Top 10 Solar O&M KPIs To Track - Arbox Renewable Energy

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Top 10 Solar O&M KPIs to Track

The solar industry has been experiencing large scale growth
globally over the past few years in relation to solar hardware costs
which are going down. The growing number of online projects and
projects coming through the pipeline are creating an ever-growing
demand for Operations and Maintenance (O&M). As the industry
matures the demand for reliable and efficient O&M increases and
is driving the O&M industry to adopt standardized initiatives.
Tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPI) helps to communicate
to your team what the criteria for success is as well as getting
everyone focused on a set goal. KPIs provide a means to track and compare the PV Plant’s
performance so careful planning is required in the selection and development of your
company’s KPI. There isn’t a set of KPIs that every solar operator uses; however, we’ve gathered
a list of the top 10 O&M KPIs to track.

1) PR – Performance ratio
This ratio is the relationship between actual plant energy production and designed target
energy production while taking environmental factors and energy loss into account. The
energy loss is through conductive thermal loss and operational energy consumption from the
panels to the grid. This enables investors and operators to compare different plants based
purely on the performance factor of the plant and on an even scale.
2) PA – Plant availability
The PA is calculated as a percentage to represent the time that the power plant is available to
provide energy to the grid. This can be thought of as the up-time of the plant. Solar PV plants
usually have little downtime resulting in a higher percentage of availability. The plant
availability factor should not be confused with the capacity factor.

3) MTTR – Mean time to repair

This metric measures the maintainability of the solar PV plant and its components. This is the
average time it takes for repair to be completed. To calculate this, you record the total time for
corrective maintenance divided by total number of tickets for repair. For example, if issue 1
took 10 minutes for repair and issue 2 took 2 minutes to repair, the MTTR is 6 minutes.

4) MTBF – Mean time between failures

This metric represents the reliability of the power plant. This is the mean time between system
failures. Although for electronic devices the MTBF is counted in hours the MTBF for solar
modules and components are typically measured in years. The MTBF is useful to measure
over a long period of time and it represents the likelihood of failure and should not be used as
a prediction to when the parts will fail.

5) DCC – DC Capacity – Direct Current

The capacity is usually referring to the maximum energy generation in direct current and
measured in watts.

6) ACC – AC Capacity- Alternating Current

This capacity will be lower than the DC capacity as there is loss in energy when converting DC
to AC. Although it is useful to see the DCC and ACC by themselves, when you view both
metrics together an operator can see the loss of energy due to possible clipping or energy
loss from converting current through the inverter.

7) PI – Peak Irradiance
Solar irradiance is the energy that’s emitted from the Sun to Earth. This is calculated by
measuring the solar energy in watt per unit area, commonly a square meter (W/m2). The peak
irradiance is the maximum measured solar irradiance.

8) TT – Ticket Types %
Tickets are generated from a variety of issues from different sources. Tickets vary greatly, but
not limited to, inverters overheating to vegetation abatement to compliance checks. Tracking
the Ticket Types as a percentage assists with identifying and maintaining control over issues
by comparison from each period.

9) V – Variance between expected kWh and

actual kWh
Forecasting energy generation as accurately as possible is essential for plant operations.
Although there will always be variances between the expected kWh vs the actual kWh,
monitoring the variance over a period of time could shine light on incorrect data or lead to
other problems such as weather or hardware.

10) PSH – Peak Solar Hours

The PSH should not be confused with total daylight hours. The difference between daylight
hours and PSH is that PSH is defined in hours the duration of sunlight that exceeds 1 kW / m2.
Although annual or quarterly targets are communicated to the O&M team, it is often difficult
for team members to scale these targets into daily or hourly goals. KPIs provides that missing
link where everyone on the team can gauge their efforts towards the target. When looking at
performance measurements on a granular level, it allows for the company to measure the
maintainers performance on a daily basis as well as increase the reactiveness and
proactiveness towards the success of a high performing PV plant.

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S O L A R & W I N D A S S E T M A N A G E M E N T ( H T T P S : // W W W . A R B O X . C O M / H A P / )
A B O U T ( H T T P S : // W W W . A R B O X . C O M /A B O U T - U S / )
R E S O U R C E S ( H T T P S : // W W W . A R B O X . C O M / R E S O U R C E S / )
C A R E E R S ( H T T P S : // W W W . A R B O X . C O M / C A R E E R S / )
G E T P R I C I N G ( H T T P S : // W W W . A R B O X . C O M / G E T - P R I C I N G / )
( H T T P S : // W W W . A R B O X . C O M / T O P - 1 0 - S O L A R - O M - K P I S - T R A C K / )
( H T T P S : // W W W . A R B O X . C O M / Z H / % E 9 % A 6 % 9 6 % E 9 % A 1 % B 5 / )
( H T T P S : // W W W . A R B O X . C O M /J A / % E 3 % 8 3 % 9 B % E 3 % 8 3 % B C % E 3 % 8 3 % A 0 / )
( H T T P S : // W W W . A R B O X . C O M / F R / H O M E - F R / ) ( H T T P S : // W W W . A R B O X . C O M / D E / H O M E - D E / )
( H T T P S : // W W W . A R B O X . C O M / E S / H O M E - E S / ) ( H T T P S : // W W W . A R B O X . C O M / P T/ H O M E - P T/ )
( H T T P S : // W W W . A R B O X . C O M /A R / H O M E - A R / )



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