
categorized trash (rác đã phân loại) such as bottles, paper, old clothes or even used batteries for a small
pot of plant. This project aims at raising people’s awareness about (nâng cao nhận thức con người
về) protecting the environment, which is so meaningful. I often support her by categorizing trash when I
come to her house.
I really love spending time with her as she is not only a sweet and creative person but also the one
who devotes much of her time for the sake of the environment (vì môi trường). I always feel positive
energy when being with her and she was indeed a great source of inspiration for me to be devoted to
protecting the environment, which is not only interesting but also meaningful.


Who she/he is?

Where you met each other?

What you often did together?

What made you like him/her?

Friendship is a beautiful relationship that touches everyone’s lives in a different way. I too have had many
amazing people as my friends, especially during my childhood. I can recall many such friends who were very
close to me, but the closest one was Giang.

We actually studied in the same class in primary school, and due to her excellent academic
performance (thành tích học tốt), she was all of our teachers’ pet (học sinh cưng) and was selected to
be the monitor. As a monitor, she was really responsible for finishing all the tasks delegated (giao phó) by
our form teacher and helping other students in our class. I’d say she never refused to give us a hand with
(giúp đỡ) Maths problems or English exercises when we needed help. As a friend, she was absolutely a sweet
and humble (khiêm tốn) one who never sang about her achievement (tự cao tự đại về) despite her

But the thing that made her so special to me is that from a very young age, she was aware of the
importance of protecting the environment. In fact, she devoted (dành) lots of her time making useful
things from discarded things such as paper, bottles, and cartons. She inspired us a lot with her good
Though we were not close friends, I cherish all the memories I had with her.
Part 3

Why is it hard to maintain friendships for some people?

Why do people lose contact with their childhood friends?

There are a lot of reasons for having difficulties in maintaining friendship. When people grow up, they face a
lot of changes such as changes in personality or lifestyle, moving from single to coupled life or
moving to another city or country. As a result, they can have a lack of common interests or opinions,
which is the fastest way leading to the end of a relationship. Moreover, it’s hard to maintain a friendship
without mutual respect and mutual support. A friendship cannot also accept betrayals or jealousy.

Do you still keep in touch with your friends from childhood? Why?

I still keep in touch with those who live in the same city with me or study with me at the same school. But I
have lost contact with those who have parted away to other cities.

(có thể bổ sung thêm ý từ câu bên trên)

Which is more important, to maintain old friendships or make new friends?

In my opinion, maintaining old friendships is much more important than making a new one as your old friend
knows you better because they have spent many years with you, witnessing your various moments – your
happiness, sorrows, success and even failures. You might be a very successful businessman now with a flying
career, but don’t ever forget those who were there for you when you were down in the dumps. An old
friend might be the one who dares to say what you need to listen, not just what you want to listen.

What positive and negative effects do mobile phones have on friendship?

On the one hand, it’s obvious that smartphones make it easier to keep in touch with friends, and therefore,
helping you keep connected with your friends no matter how far you are. You can also contact them easily
and conveniently by making video calls. However, there are many situations in which you ignore friends in
favor of a mobile phone. For example, many young people are so engrossed in playing video games on their
smartphones or surfing the Internet, ignoring their friends’ messages or conversation.

Do you think technology unites or separates people?

(the same)

Do you think old friends are more important to the old generation or to the young generation?

I guess it would be the seniors to whom old friends are more important. This is mainly because old people
don’t often have many opportunities to travel to new places or meet many other new people and make new
friends, so old friends are really crucial to them. Moreover, old people often tend to reminisce about the past
and treasure the ones who they have shared hundreds of experiences with. Whereas, to young people, they

have more opportunities to change their living conditions, meet new people and they tend to prioritize their
current friendships.

What do you think of online social media?

I think social media is a great tool to have access to. I love how convenient it makes it to stay in contact with
friends and family. On the downside, I don't think people value face-to-face interactions as much anymore. I
also think people can be much ruder/meaner when hiding behind a keyboard."

Do you think online social media will replace face-to-face communication?

I don’t think so. Although more and more people are now frequent users of social media such as Facebook or
Instagram and other platforms like Zoom, causing in the reduction of face-to-face meeting and communication.
However, there are many cases when direct communication cannot be replaced. For example, the
communication at school between the teachers and students, the communication between the doctors and
nurses and patients treated at the hospital. People still work together at the same place as well. Therefore, I
strongly believe that face-to-face communication will never be replaced.

Do you use a lot of emojis online? Why?

I use them occasionally, although not in every text. If I’m texting with my teachers or bosses, I won’t really
use them- my communications with them are often formal and respectful, and I don’t think emojis are suitable.

If I’m texting with someone where a funny impression is more important, such as with people from school or
my family members / colleagues’ll use emojis much more frequently.

(đề này dùng thay luôn cho đề một cuộc thi tài năng ở nửa quí trước cũng được)
You should say:

What it is

What it is about

Who you watch it with

Explain why you like to watch it

My all- time favorite TV program is a talent show called the X-factor. It’s a music competition,
to be precise, in which judges search for a singer who has the X factor, which means a unique talent. First,
auditions are held across the country. Then each contestant is required to sing in front of the judges and live

audience. In each of the shows, the contestants with the lowest number of viewer votes are eliminated
(loại). If I am not mistaken, the winner gets some money for a recording contract with very a well-known
entertainment company.
The TV show airs every Saturday evening, and I like it so much that I try not to miss a single episode.
Even when I am snowed under with deadlines, I try to carve my time out of my schedule (cố gắng
dành thời gian) to watch it.
There are many reasons why I like it. First of all, I like to see ordinary people like me and you
achieve success and become famous. Also, I like to see how the contestants interact with each other and
their mentors, how they prepare for the performances, choose songs, over difficulties and fears. These
stories prove that hard work and persistence can make your dream come true. Such shows are very inspiring.

Part 3:

What programs do people like to watch in your country?

What shows do old people and young people watch?
What other programs do you like to watch?
I guess they often watch news programs as only news let them stay informed and up-to-date with what
is going on in the world. They also like to watch all types of programs that help them get entertained and
not feel lonely such as different talk and talent shows, reality cookery programs, beauty shows, or
shows about travelling and soft skills, etc.
Do people in your country like to watch foreign TV programs?
Not everyone, but more and more people in Vietnam now love to watch foreign TV programs. I think the main
reason for this is that they want to expose to a foreign language, especially the one that they are learning or
using. Moreover, many foreign original shows are really appealing and exciting that the adapted versions in
Vietnam cannot keep up with.
What’s the benefit of letting kids watch animal videos than visiting zoos?
In my opinion, there are 2 main advantages of letting kids watch animal videos instead of visiting zoos. The
first one is that children don’t have to travel a long distance to go to the zoo the watch the animals there.
Instead, they can just stay at home at their comfort zone and enjoy watching various programs about animals.
On top of that, I believe TV programs and other programs on Netflix can provide a wider range of knowledge
and scenes of animals around the world, even in the jungle or under the deep sea. In contrast, if you visit a
library, children can only watch a limited number of animals.
Do teachers play videos in class in your country?
Yes, of course. It’s kinda boring for students to learn only from the textbooks and look at the blackboard all
day long. Many teachers in my country now choose to use videos/ clips as effective assistants for them in
teaching students and delivering the knowledge. Students can enjoy both the sound and visual effects while
learning, making their learning experience more relaxing and their lesson easier to remember.
What is the influence of foreign shows on the shows produced in your country?

To my mind, foreign shows have tremendous sway with TV shows made in my country as they provide our TV
producers with the three most important TV shows components – great ideas, the format and interesting
content. These might act as a new flow of wind that attracts more fans for the program, which is vital for our
TV channels and their profits.


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