MATH Yudg Ex 30

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MATH 3277

Random Sentences for Mathematics

MATH yudg Ex 30

Q1. A book is now sold. The cost of the book is $440. The percentage profit of the book is 28%. The

marked price of the book is $394.2. Find the discount of the book.

Q2. A bag is now sold. The cost of the bag is $20. The selling price of the bag is $21.8. Find the

percentage profit of the bag.

Q3. A magazine is now sold. The marked price of the magazine is $726.4. The magazine is sold at a

discount of 6% on its marked price. Find the selling price of the magazine.

Q1. 30%

Q2. 9%

Q3. $773

Page 1 MATH 3277

Q1. A football is now sold. The marked price of the football is $403.6. The football is sold at a

discount of 10% on its marked price. Find the selling price of the football.

Q2. A bag is now sold. The marked price of the bag is $582.6. The bag is sold at a discount of 19%

on its marked price. Find the selling price of the bag.

Q3. A book is now sold. The cost of the book is $180. The percentage profit of the book is 5%. The

marked price of the book is $160.7. Find the discount of the book.

Q4. A football is now sold. The percentage profit of the football is 14%. The selling price of the

football is $102.6. Find the cost of the football.

Q1. $448

Q2. $719

Q3. 15%

Q4. $90

Page 2 MATH 3277

Q1. A bag is now sold. The marked price of the bag is $937.2. The bag is sold at a discount of 11%

on its marked price. Find the selling price of the bag.

Q2. A cake is now sold. The cost of the cake is $370. The percentage profit of the cake is 22%. The

cake is sold at a discount of 14% on its marked price. Find the marked price of the cake.

Q3. A cake is now sold. The percentage profit of the cake is 15%. The marked price of the cake is

$17.71. The cake is sold at a discount of 23% on its marked price. Find the cost of the cake.

Q4. A football is now sold. The cost of the football is $900. The percentage profit of the football is

20%. Find the selling price of the football.

Q1. $1050.

Q2. $388

Q3. $20

Q4. $1080.

Page 3 MATH 3277

Q1. A bag is now sold. The cost of the bag is $790. The marked price of the bag is $790.0. The bag

is sold at a discount of 20% on its marked price. Find the percentage profit of the bag.

Q2. A magazine is now sold. The percentage profit of the magazine is 17%. The marked price of the

magazine is $737.1. The magazine is sold at a discount of 25% on its marked price. Find the cost of

the magazine.

Q3. A cake is now sold. The percentage profit of the cake is 18%. The selling price of the cake is

$1027. Find the cost of the cake.

Q4. A bag is now sold. The percentage profit of the bag is 25%. The marked price of the bag is

$10.75. The bag is sold at a discount of 14% on its marked price. Find the cost of the bag.

Q1. 25%

Q2. $840

Q3. $870

Q4. $10

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