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MATH 3107

Random Sentences for Mathematics

MATH yudg Ex 64

Q1. A bag is now sold. The cost of the bag is $190. The percentage profit of the bag is 18%. The

bag is sold at a discount of 13% on its marked price. Find the marked price of the bag.

Q2. A cake is now sold. The cost of the cake is $490. The selling price of the cake is $612.5. Find

the percentage profit of the cake.

Q3. A cake is now sold. The cost of the cake is $520. The selling price of the cake is $629.2. Find

the percentage profit of the cake.

Q1. $195

Q2. 25%

Q3. 21%

Page 1 MATH 3107

Q1. A cake is now sold. The cost of the cake is $110. The percentage profit of the cake is 20%. The

cake is sold at a discount of 21% on its marked price. Find the marked price of the cake.

Q2. A book is now sold. The selling price of the book is $336.0. The book is sold at a discount of

28% on its marked price. Find the marked price of the book.

Q3. A book is now sold. The cost of the book is $460. The percentage profit of the book is 16%. The

book is sold at a discount of 29% on its marked price. Find the marked price of the book.

Q4. A cake is now sold. The selling price of the cake is $456.0. The cake is sold at a discount of

17% on its marked price. Find the marked price of the cake.

Q1. $104

Q2. $242

Q3. $379

Q4. $378

Page 2 MATH 3107

Q1. A magazine is now sold. The marked price of the magazine is $951.8. The magazine is sold at a

discount of 6% on its marked price. Find the selling price of the magazine.

Q2. A cake is now sold. The selling price of the cake is $187.5. The marked price of the cake is

$155.6. Find the discount of the cake.

Q3. A book is now sold. The cost of the book is $480. The selling price of the book is $518.4. Find

the percentage profit of the book.

Q4. A magazine is now sold. The selling price of the magazine is $937.5. The marked price of the

magazine is $721.9. Find the discount of the magazine.

Q1. $1010.

Q2. 17%

Q3. 8%

Q4. 23%

Page 3 MATH 3107

Q1. A football is now sold. The cost of the football is $830. The marked price of the football is

$930.8. The football is sold at a discount of 11% on its marked price. Find the percentage profit of

the football.

Q2. A jacket is now sold. The marked price of the jacket is $708.4. The jacket is sold at a discount of

13% on its marked price. Find the selling price of the jacket.

Q3. A football is now sold. The cost of the football is $280. The marked price of the football is

$246.8. The football is sold at a discount of 24% on its marked price. Find the percentage profit of

the football.

Q4. A football is now sold. The cost of the football is $170. The percentage profit of the football is

12%. The football is sold at a discount of 11% on its marked price. Find the marked price of the


Q1. 26%

Q2. $814

Q3. 16%

Q4. $169

Page 4 MATH 3107

Q1. A jacket is now sold. The marked price of the jacket is $361.8. The jacket is sold at a discount of

15% on its marked price. Find the selling price of the jacket.

Q2. A football is now sold. The cost of the football is $20. The percentage profit of the football is

19%. The marked price of the football is $18.56. Find the discount of the football.

Q3. A football is now sold. The percentage profit of the football is 17%. The marked price of the

football is $171.2. The football is sold at a discount of 23% on its marked price. Find the cost of the


Q4. A football is now sold. The marked price of the football is $190.9. The football is sold at a

discount of 14% on its marked price. Find the selling price of the football.

Q1. $426

Q2. 22%

Q3. $190

Q4. $222

Page 5 MATH 3107

Q1. A magazine is now sold. The percentage profit of the magazine is 18%. The marked price of the

magazine is $101.2. The magazine is sold at a discount of 22% on its marked price. Find the cost of

the magazine.

Q2. A bag is now sold. The cost of the bag is $70. The percentage profit of the bag is 5%. Find the

selling price of the bag.

Q3. A football is now sold. The percentage profit of the football is 16%. The selling price of the

football is $580.0. Find the cost of the football.

Q4. A cake is now sold. The marked price of the cake is $386.8. The cake is sold at a discount of

15% on its marked price. Find the selling price of the cake.

Q1. $110

Q2. $73.5

Q3. $500

Q4. $455

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