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1557 1909 NAACP-WEB DuBois 1 1909

1558 17th Nov-Elizabeth becomes queen, debt-£227,000 1 1910 8,000+ cinemas, 6 1910
1559 Elizabeth coronated(15th Jan), Act of supremacy, Act of 4 1911 1911
unformity, Royal injunctions, Act of exchange
1560 1912 16% homes electrically lit 4 1912
1561 1913 1 Ford/3mins, Assembly line 4 1913
1562 1914 UNIA-Marcus Garvey, Ford model T-$850 1,4 1914 Booming industrty 1
1563 Statute of artificiers, 39 articles 2 1915 Birth of a Nation released, 1,345 breweries in USA, 10m 1915
telephones 1,3
1564 1916 Start of Great Migration, 50 black Americans employed by 1916
Ford 2
1565 1917 Start of Red scare, Literacy test, Russia- Bolshevik revolution, 1917
90,000 women serving in war 1
1566 Vestment controversy, Dutch peasant revolt 7 1918 Beer production banned till end of war(Sep) 1918 9th Nov- kaiser abdicates, 11th Nov- war ends
3 (armistice signed), bread-0.6 Mark 1
1567 1919 End of Red Scare, Palmer raids, 3,600 strikes, Race riots, 1919 Jan- Weimar elections, Aug- Weimar constitution,
alcohol sale limited in 26 states by this time, 9 million cars Spartacist revolt, German Workers Party Founded
(Anton Drexler), Treaty of Versailles(£6.6bn
reparations, War guilt, 10% Populaton and 13%
1 territory lost, Rhineland demilitariesed, No air 1
force, Small navy, Army-100,000

1568 Mary, Queen of Scots arrives in England 5 1920 End of Great Migration, Women got vote, prohibition- 1920 Kapp Putch, SA introduced
Volstead act, Sacco and Vanzetti, KKK-100,000+, 1 Ford/10
seconds, flapperism began(Joan Crawford), 60,000 radios 1,2,4,7 1,2

1569 Northern Earls rebellion 5 1921 Emergency quota act, Teapot dome scandal, Gramophone 1921 Hitler takes over German Workers Party
industry peaked, sacco and vanzetti trial 1,3 1
1570 Papal bull of excommunication, Thomas cartwright propsals 5,7 1922 More than 430 black Americans lynched by this time, Fordney 1922 Treaty of Rapallo (restored USSR relations)
McCumber tarrif raised import duties (people bought home-
produced goods) 2 1

1571 Ridolfi plot, Treason act, Walter Strickland, 39 articles 5,7 1923 Harding died 1923 Munich Putch, Hyperinflattion, Invasion of the
approved Ruhr, Streseman foreign minister, Nov- bread
203m marks 1

1572 Vagabonds act, Field and Wilcox, Drake attacks Spanish 2,6,7 1924 National Origins Act, Indian citizenship act, Butler act, Nellie 1924 Dawes plan
strongholds Taylor Ross (Wyoming) first elected governor of state 1,2 1

1573 1925 Scopes monkey trial, KKK-5mil+, stock market $27bn 1925 Locarno agreement (no war over Germany's West
2 borders), SS introduced, Hitler Youth introduced, 1,2
Nazi membership- 27,000

1574 Seminary priests arrive 5 1926 Vaccum released, 27,000 cinemas, 10,000 black Americans 1926 Germany joined LoN, Nazi membership- 49,000
employed by Ford, Ford model T-$295, Bertha Knight Landes
first female lawyer of American city 4,6 1,2

1575 1927 Sacco & Vanzetti final appeal rejected, The Jazz singer, 63% 1927 Nazi membership- 72,000
homes electrically lit 1,5 2
1576 Act for relief of poor, Peter Wentworth, The Theatre, 2,3,7 1928 Meriam Report 1928 Kellog-Briand pact (no war for dispute), Nazi
Elizabth orders Grindal to ban prophesyings membership- 108,000
2 1, 2

1577 1929 14th Feb- St. Valentines day massacre, 24th Oct- Black 1929 Young Plan, Unemployment 900,000, WS crash
Thursady (13mil shares), 29th Oct-Wall Street Crash (Black
Tuesday, 16.5mil shares), Immigration act, Market-$87b,
Road building 10,000mi/year, 26 million cars, 10 million 1, 5 1,2
radios, stock market $87bn

1578 1930 30,000+ Speakeasies in NY, 303,000+ cinemas in USA and 1930 Unemployment 3.5m+, Nazis- 107 seats
1m+ tickets sold/week, 20 million telephones, 600+ radio 3, 5 2
stations in USA

1579 Stubbs Marriage Pamphlets 7 1931 Al Capone charged- tax evasion 3 1931 Unemployment 5m+, SD added 2
1580 Robert Browne establishes following, Jesuits arrive 5 1932 1932 Unemploment 6m+, June- Von Papen chancellor,
July- Nazi's had 230 seats, SA ban lifted, Nov- Nazi's 2
had 241 seats

1581 2 parliament acts (fines increased,treasonable to attempt to 5 1933 End of prohibition 1933 Jan- Hitler chancellor, Feb (27th)- Reichstag fire,
covert people to catholicism) , Campion executed March- Enabling act, Army-100,000, boycott of
Jewish-owned businesses, Gestapo set up, DAF
3 (German labour front) intro'd, Law for Reduction of 2,3,
Unemployment, Women taken out of
unemployment figures

1582 Browne imprisoned 7 1934 756 Breweries in USA 1934 June- Night of long knives (SA destroyed), Schacht-
president of Reichsbank, Kinder, Kuche, Kirche
3 speech, Hitler becomes Fuhrer (Aug), Oath of 2,3
obedience to Hitler

1583 Throckmorton plot, Grindal dies/replaced by Whitgrift, 3 5,7 1935 Conscription re-introduced in army, all 18-25 year
articles enforced(acceptance of bishops, prayer book and 39 olds must do 6 months in National Labour Service,
articles-WHITGRIFT) Nuremberg laws (marriage and removed Jews' 3

1584 Peter Turner, William of Orange killed 7 1936 Himmler- Chief of police, Goering in charge of
economy, 36% teachers Nazi party members, 2, 3, 4
Rhineland remilitarised

1585 Seminaries told to leave, War with Spain declared, Drake 5,6 1937 97% teachers went on Nazi ideology course
disrupts trade routes 3
1586 Babington plot, Anthony Cope 5,7 1938 Kristallnacht, Reunite with Austria, 150,000 people
paid into volkswagen scheme 3, 4
1587 Mary, Queen of Scots exection(8th Feb), Drake destroys 5,6 1939 Army-4.1mil, German Labour Front (DAF)- 22mil
37/24(?) ships + timber supplies- delays armada by 1 year members, Youth group membershiip made
(20th April 1587) compulsory, take over Czechoslovakia, Nazi-soviet
pact - divide Poland, Fur donations encouraged,
400,000 Jews emigrated by this point, war began, 3, 4
Rationing began

1588 Marlprelate tracts, Spanish Armada: 28th May-Set sail from 5,6,7 1940 Invaded: Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium,
Lisbon, 19th June- Stop at Corruna for food and supplies, France using Blitzkreig, Children evacuated
21st June- Set off from Corruna, 29th July- Armada spotted
off coast of Cornwall, 7th August- attacks by fireships, 8th 4
August- Battle of Gravelines, 9th August- Elizabeth Tilbury
1589 1941 Turning point of war, Germany struggled in Winter,
1.5m fur items, 67m woolen items, Himmler visited
mass exectutiion and wanted less bloody method 4

1590 1942 Severe rations, 500,000 Jews massacred by this

time, Wanasee conference (Jan) 4
1591 1943 Surrender at Stalingrad, White Rose Group
demonstration, attempt to kill Hitler, Ruhr
bombed, RAF created a firestorm in Hamburg- 4
45,000 killed

1592 1944 plot to kill Hitler, Edelweiss pirates hanged

1593 Act against seditious sectaries, Catholic gatherings +5mi rule 5,7 1945 Soviet Army entered Germany from East, Feb-
Dresden bombed, Apr(30th)- Hitler killed himself,
May(8th)- Surrender signed, Start of Nuremberg
trials, Feb- Yalta, July- Potsdam, Feb- 25,000 killed 4
in one night of bombing in Dresden, Volkssturm

1594 1946 Oct-10mil Germans leave E. Europe

1595 1947 Jan- Bizonia (UK/USA), Jun- Marshall plan
money($1.4bn), Cominform-> co-ordinate 4
economic policies (communist countries)

1596 Bad harvest 2 1948 Deutschmark introduced, Berlin Blockade/Airlift

(June), Organisation for European Economic Co- 4
operation (OEEC)

1597 Bad harvest 2 1949 End of Nuremberg Trials, Berlin Blockade (end-12
May), Adenaur chancellor, COMECON, NATO
started, Ulbricht's one-party state 4,5

1598 Act for relief of poor, Act for punishment of rogues 2 1950 Stasi set up
1599 Globe theatre 3 1951 Denazifiction abandoned, European Coal and Steel
Commuunity (ECSC) 5
1600 1952 182,390 escaped EG through Berlin, German Treaty
signed 5, 6
1601 Poor law, population 4.1 mil 2 1953 Workers uprising 5
1955 WGermany joined NATO, Hallstein doctrine
announced in WG (If anyone exc. USSR recognised
EGs existence, they would be cut off), Warsaw pact 5,6

1957 EU formed- began as EEC which was common
market for goods- formed by treaty of Rome 5
1958 Rationing stopped 5
1960 1960(s)- late- 50,000 stasi and 100,000 IMs 5
1961 Berlin wall constructed 6
1963 Kennedy visited WG, Adenaur no longer
chancellor, New economic system 5,6
1966 Brandt foreign minister
1969 Brandt chancellor 6
1970 Moscow treat, Warsaw treaty, 1970(s)- Honecker
tried to remedy problems 6,5
1971 Brandt wins nobel peace prize, Berlin accord(both
sides recognised split as permanent, Ulbricht--
>Honecker 6

1972 Baltic treaty 6

1973 Both joined UN 6
1978 Greater degree of religious tolerance 5
1980 1980(s)- 25% people IM's
1982 Kohl chancellor
1986 Nuclear submarine sunk, chernobyl 6
1987 INF- Intermediate Nuclear Force treaty 7
1989 Honecker (Jan), Honecker resigned (Oct)- Krenz
took over, Anti-gov demos, 9th Nov- Wall torn
down and border openeed, 6th Dec- Krenz
resigned-->Modrow, Die wende (the change), sep-
33,000 moved from EG to WG, Brezhnev doctrine
abandoned and troops withdrawn (opposition not
crushed by USSR), 3 democratic parties set up,
Kohl announces 10 point plan (little support from 7
UK and France until eventually Gorbachev and
President Bush supported him)

1990 Modrow took over, two-plus-four talks, currencies

merged, Treaty of unification (Aug), Reunification
voted for (Sep), Ostmark=Deutschmark 7

1991 START- Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, Cold war


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