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Learning a language
2 What do you find most difficult when learning English?
I think speaking and listening is hard for me. I need to remember new words, solve problems,
and understand different patterns.
3. Do you think it is important to learn another language?
I think the most important thing when I learn another language is patient. Nowadays there are
many things that make me can't concentrate on studying like social media, games , and it's easy
to give up. It's really hard to focus on even if it's just a few minutes.
Daily routine
4. What’s your daily routine?
I don't have any specific habits. just simple like get up and go to school then I go outdoor coffee
with my friend or stay at home do something like practice coding or watching film.
6. Would you like to change your daily routine (in any way)?
I used to get up early but now I'm becoming a night owl and as a result that in the morning I try
to sleep even if it's just a little bit .It leads to me often going to school late so it's the reason why I
want to change my daily routine.

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