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School of Chemical & Biomedical Engineering

CH1108: Thermodynamics
Tutorial 5

Problem 1.

[ ( )]
(a) Making use of the fact thatdH =C P dT + V − ∂V dP
∂T P
, show that:

( )
∂ CP
( )
=−T 2
∂P T ∂T P
What is the result of application of this equation to an ideal gas?
(b) Show that the general expression connecting CP and CV is:
C P =CV +T( )( )
∂ P ∂V
∂T V ∂T P

Problem 2. The PVT behavior of a certain gas is described by the equation of state:
P ( V −b )=RT
where b is a constant. If in addition CV is constant, show that:
(a) U is a function of T only.
(b)  is constant.
(c) For a mechanically reversible process, P ( V −b )γ =constant .

Problem 3. Estimate the change in enthalpy and entropy when liquid ammonia at 270 K is
compressed from its saturation pressure of 381 kPa to 1200 kPa. For saturated liquid ammonia
^ =1.551 ×10−3 m3 kg−1 and β=2.095 ×10−3 K −1.
at 270 K, V

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