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Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Balasan, Iloilo




Grade Level: 12
Specialized Subject for STEM
First Semester (Week 7)


Before you start answering this module, please set aside other tasks that will disturb you
while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully enjoy the objectives
of this kit. Have fun!
1. Use this module with care. Read with understanding the contents of this module and
follow carefully all the instructions indicated in every page of this module.
2. Do not write anything on your module. Write on your notebook the concepts about the
lessons. Writing enhances learning, that is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module (write your answer in your answer sheet
– one whole sheet of paper which your teacher facilitator will gather every week). Ask the
teacher if there are concepts which are confusing to you.
4. BE HONEST, answer the questions and activities by yourself, with the help of your
parent/guardian and your subject teacher, but PLEASE DON’T JUST COPY PASTE THE
assessment and apply what you have learned.
5. Make your own summary and reflection about the lessons that you have learned in this
PP Parts of the Module
I. INTRODUCTION - This section will give you a background and an overview of the
II. LEARNING COMPETENCIES - these are the target objectives that you will be able
to know after completing the lessons in the module.
II.a. Materials – list the needed things if there are any.
III. KEYWORDS- these provide the definitions of important or foreign words which
might not be familiar to you.
IV. REVIEW - this section will measure what learnings and skills have you
understand from the previous lessons.
V. PRE-ACTIVITY- this is a short activity or questions which will also serve as a
springboard or motivation for the new topic to be discussed.
VI. CONTENT LECTURES (WITH EXERCISES) – these contain the important concepts
which you must learn, with examples and exercises, answer the questions
and exercises with this symbol (copy the title first of the
topic/exercise and answer these in your answer sheet - for you to
practice and apply if you have grasped the lesson.
VII. ASSESSMENT – this will test what you have learned in the lesson. ANSWER THIS
VIII. SUMMARY AND REFLECTION – you will be the one who will summarize the
lesson. This will help you to remember what you have learned in this module,
write this in your notebook which your subject teacher will check later.
IX. ENRICHMENT – this is additional task, notes or information that you can use.
X. REFERENCES – list the different books or websites used by your teacher in doing
this module.




So far, you have learned to describe straight-line motion, both uniform and
accelerated and projectile motion. There are still many kinds of motions, one of
which will be discussed in this module which is the circular motion.
In a rectilinear motion, the net force acting on a body is in the direction of
motion. If this net force acts at an angle to the direction of motion at any instant,
the object is moved along a curved path. Motions of objects like a merry-go-round,
the hands of a clock, the motion of the satellite around the earth, or an ice skater
are only few examples of circular motion.


At the end of this module you must be able to:

1. Infer quantities associated with circular motion such as tangential velocity,
centripetal acceleration and centripetal force, tangential acceleration,
radius of curvature
2. Use potential energy diagrams to infer force; stable, unstable, and neutral
equilibria; and turning points
3. Differentiate center of mass and geometric center,
4. Determine whether a system is in static equilibrium or not, and
5. Calculate magnitude and direction of torque using the definition of torque
Materials needed: A toy tied in a string, calculator and cardboard


Center of Mass –a position defined relative to an object or system of objects,

it is the average position of all parts of the system, weighted according
to their masses.
Concurrent Forces- are forces whose lines of action meet at a common point.
Radial Acceleration (Centripetal Acceleration)- the acceleration of an object
moving in a circular path.

Stability- the ability of an object to maintain its position or overcome the

tendency to tip over when pushed.
Tangential Velocity – the velocity of a body moving in circular path which is
directed tangent to the circular path, and which changes in direction
but not in magnitude (speed).
Torque is a quantity that measures how effectively a force (F) causes
acceleration. A torque is produced when a force applied with leverage.
It is defined as the product of the force and the lever arm.
Translational Equilibrium – the condition when the vector sum of the forces
acting on an object is equal to zero.
Uniform Circular motion – when a body moves in a circle with constant speed


Imagine that you’re riding a vehicle that is turning

around the curve, how does your body react on this


Have you ever tried playing with a toy tied in a string and whirling it over your
What do you observe when the length of the string is longer or shorter?



When a body moves in a circle with constant speed, its motion is called
uniform circular motion. At every point, its velocity
(called tangential velocity) is directed tangent to the
circular path. Its tangential velocity changes in
direction but not in magnitude (speed). Thus,
velocity must be perpendicular to the acceleration
at every point. In a circular path, this type of
acceleration, known as radial acceleration or
centripetal acceleration, is directed toward the
center of the circle.

In non-uniform circular motion, the object is moving in a circular path with

varying speeds. Because the speed is changing, there is tangential acceleration in
addition to radial acceleration.
Some examples of objects that have
uniform circular motion include a satellite moving
in a circular orbit, a car rounding a curve with
constant radius and speed, an ice skater skating in
a circle with constant speed, a boy whirling a toy
over his head, and an electron moving
perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field. Can
you think of other
If the radius of the circle or curvature is R, the radial
acceleration 𝒂𝒄 and the speed 𝒗 of the body in uniform
circular motion are related by the following equation:
𝒂𝒄 =
This can also be expressed in terms of the period
(T) of the motion. Period is the time for one revolution (one complete trip around
the circle).For one period, the distance the body has traveled is equal to the
circumference 2πR of the circle. So its speed is
𝟐𝝅𝑹 𝟐
𝑻 𝟒𝝅𝟐𝑹𝟐 𝟏
Substituting this to the equation for 𝒂𝒄 gives, 𝒂𝒄 = = ●𝑹
𝑹 𝑻𝟐

𝒂𝒄 = 𝑻𝟐
For an object in uniform circular motion the speed is constant, but this does
not necessarily mean that velocity is also constant. The velocity is continuously
changing because the direction of motion is also continuously changing. At any point
in the curved path, the direction of the velocity is tangent to the circular path, since
the velocity is changing, the object is accelerating.
From Newton’s second law, you know that if an object is accelerating, there is
a net force acting on it to keep it in motion. In the case of a
whirling ball, a force acts on the string to keep the ball in
uniform motion along the circular path.
In what direction is this force acting on the ball? Try
whirling a ball and release the string while the ball is moving.

Observe in what direction the ball will go? You will find out that it will go flying off in
the direction of the velocity it had at the instant the string was released.
In this activity you will feel that the string prevents the ball from moving in a
straight-line path by exerting a force on the ball that makes it follow a circular path.
This force, known as centripetal force Fc is directed
toward the center of the circular path. To keep the speed
of the object constant, the magnitude of this force must
also be constant.
If you release the string while the ball is in motion,
you will observe the ball flying off tangentially to the
circle. When the string is released the centripetal force is
removed. According to Newton’s second law of motion,
force and acceleration are in the same direction, but what are the magnitude of the
acceleration and the force? The centripetal acceleration is 𝒂𝒄 = . The equation
for the centripetal force may be determined by using Newton’s second law of
motion, F =ma. Substituting the equation for centripetal acceleration in F = ma, you
will get the formula for centripetal force Fc :
𝑭𝒄 = 𝑹
In the activity above, there are two equal but opposite forces acting on the
ball and the string. The force exerted by the string on the ball is directed toward the
center of the circle and is the centripetal force. Based on Newton’s third law, you
know that there must be an opposite but equal force. As a reaction to the
centripetal force, the ball exerts an equal but opposite force on the string. It is
directed away from the circle’s center and is called the centrifugal force.
In a car moving around a curve, the passengers are thrown outward due to
the centrifugal force which disappears when the car stops or returns to a straight
path. However observers outside would consider the outward push due to the
inertia of passengers – their natural tendency to keep moving in a straight path
tangent to the curve of the road. Outside the car, the road exerts an inward pull
(centripetal force) on the car. This force is supplied by the friction force of the tires
and the road.

Example Problem:
1. Find the speed of a car that travels around a circular racetrack with a radius
of 115m in 7.11 s.
Given: R = 115 m Find: v
T = 7.11 s
Sol’n: 𝒗 =
= 𝟕.𝟏𝟏 𝒔
𝟕𝟐𝟐.𝟓𝟔𝟖 𝒎
= 𝟕.𝟏𝟏 𝒔
𝒗 = 101.63
2. What is the acceleration of a person living in an equatorial country subject
to the rotation of the Earth?
Due to the rotation of the Earth, a person living in an equatorial Country
travels around a circular path with constant speed. The acceleration is therefore
toward the center of the Earth with magnitude:
𝒂𝒄 =
Since the Earth makes one complete rotation in 24 hours (86 400 seconds), a
person at the equator travels a circular path with circumference 𝟐𝝅𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒉 .
The speed is,
𝟖𝟔 𝟒𝟎𝟎 𝒔
where: 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒉 = 6.37 x 106 m
𝟐(𝟑. 𝟏𝟒𝟏𝟔)(𝟔. 𝟑𝟕 𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟔 𝒎)
𝟖𝟔 𝟒𝟎𝟎 𝒔

𝟒𝟎,𝟎𝟐𝟑,𝟗𝟖𝟒 𝒎 𝒎
= 𝒗 = 463 .24
𝟖𝟔 𝟒𝟎𝟎 𝒔 𝒔
and the acceleration is therefore 𝒂𝒄 =
(𝟒𝟔𝟑.𝟐𝟒 )𝟐
𝒂𝒄 =
𝟔.𝟑𝟕 𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟔 𝒎
𝒂𝒄 = 0.0337 ≈ 0.03

Exercises for Centripetal Acceleration:

1. A 1520-kg car rounds a 164m radius curve at constant speed of 22 .
What is the centripetal acceleration of the car?
2. How long will it take a race to complete a turn in a curve with a radius of
500m if its centripetal acceleration is 20 ? (Ans: T= 31.42s)


Center of Mass and Geometric Center

The center of mass is a position defined relative to an object or system of

objects, it is the average position of all parts of the system, weighted according to
their masses. If you throw an object, it rotates about a point called a center of mass.
Center of mass and center of gravity are used synonymously most of the time, but
there is a slight difference between these two, center of mass is the point at which
the distribution of mass is equal in all directions, and does not depend on
gravitational field while center of gravity is the point at which the distribution of
weight is equal in all directions and does depend on gravitational field. The center of
mass and the center of gravity of an object are in the same position if the
gravitational field in which the object exists is uniform.

Figure 2.0. Center of mass of some geometric shapes; (a) circle, (b) ring, (c) square,
and (d) regular triangle
For simple rigid objects with uniform density, the center of mass is located at
the centroid or simply the geometric center. For example, the center of mass of a
uniform disc shape would be at its center. Sometimes the center of mass doesn’t fall
anywhere in the object. The center of mass of a ring for example is located at its
center, where there isn’t any material ( On the other hand, the
center of mass of irregular shaped objects and non-rigid bodies is not necessarily at
their geometric center.
The center of gravity of an object is that point at which all the weight of the
body seems to be concentrated. When suspended at that point, the body will not
rotate. It will be in equilibrium. The entire weight of the object can be considered to
act downward from its center of gravity. Thus, the center of gravity of a meterstick is

located at its midpoint (50-cm mark) or for any regularly-shaped object is at its
geometric center (just like the center of mass). In an irregularly- shaped object, the
center of gravity may be located using the plumb line method.

The center of gravity of an object may be a point where no mass exists. For
example, the center of gravity of a ring or a hollow ball is at the geometric center,
where no mass exists. Similarly, the center of gravity can be outside the body like in
a boomerang or bent tube.

center of gravity

Finding the Center of Gravity

For Irregularly-shaped objects use the Plumb Line Method.

1. Select any point on the object.
2. From this point, suspend the end of one string with the other end
connected to a weight like a plumb bob, which will always be directed
3.Draw a vertical line tracing the direction of the plumb bob.
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for two other points.
5. The point where these three lines intersect is the body’s center of gravity.


first point second point third point


Direction: Copy the figures below and find the geometric center or use the
plumb line method to determine the center of gravity of the given figures.

Stability and Center of Gravity

The location of the center of gravity is important for stability. Stability is the
ability of an object to maintain its position or overcome the tendency to tip over
when pushed. In the given figure below, (A) a cone standing on its base is in stable
equilibrium. When pushed lightly, it can maintain its position because it has a wide
base and the position of its center of gravity is low. In (B) the cone is standing on its
tip. It is unstable because its base is small and the position of the center of gravity is
higher such that when it is pushed, it can be easily toppled. In (C) the cone is in
neutral equilibrium because the position of its center of gravity does not change
even when it is pushed and rolled along its side.

(A) stable (B) unstable (C) neutral

We can increase the stability of an object by increasing its mass, increasing
the area of its base, lowering its center of gravity, and by keeping the center of
gravity directly over the base and as near the geometric center of the base as
The stability of a body depends on the following factors:
1. Area of the base – You are more stable when standing on two feet than on
one foot.
2. Mass or weight – It is easier to knock down a light object than a heavy one.
3. Position of the center of gravity – You are more stable when sitting than
When standing in a banca.


The First Condition for Equilibrium

Forces with line of action through the same point are called concurrent forces,
and when the vector sum of these forces is equal to zero, the body is in translational

A body in translational equilibrium has zero net force and zero acceleration.
Using Newton’s second law of motion, you can express the condition for
translational equilibrium as:
ΣF = ma = 0
You have learned that a single force (F) can be resolved into its horizontal
component (Fx) and vertical component (Fy). Thus, we can replace the equation with,
ΣFx = 0 and ΣFy = 0
The equations are the mathematical expressions of the first condition for
equilibrium. This means that the upward forces are equal to the downward forces
and forces to the left are equal to the forces at the right.

Sample Problem:
a.) Find the tensions in the ropes that hold the signboard weighing 30N,
drawn in the figure below:

T2 T1
60 60o
No Facemask
Given: W = 30N NO ENTRY
Θ = 60o
Vector Diagram:
Find: T1 and T2 T2 T1

Sol’n: Finding the x and y components of the forces:

60o 60o
For W: Wx = 0
Wy = W = -30N (negative since its going down)
Recall: SOHCAHTOA T1 W = 30N
For T1 : cos 60o =
T1x = T1 cos 60o 60o T1y
sin 60o = T𝟏 T1x
T1y = T1 sin 60o

For T2 : T2x = -T2 cos 60o (negative since it’s on the left)
T2y = T2 sin 60o

Applying the first condition:

ΣFx = 0 = Wx + T1x + T2x
= 0 + T1 cos 60o + (-T2 cos 60o )
= T1 cos 60o –T2 cos 60o
= T1 (0.5) – T2 (0.5)
T2 (0.5)= T1 (0.5)
T2 = T 1
ΣFy = 0 = Wy + T1y + T2y
= -30N + T1 sin 60o + T2 sin 60o
= -30N + T1 (0.866) +T2 (0.866)
Since T2 = T1, then
30N = T1 (0.866) +T2 (0.866)
30N = 2T1 (0.866)
2 2
15N = T1 (0.866)
(0.866) (0.866)
T1 = 17.32 N = T2

Exercises for Equilibrium:

1. Consider a 98-N weight supported by two ropes as shown. Calculate the
tensions found in each rope. (Ans: T1 = 87.86 N, T2 = 71.74 N )

T1 T2

450 300


Torque is a quantity that measures how effectively a force (F) causes
acceleration. A torque is produced when a force applied with leverage. It is defined
as the product of the force and the lever arm. The lever arm is the perpendicular
distance (ℓ) from the axis of rotation to the line along which the force acts. The
magnitude of the torque (τ) can be calculated by:

The Second Condition for Equilibrium

A torque (a vector quantity) that tends to produce a counterclockwise rotation
is considered positive and a torque that tends to produce a clockwise rotation is
negative. Thus, the condition for an object to be in rotational equilibrium is that the
sum of the torques acting on the object about any point must be zero. This means
that the sum of all clockwise torques (τc) must be equal to the sum of all the
counterclockwise torques (τcc). Then we can write this Second Condition for
Equilibrium as
Στ = 0
Στ = Στcc + (- Στc) = 0
Στcc - Στc = 0
Στcc = Στc
1. What is the torque due to the weight of a 45-kg boy if he sits 2.2 m from
the center of the seesaw which is the pivot point?
Given: m = 45 kg
ℓ = 2.2m find: τ
Sol’n: F = W = mg τ=Fℓ
= 45kg x 9.8 𝐬 𝟐 = 441N ( 2.2m)
F = 441N τ = 970.2 N.m

Exercises for Torque:

1. Calculate the torque produced by a force of 6.0 N applied to the handle of a
door if the handle is 0.75 m from the hinge.


I. Correct me if I am wrong:
A.Write CORRECT if the following statements are true and if otherwise, write
WRONG, then copy and correct the statement.

1.) Centripetal force (Fc) is directed toward the center of the circular path.
2. In uniform circular motion, the object is moving in a circular path with
varying speeds.
3. Center of gravity is the point at which the distribution of weight is equal in
all directions and does depend on gravitational field.

4. The center of mass and the center of gravity of an object are in the same
position if the gravitational field in which the object exists is not
5. The center of gravity of a ring is at the middle where no mass exists.
B. Give what is asked:
6-7. Give 2 factors that affect the stability of a body or an object.
8. What method is used to determine the CG of irregularly-shaped objects?
9. What is the first condition for equilibrium?
10. What is the unit of torque?
II. Problem Solving, show your solution (write the given, unknown formula and
encircle your final answer with unit).
1. What is the speed of a ball that is attached to a string and swings in a
horizontal circle of radius 2.0 m with centripetal acceleration of 15 𝐬 𝟐.
(Ans v= 5.48m/s)
2. In the figure, the tension in the horizontal cord is 30 N. Find the weight of
the object. (Ans: Solve for the tensions on the cords first, W = 25.17N)


Cord 2 30 N

cord 1

w= ?

3. A light horizontal beam, 14 m long, supported at its midpoint is held in

equilibrium by two vertical downward forces, one of which is 16 N acting 3.7 m from
one end. Find where the other force of 12 N is acting. (Ans: F1ℓ1 = F2ℓ2 , ℓ2= 4.4m)
14 m
3.7 m

3.3 m ℓ
16 N 12 N

IX. SUMMARY/ Reflection

What have you learned and realized from the

lessons of this module?



It was believed that David killed Goliath by
merely whirling a stone around a circle and
releasing it.
Here is an account of the bible story on how David
killed Goliath:
“A champion named goliath, who was from
Gath, came out of the Philistine camp, he was 9 ft tall!!. David took his staff in his
hand, chose 5 smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of the
shepherd’s bag and with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine.
Meanwhile, the Philistine, with his shield bearer in front of him, kept coming
closer to David, he looked David and saw that he was only a boy and he despised
David said to the Philistine “You came against me with sword and spear and
javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the
armies of Israel, whom you have defiled.. .and the whole world will know that there
is a God in Israel. . .All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear
that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give all of you into our
As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the
battle line to meet him. Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, he slung it and
struck the Philistine on the forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell
face down on the ground. So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a
stone: without a sword in his hand, he struck down the Philistine and killed him.
Enrichment Activity:
A.) Based from the text above, provide a realistic data for the following:

Distance (m) between David and Goliath: __________

Mass of the stones (kg): ___________
Radius of circular path of the stone (m): __________
Velocity of the stone (m/s);__________
Then based from your data solve for:
Centripetal force of the stone (in N): __________
B.) Convince through a good explanation, why did you choose the data in A.
(5 pts).


Arevalo, R. L. (2017), DIWA Senior High School Series: General Physics 1.

University Press of First Asia.
Navaza, D. C. & Valdes, B. J. (2001). Physics. 2nd ed. Phoenix Publishing House.
Padua, A. L. & Crisostomo, R. M. (2005). Practical and Explorational Physics.
Vibal Publishing House, Inc.
Palima, D. Z. & Ines, M.D.B. (2004). Physics. Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Pancer, R. O. (2014). Competency-Based Learning Plans in Physics(Vol. 1).
Schaum’s Outline in Physics
Sotto, R. L. (2005). Physics. SIBS Publishing House, Inc. › Physics Tutorial › 1-D Kinematics

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
HT-II, Science Department

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