AWS Architect - Question Set - Final

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What is AWS Auto Scaling and Load Balancer?

Ans A: Auto-scaling is a feature that helps to adjust the capacity of a system automatically based on
its current demand. The goal of auto-scaling is to maintain the performance of the system and to
reduce costs by only using the resources that are actually needed. On the other hand, Load Balancer
is a device that distributes network or application traffic across multiple servers. The primary
objective of a Load Balancer is to increase the availability and reliability of the system by distributing
the workload evenly across multiple servers and by providing failover capabilities.

Ans B: Auto scaling is mainly used to provision any ad-hoc system capacity automatically. In case of
any additional system load or load going down, the system capacity is increased or decreased
automatically. The load balancer is mainly used to balance the load across the system that are
configured under the same. It ensures that all the systems are properly utilized & same being done
as per the predefined rules.

Ans C: Auto scaling help for managing system capacity automatically. The load balancer is used to
manage the load across systems.

What are the main differences between 'horizontal' and 'vertical' scales?
Ans A: The primary difference between horizontal scaling and vertical scaling is that horizontal
scaling involves adding more machines or nodes to a system, making more of systems or nodes
available, while vertical scaling involves adding more power (CPU, RAM, storage, etc.) to an existing
system itself.

Ans B: By horizontal scaling, the additional system are added or removed from the group of system to
be meet the capacity requirements whereas in case of Vertical scaling, the capacity of a particular
system is increased or decreased.

Ans C: By horizontal scaling, the system arranges from pool to meeting capacity requirement. For
Vertical scaling, CPU is increased or decreased.

What do you know about an AMI?

Ans A: An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is a master image for the creation of virtual servers --
known as EC2 instances -- in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment. The machine images are
like templates that are configured with an operating system and other software that determine the
user's operating environment.

Ans B: AMI are Amazon Machine Image. These images are used to create EC2 instances. AMI contains
predefined configuration like operating system, installed applications & related drivers etc. The setup
and configuration of system become very accurate & quick when AMI is used.

Ans C: AMI are used to create EC2 instances. AMI contains predefined configuration & used to create
new systems.

What is difference between private and the public address in AWS

Ans A: Public IP is Unique identifier assigned to a device directly connected to the internet. It is
accessible from anywhere on the internet. Those are assigned by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) &
are Unique across the entire internet. Varies depending on the ISP’s allocation
Private IP os Unique identifier assigned to a device within a local network & it is limited to the local

Ans B: Public address is directly connected to internal & accessible from public network. Private
address is within internal private network & not accessible from internet directly. Private IP address
remain with EC2 instance after stopping the instance. Public IP address don’t remain with EC2 after
stopping unless configured.

Ans C: Public address is connected to internet & Private IP address is given with local private

What are EC2 Instances, and what are their types?

Ans A: Instances are virtual environments provided by EC2, also known as EC2 Instances, that can be
used to host applications by cloud users. Following are the types of Instances available in Amazon
 General Purpose
 Compute Optimized
 Memory-Optimized
 Storage Optimized
 Accelerated Computing

Ans B: EC2 Instances are virtual systems configured in AWS. The type of EC2 instances are Compute
optimized, Memory Optimized & Storage Optimized.

Ans C: EC2 Instances are virtual systems configured in AWS. The type of EC2 instances are Compute
optimized & Memory Optimized.

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