Bandura SCLT

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Friday, April 28, 2023 3:18 PM

• Bandura (SCLT)
○ Triadic reciprocal causation
 Person, Environment, Behavior
 Two-way not unrequited
 Person
□ Someone who has human agency
 Power to control and a choice
 4 key features
◊ Intentionality
 It directs all behavior that comes out of you
◊ Forethought
 Ability to anticipate consequences
 It is never certain (probability)
◊ Self-reactiveness
 Self-control
 Self-regulation
– Domain of reactiveness
– Two factors
 Internal
 Self-observation
 Observe your way of responding to
 Judgmental process
 Personal standards
 Standard of reference
 Another person
 Value
 The way you understand an
 Does not have so much
consequence in your life
 If it has little value, you are not
motivated to exert self-
 Performance attribution
 There is an attribution that
their own actions lead to a
certain consequence or event
 External Factors
 Help you
 in setting standards
 Other people to set standards
for yourself which guides you to
regulate your behavior
 in getting reinforcement
 Validation, source of
 Attention is enough to reinforce
a behavior
 Turn back to things that has somehting to do with your
 Controlling yourself in contact toward you own goals
◊ Self-reflectiveness
 Assessing whether you are capable or not in something you
want to do
 What you choose is also your own assessment of your own
 Beyond your self-efficacy
 Self-efficacy is your assessment whether you can do anything
or something
 Self efficacy
– Hallmark of human agency
– You have control but only for certain things
– Efficacy and actual ability may not be congruent
– overestimation can lead to dangerous things/risks
– Assessment whether you are able to do something
– What contributes to self-efficacy
 Mastery experiences
 I may have a high se-efficacy of something if
I have performed it successfully before
 6 corollaries
 6 corollaries of self-efficacy
First. successful performance raises self-efficacy in proportion
to the difficulty of the task. Highly skilled tennis players
gain little self-efficacy by defeating clearly inferior
opponents, but they gain much by performing well
against superior opponents
Second. tasks successfully accomplished by oneself are more
efficacious than those completed with the help of
others. In sports, team accomplishments do not
increase personal efficacy as much as do individual
Third. failure is most likely to decrease efficacy when we know
that we put forth our best effort. To fail when only half-
trying is not as inefficacious as to fall short in spite of
our best efforts.
Fourth. failure under conditions of high emotional arousal or
distress is not as self-debilitating as failure under
maximal conditions.
Fifth. failure prior to establishing a sense of mastery is more
detrimental to feelings of personal efficacy than later
Sixth. related corollary is that occasional failure has little
effect on efficacy, especially for people with a generally
high expectancy of success.
 Social modelling
– If you see others doing it, you get to do it
– Similar other in whatever dimension is important to you
– As far as efficacy is concerned
– vicarious experiences provided by other people. Our
self-efficacy is raised when we observe the
accomplishments of another person of equal
competence, but is lowered when we see a peer fail
 Social persuasion
– Does not always work because it needs that the person
who persuade you must be a credible person
– You listen to someone credible
– It works if you believe it
 Physical and emotional states
– Strong emotion ordinarily lowers performance; when
people experience intense fear, acute anxiety, or high
levels of stress, they are likely to have lower efficacy

 Environment
□ Observational learning
 We can learn without actually experiencing it
 You are trying to emulate is within the environment
□ Model
 The people we try to emulate or copy
 Who should I choose as a model
◊ Salient
 What makes them salient
– Attractive
– Powerful
– Competent
– Status
– Uniqueness
– Popularity
 Ultimate determinant is your intentionality
 factors that influence observational learning
◊ Attention
◊ Representation
 You as a person must be able to represent an event into your
 Stops
– Distraction
 Thinking of something else
◊ Behavioural Production
 You cannot produce if it is not congruent with your actual
ability or self-efficacy
 Efficacy is your psychological reality
◊ Motivation
 Whether or not you are motivated to do a certain behavior
□ Fortuitous Events and Chance Encounters
 Unintended/unexpected series of events
 Can alter the consequences
 Behavior

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