Detailed Lesson Plan

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Grade 8 - Aphrodite

8:30 - 9:30 AM

At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to;
1. define the meaning of main idea,
2. identify the main idea presented in a paragraph,
3. create a paragraph showing the main idea,
4. appreciate the importance of listening attentively by writing the main idea of a news
report heard.


A. Topic: Listen for Main Ideas
B. Sub-topic: Tips in identifying the main idea
C. Instructional Materials: laptop, projector, PPT, chalk, chalkboard, audio recording, and
D. Teaching Method/Strategies: Discussion, Q and A, Recitation, Quiz, and Collaborative
E. References: Soaring to Greater Heights, Faz A. & Gonzales D., p. 2

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
Everybody stand up and let us pray. Jake: Let us bow our head and feel
Jake, come in front and lead the prayer. the presence of our Lord.

Glory be to the Father, and to the

Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was
in the beginning, is now, and ever
shall be, world without end. Amen.

2. Greetings
Good Morning, Class!
Good Morning, Ma’am Khristine!
3. Maintenance of the classroom order
Before you take your seats, pick up those
pieces of paper under your chairs and <Students will follow>
arrange your chairs properly.

4. Checking of Attendance
Class Secretary, who is/are the absentees
for today? No one is absent today, Ma’am
Okay! Very good! Give yourself a 3 big
clap <Students will follow>

5. Checking of Assignment

I gave you an assignment yesterday, right? Yes, Ma’am

Pass it forward, I’ll check it later <Students will follow>

6. Review of the past lesson

Let’s have a recap on the topics we have
discussed last time

: What is listening?
Yes, Dylan Dylan: Ma’am listening is the active
process of receiving and responding
to spoken (and sometimes unspoken)

What are the types of listeners? Yes, Kianna
Kianna: Ma'am the types of listeners
are active listening, critical listening,
informational listening, empathetic
Very good! listening, and appreciative listening.
7. Motivation
Class before we proceed to our lesson
proper, let’s first have a simple activity/game
which is called “Relay the Message”.

I will group you into 3 groups. Column 3 will

be the first group. Column 2 will be the
second group. Lastly column 1 will be the
third team.
Basically, when I say the word GO, the first
team player will run to me in order to get the
message. Then the first player needs to pass
it correctly to the next person. The goal is to
get the message relayed to the last person
intact and without any changes.

However, let's put a twist into this game. The

last team member will have to write the
message on the board and he/she also
needs to answer the message being relied

The team who writes the correct message

and is able to answer it correctly in a short
period of time will be the winner of this

Do you understand? Yes, Ma’am

Let's start! <Students will follow>


For group 1 - What has a head and a tail but

no body?

For group 2 - What gets wet as it dries?

For group 3 - What gets shorter as it grows



Group 1 - Coin
Group 2 - Towel
Group 3 – Candle

Congratulations, Group 3! You are the winner

of this game!

Let's give them five big claps! <Students will follow>

B. Developmental Activity

a. Presentation
In life, listening is one of the most important
skills that a person must have. However, you
should always remember how to react
intelligently to what you have listened to. In
other words, before you react into something
you need to digest or investigate before
immediately agreeing to ensure effective

b. Discussion

Today our topic is about listening to get the

main idea.

But before that, let me first play an audio

recording of a news report. (MAY ILALAGAY

(The teacher will play an audio recording of a

news report through a bluetooth speaker.)

Class, take note of the important details

because later on I will be asking some
questions regarding the news report.

Did you understand the news report? Yes Ma'am

Okay, class, the news report is all about? <Students will raise their hands>
Yes, Mica
Mica: Ma'am the news report is about
a victim of a hit and run that was seen
along Carmela street, Tala Caloocan
Who was the victim? Yes, Zaida Zaida: Ma'am the victim is a 25 years
old man named Jose Reyes.

Great! Where is the victim brought? Yes, Loki Loki: Ma'am the victim was brought to
Tala Hospital.

Very good! Why did he meet with an

accident? Yes, Klay Klay: "Ma'am according to Jose
Reyes, he was crossing the street
when a rushing van hit him.

Fantastic! How did they know the suspect's

information? Yes, Elijah
Elijah: Ma'am according to the news
report, a white van with plate number
XY1234 was seen from the CCTV
Amazing! footage recorded by the Barangay on
that day.
Fantastic class! You are all a great listener.

Class before we try to identify the main idea <Students will raise their hands>
in a paragraph, who can first define what is a
main idea?
Yes, Danielle? Danielle: Ma'am a main idea tells you
what the text or paragraph is all

Another one? Yes, Damon Damon: Ma'am a main idea in a text

or paragraph is the primary point or
concept that the author wants to
communicate to the readers about the
Superb! Aside from that, a main idea is a
general statement supported by most of the
other information in a paragraph or text.

Class here are some of the tips in order to

get the main idea of a paragraph or text.

First is to listen carefully and jot down

important information.

Second, a paragraph has one main idea and

the other sentences are supporting
sentences, and they give details. Usually, the
main idea is in the first sentences so listen to
what the speaker is trying to convey.

Third is to identify the topic. Sometimes the

topic of the text is the main idea. Read the
passage through completely, then try to
identify the topic. Use the WH questions and
H questions in determining the main idea.
“Who or what is the paragraph about?”

Fourth is to summarize the passage. After

reading the passage thoroughly, summarize
it in your own words in one sentence.
Lastly is to look for words or ideas
repetitions. If you read through a paragraph
and you have no idea how to summarize it
because there is so much information, start
looking for repeated words, phrases, or
related ideas. For example, if the paragraph
or text consistently talked about cats and
dogs then the main idea will be about dogs
and cats.

Okay now class, look at the screen. Let's try

to identify the main idea of each paragraph.

For the first slide, what do you think is the

main idea? Yes, Klare Klare: Ma'am the main idea of the
(MAY PICTURE DITO, CALL TIN) paragraph is about soccer players
learn many skills when playing
Excellent! Another slide. soccer.


Yes, Charles Charles: Ma'am the main idea is that

"Summer is a wonderful time to spend
at West Beach".

Do you have any questions regarding how to None, Ma’am

identify the main idea?

C. Generalization
What have you learned in our discussion

Yes, Jimmy Jimmy: Ma'am I learned that a main

idea is the central or the most
important idea in a paragraph or
Great! Another one?
Yes, Jayda Jayda: Ma'am I also learned about the
tips on how to find the main idea in a
paragraph or audio recording. First is
to jot down important information.
Second look at the first sentences of
the passage since the main idea is
usually presented there. Third is to
identify the topic. Fourth is to
summarize the passage. Lastly is to
look for words or ideas repetitions.

D. Application
Class for your individual activity, you are
going to create a paragraph showing your
chosen main idea.

Directions: Create a paragraph consisting of

5 – 6 sentences. Choose a topic on the

Your favorite;

1. Hobby
2. Food
3. Place to visit
4. Friend

Class, I will give you 5 minutes to do this



Content – 5 points
Grammar, punctuation, spelling- 5 points
Organization of thoughts – 5 points

Total: 15 points



Directions: Identify the main idea portrayed in

the paragraph below. Write your answer on a
sheet of paper.

1. There are great numbers of deer

around here. This whole area is a
great country for hunters and
fishermen. There are bears, mountain
lions, and coyotes. To the east there
are streams full of trout, and there are
ducks and geese.

2. Penicillin is one of the greatest of the

wonder drugs. It has saved thousands
of lives already and will save many
more in the future. Unfortunately, it
has no effect at all on most of the ills
of mankind.

3. Costs were low that year and the

output high. There was a good person
for each job and the market remained
firm. There were no losses from fire.
All in all, it was the best years in the
history of the company.

4. Physical activity provides innumerable

benefits. Consistent exercise
alleviates symptoms of depression.
Studies show that consistent exercise
results in not only less time to fall
asleep and sounder sleep cycles, but
also less daytime drowsiness.
Additionally, an improved
cardiovascular system and increased
endorphins stimulate the mind for
more creative thoughts to flow.

5. Advertising affects our lives everyday.

Brand names are common household
words. We start each day using the
toothpaste, soap, and breakfast foods
promoted by advertisers. Ads have
made the cars we drive signs of our
success. Our choices of food, dress,
and entertainment are swayed by ads.

Key to Correction:

1. This whole area is great country for

hunters and fishermen.
2. Penicillin is one of the greatest of the
wonder drugs.
3. All in all, it was the best years in the
history of the company.
4. Physical activity provides innumerable
5. Advertising affects our lives


Directions: Answer the following on a sheet

of paper.

1. What are the qualities of a speech?

2. Appreciate the importance of listening
attentively by listing one news report that you
will be hearing today on the television or
radio. Write the main idea and supporting
details of that news report.

Reference: Soaring to Greater Heights, Faz

A. & Gonzales, D., p. 2

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