Mustard Seed October 16 2011

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Worshipping Community of Darlington-Bellevue St Cuthberts Church cnr Darlington and Hillsden Rd, Darlington


16 October 2011 MISSION PLAN PRAYER Thank you, God, for people to whom evangelism comes as easily as breathing. Use their gifts to touch many lives, and open doors for Christ.


After many years of dedicated service, Cheryle Martin has now concluded her work as Parish Administration Assistant. Cheryles work included a wide range of responsibilities, delegated to her by the Wardens. Her work was always characterised by good humour and diligence. Today we will formally thank, farewell and pray for Cheryle during the 10am Eucharist, followed by a special morning tea. NEITHER HERE NOR THERE, WHY MALAYSIA IS THE WRONG SOLUTION Wednesday 2 November, Winthrop Hall UWA, 6.30pm Speakers: Dr David Corlett and Dato' M. Ramachelvam Chair: Professor the Hon Barry Jones AO Professor, the Hon Barry Jones AO is one of Australias Living National Treasures as well as a writer, broadcaster and former Labor politician. Dr David Corlett has worked with refugees and asylum seekers for over two decades and was the man behind the SBS documentary, Go Back To Where You Came From. Eminent Malaysian Barrister Dato' M. Ramachelvam serves as the Chairperson of Law Reform and Special Areas Committee; and the Migrants Refugees and Immigration Affairs Committee of the Bar Council of Malaysia. Tickets $25 from Father Chris will be driving in, if you would like a lift.

THE DARLINGTON ARTS FESTIVAL SATURDAY 5 AND SUNDAY 6 NOVEMBER 2011 10am-4pm HOW YOU CAN SERVE: To serve on the book stall, please contact Sue Young on 08 9299 7354 or or to serve with the Festival of Flowers and Catering, please contact Gill Wood on 08 9299 6452 or

We pray for those sick and in need: Lorna, Anns daughter Shana, Ric, Scott, Shan, Rose, Bill, Lyn, Mary, Margaret, Shirley Weddings: Tara Bayfield and Ben Thomas - 26 November In the Diocese we pray for: Archbishop Roger Herft; Bishop Tom Wilmot; Bishop Kay Goldsworthy; Parish of Belmont, Rodger Bull and people; All those participating and supporting activities during Anti-Poverty Week. In the Province we pray for: Parish of Pingelly, Diocese of Bunbury; Parish of Wickham, Diocese of North West Australia. In the Anglican Church we pray for: Primate of Australia, Archbishop Phillip Aspinall; Diocese of Wangaratta, Bishop John Parkes, clergy and people. In the Anglican Communion we pray for: Archbishop Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury; Tasmania (Australia), Bishop John Harrower.

BOOK CLUB St Cuthberts Book Club meets monthly - with a delicious supper and some wine to help along the discussion! The next meeting will be Tuesday 8 November at the home of Vicki Mizen, 17 Lindsay Place, Glen Forrest. Our next book is Island Beneath the Sea by Isabel Allende. If youd like to read ahead well be watching the movie or discussing the book The Help by Kathryn Stockett at the meeting on Tuesday 6 December. For more information please speak to Jill Mackenzie or contact the Parish Office. LAY PASTORAL MINISTERS Our Parish has never had a licensed Lay Pastoral Minister (LPM). According to the Diocesan Pastoral Handbook, an LPM is a layperson authorised by the Archbishop to conduct any lay ministry on behalf of a parish. This might include: conducting services (e.g in a Nursing Home); preaching on occasion; pastoral visiting; conducting a ministry program; formally representing the parish or; leading a community project. LPMs are officially licensed by the Archbishop of Perth and are required to undergo criminal and child protection checks. During 2012, it is hoped that ministry leaders in our parish may be discerned and licensed as Lay Pastoral Ministers.

STORYTELLING WORKSHOP, Monday 17 October 7.30pm For the whole of Jewish and Christian history, the faith has been transmitted by storytelling. Long before bulky bibles and wordy websites, people passed the faith to the next generation by repeating stories until they were embedded in peoples spirit. At the 10am Eucharist, we are taking the time to tell bible stories to our children, and inviting them to respond to thstory. This workshop will teach you how to tell a biblical story, whether publicly or privately. CLAIM THE DATES: THE GREATEST PRAYER Mondays 14, 21, 28 NOVEMBER @ 7.30pm In the lead-up to Advent, Father Chris will be presenting three sessions of teaching and discussion based on The Greatest Prayer: Rediscovering the Revolutionary Message of the Lords Prayer. This short but intriguing book is by John Dominic Crossan, generally recognised as the worlds finest living biblical scholar. There is no cost for the program, however you are encouraged to purchase the book. It is available from any online bookstore - we recommend where it currently retails for $16.77 with free shipping. If you are unable to purchase the book online, please use a Special Purpose Envelope and one will be ordered for you.

A CAPELLA SINGING - BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND Monday 7 November, 7.30pm in St Cuthberts Church After the success of the last a capella singing workshop, we are having another. Bring a friend, a percussion instrument, a favourite a capella song, a bottle of wine, something to nibble on, or all of the above!

2011 ANTI-POVERTY WEEK ECUMENICAL SERVICE Tuesday 18 October, 1.00pmSt Marys Cathedral, Victoria Square You are invited to attend the 2011 Ecumenical Anti Poverty Week Service sponsored by The Catholic Social Justice Council, Anglican Social Responsibilities Commission, Uniting Church Social Justice Board, Council of Churches of WA and The Quakers. This years service continues the 2011 Social Justice Sunday theme and will consider the forgotten families of offenders and victims of crime. Father Chris is driving into the city, would you like a lift?

Liturgical Assistants Servers 16 October Ps 99 Exod 33:12-23 1 Thess: 1: 1-10 Matt:22: 15-33 23 October Ps 90 1-6,13-17 Deut 34: 1-12 1 Thess.2.1-13 Matt. 22:34-46 30 October 8am Sheena Britt 10am Martin Fred Bible Reader 8am Britt 10am Rosie Prayers 8am David H 10am Kerry Children N/A Practical Tasks Morning Tea 8am Pat 10am Anne-Marie Door and Offertory 8am Pam 10am Ellie Cleaning Counting Jill Gill Martin Fred

8am Britt Shirley 10am Rosie Krys

8am Shirley 10am Phillip

8am Jill 10am David


8am Gill & Ross 10am

8am Gill & Ross 10am Sarah

Marea G Judy W None

Joshua 3: 7-17 1 Thess:3: 5-13 Matt:23: 1-12, 37-39

8am Philippa Trish 10am Charlotte Fred

8am Trish

8am Brenda


8am Maureen

8am Jill

Lynne E Frances M

10am Patrick

10am Martin

10am Ellie

10am Fred & Rosie

Graeme David

Office: T: 9299 7274 Mustard Seed: Rosie Zuiderduyn E: Rector: Fr Chris Bedding T: 9299 7274 E: Day off: Friday Emergency Contact: 0405 525 476 Wardens: Charlotte Blackley 9295 4241 Brenda Marissen 9299 6723 David Bryde

Hills Anglicans

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