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Nothing in business is accomplished without the right numbers, qualification, and attitude of
personnel staffing, in this context it refers to the personnel that will be hired in the organization
during its operation period. The firm, therefore; has decided to hire necessary labour forces that
could carry out the entire business operation smoothly and successfully. The total number of
workers shall be 11 permanent and 90 daily workers.

Their salaries and number and professions are given below in the table.

s/n Title No Monthly salary Annual salary

1 Manager 1 8000 120000
3 Industry man 1 7000 84000
4 Scale man 2 3000 72000
5 Time keeper/capo 1 8000 60000
6 Accountant & cashier 1 6000 72000
7 Store man 1 4000 48000
8 Driver 1 4500 54000
9 Guards 2 3000 72000
Total 594,000

9.2 Daily Workers

Employment growth was led by an increase among youth aged 15 to 24, which recouped
cumulative Increase observed for this group from November to April.

 For this year production 90 daily workers especially for those who are living in Aleta Wondo
Homacho Waeno Kebele and surroundings will be recruit

Basic Assumption
 Working Days per month 24 days
 Working day per annum 288 days
 Number of Shifts 2
 Working Hours per Shift 4 hrs.
 Daily labor cost per person per day 80 birr
 Daily workers require months 6 months
 Required number of daily workers 90 persons

Thus the total cost of labor for the required Months equal

90 person*80 birr *24 days*6 months = 1,036,800 birr

 Total cost for salary and wage = 594,000+1,036,800 = 1,630,800

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