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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Spe ci a l R e p or t

Are We Prepared for Nuclear Terrorism?

Robert P. Gale, M.D., Ph.D., and James O. Armitage, M.D.

No plan ever survives first contact with the mass chemical explosions. However, less than
enemy. 10% of the energy released by a nuclear weapon
is in the form of ionizing radiation (mostly neu-
— General Helmuth von Moltke, tron and gamma [photon] radiation). Consequent-
Prussian Army Chief of Staff ly, only a small fraction of the deaths after the
detonation of a nuclear weapon are radiation-
Was von Moltke right, or was Winston Churchill, related.1 In addition, although there is concern
who said “He who fails to plan is planning to about the long-term carcinogenic effects of radia-
fail”? Recent events have increased concern about tion exposure, only approximately 5% of deaths
the consequences of nuclear terrorism. Nuclear ter- from cancer among A-bomb survivors have been
rorism can take several forms, such as forceful attributed to radiation exposure.2
takeover of a nuclear power facility by terrorists, Since the atomic bombings in Japan, and es-
targeting of a country’s nuclear power facilities pecially during the Cold War, people have been
by terrorists or rogue states using conventional or concerned about the threat of nuclear terrorism
nuclear weapons or commercial aircraft, inten- and nuclear war. However, beginning about 40
tional detonation of a nuclear weapon by a ter- years ago, accidents at the Three Mile Island,
rorist organization or rogue state, or the use of Chernobyl, and Fukushima nuclear power facili-
radiologic dispersion or exposure devices (such ties heightened this fear; the fear has been com-
as radioactive material from a stolen nuclear pounded by several recent events, including the
weapon or a conventional explosive device [“dirty acquisition of nuclear weapons capability (a ther-
bomb”]) by terrorists. Our focus in this report is monuclear weapon [H-bomb, or fusion bomb])
on preparedness in the United States, but most by North Korea and the seeming ability of that
concepts apply to other developed and develop- country to target the United States with an inter-
ing nations. continental ballistic missile, threats to dismantle
In 1945, the United States detonated two the U.S.–Iran nuclear deal (Joint Comprehensive
atomic weapons (A-bombs, or fission bombs) Plan of Action), the deterioration of U.S.–Rus-
over Japan to end World War II. The bombs had sian nuclear arms–limitation agreements, and the
an explosive force of approximately 13 kilotons recent decisions by the United States and Russia
and 22 kilotons of TNT (trinitrotoluene), respec- to upgrade their nuclear arsenals. In this report,
tively (approximately 50 to 100 terajoules). It is we consider whether it is necessary to plan for
estimated that 120,000 to 250,000 persons in nuclear terrorism and whether such plans will be
Hiroshima and Nagasaki died within 4 months, effective. We conclude that although planning is
most of them immediately or within a few days potentially useful for a small-scale nuclear terror-
after the explosions. Most of these deaths were ist event, responses to large-scale events are
caused by percussive force, projectiles, and ther- difficult to plan effectively. We should not expect
mal injuries from “superfires” (i.e., fires of ap- these events to play out as planned for, and pre-
proximately 100,000,000°C; for comparison, the vention is key. Because the effectiveness of any
surface of the sun is 6000°C), not by radiation. nuclear terrorism emergency plan relates pre-
Nuclear fission reactions release approximately dominantly to exposure circumstances, we con-
10 million times more energy than equivalent- sider several scenarios below.

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Nucle ar P ower Facilitie s power facilities every 3 years. However, these

measures are not foolproof. Recently, antinuclear
Exposure of fewer than 100 facility personnel to activists entered nuclear power facilities in France
ionizing radiation from an incident or accident and Belgium and set off fireworks to show the
at a U.S. nuclear power facility is planned and vulnerability of the facilities. The U.S. 9/11 Com-
trained for, as are measures to protect the sur- mission reported that the 9/11 terrorists initially
rounding population, including sheltering in considered targeting U.S. nuclear power facili-
place, evacuation (if appropriate), and distribu- ties. The bottom line is that nuclear power fa-
tion of iodine tablets to block uptake of radioac- cilities are no longer merely theoretical targets
tive iodine (reviewed by Christodouleas et al.3). of terrorism or military targets. Furthermore,
The extent to which this is the case in all other when we consider the possible consequences of
nations with nuclear power facilities is uncertain terrorism against a nuclear power facility, radia-
and is affected by the level of societal develop- tion exposure is only part of the equation: infra-
ment and political stability. structure damage, mass evacuations, and public
However, the above scenario is a rather dif- fear may be of a much greater magnitude than
ferent from one in which terrorists commandeer radiation-induced injuries. This is an example of
a nuclear power facility or when a nuclear power potential terrorist gains from “mass distraction”
facility is targeted with a hijacked commercial and mass disruption rather than mass destruction.
airplane or a conventional or nuclear weapon. The concept of nuclear power facilities as
Are these scenarios hypothetical? Unfortunately, military targets has been reviewed elsewhere.4
no. In 1972, hijackers took control of a U.S. air- The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
liner and threatened to crash into the Oak Ridge has an International Nuclear and Radiological
nuclear weapons facility. In 1981, Iran and then Event Scale (INES), shown in Figure 1. The ac-
Israel attacked and destroyed Iraq’s Osirak nu- cidents at the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear
clear power facility before it could be fueled with power facilities were a 7 on this scale, whereas
enriched uranium. Iraq bombed Iran’s Bushehr the event in Goiânia, Brazil (discussed below),
nuclear plant six times between 1984 and 1987. was a 5 (www-ns​.­iaea​.­org/​­tech-areas/​­emergency/​
The United States bombed a nuclear fuel enrich- ­ines​.­asp).
ment facility and three nuclear reactors in Iraq
in 1991. Also in 1991, Iraq used Scud missiles
R adiolo gic E xp osure De vice s
to target the Dimona nuclear power facility in
Israel. In 2014, Hamas targeted the Dimona fa- Another scenario is one in which terrorists use
cility from Gaza. Several of these attacks were a radiologic exposure device. In this scenario,
thwarted by Patriot missile defenses. Some threats terrorists steal a radioactive source — for ex-
to nuclear facilities have fortunately not been ample, material from a radiation therapy depart-
realized; for example, in the 1990s during the ment, an inadequately secured nuclear weapons
Balkan Wars, Slovenia shut down its Krško nu- site, a nuclear power facility, or a politically un-
clear power plant, fearing a Serbian air force stable state — and place it in a public space.
attack.4 In 2007, Israel launched an attack on a There are several reports of such thefts, includ-
Syrian reactor that was under construction and ing thefts of nuclear fuel rods from U.S. and U.K.
not yet fueled. Beginning in about 2009, the Iran nuclear power facilities. Some nations, fearing an
Natanz nuclear power facility was targeted by a invasion, have dispersed their nuclear weapons
cyberattack with the Stuxnet virus, presumably by to many sites, which makes security more dif-
Israel and the United States. And very recently, ficult. When terrorists use a radiologic exposure
Yemeni rebels claimed to have targeted the Bara- device, the radiation doses to the public are likely
kah nuclear power facility that is under construc- to be relatively low; few people are likely to be
tion near Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. exposed to high doses. The most important is-
Terrorist takeover of a nuclear facility can be sue is detection, which is easier if the device is
prevented by counterintelligence, intervention, stationary and more difficult if it is on a bus
and adequate on-site security measures. Force- or train, where exposed persons enter and exit
to-force exercises are performed at U.S. nuclear at different points.

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Chernobyl nuclear power Major accident

facility accident 7
Fukushima nuclear power
facility accident Serious accident

Goiânia event 5 Accident with wider consequences

4 Accident with local consequences

Serious incident

2 Incident

1 Anomaly

0 No safety significance

Figure 1. International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES) from the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Physicians need to be alert to the signs and volve stealing radionuclides from a university
symptoms of radiation exposure, and coordina- laboratory or a nuclear medicine department and
tion by an agency such as the Centers for Dis- spreading them over a large area with a small
ease Control and Prevention might be needed to plane, introducing radiation into a municipal
synthesize a cogent picture. The complexity of water reservoir, or covering a conventional ex-
detecting such an event was evident to us in plosive device (e.g., one made with dynamite or
dealing with a stolen cesium-137 radiotherapy TNT) with radioactive materials — a so-called
unit in Goiânia, Brazil, in 1987, a situation in dirty bomb. Thefts of radioactive materials are
which it took more than 2 weeks from the first common. The IAEA has records of more than
exposure to detection.5 Paradoxically, delayed de- 2000 such incidents, including more than 100 in
tection makes this strategy less useful to terror- 2016. It is unlikely that intensive radiologically
ists who rely on responses of the government and oriented medical interventions would be required
the public rather than radiation-induced casual- for most victims of a radiologic dispersion de-
ties to achieve their political aims. Physicians vice such as a dirty bomb, because percussion
should consider possible radiation exposure in and projectile injuries will probably account for
persons who have a constellation of nonspecific more injuries than radiation exposure. There
signs and symptoms, including epilation and may be a risk of unacceptable long-term radia-
gastrointestinal symptoms. Low counts of blood tion exposure at the detonation site, but this is
granulocytes, lymphocytes, and platelets should unlikely and can be mitigated by decontamina-
increase suspicion. Guidance on how to detect tion, shielding, and, if needed, short-term or
radiation exposure is available from the IAEA, the long-term evacuations. Radiologic dispersion de-
World Health Organization (WHO) (www.who vices are, again, more a matter of mass distrac-
.int/ionizing_radiation/a_e/IAEA-WHO-Leaflet tion and mass disruption than mass destruction.
-Eng%20blue.pdf), and elsewhere. Terrorists’ goals for deploying such devices are
predominantly political and psychological. Al-
though few people will be harmed in terms of
R adiolo gic Disper sion De vice s
their health, there is likely to be widespread con-
A third nuclear terrorist scenario involves radio- fusion and hysteria. This may result in possibly
logic dispersion devices. Such an attack can in- inappropriate government actions that could

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Special Report

Miles from Ground Zero

0 Severe Damage Zone

1 0.1 Moderate Damage Zone
Kiloton 0 1 2
2 1 Kiloton Light Damage Zone
Dangerous Fallout Zone
10 Kilotons

Figure 2. Severity of Damage Associated with Nuclear Devices.

Relative areas of severe damage (dark red), intermediate damage (lighter red), and light damage (pink) associated with different sizes
of nuclear devices are shown. The shaded blue area represents the zone of dangerous fallout. The figure was adapted from the Federal
Emergency Management Agency.6

complicate or even worsen the situation, such as terrorists from a “Universal Adversary” assemble
a conventional or nuclear attack against a for- a 10-kiloton nuclear device stolen from a nuclear
eign state that is perceived as encouraging or facility in the former Soviet Union, smuggle the
harboring the terrorists. U.S. actions against components into the United States, assemble it
Afghanistan immediately after the 9/11 World in a van, and detonate it in the center of Wash-
Trade Center attacks is an example of potential ington, D.C.6 What would happen? First, the per-
cascading events. The most effective counter- cussive force, projectiles, and superfires would
measure to radiologic dispersion devices is, again, cause complete destruction or severe damage to
prevention. However, education of government buildings within 1 km of the epicenter and ex-
officials, policymakers, and the public about tending out to approximately 6 km. (A nuclear
securing radioactive sources, early detection of weapon is most effective when detonated ap-
radiation exposures, and, perhaps most impor- proximately 1 km above the hypocenter rather
tantly, the potential risks associated with radia- than at ground level.) Communications would
tion exposure is an important measure. A guide be disrupted by electromagnetic forces from the
to early response to radiologic dispersion devices detonation. Many people within the immediate
is available at vicinity would be killed immediately, as would
emergency and medical personnel, including
many physicians and health care providers. Per-
Impr ovised Nucle ar De vice
sons at greater distances, including first re-
Things can get considerably worse. The U.S. sponders, would be exposed to high doses of
Department of Homeland Security and the Fed- neutron and gamma radiation from the initial
eral Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) de- blast and from radioactive fallout, which typi-
veloped 15 Disaster Planning Scenarios to deal cally occurs after a ground detonation (Fig. 2).
with potential terrorist attacks and natural disas- Figure 3 compares the relative effects of a nucle-
ters. Scenario 1 is entitled “Nuclear Detonation ar weapon, an improvised nuclear device, a radio-
— 10 Kiloton Improvised Nuclear Device.” In this logic dispersion device, and a radiologic expo-
scenario, planners consider a situation in which sure device. In the scenario of an attack with an

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Nucle ar War

The ultimate nuclear terrorism scenario is a nu-

FALLOUT ZONE clear war, which could be one weapon launched
by a rogue state, an accidental or intentional
strike with one or a few nuclear weapons by an
adversary (real or perceived) or even an ally, or a
full-scale nuclear war. The United States and
Russia together have approximately 8500 stock-

piled nuclear weapons, 3000 of which are opera-
RED tionally deployed. An attack or counterattack with
even a fraction of these weapons is not properly
defined as terrorism, and we do not discuss this
scenario further. It is estimated that there are
1100 nuclear weapons in seven other countries,
including the United Kingdom, France, India,
Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea. The average
destructive force of modern nuclear weapons is
equal to approximately 1 megaton of TNT, but
some weapons, such as the Soviet RDS-220 hy-
Figure 3. Sizes of Regions Affected by Different Types of Nuclear Device.
drogen bomb, is equivalent to 50 megatons of
The relative sizes of regions affected by a radiologic exposure device (RED),
a radiologic dispersion device (RDD), an improvised nuclear device (IND), TNT or approximately 5000 times more power-
and a sophisticated nuclear weapon are shown. The fallout zone shown is ful than “Little Boy,” the bomb that was dropped
for the IND. on Hiroshima. Planning an effective medical
response to an attack with weapons like these is
futile. Areas of fireball, percussive, and thermal
damage for different targets of one or more
improvised nuclear device, there would be ap- nuclear weapons of sizes ranging from 100 tons
proximately 100,000 immediate deaths and an- to 100 megatons for an airburst at 3 km can be
other 100,000 casualties requiring medical inter- modeled at
vention. Guidelines for triaging these huge
numbers of casualties have been published.7 Biolo gic Effec t s of Ionizing
Approximately half a million people would need R adiation E xp osure
to shelter in place for hours or days, after which
they would leave the area in a planned and, Exposure to high doses of ionizing radiation in
hopefully, orderly evacuation. Although there one or more of the terrorist scenarios we de-
are, of course, huge political, economic, social, scribe has adverse biologic effects. Tissues such
psychological, and societal consequences associ- as the skin, lung, gastrointestinal tract, and
ated with this scenario, our focus here is on bone marrow are the most severely immediately
medical preparedness and especially on dealing affected targets within a survival dose range.
with radiation-induced bone marrow failure. Persons exposed to less than 2 Gy of uniform
If you think the notion of commandeering whole-body ionizing radiation, equivalent to ap-
a nuclear weapon is far-fetched, consider this: proximately 200,000 chest radiographs, generally
during the recent attempted military coup in do not require immediate medical intervention
Turkey, dozens of U.S. nuclear weapons were at and will probably recover without medical inter-
risk for takeover at the Incirlik Air Base, which vention. At the other extreme, persons exposed
is close to the border with Syria, where a civil to more than 12 to 15 Gy will probably die de-
war has been raging for 7 years. And although spite medical intervention. Consequently, the fo-
some argue that these weapons would be inop- cus of medical preparedness for nuclear terror-
erable because of electronic safeguards (permis- ism is on persons exposed to 2 to 10 Gy, in whom
sive action links), we and others are not con- the most immediate problems are bone marrow
vinced. failure and gastrointestinal damage. However, in

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many of the radiation-exposure scenarios we tion. After the Chernobyl accident, we used a
describe, victims will have concurrent injuries combination of clinical variables, including the
from percussive forces, projectiles, thermal burns, kinetics of decline of blood lymphocytes and
and chemicals. Interventions that might save granulocytes. This approach, of course, is pos-
some patients from death from bone marrow sible only if there are surviving medical person-
failure will be only partially effective because of nel nearby to obtain serial blood samples, surviv-
these competing causes of death. In addition, ing machines to analyze the blood samples, and
trauma, especially burns, often increases mor- surviving experts to analyze the data. One or
tality due to any level of radiation exposure in more of these conditions may not be met in the
experimental models. This was seen among context of a major nuclear event. There is also
victims of the Chernobyl accident.8 There are confounding in the interpretation of these data
also long-term consequences of radiation expo- when other injuries are present, as is likely to be
sure, including diverse cancers (e.g., thyroid can- the case. One simple way to triage large num-
cers and other thyroid disorders, leukemias, and bers of potentially exposed persons is to exclude
solid cancers), infertility, and an increased risk those who have not had nausea and emesis within
of cardiovascular disease, all of which were seen 4 hours. Not everyone with these symptoms has
among the A-bomb survivors. a radiation dose of more 2 Gy, but patients with-
out such symptoms can be reasonably excluded.12
The consequences of inaccuracies in dose
R adiation D ose
estimates vary. For some interventions, such as
Effective therapy for persons exposed to ionizing oral antibiotic or antiviral drugs, an inaccurate
radiation requires an accurate dose estimate. estimate may be inconsequential. This is less
Exposed persons will almost certainly not have true for parenteral drugs, such as intravenous
radiation-monitoring devices. However, because antibiotics, red-cell and platelet transfusions,
many survivors have smartphones, it is possible and hematopoietic growth factors (e.g., filgrastim
to perform electron paramagnetic resonance spec- and sargramostim [granulocyte and granulocyte–
troscopy on the display glass of smartphones macrophage colony-stimulating factors]), which
and to perform optically stimulated lumines- use more health care resources and personnel
cence analysis of smartphone resistors in order and have greater associated risks of adverse
to estimate the dose of radiation.9 Other physical events. There is far less tolerance for an inaccu-
measurements include electron spin resonance rate dose estimate in the context of contem-
measurements of dental enamel and some clothes plated hematopoietic-cell transplantation.
(such as clothing made of cotton but not syn- Another issue is dose uniformity. Even if the
thetic fibers) and neutron capture of urine sam- estimated midline dose is accurate, there is no
ples. These physical measurements are technically guarantee of uniform exposure. If a person’s
demanding and not readily available, especially not arm or leg is shielded by an automobile or con-
quickly or on a large scale. Biologic dosimetry crete, some of the bone marrow may be unex-
can be performed on blood or bone marrow posed or less exposed, and hematopoietic-cell
samples, including analyses of dicentric chromo- transplantation may not be required. Unfortu-
somes, micronuclei, premature chromosome con- nately, it is unlikely that physicians will be able
densation, gamma H2AX foci, and chromosome to make correct informed decisions regarding
painting — but only if health care facilities are the benefits and risks of diverse medical inter-
intact and trained technical personnel are avail- ventions, especially ones with substantial poten-
able. Computer-based dose reconstruction with tial adverse effects, in many of the terrorist
the use of source–dispersion models requires scenarios we describe (as discussed below).
time and is rarely victim-specific. Even when a
combination of these approaches is used, point Medic al Preparedne ss
estimates of dose are often inaccurate and have
wide confidence intervals or credibility limits.10,11 How do we best prepare for nuclear terrorism?
These data may be sufficiently accurate for triage Our focus is on major events, such as an attack
but not for some therapy decisions, such the with an improvised nuclear device or a limited
decision about whether to perform transplanta- nuclear strike, accidental or intentional. Although

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

stockpiling drugs such as antibiotics, antivirals, advice regarding triage, access to centers with
and hematopoietic growth factors seems wise, expertise in treating persons with bone marrow
deciding who needs these interventions and de- failure, and training exercises. These efforts are
termining who is alive to estimate the radiation admirable. However, our experience after much
doses or to give parenteral drugs will be compli- smaller nuclear events, such as the Chernobyl and
cated if many or most health care and technical Fukushima nuclear power facility accidents and
personnel are casualties and if a substantial part the accidents and incidents in Tokaimura, Japan,
of the infrastructure, including hospitals, clinics, and Goiânia, Brazil, suggests that much of this
transportation facilities, and communications, planning is unrealistic and unlikely to be effec-
is destroyed.13,14 (The Nagasaki A-bomb hypo- tive, especially in the instances of a large nuclear
center, for example, was directly over the Naga- or radiologic terrorist event, and it is obviously
saki University School of Medicine.) Details of useless in the context of the detonation of a
the U.S. Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) are nuclear weapon or even a limited nuclear war.
reviewed elsewhere.15 Storing hematopoietic cells There has been little progress made in edu-
— for example, in a bank of umbilical cord blood cating government officials, policymakers, and
cells — seems sensible, but not if the cells are the public about the real consequences of expo-
exposed to the same high-dose ionizing radia- sure to ionizing radiation. This oversight comes
tion as the victims who might benefit from re- at our own peril. This knowledge gap has been
ceiving them. It can be argued that cells could and will continue to be exploited by rogue states
be transported from unexposed sites; this may be and terrorists to further their political agendas.
difficult in some instances and almost certainly
would be impossible in the context of a multisite P olitic s and Public P olic y
nuclear attack. Two other sources of hematopoi-
etic cells for transplantation are HLA-haplotype– Several recent trends and events beyond those
mismatched relatives and HLA-matched unrelated already mentioned are disturbing. One is that
volunteers. However, there is a high likelihood the U.S. government considers Russia to be in
that in a large-scale event, relatives of a radia- violation of the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear
tion victim will also be exposed or injured. Forces Treaty, and Congress has approved mea-
Identifying potential unrelated donors elsewhere sures to expand and increase the capability of
in the United States or overseas is time consum- nuclear weapons in the U.S. arsenal. The Trump
ing and requires intact telecommunications and administration recently gave the Air Force per-
computer networks, resources that are unlikely mission to develop a stealth nuclear cruise mis-
to be available soon after a major nuclear event. sile and approved funds to begin replacing the
There are nation-specific and international aging Minuteman missiles in silos across the
plans and organizations for responding to radia- United States. The United States recently decided
tion and nuclear incidents, including transport- to develop smaller nuclear weapons that could
ing patients with severe radiation exposure across be used in tactical settings; the smaller size of
state, provincial, or even international borders. the weapons increases the likelihood that they
The IAEA hosts an Incident and Emergency Cen- would be used and increases the number of
tre (IEC) that coordinates international responses weapons that could be stolen by terrorists and
to nuclear or radiologic incidents and emergencies transported into the United States. Our treaties,
(www​.­iaea​.­org/​­topics/​­emergency-preparedness-and such as the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
-response-epr) and publishes preparedness guide- (SALT), to limit, reduce, and eventually elimi-
lines (www-pub​.­iaea​.­org/​­MTCD/​­publications/​­PDF/​ nate nuclear weapons are in disarray. We are not
­ .­
pdf). There are also guidelines alone. Russia is taking parallel steps to increase
from the National Council on Radiation Protec- its nuclear attack capabilities.
tion and Measurements (NCRP) and the Health Contrary to what one might have hoped for
Physics Society.16,17 Another example is the U.S. 25 years after the end of the Cold War, the Bul-
Radiation Injury Treatment Network (https:/​­/​­ritn​ letin of the Atomic Scientists Doomsday Clock
.­net), which provides diverse services, including has been set 3 minutes closer to midnight than
educational materials for health care providers, in 2014, reflecting global nuclear weapons mod-

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Special Report

ernization, outsized nuclear-weapons arsenals, Conclusions

and collapsing nuclear-weapons treaties, which
pose extraordinary and undeniable threats to There is increasing public concern over nuclear
the continued existence of humankind. These terrorism, an accident or attack against a nuclear
scenarios, whether they result from an accident power facility, intentional or unintentional use
or from an intentional detonation of a nuclear of a nuclear weapon, or the use of radiologic
weapon or a terrorist action, require diverse dispersion or exposure devices, such as a dirty
strategies that include policy decisions, public bomb. Dealing effectively with these events re-
education, medical preparedness, and, as a last quires diverse strategies, including policy deci-
resort, medical interventions for an effective re- sions, public education, prevention, and, as a
sponse. However, as in all of medicine, preven- last resort, medical preparedness. Prevention is
tion is better than cure. the most effective strategy. Planning for these
events is important, but we should realize the
limitations and not be misled into thinking that
P olic y Implic ations
preparedness trumps prevention.
Educating government officials, policymakers, Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
and the public about the risk of nuclear terror- the full text of this article at

ism is essential. Understanding what we can

From the Haematology Research Centre, Division of Experi-
achieve — and especially what we cannot realis- mental Medicine, Department of Medicine, Imperial College
tically achieve — with medical preparedness is London, London (R.P.G.); and the Department of Medicine,
also essential. Preventing nuclear terrorism is key Division of Hematology and Oncology, University of Nebraska
Medical Center, Omaha (J.O.A.). Address reprint requests
but is unlikely to be universally successful. Sev- to Dr. Gale at the Haematology Research Centre, Division of
eral of the scenarios we describe can be dealt Experimental Medicine, Department of Medicine, Imperial
with by careful planning. At the other extreme College London, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom, or at
are scenarios involving hundreds, thousands, or
even millions of casualties, for which medical 1. Committee for the Compilation of Materials on Damage
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tion system to provide lessons on radiation biol- S133.
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and management of Alzheimer’s disease. Un- 6. Planning guidance for a response to a nuclear deto-
fortunately, many medical schools lack appro- nation (https:/​/​w ww​.fema​.gov/​media-library/​assets/​documents/​
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