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Vince Nixau A.

Padel April 5, 2021

Math 89 E1A4

1. Uniform Distribution
A. Overview/Description
A deck of 52 cards is shuffled and one card is drawn from the deck. What
will be the probability of a spade, heart, diamond, club?
B. Why did use such distribution for such experiment?
Because an individual has an equal chance of drawing a spade, a heart,
a club, or a diamond. Any situation in which every outcome in a sample
space is equally likely will use a uniform distribution.
C. Graph

2. Binomial Distribution
A. Overview/Description
In a test, there are 25 problems that can be answered by True or
False. What is the probabilities one student he/she will answer True?
B. Why did use such distribution for such experiment?
Because it has only two possible outcomes on each question, results
from counting True answered by the student in the test, the probability
of answering Ture stays the same from each question and are
C. Graph

3. Normal Distribution
A. Overview/Description
Jeon Wonwoo in his last year of Senior High School got high grades in all
of his 8 subjects, which are 95.5, 98, 93.5, 96.5, 95, 99.5, 97. The mean of
the grades is 96.75 with a standard deviation of 2.05. What is
Area(probability) between the grades 93.75 and 98.75?
B. Why did use such distribution for such experiment?
The normal distribution is a probability function that describes how the
values of a variable are distributed. It is a symmetric distribution where
most of the observations cluster around the central peak and the
probabilities for values further away from the mean taper off equally in
both directions. So in a set of grades it is better to use the distribution to
know what subjects do you perform better and what subjects you need to
improve on.
C. Graph

The area between 93 and 97 is 0.7637.

4. Poisson Distribution
A. Overview/Description
Vehicles pass through a junction on a busy road at an average rate of 300
per hour. Find the probability that none passes in a given minute. What is
the expected number passing in two minutes? Find the probability that this
expected number actually pass through in a given two-minute period.

The average number of cars per minute is: 𝜇 = =5
a. Find the probability that none passes in a given minute
𝑒 −5 50
𝑃(𝑥0 ) = = 6.7379 × 10−3
b. What is the expected number passing in two minutes?
Expected number each 2 minutes: 𝐸(𝑋) = 5 × 2 = 10
c. Now, with 𝜇 = 10 we have:
𝑒 −10 510
𝑃(𝑥10 ) = = 0.12511

B. Why did use such distribution for such experiment?

We use Poisson Distribution in this problem because there are junctions.
Also, Poisson distributions are often used to understand independent
events that occur at a constant rate within a given interval of time.

C. Graph

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