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THONY: Guud morning ticher . Mai nei is Jhon Delgado.

Tudei wi weol present de Tashh Hau mash

du yu nou your ruumei?

SHIR: Good mornin,Thony. My name is Shirley.

THONY: Guud mornin, Shirley.

SHIR: How are you doing?

THONY: ay enn gruei, senkiu. How are you?

SHIR: I am very well. Thanks. Thony, can you ask some questions?

THONY: yes, Off corsss.

SHIR: Thony, what time do you usually get up?

THONY: Ay kee at leii / en haff brekfes very lei on wiikends. Den, Ay haff lounsh in a restuann.

SHIR: And what about your roommate? What is her name?

TONY: Hir nei is Daniel. Hi gess oo att sex: o'clock. tiuu. Den, De tesk a shaur.

SHIR: Does she go to university by bus?

THONY: Yes, daas. Hi goss tu classes attt nai o'clock.

SHIR: Does Daniel have lunch with you?

THONY: Noo, de dosent. Hi lounsh attt tiuuu in de afternoon/ en ay haff lounsh attt wann o'clock.

SHIR: What does Daniel do in the afternoon?

THONY: Hi daas exersaises weff hirr frendd. Den, hi watches ti vi/ en chats weff hir moder.

SHIRLEY: xcxxxxxxxxx

THONY: yes shirley, i have dinner with hi

SHIR: Interesting! What does The do after that?

THONY: Hi lisens tu rock miusek

SHIR: That's Good gender. thank you Thony It was a pleasure interviewing you.

THONY: Sii yu shirley tai ker.

SHIR: Bye.

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