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A Framework for and Issues in the Management and

Governance of Data on Elderly Citizens (Ongoing Res.)

Tomi Dahlberg
Turku Business School at University of Turku
Rehtorinpellonkatu 3
FI-20014 University of Turku, Finland
+358 50 550 5718

ABSTRACT develop new innovative services, which help elderly citizens to

A research project involving researchers from European Union, improve their quality of life, monitor their health proactively and
Japan and the US has been discussed under the title “Governing participate longer to the activities of the society.
Aging Society”. The governance of data on elderly citizens is seen Currently the fragmentation and low quality of data as well as the
as one research topic within that project. The current situation is lack of widely used national and/or international data models,
characterized by a dilemma. Potentials offered by the mining, ontologies, data message and other standards prevent electronic
analysis, visualization, etc. of data can be used to manage the data transfer and consolidation of data. This then undermines the
societal impacts of aging and to provide new innovative services deployment of the above-mentioned potentials. Out of the 194
to elderly citizens. On the other hand, fragmentation and flaws in member states of World Health Organization (WHO) only 34
data interoperability and transfer seriously undermine these members were able to provide reliable good-quality health data in
potentials. This paper proposes a framework for the governance of 2012 [4,5]. A major reason for this fragmentation is the fact that
data on elderly citizens. The focus is on the framework as a healthcare, social welfare and other actors typically develop and
whole; in its background and ability to capture data categories, run their own patient/customer databases and own
data attributes and data sources. Attention is also paid to the patient/customer care information systems (IS). They register
ontological nature of the framework. Work to specify each medical measurement results, events, radiographs, prescriptions,
element of the framework in detail and the use of it is left to reports, case summaries, etc., and social welfare service actions,
ongoing research and the research project under discussion. decisions as well as other data into organization-specific ISs and
databases. Furthermore, they have non-similar and non-standard
Categories and Subject Descriptors procedures to create, register, modify and store data.
K.6.0 [Computing Milieux]: Management of Computing and
Information Systems –general Although the above described data management challenges are
generic rather than limited to data on elderly citizens, population
General Terms aging creates additional challenges. The proportion and number of
Experimentation, Management, Reliability, Standardization elderly citizens not only increases but they also live longer. This
together with the fact that abilities to create, process and store data
Keywords have increased and continue to increase means that data on elderly
Governance of Data; Data Management; Data on Elderly Persons; people abound in particularly many diverse data storages, both
Healthcare Information; Ongoing Research public and private. Data explosion has produced new concepts
such as data ontologies [7], data monetization [9] and Internet of
1. INTRODUCTION things. Within the European Union (EU) citizens retire currently
The use of IT and digital data are considered as means to provide at the age on 60-65 years. Although there are significant
solutions to global problems of population aging [8]. Data mining, differences between EU member states, retirement usually means
analysis, visualization etc. techniques offer huge potentials to that health, medical, income etc. data collection ends in work
improve healthcare, social welfare and other services provided to related service systems such as occupational health care and
elderly citizens. Data is also needed to support the development of human resource systems. After that new data on these citizens is
national healthcare and social welfare systems including programs collected predominantly by public sector organizations - or by
on population aging. Furthermore, data is needed by professionals private companies for wealthier retirees. A retiree could receive
to develop, provide and manage specialized medical care, basic pension from several funds. There are also changes in taxation,
healthcare, social welfare and other services to elderly citizens. In social security, benefits and other practices triggered by
addition to medical, social welfare and other professionals, retirement. EU/country regulations stipulate that health and social
anonymized open data should to be made available to service status related data on (elderly) citizens is subject to tight security
providers and elderly citizens themselves. It can then be used to regulations with strong identification and that such data has to be
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or kept separate from less sensitive data. From the beginning of year
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed 2014 EU citizens have the right to be forgotten. At the moment all
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full the implications of this directive are not clear, but it will impact
citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others
than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise,
how data on elderly citizens can be used. All in all, development
or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific of data management and governance for data on elderly people
permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from will impact positively also data management and governance for
other population groups.
ICEGOV2014, October 27 - 30 2014, Guimaraes, Portugal
Copyright 2014 ACM 978-1-60558-611-3/14/10...$15.00

This article is written as a background paper to an intended EU- specific categories. They identified three generic high-level
Japan-US research project titled “Governing Aging Society”. domains: party (e.g. customer, vendor, employees, …), thing (e.g.
Where to locate data on elderly citizens, how to transfer and products, items, account, …) and location (e.g. site, functional
consolidate data in order to provide services to elderly citizens, location, …). In addition to single domain, data can be multi-
how to mandate the use of personal data, how to protect privacy domain, also called cross-domain. For example, providing home
and unauthorized use of personal data are some of the key data care to an elderly person at her/his home and charging for that
management issues. They impact other aspects of governing the service involves multiple domains. They are; party (=elderly
aging society. This article proposes that it is necessary to start citizen), thing (=service, payment) and location (=site where the
from classifying data and information and their use situations. service is provided).
Thus the first research questions of this article is: what types of
data exists on elderly citizens, what are the sources of such data,
and how could the identified types and sources of data be
integrated into a comprehensive framework? The second research
question is: how does the framework support the deployment of
data on elderly citizens in the various use situations of such data?
Section 2 discusses the theoretical background of the framework
proposed in section 3. The proposed framework draws from the
work of DAMA International [2,3] and Cleven and Wortman [1]. Figure 1. Data Taxonomy by Cleven and Wortman
Section 4 addresses the ontology of framework and section 5
Hovenga [5] lists 8 areas of health data usage in the management
summarizes the research and draws conclusions.
of national health systems. The first is evaluation and comparison
2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND of health outcomes, which consists of transitioning to a digital
DAMA International’s efforts to establish data management environment, computerizing existing systems, collecting data at
concepts [2,3] are probably the most acknowledged cumulative points of care, and use of data widely. The second is leadership
work in the field. DAMA’s DMBOK starts by distinguishing data, and governance, which includes the national strategic policy
information and knowledge. Data is defined as the representation framework, managing business processes, strategy health policy
of facts, such as text, numbers, graphics, images, sound or video frameworks with leaders and funders data needs, international
[2, pp. 2]. Data transforms into information when definition, influences and implementation process coverage. The third
format, timeframe and relevance is added to data. Similarly addresses healthcare financing with health insurance versus
information transforms into knowledge when patterns and trends, government funding considerations, terminology and coding
relationships, and assumptions are added to information. DMBOK systems, national health funding approaches, harmonization of
suggests that data lifecycle consists of seven phases. Plan, specify data collections when comparable data structures and
and enable phases predate the existence of data. Data is processed representations across all parts of the system are required (such as
during create and acquire, maintain and use, archive and retrieve, care program decision making for elderly citizens). The forth is
and purge phases [ibid. pp. 4]. The DMBOK framework identifies health workforce, which contains health workforce data needs to
ten data management functions [ibid. pp. 7] and seven effectively support planning, health workforce roles, occupational
environmental elements [ibid. pp. 13]. The data governance categories and definitions, health occupation classification
function is used to steer the other 9 functions. The mapping of systems, unique identifiers for providers of care, workforce
data management functions and environmental elements result in registration and licensing, preparing the health workforce to work
a matrix called the DAMA-DMBOK functional framework [ibid. ready, supervised clinical practices and clinical placements. The
pp. 15]. So-called context diagram is also crafted [ibid. pp. 18]. fifth - medical products, devices and technologies - captures
The DMBOK manual then devotes one chapter to each data device and technology types and uses, medical device regulations,
management function and its context diagram [ibid. pp. 37-334]. medical device nomenclature and unique data identifiers. The
sixth - health service delivery types and associated regulations -
Although DMBOK and the related 260 pages DAMA dictionary deals with the harmonization of service delivery data, accessing
[3] are useful for understanding data management issues, these health care services, planning and managing resources and health
documents have been written during the time when majority of care service delivery (such as providing safe and good quality
data was structured, internal to an organization and stored into healthcare, clinical governance and risk management to the
organizations’ internal (relational) databases. In addition to delivery of health service delivery), epidemiology management,
transactions - with no chapter in the DBBOK manual - DMBOK medication management, administration and risk management,
identifies reference and master data, document and content, and caring health services in the home, aged care services (such as
meta-data as the categories of data. However, the relations data needs for improving aged care services, assessing aged care
between data categories are not considered and the definitions for service needs and identifying care options, assessment tools to
them, especially for master data, reference data and meta-data, are aged care and associated data standards and roles, responsibilities
not adequate, as will be discussed in sections 3 and 4. and accountabilities for aged care service delivery), community
Furthermore, DMBOK does not consider sufficiently the role of and primary healthcare services, coordinated care and chronic
data sources such as basic (business) transactions, sensor data or condition management (such as information system standards for
video streams. Finally, although the context diagrams aim to continuity of care, service delivery logistics and remote
describe the lifecycle of data, the use situations of data are not in connectivity), palliative care services, short and long-tem
the scope of the DBBOK since it focuses on data management not residential home services and acute care service including first
data use. response services. The seventh is information and research, which
consists of leaders and executives’ use of information and
Cleven and Wortmann [1] designed Figure 1 to show the relations research results, the information needs of other key decision
of data categories and divided them into domain and meta-data makers, and key concept variables and data standards. The eight -

sustainability issues and trends - addresses data use and various aspects of aging society – e.g. the development of
governance for environment and health, prevention and personal national programs or new services and devices.
responsibility, medical professionals and patients, etc.
2. Proposition 2: An agreed framework for data on elderly
Hovenga’ list shows the enormity of administrative healthcare citizens supports the identification of use situations of this
data usage and governance in general and for elderly citizens in data. Literature reviewed in Section 2 [4,5,6] offers a good
particular. By replacing words health information with social starting point for that.
welfare information one could create a similar list. Medical and
healthcare data is also used in clinical work, content and case
analyses, and in data mining and medical research [6]. The author
of this article concludes that, at the moment, there appears to be
no comprehensive model or framework, which captures health,
social, financial etc. data needed to govern aging societies.


Figure 2 proposes a framework for the governance of data on
elderly citizens. The framework draws on DMBOK [2,3] and
Cleven and Wortmann [1]. The framework extends the Cleven
and Wortmann framework by dividing (business) transactions into
transactions, cumulated analytical and reporting data, documents
and content. The proposed framework includes also other
attributes of data: internal – external combined with structured –
unstructured as well as a classification on the sources of data. The
framework extends the knowledge base reviewed in Section 2.
This article claimed above that there are needs to complete or
even redefine some concepts of DAMA DMBOK. DMBOK
defines data governance as “exercise of authority, control, and
shared decision-making (planning, monitoring, and enforcement)
over the management of data assets.” [3, pp. 85]. The author of
this article regards this definition too narrow for the governance of
data. Rather the work of the ISO/IEC 38500 standards family
should be followed in the project “Governing Aging Society”,
especially as the governance of data was taken on the agenda of
ISO/IEC JTC1 SC40 in their recent 2014 plenary in Sydney.
DMBOK defines business transaction as “an event involving the
exchange of products, money and/or information” [3 pp. 36]. I Figure 2. Governance Framework for Data on Elderly People
consider also this definition too narrow for describing transactions
involving elderly citizens. In these transactions, for example home
service or monitoring of health status, the exchange of things or DATA ON ELDERLY CITIZENS
information does not always happen. Furthermore, transactions One of the big questions in data management is whether data is
should be considered to consist of basic transactional data, derived universally or contextually defined. Universally defined means the
transactional data (calculated/derived from other data attributes by acceptance of an assumption, that data can be defined
using business rules for this). Transactions can be current or unambiguously for all use situations. As an example, it is assumed
historical. Documents, content and even reports could be that the meaning of an elderly citizen can be defined (agreed) so
transactional when linked to (business) transactions. that it is always understood in the same way. Contextually defined
implies that the meaning of data depends on its use context. As an
Definitions on master data, reference data and metadata are also example, the meaning of an elderly citizen could be understood
considered insufficient. That is discussed in detail in Section 4. differently depending on culture, profession, time and other
An important question is, whether the framework shown in Figure characteristics of the context. My claim is that data is contextual. I
2 is generic or specific to elderly citizens? It is clearly generic but therefore conclude that efforts to remove the fragmentation of
also considered to be descriptive for data on elderly citizens. As data with efforts to develop universal data models and concepts
the average life expectancy in several EU countries is 80 years or are doomed to fail. A doctor, a home care professional, a service
more, this research assumes that a framework that fits to that provider of IT-enabled home cooking robot, or a tax authority see
context can be applied also in other contexts. This research makes the same elderly citizen from different perspectives and need
two future research related propositions for the research project different data. Despite of this, there could still be unified person
“Governing Aging society”: identifiers, ontologies and message standards to exchange data.
1. Proposition 1: A framework for data on elderly citizens should DMBOK follows the universally defined approach, which is
be agreed. The framework shown in Figure 2 is crafted to clearest in the definition of master data. DMBOK advocates for so
contribute to that. Future work where definitions on data called golden record (=single version of truth). Golden records
categories, their attributes and data sources are agreed will should be used in all data storages and information systems for
provide clarity on what kind of data is needed to govern the such data elements as customer (e.g. elderly citizen), service (e.g.

services to elderly citizens), financial data etc. I claim that it is storages and information systems and other similar reasons have
unlikely that medical experts and elderly patients, as an example, undermined the usefulness of this work.
understand medical data and processes in the same way. The
precise medical name of a certain type of dementia means very 5. CONCLUSIONS
little to an elderly patient or even her/his relatives. Their focus is This article is the first effort to define data governance concepts
on how to live with the disease, limit its impacts on the quality of for the “Governing Aging Society” project. The research motive
life and slow down the progress of the disease. Similarly dementia is that data on elderly citizens is fragmented. Efforts are needed to
is too generic to medical and healthcare experts. Their interest is consolidate this data and to make it more transferable. This article
in proper diagnosis, finding the right medication and in the proposed a framework for the governacne of data on elderly
delivery of effective care. citizens and discussed the ontological nature of the framework to
enable that. By doing so this article also answered the two
Due to the described approach I regard DMBOK’s definitions for research questions stated in Section 1.
master data, reference and meta data too narrow. As an example
DMBOK defines meta-data as “any data used to organize or This article suggests that it is necessary to define data categories,
categorize other data, used for relating data to information both data attributes and sources of data for data on elderly citizens as
within and beyond the boundaries of the enterprise. Usually it the first step in improving the governance of this data. That is the
consists of codes and descriptions of definitions” [3 pp. 165]. The task of the proposed framework. Then the ontological nature of
most important consequence of context dependent data approach data needs to be agreed, that is, whether data concepts are seen as
is that data management becomes largely dependent on meta data, universal or as contextual. After those steps it becomes useful to
especially on the informational (=semantic and descriptive) meta describe data uses and ontologies, and to experiment with them.
data. Semantic and descriptive meta data explain the meaning of
data in its various use contexts. This approach has been used for a REFERENCES
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