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The Learners’ Development Profile

Name of the Learner: Cynthia Pulga

School: Laoang National Technical High School
Date of Home Visit: October 9, 2023
Date of Birth: August 22, 2010
Grade/Year Level: 7 Age: 13
Gender: Female

Family Profile
Number of Siblings: 1
Birth Order: First
Mother: Celeste Poblete Pulga
Age: 31
Occupation: Housekeeper Educational Attainment: High School Level
Father: Jerry Pulga
Occupation: Laborer Educational Attainment: Elementary

Physical Development
According to the parents, Cynthia experienced a tough childhood because she was sickly. She often
spends her time at the hospital, but thankfully, that changed over time. Based on what the teacher said,
the student is shy and quite timid. That is actually true because she usually just sits in her chair and
look at other students. She also moves slowly than normal and appears to be fragile.

Social Development
As a child and up until now, Cynthia is not outgoing. She only spends her time playing with her twin
sister and several cousins. Also, it is not in her interest to go out with some friends and prefers to just
use her phone at home. At school, she only talks to those near her seat. It is also observable that she is
not the sociable type. She only responds to what is asked towards her.

Emotional-Moral Development
Cynthia is a sensitive and emotional teenager. She is not showy but when things get tough, she always
opens up to her grandmother who gives her pieces of advice and words of encouragement. She seems
to be a happy and easy-to-be-with person, she is always calm and quit yet knows how to handle her
emotions and how to express them positively.

Cognitive Development
As a result of her medications when she was a child, she is a slow learner. Although she finds it
difficult to comprehend lessons quickly, she shows enthusiasm towards learning. Mathematics
challenges her the most, she views it as a hard subject to learn. However, she still manages to pass all
her subjects.

Her past experiences and the upbringing had a great influence in her development on various areas.

Therefore, I conclude that the health and the home environment of the student has a huge impact in
his/her development and the home-school relationship plays a huge role in understanding and catering
the different needs of the students.

I suggest the families to have an active engagement in their children’s academic journey and for the
school to communicate with the parents whenever problems like this is observed in the classroom.

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