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Rizal’s Second

Chapter 6
NOVEMBER 12, 2015

JFiguracion 11/17/15
• RIZAL WAS H!"#$# %& TH$ 'W$RF!L $"$(I$S
• Jose Sainz de )aranda * S'& A+,!IR$# %& TH$
S'A"IAR#S T SHA#W$# RIZAL’S ()$($"T

JFiguracion 11/17/15
• F$%R!AR& 0 1 2 L$FT AT (A"ILA0 %R$# AT
• F$%R!AR& 70 1 2 ST' )$R AT A(&
• F$%R!AR& 01 2 ARRI)$# AT H"- ."-
• STA&$# AT )I+TRIA HT$L
• %AL%I" (A!RI+I
• (A"!$L &RIART$
JFiguracion 11/17/15
He s3udied +4inese a6 o lie0 4e o8served 34e

• T4e +4inese ne 6ear

• +4inese 34ea3res
• T4e :ara34on Lauria3 ;ar36
• T4e ric4es3 order in Hong .ong or 34e #o:inicans
• T4e ce:e3eries o +4inese
• language0 dra:a0 cus3o:s0 social occasions0 es3ivi3ies and 34eir religion

• RIZAL WRT$ T %L!($"TRIT 2 F$%R!AR& 1<0 1

• =is a s:all0 8u3 ver6 clean ci36>?
JFiguracion 11/17/15
• F$%R!AR& 10 1 2 ARRI)$# AT (A+A!
• %AR#$# %& TH$ ST$A($R .I!*.IA"-
• A+,!IR$# %& #" J!A" FRA"+IS+ L$+ARS
• -According to Rizal, the cit o! Macao i" "#all, lo$,
and gloo#% &here are #an '(n)", "a#pan", *(t
!e$ "tea#er"% +t loo)" "ad and i" al#o"t dead%
• F$%R!AR& @0 1 2 R$T!R"$# T H"- ."-
JFiguracion 11/17/15
#$'ART!R$ FR( H"-
• F$%R!AR& @@0 1
• %AR# AT +$A"I+

• %AR#$# "$BT #$STI"ATI" T JA'A"

JFiguracion 11/17/15
• F$%R!AR& @0 1
• &.HA(A AT -RA"# HT$L
• H$ ST!#& JA'A"$S$ LA"-!A-$0 JA'A"$S$ #RA(A
A"# S$LF*#$F$"S$
• As usual ac3ivi3ies in 4is 3our 4e visi3ed ar3 galleries0
:useu:s0 li8raries0 s4rines and ;arCs>

JFiguracion 11/17/15
JA'A"$S$ +!LT!R$
• His i:;ression a8ou3 34e ;lace as ;eaceul0 cour3eous and
• T4e 8eau36 o 34e coun3r6 D;lan3s0 Eoers0 gardens0 rivers and
• .i:ono
• Hos;i3ali36
• -i3*giving
• Fe 8eggars and 34ieves on 34e s3ree3s
• +lean Houses
• Ja;anese is ver6 indus3rious and ver6 4a;;6
JFiguracion 11/17/15
• > T4e :os3 colorul lie in 4is :e:or6 in Ja;an as 4is ro:ance
i34 *Sei*San as 4e ro3e in 4is diar6 =*Sei*San0 Sa6onara0
Sa6onaraG I 4ave s;en3 a 4a;;6 golden :on34 I do no3 Cno i I
can 4ave ano34er one liCe 34a3 in all :6 lie? T4e nos3algic
ro:ance 3o *Sei*San :ade 4i: sad 3o de;ar3 Ja;an 8u3 4is s3rong
JFiguracion 3o con3inue ues3 or 34e li8er36 and reedo:11/17/15
o 4is
!(IT$# STAT$S F A($RI+A

JFiguracion 11/17/15
• K A;ril @0 1* 34e s3ea:er %elgic0 i34 Rizal on 8oard0 docCed a3
San Francisco on Sa3urda6 :orning
K (a6 0 1* Frida6 a3ernoon0 34e da6 Rizal as ;er:i33ed 3o go
in s4ore
K 'alace Ho3el* Rizal regis3ered 4ere 4ic4 as 34en considered a
Mrs3*class 4o3el in 34e ci36
K Rizal s3a6ed in San Francisco or 3o da6sN(a6  3o <0 1
K (a6 <0 1*Sunda60 9'(0 Rizal le3 San Francisco or aCland
K (a6 10 1*Sunda6 :orning0 Rizal reac4ed "e &orC0 34us
ending 4is 3ri; across 34e A:erican
JFiguracion 11/17/15

con3inen3> Rizal s3a6ed 34ree da6s in 34is ci360 4ic4 4e called 34e
= ?
Rizal 4ad good and 8ad i:;ressions o 34e !ni3ed

• K T4e good i:;ressions ere

• D1 34e :a3erial ;rogress o 34e coun3r6 as s4on in 34e grea3
ci3ies0 4uge ar:s0 Eouris4ing indus3ries and 8us6 ac3ories
• D@ 34e drive and energ6 o 34e A:erican ;eo;le
• D 34e na3ural 8eau36 o 34e land
• D 34e 4ig4 s3andard o living
• D5 34e o;;or3uni3ies or 8e33er lie oOered 3o ;oor
JFiguracion 11/17/15
• ne 8ad i:;ression Rizal 4ad o A:erica as 34e lacC o
racial euali369 =A:erica is 34e land ;ar ePcellence o
reedo: 8u3 onl6 or 34e 4i3es?
• T4e6 eP;erienced discri:ina3ions in A:erica u;on arrival
or 34e6 eren’3 alloed 3o dise:8arCed> +4inese
;assenger as even uaran3ined :uc4 longer on 8oard>
• He descri8ed A:erica as a grea3 coun3r60 8u3 i3 4as :an6
3oo deec3s>
JFiguracion 11/17/15
• (a6 1<0 1* Rizal le3 "e &orC or Liver;ool on 8oard
34e +i36 o Ro:e>
• =H$ WH R$A#S (!+H A"# TRA)$LS (!+H0 S$$S A
LT A"# ."WS A LT? 2 #R> JS$ RIZAL ,!T$#
+$R)A"T$S9 $L ,!IJT$

JFiguracion 11/17/15

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