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Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai.

School of Electrical Engineering

BEEE102L – Basic Electrical Engineering
Fall 2023-24 Semester

Slot: C2+TC2 Slot Faculty: Dr. M. Prabhakar

Class Assignment and Digital Assignment No – 2

Submission Due Date: 11th September 2023, 4:00PM

1. Topic: Karnaugh map simplification of product of sum (POS) expressions

Thomas Floyd book, page nos. 234, 235, egs. 4-34 and 4-35
Allan R. Hambley book, page no. 405, eg. 7.15
(3 examples in digital systems)

2. Topic: Magnetic Circuits

John L. Bird book, Chapter 7, page nos. 73, 74, egs. 5,6, 9 and 10
(4 examples in magnetic circuits)

Total = 7 numerical examples to be completed and uploaded

 Complete and scan your answers neatly as a single file.
 Handwritten document (scanned file) is also acceptable.
 Name your scanned file as “Register Number_DA-2”.
 PDF files alone are accepted.

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