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FID Troubleshooting Procedures

FID Troubleshooting Procedures

FID Troubleshooting Procedures.....................................................................................................1
FID Ignition Problems...............................................................................................................2
FID Ignition Problems – Check Lit Offset..............................................................................2
Confirm detector operating temp is > 300oC...........................................................................2
Visual Check – for igniter glowing during the ignition sequence...........................................2
Check Column Installation and for leaks at column/column adapter fittings.........................3
Gas Delivery Fundamentals.....................................................................................................4
Check for minimum H2 and Air Gas supply pressures...........................................................4
Confirm Correct FID Gas Flow Settings.................................................................................4
Measure the FID Gas flow rates..............................................................................................4
FID Ignition Problems – Jet Plugging.....................................................................................6
FID Ignition Problems – Jet Seal Leakage..............................................................................7
Parts to address FID Ignition Problems...................................................................................8
FID Jet Selection Guide...........................................................................................................8
FID Baseline Problems..............................................................................................................9
Elevated FID output - > 20 pa.................................................................................................9
Parts to address elevated FID Output......................................................................................9
Noisy FID Baseline................................................................................................................10
FID Noise quick test..............................................................................................................11
Chemstation ASTM noise evaluation....................................................................................11
Parts to address excessive FID Baseline Noise.....................................................................13
FID Baseline Spiking.............................................................................................................14
Parts to address excessive FID Baseline Spiking..................................................................14
FID Baseline Drift or Wander...............................................................................................15
FID Baseline Periodic Cycling..............................................................................................15
FID Baseline Maximum Output – Shorted Collector............................................................16
FID Sensitivity Problems........................................................................................................17
FID Low Sensitivity - Basics.................................................................................................17
FID No Sensitivity – No peaks..............................................................................................17
Common Troubleshooting Tests............................................................................................18
FID Leakage Current Test.....................................................................................................18
Parts to address excessive Leakage Current..........................................................................18
FID Baseline Evaluation – Electronics only..........................................................................19
Parts to address excessive Electronics Noise.........................................................................20
Troubleshooting an FID Igniter that doesn’t glow…............................................................21
Maintaining EPC calibration.................................................................................................22
Procedure: Zeroing flow and pressure sensors......................................................................22

The following procedures are provided to guide the user in solving basic FID operational

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FID Ignition Problems
FID ignition problems include: Flame won’t light, FID Shutdown, Flame-out after injection,
Flame attempts to re-ignite randomly or during an analysis. The most common causes will be gas
flow related due to wrong pressures, flow settings, leaks or restrictions – particularly around the

FID Ignition Problems – Check Lit Offset

The following should be checked before performing any other troubleshooting steps:
Check “Lit-Offset”
“Lit-offset” is the expected difference between the FID output with the flame lit and the output
with the flame off. If the output falls below this value, the FID will attempt to reignite twice. If
the output does not increase by at least this value, the detector shuts down all functions except
temperature and makeup gas flow.
The default setting for Lit-offset is 2.0 picoamps. This is a good working value for all but very
clean gases and systems. You may want to change this setpoint if:
• Your detector is attempting to reignite when the flame is still on, thus producing a shutdown.
• Your detector is not trying to reignite when the flame is out.
Procedure: Changing the auto-reignite, Lit-Offset setpoint
1. [Press [Config][Front Det] or [Config][Back Det].

2. Scroll to Lit-offset and enter a number. The default is 2.0 pA.

Enter 0 to disable the automatic reignite function.
The setpoint range is 0 to 99.9 pA. (6890N Oper pg 518)
Note: for FID systems using very low bleed columns and very clean gas supplies, the normal
output of the FID when lit may be < 2.0 pa. In this case it may be necessary to lower the Lit-
offset value to 1.5 pa or less.

Confirm detector operating temp is > 300oC

If the FID is operated at < 300 degrees, the flame may be more difficult to ignite and the upper
castle assembly temperature is below 100 degrees, which can result in water condensation and

Visual Check – for igniter glowing during the ignition sequence

Observe the igniter during the FID ignition sequence – it should be glowing
Click Here to Troubleshoot the Igniter

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Check Column Installation and for leaks at column/column adapter fittings
1. Make sure that the capillary column has not been installed all the way to the tip of the jet
– the column should be withdrawn 1-2 mm before tightening the column fitting.

Dimensions are shown for columns with I.D. < 100um

2. For dedicated capillary FID base – check the column fitting for leaks

3. For adaptable FID’s – check the column fitting for leaks and the adapter ferrule for
cracking or leaks - replace the Ferrule as required.

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Gas Delivery Fundamentals
Insure that the gas delivery systems for Carrier, Makeup, H2 and Air are leak free and that gas
supplies meet the minimum purity specification of 99.9995%
Use only gas pressure regulators that are designed for chromatographic application – stainless
steel diaphragm only.
Moisture and Oxygen traps should be installed on the Carrier and Makeup supplies.
Moisture traps should be installed on the H2 and Air supplies.
If more than one GC is connected to a gas cylinder, install secondary pressure regulators for each
GC and set the line pressure 20 PSI higher than that required by any of the individual GC’s.
Do not exceed gas delivery volume specifications for H2 or Air generators.

Check for minimum H2 and Air Gas supply pressures

H2 Supply Pressure: > 35 PSI
Air Supply Pressure: >55 PSI

Confirm Correct FID Gas Flow Settings

Typical gas flow values for Agilent Chemical test:
H2 – 30-35 ml/minute
Air – 400-450 ml/minute
Column + Makeup – 30 ml/minute

Measure the FID Gas flow rates

The 6850 and 6890 GC’s control detector flows with an electronic pressure control valve though
a fixed restriction. For this reason the GC can display correct values for FID H2, Air and
Makeup flows while the actual flow at the detector is incorrect. If the FID will not light, or if
there are noise/sensitivity problems, it is recommended to physically measure the detector gas
flow rates.
An adapter is supplied for the FID flow measurement. Insert the adapter into the detector exhaust
vent as far as possible. You will feel resistance as the adapter O-ring is forced into the detector
exhaust vent. Twist and push the adapter during insertion to ensure a good seal.

Use an accurate, preferably calibrated mass flow meter to confirm the actual flow rates:
1. Cool the oven to <50oC
2. Set the inlet pressure to “OFF” (shuts off column flow)
3. If there is no column installed, cap the FID column fitting
4. Turn FID H2/Air/Makeup flows to “OFF”
5. Turn on and measure H2/Air/Makeup flows independently
(The column flow can also be measured at this time by turning all the FID flows off and
turning the Inlet Pressure back on.)

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Low measured values for H2 and Makeup indicate a possible column leak or a plugged jet.
If there are no column leaks or jet restrictions and one or more channels of flow are off by more
than +/- 7% of setpoint, the EPC pressure sensors can be re-zeroed. Click here for EPC
Calibration Procedure. If zeroing the FID EPC flow channels does not restore flow accuracy, the
only solution is to replace the EPC module.
Note: Moisture in FID gas supplies can plug the flow restrictor(s) in the EPC module. Confirm
minimum gas purity of 99.9995% and install moisture traps on the H2 and Air supply manifolds.
If one or more of the restrictors are plugged, the entire EPC module must be replaced - the
restrictors cannot be replaced individually.

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FID Ignition Problems – Jet Plugging
The most common cause of FID ignition problems is a plugged or partially plugged jet. If the jet
is not completely plugged and the flame still ignites, a secondary symptom will be lengthening
peak retention times. Jet plugging is most common with thick-film/high bleed or packed columns
and high temperature applications. It is best to operate the column oven within the temperature
limits of the column and also to operate the FID at least 20 degrees hotter than the maximum
oven temperature in the GC method. If the FID jet is becoming plugged, actual H2, Makeup and
Capillary carrier flows will be lower than the values indicated by the GC.
Perform the Plugged Jet Diagnostic - 6850
Jet plugging can be evaluated by removing and physically examining the jet, or by running the
Plugged Jet Diagnostic.
The Diagnostic is a feature of the 6850 GC Hand-held controller, but can be run from the keypad
of the GC or from the Chemstation.
The 6850 menu is depicted below:

The diagnostic will report a pass/fail result and a pressure drop across the jet.

Perform the Plugged Jet Diagnostic – 6850 or 6890

1. Leave the column installed in the FID or remove the column and cap off the fitting in the
oven. Leaving the column in will determine if the column is installed too high in the jet,
plugging the orifice.
2. Set the Makeup flow to “Off” – confirm a reading of 0.0 ml/min for actual makeup flow.
If not 0.0 – follow the procedure to “Zero” the FID EPC module pressure sensors.
3. Set the Hydrogen Flow to 75 ml/minute (the H2 supply pressure may need to be
increased to achieve this flow setting.)
4. Monitor the makeup flow “Actual” reading
If the makeup flow is indicating a value in excess of 1.0 ml/min, this indicates that the jet is
plugged or partially plugged - pressure is backing up from the H2 channel into the Makeup
channel of the EPC system, resulting in a false flow indication on the makeup channel.

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FID Ignition Problems – Jet Seal Leakage
1. If the jet seal is compromised due to physical damage or fatigue due to removing and re-
installing more than twice – the flows will read correctly in the display and will also
measure correctly. However, hydrogen flow will be going around the jet rather than
through the orifice. To determine if the jet seal is compromised, the jet must be removed
and examined closely.
2. It is always best to replace, rather than to clean and reuse the jet.

3. While the jet is removed from the FID detector base, examine the sealing surface for
scratches or damage. The detector base weldment must be replaced if it is damaged.

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Parts to address FID Ignition Problems
FID Jet – See Jet Selection Guide for part
FID Gasket - 5180-4165
FID Igniter Glow Plug Assembly - 19231-60680
¼” Vespel/Graphite Ferrule for Adaptable Base – 5080-8774
Additional Parts for higher confidence …
FID EPC Manifold Assembly G1531-60720
FID Interface Board G1531-60020
FID Base weldments:
Adaptable Packed/Capillary G1531-80580
Capillary Dedicated G1531-80630

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FID Jet Selection Guide
There are two types of FID available. The capillary optimized FID is only used with capillary
columns, and the adaptable FID fits packed columns and can be adapted to fit capillary columns.

Jets for the Capillary-Optimized FID

Jet type Part no. Jet tip id

Capillary G1531-80560 0.29 mm (0.011-inch)

Capillary - High-temperature G1531-80620 0.47 mm (0.018-inch)

Jets for the Adaptable FID

Jet type Part no. Jet tip id

Capillary 19244-80560 0.29 mm (0.011-inch)

Capillary - High-temperature 19244-80620 0.47 mm (0.018-inch)
(use with simulated distillation)
Packed 18710-20119 0.47 mm (0.018-inch)
Packed wide-bore 18789-80070 0.030-inch
(use with high-bleed applications)

FID Baseline Problems

FID baseline related problems include noise, drift, wander, spiking, elevated baseline and
saturated detector output. These will be treated individually in this section.

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Elevated FID output - > 20 pa
Once the GC column is installed and the system has been thermally conditioned, the FID output
should equilibrate at a value less than 20 pa. If the output is significantly higher than 20 pa there
is a problem of system contamination – either electrical or chemical.
To evaluate this problem, perform the following steps to eliminated possible sources of
contamination systematically:
1. Confirm Gas Delivery Fundamentals
Confirm Correct FID Gas Flow Settings
Measure the FID Gas Flow Rates
2. Test the Makeup Gas:
Set the Makeup Flow to “OFF” – if the background drops significantly suspect a
contaminated makeup gas supply
3. Test the Carrier/Column:
Cool the GC oven to ambient temperature – if the detector output drops significantly,
suspect a contaminated or bleeding column or contaminated carrier gas.
Confirming/corollary test: Shut off the inlet pressure reducing the column flow to 0.
4. Test for Electrical Leakage Current: Perform the Leakage Current Test
5. Isolate the H2 and Air gas supplies:
If Leakage Current is OK – remove the column from the FID and Cap the fitting – relight
the flame.
FID Output <20pa? Further confirmation of contaminated Carrier/Column
FID Output still elevated? Suspect Contaminated H2/Air supplies – gases/tubing/traps.
6. External Contamination: If the FID EPC module has been exposed to gross levels of
contamination from H2, Air or Makeup gas supplies, the EPC module and the FID base
weldment may need to be replaced. It is also possible for the gas delivery manifold tubing
and tank regulator to be contaminated.

Parts to address elevated FID Output

Conditioned Moisture Trap 5060-9084 One for each gas supply
Indicating Oxygen Trap IOT-2-HP (30CC), LIOT-2 For Carrier and Makeup
Clean 1/8” Copper Tubing 5180-4196 50 Foot Roll
Additional Parts for higher confidence …
FID EPC Manifold Assembly G1531-60720
Tank Regulators Refer to Columns and Supplies Catalog
FID Base weldments:
Adaptable Packed/Capillary G1531-80580
Capillary Dedicated G1531-80630

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Noisy FID Baseline
FID noise is the result of mechanical, electrical and chemical factors. FID noise can be a
subjective parameter. Often FID Baseline noise is perceived based on history of a given detector
or comparison with another detector in the lab. For proper diagnosis of noise it is important to
evaluate the detector noise under documented conditions against a known standard.
The Basics
Confirm that the Knurled Brass Nut holding the FID castle in place is tight and that the FID
Interconnect Cover is installed. If there is no cover installed, Order Part Number G1531-00220.

Confirm that the FID Interconnect clamps are securely installed.

Confirm that the lit FID Output is < 20 pa after system equilibration – if higher, perform the
Evaluation for Elevated FID Output before proceeding.

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FID Noise quick test
Observe the FID output with the flame lit. A noisy FID baseline can be detected by observing the
output of the FID on the front panel of the 6890. If the value in the display is jumping by more
than 0.2 pa in less than one second intervals, it is almost sure the detector is excessively noisy –
perform ASTM noise test to confirm.

Chemstation ASTM noise evaluation

In order to accurately evaluate FID noise, it is best to use the Agilent Chemstation to measure
ASTM noise. This is accomplished by the following procedure:
1. Bake out the GC column for 30 minutes at an oven temperature above that of the GC method,
but less than the column maximum temperature limit.
2. Prepare a GC method with isothermal oven at 100 degrees – run time 10.5 minutes
3. Allow the system 30 minutes to equilibrate
4. Go to the Data Analysis View
5. Under the “Report” pull down choose “System Suitability/Edit Noise Ranges”
“Full Menu” must be selected
6. For ASTM noise calculation the time window(s) must be > 1.0 minutes. For this test enter
one time interval - from 1 to 10 minutes.

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7. Select Report type as “Performance + Noise

8. Make a blank “No Vial” injection and print the report

9. ASTM noise should be <0.0382 pa
10. If you do not have an Agilent Chemstation, contact Agilent support.

Isolating the cause of FID noise

1. If the noise test fails, remove the column and re-evaluate detector noise with the FID
capped and re-ignited, using only H2/Air and Makeup detector gases – if it passes,
suspect contaminated column/carrier gas
2. If the noise failed with no column installed, repeat the noise test with only H2 and Air –
set Makeup flow to “Off”. If it passes suspect contaminated makeup gas.
3. If the noise test still fails, perform the Leakage Current Test – if the leakage test fails,
replace or clean the collector and PTFE insulators, the interconnect with spring and/or the
entire FID electrometer assembly.
4. If the leakage current test is OK – suspect a contaminated jet or contaminated H2 or Air
detector gas supplies – gases, tubing, traps – especially if the background of the detector
when lit is >20 pa.

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Parts to address excessive FID Baseline Noise
FID Interconnect assembly - G1531-60715
FID Collector Body - G1531-20690

FID PTFE Insulator (2) - G1531-20700

FID Jet – See Jet Selection Guide for part


Alternate Parts for higher confidence …

FID Collector Assembly G1531-67001

FID Signal Board (Electrometer) G1531-60010

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FID Baseline Spiking
Spikes on the FID baseline can be due to a contaminated jet, mechanical vibration or electrically
coupled noise. The following procedure will isolate the source of the spiking.
Turn the FID flame to “Off” and monitor the baseline
If the spiking stops it is most likely due to a contaminated jet. It is best to replace the jet and bake
out the detector 25-50 degrees above the normal operating temperature. A new jet can spike for a
while during the bakeout process.
If the spiking persists it is most likely mechanical or electrical in origin.
Follow the procedures for Evaluating FID Leakage Current and Evaluating the FID
baseline – Electronics only:

If the baseline spiking continues, replace the electrometer and/or the interconnect/spring
Power Line Grounding and FID Spiking
Ground noise on the AC power supply to the GC can cause FID spiking – the GC in question
should have a dedicated outlet and incorporate an isolated/dedicated ground.

Parts to address excessive FID Baseline Spiking

FID Jet – See Jet Selection Guide for part
FID Collector Assembly - G1531-67001

FID Interconnect assembly - G1531-60715 - OR

FID Signal Board (Electrometer) - G1531-60010

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FID Baseline Drift or Wander

1. Check the “Gas Delivery Fundamentals”

2. Bakeout the column and FID at temperatures above those used in the method. Observe
column temperature limits provided by the manufacturer.
3. Perform complete inlet maintenance – pressure test the inlet when completed.
4. Perform complete FID maintenance – cleaning or rebuilding the detector.

FID Baseline Periodic Cycling

1. Check the “Gas Delivery Fundamentals”

2. Check the FID air supply to determine if it is sourced from an air compressor – if there is
not enough isolation between the compressor and the GC, the duty cycle of the
compressor can be coupled onto the FID baseline. Isolation is improved by adding
volume to the gas delivery system (traps help) and additional stages of pressure
regulation between the compressor and the GC. Make sure there is a 20 PSI differential
across each stage of regulation.
3. A defective tank regulator or pressure regulators in series that are set close to the same
pressure can cause supply pressure cycling. Make sure each stage of regulation has a 20
PSI pressure differential.
4. Check for H2 or Air Generators being used in the system – make sure they are not being
operated near their maximum gas delivery volume.
5. Cycling can also be the result of a sticking EPC valve in the FID EPC module. Increase
the gas supply pressure by 10% to the Air, Hydrogen or Makeup channels. Exercise the
individual EPC valves by setting each gas flow to a high value, then turning the gas flow
“On” and “Off” repeatedly. Restore operational flow settings and re-evaluate the

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FID Baseline Maximum Output – Shorted Collector
If the FID output seems to be stuck at a very high value (up to 8 million counts) it is likely that
the collector is shorted to ground. This can be due to the following causes:
1. The interconnect spring has been bent. Remove the collector assembly and visually
inspect the spring – replace the interconnect assembly if the spring is bent.
2. Rust buildup under the Castle assembly causing a short around the upper PTFE insulator.
Perform FID maintenance – clean or rebuild the detector.

To avoid this problem, operate the detector at or above 300 degrees and consider
installing the Hastelloy collector and Castle assemblies – see IPB.
3. Carbonization in the detector due to injection of aromatic or chlorinated solvents.
- To avoid this problem, operate the detector at or above 300 degrees
- Operate the Detector flows at higher values (Air 450, H2 35 ml/min)
- Use the PTFE Collector insert, P/N 19231-21050 – install after the flame is lit
(obscures the igniter if installed)

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FID Sensitivity Problems
FID Low Sensitivity - Basics
1. Check detector flow settings
2. Measure actual detector flow rates
3. General rule is 1:1 flow ratio of H2 to Column + Makeup
4. Check for plugged or leaking Jet
5. Check that column is installed inside the jet – all the way to the tip and withdraw 1-2 mm
6. Check inlet parameters like split ratio or splitless purge delay time
7. Perform Inlet Maintenance and pressure test the inlet when completed
8. Perform complete FID maintenance – cleaning or rebuilding the detector.

FID No Sensitivity – No peaks

Check that the FID is assigned to Signal 1 or 2
Check that the FID electrometer is set to “ON” (Config Front or Back Detector)
Check that the Flame is lit.
Check that the syringe is drawing sample
Confirm that the interconnect spring is touching the collector
Insert a clean screwdriver into the FID and watch the display for an increase in detector output.
Measure the Column Flow
An adapter is supplied for the FID flow measurement. Insert the adapter into the detector exhaust
vent as far as possible. You will feel resistance as the adapter O-ring is forced into the detector
exhaust vent. Twist and push the adapter during insertion to ensure a good seal.

Use an accurate, preferably calibrated mass flow meter to confirm the actual flow rates:
1. Cool the oven to <50oC
2. Turn FID H2/Air/Makeup flows to “OFF”
3. Measure the Column Flow rate.

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Common Troubleshooting Tests
FID Leakage Current Test
FID leakage current is defined as the amount of current flow in the detector that is not due to
flame ionization – this includes leakage in the interconnect assembly, and across the PTFE
collector insulators. Leakage current is undesirable and contributes to overall detector output and
baseline noise.
To measure FID Leakage Current, perform the following:
1. Set the FID Flame to “OFF”
– leave the FID at operating temperature
– flows can be on or off
2. Monitor the FID Output – “Leakage Current”
- The value should be slowly dropping towards 0.0 picoamps and stable in the tenths digit
– 0.0 pa means no measurable leakage current
3. Current above 2.0 pa or that is unstable indicates a leakage problem
Typical FID display during leakage current test:

4. If Leakage Current is > 2.0 picoamps or unstable perform the FID baseline evaluation for
electronics only.

Parts to address excessive Leakage Current

FID Interconnect assembly G1531-60715

FID Collector Body G1531-20690

FID PTFE Insulator (2) G1531-20700

Alternate Parts for higher confidence …

FID Collector Assembly G1531-67001
FID Signal Board (Electrometer) G1531-60010

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FID Baseline Evaluation – Electronics only
1. Cool the detector to 100oC. Put on gloves and loosen the knurled brass nut. Lift the top
castle assembly straight up. Remove the collector assembly with the upper PTFE
insulator using forceps. The lower insulator should not be removed at this time.

2. If the FID output is <1.0 pa with the collector removed, it is likely that the leakage
current was due to contamination on the collector and PTFE insulators – these parts can
be ultrasonically cleaned or replaced – handle clean or new parts with gloves to avoid
further contamination.
3. If the output is still >2.0 pa with the collector removed, remove the lower part of the
collector assembly by removing the three T20 Torx screws. Be careful not to bend or
touch the interconnect spring. Examine the interconnect spring - if the spring is bent,
replace just the Spring (Handle with Gloves) or the FID Interconnect/Spring assembly.

4. While the FID is disassembled, examine the underside of the Castle Assembly – it should
have a clean, black PTFE coating. If it is rusted or corroded replace the castle and the
collector with hastelloy parts; Replace the igniter assembly. Also make sure the FID is
being operated at or above 300 degrees to prevent future rusting.

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5. Reassemble the entire Collector assembly before reinstallation on the FID. Refer to FID
Maintenance Section for complete detector reassembly instructions.

6. Heat the detector to operating temperature allow the system to equilibrate and recheck the
leakage current – if OK, relight the FID and evaluate the detector output/noise.

Parts to address excessive Electronics Noise

FID Signal Board (Electrometer) - G1531-60010

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Troubleshooting an FID Igniter that doesn’t glow…
The FID Igniter should be glowing while the GC Display is flashing “Flame – Igniting” as
shown below.

If the igniter is not glowing check the following:

Confirm that the igniter cable from the FID Electronics PCA is connected to the Igniter
Confirm the ground path for the igniter:
1. The igniter must be tightly screwed into the FID Castle Assembly
2. The three – T20 Torx screws that hold the collector assembly in place must be tight
3. The brass knurled nut that holds the FID Castle assembly in place must be tight.
The ground path for the igniter voltage can be compromised if these parts are corroded or
If a voltmeter is available, measure the DC voltage at the igniter connector during the ignition
1. If the igniter circuit is working properly the voltage will be about 1.2 volts DC.
2. If the Igniter coil is open or if there is a poor ground connection through the Castle,
Knurled Nut and Collector Base the voltage will be about 2.4 volts DC
If the Igniter coil is corroded, oxidized or open circuit, replace the Igniter Assembly.
If no voltage can be measured, replace the FID electronics PCA.

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Maintaining EPC calibration
The EPC gas control modules contain flow and/or pressure sensors that are calibrated at the factory.
Sensitivity (slope of the curve) is quite stable, but zero offset requires periodic updating.

Flow sensors
The split/splitless and purged packed inlet modules use flow sensors. If the Auto flow zero feature is on,
they are zeroed automatically after each run. This is the recommended way. They can also be zeroed
manually—see the next page.

Pressure sensors
All EPC control modules use pressure sensors. They can be zeroed as a group or individually. There is no
automatic zero for pressure sensors.

Zero conditions

IMPORTANT: Flow sensors are zeroed with the carrier gas connected and flowing. Pressure
sensors are zeroed with the supply gas line disconnected from the gas control module.

Procedure: Zeroing flow and pressure sensors

To zero a flow or pressure sensor in a specific module
1. Press [Options], scroll to Calibration, and press [Enter]
2. Scroll to the module to be zeroed and press [Enter]

Note: After zeroing or flow calibration, the Factory Calibration line is replaced by the time and date of the
To restore the Factory Calibration, select the time and date line and press [Delete].
This destroys the user calibration.

3. Scroll to a zero line and press [Info]

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4. To cancel, press [Clear] 4. To cancel, press [Clear]
5. To zero flow, verify that the carrier gas 5. To zero pressure, verify that the
is connected and is turned on. supply gas line is not connected.
6. Press [On] to zero or [Clear] to cancel. 6. Press [On] to zero or [Clear] to cancel.

To zero all pressure sensors in all modules

1. Press [Options], scroll to Diagnostics, and press [Enter]
2. Scroll to Electronics and press [Enter]
3. Scroll to Pneumatics Board and press [Enter]
4. Scroll to Zero all p sensors and press [Info]

5. To cancel, press [Clear]

6. To zero, verify that the supply gas lines are disconnected from all modules.
7. Press [On] to zero or [Clear] to cancel.

(6890N Users Manual, pg 93)

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