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Grade I Grade II

I. Objective:
Develop visual discrimination skills
Subject: ●similarities and differences as to size and length
Date: Time:
II. Content and Materials:
Similarities and Differences as to Size and Lenght I. Objective:
Participate in group and individual oral interpretation of short stories in
Ref.BEC Prototype pp. 10-11
English Identify and differentiate sentences and non-sentences
Materials: real objects, two children, pictures and flashcards
Read routinely 5 high frequency/sight words per day
Value: Be kind to everyone and be considerate

II. Content and Materials:

Subject: Taxi, Ma’am Sir!
Value Focus: Realize the importance of the Golden Rule Do to others
what you want others to do to you Develop creative thinking through
varied activities
Materials: Manila paper, flashcard and Teacher chart
III. Developmental Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities: Seatwork: (Review/Reinforcement Activity)
Review: Daily Language Activity: Words for the Day (Drill)
a. Cross out the picture that is similar to the first picture. Post the strips of paper on an attractive Word Wall.
b. Encircle the picture that is different from the group.(1-5) Five words for the day. Let’s read spell and learn!
- 1. there 2. is 3.are 4. was 5. were

Motivation: Who wants to describe his/her seatmate?

B. Presentation
1. Call three pupils to come in front. Let the pupils tell something about their
2.Write down their answer on the board and read it.
3.Have the pupils take notice of the word's size and length. Let them read the
4.Let the pupils play "Group Yourselves". Ask them to group there selves according
to their height.
5. Discuss how they are similar or different.
6. Present pictures of three children.
Look at the three children.
1. How are Meliza and Nimfa similar?
2. How are they different?
3. How are Meliza and Avy similar?
4. How are they different?
C. Generalization
How are the children similar? Different?
How are things similar? Different?

B. Application: B. Motivation:
1. Guided Practice: Show the Teacher Chart and then act out the poem while reciting it
Game: "Bring Me" to show how to care for people.
Example:Bring me a long rope. Then allow the children to repeat and read the lines after the first
Bring me a small ball reading. Refer to LM – Every Time by Amcy M. Esteban

2. Independent Practice:
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.(1-5)
1. Which is big? C. Presentation:
1. village – (context clue and picture) I need to go to town and
2. Which is long? visit my grandma who lives in the village. Show the map or picture. What is a village?
Let the children give the definition.
3. Who is taller? A B 2. passenger – (demo) “Oh, I’m going to ride the bus. Hmm, there
are many passengers inside. There’s no more seat for another passenger so I’ll just call
a taxi. ”
3. taxi - Taxi, Taxi! Show the pictures of a bus, jeep and taxi.
Which of the three mode of transportations is a taxi? Ask for a volunteer who will
show the pictures.
4. pay – “Oh, I’m here in the village. I need to pay the taxi driver.”
What do you do when you pay?
Instruct the pupils to get their books and answer the following questions: What is the
title of our story? Who is the author of the story?
Motive Question: In our story today, who will show his/her care for others? Let the
children guess and make their predictions and list them down on the board.
Modelling: Interactive storytelling - Taxi, Ma’am Sir! Please refer to LM. – Let’s Aim
Draw the characters and the setting on the board and bring props to let the pupils
visualize the story. Allow them to analyze the text of the story.

D. Generalization:
Refer to LM – Remember This
Explain the basic elements of a story:
1. characters 2. setting (time and place) 3. plot ( events )

IV. Assessment: E. Application:

Put a check (/) to the objects that are similar. 1. Guided Practice:
Make your own wanted poster – Refer to LM –
I Can Do It

2. Independent Practice:

Discussion after doing the Independent Practice: 1. Who was

the person wanted in the story? What did he do to get his reward or prize?
2. What reward did he get? Why?

V. Enrichment Activity: III. Assessment:

Cross-out the object that is different from the group.(1-5) What will happen if you do good things to others?
What will happen if you do bad things to others?
Do to others what you want others do to you. (vice-versa)
Aside from your family who else in the community do you wish to
help? Why? Use the Express Myself Page in LM – Refer to Measure My

IV. Enrichment Activity:

LM – Be Your Favorite Community Helper.
Let the children draw and write why they want to help their family.

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