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Life sacredness on Death Penalty

“Thou shall not kill” is the fifth commandment of God. This directive reminds every

creature how sacred the life God gave to everyone is. The death penalty is one of the most

argued subjects worldwide, wherein the value of human lives comes to battle. Every

individual has a right to live regardless if they are unlawful to society.

Venturi stated that capital punishment or death penalty is a government action

whereby an individual is placed to death as a reprimand for crime (2). According to his

analytical analysis, punishment can be considered painful and unusual, if it enforces more

pain, grief, loss of rights or other dispossessions than is needed to serve society function.

Brutality in human life and odd punishment take ethical degradation which is not resolved for

all time. Anyone can make a mistake in this world but killing someone as punishment for not

abiding the law is not the proper reprimand. In Middle East countries in Asia, the death

penalty is legal because they believe this kind of punishment will decrease the crime rates in

their country. This is true on the other hand but how about the right of any human to live and

for proper trial? They can be instead punishable by law through life imprisonment. In this

way, the victim and its family could still be given the justice they want.

The build-up of humanism capability in culture and the condemnation of cruelty,

ferocity as a way of problem-solving should be gone and the death penalty should be

disregarded as they are not correct for human dignity ( Gromov 18). Violence and devastation

have perished the world. The crime rates are increasing quickly thus mortality is gradually

vanishing. This reprimand may also result in the loss of life of an innocent human. Executing

an innocent person is morally unacceptable because this is jeopardy we cannot take. God

gave any individual the right to live. The reason for human death should be God’s way of

taking back what He granted to us and not because of the human verdict. Any person has the

right to be respected and to be treated morally even if this individual is a criminal, a victim,
or an ordinary person. If a true criminal condemned a rape or murder, this person can be

arrested, put in prison, give a just trial, and given a sentence specified by the law like not

giving this individual parole. If this is put into action by the government, the people will still

afraid to perform crime and any malicious act that could belittle human dignity.

Venturi clearly said in his research that one of the main goals to support the death

penalty is that it is more helpful preventive and it stops crime (11). This is true however but

there is no indication that the administration of capital punishment is the answer for

diminishing crimes. Allowing the death penalty in one’s country doesn’t decrease the crime

rates. This is one of the reasons why some countries are still in debate about the death

penalty. Some human commit crimes because they are in the influence of alcohol or drugs,

this person cannot distinguish what is right from wrong. Therefore, the guaranteed decrease

criminality because of the death penalty is still uncertain.

“An eye for an eye turns the world blind” is the famous quotation of Mahatma

Gandhi. If human will always use this scheme laws are not important anymore, conscience

will be the basis for punishment. Death penalty should not be legalized because it

demonstrates not giving value to what is God gifted to humankind.

Works Cited

E. Gromov, V. “Methaphysics of Death Penalty”. Anthropological Measurements of

Philosophical Research, 2017, pp. 16-22,


Venturi, Giulio Carlo. The Death Penalty. 2016,

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