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“Turn Your Passions into Actions for Change”,

Climate Change: Summary and Recommendations to Governments, 2023i

The human-caused destructive global-warming trend of climate change is scientifically established ii. Human
beings are not distinct from nature, but are part of nature, and are now affecting nature in an alarmingly negative
way. Impacts from global warming are now being felt and will soon become far worse if we do not act more
substantially. Without increased action, all countries will be increasingly impacted in a myriad of severe, adverse
ways: economically, environmentally, militarily, politically, medically, and psychologically. Global stability is
threatened. Though the poor will suffer the most, there is no safe haven for anybody.

Humane effective responses to global warming with ethical and moral foundations require difficult equitable
resolutions of conflicting situations from diverse per-capita and cumulative emissions constrained by the global
carbon budget, economic development, and energy requirements. Still, the interests of all are intertwined. We need
to become globally earth-centered, with respect for global human rights, reverence and compassion for living
beings, with a light carbon footprint. We need dedicated, clear, decisive leadership and action to counter global
warming by all governments, corporations, other NGOs, and individuals. There is no alternative. Let’s not have
future generations, impacted by global warming, say of us, "They knew but did not act."

Recommendations to Governments for Action on Climate Change

1. Promote increased ambition implementing the Paris Climate Agreementiii at the UAE COP28iv conference, with
much stronger Nationally Determined Contributions and more support for sub-national climate action.

2. Recognize that insufficiently mitigated climate change will produce an unlivable world with unacceptable
suffering from devastating climate impacts. Recognize that mitigation has huge opportunities for humankind.

3. Implement decreased worldwide greenhouse gas emissions at sustainable, safe levels. Adopt a more ambitious
portfolio of climate-risk-management mitigation/adaptation strategies, with substantially decreased fossil fuel use
and greatly increased funding for non-fossil energy. Implement equitable use of remaining carbon budget.

4. Adopt and implement further adequate, equitable, and binding financial and technical commitments by
developed countries to developing countries for climate mitigation, adaptation, and damage; with effective, gender-
sensitive aid distribution, and joint cooperative responsibility. Priorities are:
 Security: Achieve peace by avoiding armed conflicts, and avoid climate-induced mass migrations.
 Social Justice, Intergenerational Equity, Environment Preservation. Achieve: A livable world for our
descendants; Sustainable Development Goalsv; Food, water, energy security; Sustainable economic development,
gender balanced. Support for women, children, small farmers, Island, Coastal, Indigenous peoples. Support non-
intensive agriculture, sustainable forestry, conservation, ecosystems, biodiversity, and humane animal treatment.
Avoid mass extinctions. Improve public health and mental health. Support climate education; cf. IPCC reports ii.
Date: 10/20/2023 1:47:00 PM, File: NGOCSD-NY Climate Change Paper COP28 UAE 2023.docx

Over 100 Representatives of NGOs signed the original 2009 Copenhagen COP15 version of this paper, to which many NGOs
contributed. The paper was previously updated for each COP 16-27 (2010-2022).
IPCC Climate Reports: I. Science; II. Impacts, Adaptation, Vulnerability; III. Mitigation:
Paris Climate Agreement:
COP28 is the 2023 UAE UNFCCC Climate Conference:
Sustainable Development Goals:

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