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Charls Edvan O.

Bolo WAD-2D

Oro, Plata, Mata is one of the best films directed by Peque Gallaga. It is considered as one of
the films that most likely to be a masterpiece in the Philippines.

It tells the story of a family who is scared to be involved in the war and decided to go to the woods in
which they have created huts and rooms for their family but as the longer they stay there the nearer
they get to danger. Acting and directing were superb and originally the movie's running time was 5
hours so they are a lot of scenes cut to shorten it. I would recommend this film to people starting to
appreciate Asian or Filipino movies from the 80's because it is a landmark in film making history.

In honor of Peque Gallaga's life, I finally grabbed the chance to watch his masterpiece. Man, I am
deeply ashamed that it took me this long to see it. This is in all ways the most complete Filipino film I
ever had the privilege to witness. From the breathtaking photography, haunting music, and
humanistic characters to impressive writing and radical directing, Oro, Plata, Mata has it all. Now, it
all makes sense why this is widely celebrated and regarded as one of the greatest Filipino films ever.
Let me add further that this is one of the best in the world! I was moved. No, knocked out of my seat
how it had shown boldly the colorful heritage we have. Time and time again, we are reminded that
the crucial enemies Filipinos face are ourselves. It's sad and enraging how it still rings true up to this
time, more than 75 years after. All the collective trauma this nation faced are seem to be forgotten
and pushed back inside us to give an illusion of victory. But have we learned? Did we move forward?
Until we acknowledge our roots, study the past, demand accountability, and take control of our own
history, Filipinos will just keep killing Filipinos. We will never rise truly.

Thank you Peque Gallaga for gifting us this Filipino treasure that I will now hold close to my heart.
Safe to say, I already found what I have always been looking for in that little corner of our history.
May you rest in peace.

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