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Good morning madam

2. -Good morning
3. First of all, How can I call you?
4. Salla
5. Such A beautiful name
6. Why do you choose DN to visit?
7. The history, wanna know more about it and to see it because I ‘ve never been
this part of the world
8. And since it’s interested so a bunch of uscome to visit
9. They would come to the top, the stairs, tired so I stay here
10. How do you know the Ngu Hanh Son mountain
11. Well, I didn’t until I came and it’s the part of the tour andn the tour guide tell
me about it and I came to see it
12. Up to you , what is the most impressed features?
13. I’m Interested in Pagoda and the culture and wanna to get the sun of what it
look like back in that ear of Buddah. And the pure that how it religious probably
14. To see the history , more than anything else
15. I don’t even know this cage in its
16. You don’t even know it

17. Yahh, actually we saw all the religion they mentioned and contributed Pagoda
inside. I learnt something
18. So great madam
19. Thank you so much
20. Thank you

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