Transactional Analysis

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Basic concep ps s01, bellon ndelono hi

Therapentic intervention
Therapentic process lellerluad rd
Defining transactional analysis
TA was developed by Psychiatrist Eric Berne during the late
1950s.He was a
Psychoanalyst. The unit of social intercourse is called a transaction. If twO trained Freudian
or more people
encounter each other sooner or later one of them will speak, or give some other indication of
acknowledging the presence of the others. This is called transactional stimulus. Another person
will then say or do something which is in some way related to the stimulus, and that is called
the transactional response and this whole process is called Transactional Analysis. Transactional
analysis is a technique used to help people better understand their own and others behavior,
in their interpersonal relationships. It is agood method for understanding interpeffonal
Goal Of transactional analysis
*To establish the most open and authentic communication possible between the affective and
intellectualcomponents of the personality" Itoffers a modelof personality and the dynamics of
self and its relationship to others that makes possible a clear meaning via; menoy/o
Analysis of self-awareness Analysis of egostates Script analysis
Analysis of transactions Games analysis Analysis of life positions
Strokingful discussion of behavior
The interpersonal relationships are composed of inter self. Self is the core of personality patten
which provides integration. Self-awareness is an important concept, it describes the self in terms
of inage, both conscious and unconscious. Joseph Luft and Harrington have developed a
diagram to look at one's personality inciuding tchaviours and attitudes that can be known and
unknown to self and known and unknown to others. This is known as the johari window, lt
comprising of 4 parts.
(Known to others and also self) Healthy State
(unknown to self but known to others) OPEN BLIND Suniseue y
(knownto self but unknown to others) unlenli!
(unknown to self and unknown to others)
People interact with each other in terms of
The ego plays an important role in human behavior. states are person's way
psychological positions or behavioral patterns known as ego states. Ego
of thinking, feeling and behaving at any time. There are 3 important ego
1. PARENT (taught concepts) sed
2. ADULT (thought concepts) oni)
3. CHILD (felt concepts) ynote
of any age have these ego states in varying degree. A healthy person 1S able to move
A person
from one ego state to another.
Poront-Adutt-Child Mode
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Nurturirng P a r e n t
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Critien Paront noãeotarian. hoo0, a n d
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The planner, o b s O v r ,
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anAvzer The oart of

Aots in dcodenca to otheu self that gan think

loglGally and rationally

(ö plea them be seen a Gad and sct acordingly.

Eked Ak rebellis hen' seie

Rereiues Adaptlve Chlld
Tho p a t of self that

Confi d
nd t h e World
makes Omot0o
eCislns aboUT

past and pre:

baBe on
Free Child
OmOtive, creative,
drivers, injunnctuoo n s . Cemmad and in-the-mohent
blology, and part of self.

PARENT EGo STATE Expeienes in

is fisst s yeans g bie connsta PE
voie athout touerds Some
The parent ego state meansthat the values, attitudes and behaviors of parents an integral part of
the personality of an individual. These people tend to talk to people and treat others like children.
The characteristics of a person with parent ego state are: Judgmental" Rule maker- Moralizing"
Over protective indispensable imp
Divided into two:
H. Nurturing Parent (NP): soft, loving and permission giving
2. Critical Parent ( CP): prejudiced thoughts and feelings (ld wr bihCnt?
ADULT EGO STATE Also heete aiuties blw parent child.
hl le tue
The adult ego state is authentic, direct, reality based, fact seeking and problem solving. They
assume that human beings as equal, worthy and responsible. The process of adult ego state
formation goes through onc's own experiences and continuously updating attitudes left over
from childhood. People with adult ego state, gather relevant information,carefully analyze it,
generate alternatives and make logicalchoices. Obseu
CHILD EGOSTATE 9t is child ie but not
Retdes ntdin C^ealiw Spontaneos d
The childego state is characterizedby very immature behavior. The important leatures of child
ego state areecreativity, anxiety, depression, dependence, fear, joy, emotional sentimental etc.

A transaction is a basic unit of social interaction. The heart of transactional analysis is the study
and diagramming of the exchanges between two persons. Thus where a verbal or non-verbal

stimulus from one pcrson is being
responded by another person a transaction
Transactional analysis can hcln us to detemine occurs.
behavior and the behavior of the othcr people withwhich cpo state is most heavily influencing our
whom we interact
Depending on the egostates of the persons involvcd in transactions, there
3 types of may be three
1. Complementary transaetions Kmses
Both peoplc are operating from the sañe cgo statc where
predicted responsc is received.
Therc can be nine complementary transactions
Vl. Adult-Adult transactions
2. Adult-Parent transactions
3. Adult-Child transactions
4. Parent-Parent transactions
S. Parent-Adult transactions

Õ. Parent-Child transactions
7. Child-Parent transactions
8. Child-Adult transactions
9. Child-Child transactions

Yeapon se
does nân géls,epeded
A crossed transaction is one in which the sender sends message a behavior on the basis of his ego
state, but this message is reacted to by an unexpected ego state on the part of the receiver.
Crossed communication should be avoided as far as possible, its Communication breakdown.
Whenever such transactions ocçur, communication tends to blocked and a satisfactory
transaction is not accomplished. to Somoh, uwhen peqpe do lnsw tidden
hey' asl indiedty
how, to o
an be done Conclouly
Two ego states within the same person but disguised under a socially acceptable transaction.
3) Strokes
"A stoke is a unit of recognition." (Berne)
A stroke is defined as a transaction which provides a person with recognition and stimulation to
strive. Understanding how people give and reccive positive and negative strokes is important.
To uderstond tansacioùs attato to
his toe
According toEric Berne," a script is an ongoing programme, developed in carly childhood under
parental influence which dirccts the individual behaviour in the most important aspects of his
life. Ascript is a complete plan of living, offering prescriptions, permissions and structure which
makes one winner or loser in life.

4) Days of decisions and psychological positions

TA has four life positions, all of which are based on decisions made as a result of childhood
experiences and all of which determine howpeople feel about themselves and how they relate to


In the process of growing up people make basic assumptions about their own self-worth as well
as about the worthof significant people in their environment. The combination of assunptions
about self and the other person called as life position. Transactional analysis constructs the
following classifications of the four possible life positions or psychological positions;
Iam OK,you are OK

Iam OK, you are not OK

I am not OK, you are OK
Iam not OK, you are not OK
Iam OK,you are OK

It appears to be an ideal life position. People with this type of life position have confidence in
themselves as well as trust and confidence in others.
Iam 0K, you are not OK

This is a distrustfül psychological positions. This is the attitude of those people, who think that
whatever they do is correct.
Iam not OK, you are OK
compare themselves
This is a common position for those people who feel powerless when they

Tam not OK, you are not OK

in this position tend to feel bad about themselves and see the whole world as miserable.
confidence i:ithemselves.
They do nottrust others and have no
Stroking is an important aspccts of the transactional analysis. The term stroke refers to "giving
some kind of recognitionto others. "People nced strokes for their sense of survival and wellbeing
on the job. Lack of stroking can have negative conscquences both on physiological and
psychological wellbeing ofaperson. There are three typcs of strokes;
1. Positive strokes

The stroke one fecl good, is a ositive stroke. Recognition, approval are some of the examples.
2. Negative strokes
A stroke one feel bad or not good is a ncgative stroke. Ncgative strokes hurt physically or
3. Mixed strokes (Double Strokes)
A stroke may be of a mixed type also. Example: the boss comment to a worker "you did an
Cxcellent job in spite your limited experience.
5) Games
Games are a set of transactions that have surface logic but hidden meanings. These monotonous,
tricky transactions are basically planned to obtain strokes but instead they highlight negative
feelings and self-concepts, and hide the direct expression of thoughts and emotions.

When people fail to get enough strokes at work they try a variety of things. One of the most
important thing is that they play psychological games. A psychological game is a set of
transaction with three characteristics:
1) The transaction tend to be repeated.

2) They make sense on superficial or social level.

3) One or more transactions is ulterior.
Degree qane
in the agent's circle. A second degree
A first degree game is one which is socially acceptable third degree game is one which
game is one which more intimate end up with bad feelings. A
usually involve physical injury.

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